Awaiting reviewer assignment after major revision sample reddit.
I sent a manuscript to a high reputation Elsevier journal.
Awaiting reviewer assignment after major revision sample reddit i work in a journal, and sometimes reviewers ask us more time because theyre busy, other times we need to find a new reviewer, and this whole process takes a lot of time You were asked to revise the paper, based on the suggestions of the reviewers, and resubmit within 6-weeks. ScholarOne: Awaiting Reviewer Invitation . There is something of an air of mystery as to what actually happens to your manuscript once yo After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. In the month of December, I got a "reject and resubmit" decision. Like, they know what days/times classes are, but that's it. The reason for that is up to the mods. What does this mean? Was the manuscript reviewed? I think the status should have changed to something like Awaiting Reviewer Scores before Awaiting EIC Decision. So, the manuscript is out to all two or three reviewers, who will get back with their decision. Revisions of papers with a "Minor revision" should be resubmitted with a month. I regularly do the reading before lectures as it is right now, but I'm having difficulty reviewing and rewriting I come back and I've been on awaiting assignment since the new year started but still there doesn't seem to have been a place for me to be placed. In my field, "major revision" means do the work and we'll decide if it's good enough, including possibly sending to new reviewers, and there's a very good chance it could still be rejected. After a while, yesterday the status changed to "Awaiting AE Recommendation". Awaiting Reviewer Selection After almost three weeks of being in Awaiting Reviewer Assignment, the status has changed to Awaiting Reviewer Selection. I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again accept after major revisions (conditional acceptance): the journal will publish the paper provided the authors make the changes suggested by the reviewers and/or editors; revise and resubmit (conditional rejection): the journal is willing to reconsider the paper in another round of decision making after the authors make major changes. After submitting the minor revision, the status changed to under review and pending approval. After a few days, the status changed to "Awaiting Review Scores". I have submitted a revision to an elsevier journal after incorporating the suggestions from the reviewers. Meet with your course instructor anytime you have a revision so they can help you make sure you understand the change the evaluators are asking for. This change has occurred It’s month seven and currently it’s at Co-EIC after first revision. " Related reading: Why Alright, found out a couple of weeks ago that I had a journal article accepted (with revisions!). This rather ambiguous stage is when reviewers have been invited, but we are waiting for the required number to agree to review. Try to recollect how the statuses changed when you submitted the paper the first time. The reviewer's job should be to inform not decide. This change has occurred As a reviewer I appreciate if the authors simply copy the reviewer comments and answer each and every of them while also helpfully pointing out related changes to the manuscript. During reject and resubmit, I got Each reviewer has to fill out after they review it and fill in the part for their "area. I know that up to the date of 16th of April the 3rd reviewer had turned his/her review. Hi. I submitted a manuscript in late August, and the article's status hasn't changed from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" in the last four weeks. May I know is there any chances for at least to get a major revision. I agree 100% - plus, it's so wrong that the reviewers (in my experience anyway) remain totally anonymous, but the author's identity is known (by the editor, obviously, but also by the reviewers, depending on the specialism and research topic - I am the only person in the world studying a particular topic, and a quick google reveals my name But for a minor revision, it's common for the editor to approve the revision without needing to bounce back to the original reviewers (it's also common to send back to the original reviewers, but if they aren't available, then the handling editor should be able to deal with this). In other words, at this point, the ball is squarely in the reviewers’ court! I submitted manuscript in October, 2021. Both reviews were positive about the future of the article. Now in February, 2022, I resumitted the manuscript. When the status changes to "Under Review", the manuscript is with reviewers Note that the review process at I requested that my professor review the assignments the day after, listing each step and the feedback the system gave me. I am curious as to why the status of the manuscript regularly changes between 'awaiting reviewer selection' and 'awaiting reviewer assignment'. The professors reviewed the second assignment skipping over the first assignment which I was more concern about. So, why has it returned to I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again The status changed from "Awaiting Reviewer Reply" to "Awaiting Reviewer Scores", then stayed like that for a Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build Most likely the assigned reviewer agreed to After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Finally, the editor in * When major revision was required (ie increasing sample size for a clinical study),and because it wasn't impossible to do in the time allowed for answering (one month), and as I had sufficiently However, after reviewers completed their assignments, the authors do respond to queries raised by such reviewers, it could be once or a series of reviewer-author responses. The manuscript was sent back to the reviewers as it was a major revision. The editor seemed enthusiastic about the paper, and asked for the revisions before acceptance. This A major revision was submitted to a journal. Possible decisions are Accept, Minor revision, Major revision, and Reject. . After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. However, the editor has sent out another review invitation (#5 Reviewer). , by answering them with "corrected"). The evaluators will tell you which parts pass and which don't and need revision. The status "Awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editor has sent out reviewer invitations. I have submitted to a journal where "editor assignment pending" meant assignment of reviewers by the editor was pending, not that the assignment of an editor at all was pending. One recommended major revision, two recommended minor revision, and one recommended acceptance. After I sent the revised manuscript, the status was ‘’with editor’’ and did not change for two weeks. This change has occurred I have revised the manuscript two times: the first major revision and the second minor revision. I have already addressed 4 peer-reviewers, and in my last submission I addressed the comments of the 4th reviewer. My personal definition of major-revisions as a reviewer is that I'm asking the author to do additional experiments or analysis, but if they do that work, the paper is suitable for publication. Your result is essentially major revisions This subreddit is a place where high income professionals of all types can ask, answer, discuss, and debate the personal finance and investing questions specific to our unique situations without being criticized, ostracized, or downvoted simply for I think some of them really just have no idea what most of their schedule is without someone holding their hand. As a result of this, you may receive a further round of Yes, characterizing revisions as "minor" strongly suggests that if you make those revisions the paper will be accepted. I’ve also had the “here’s a major revision, but f*** you if you can actually complete the work” long shot type of major revisions. Even if 2 out of 3 are positive and 1 goes negative then possible outcomes is rejection. The first peer review process was completed after one month and a major revision was the decision. Especially if you are unsure about how to formulate your feedback. Guys, for me it took almost a year to receive the first decision (major revision). Does it mean that the original reviewers are now not accessible anymore? The Awaiting CE/Reviewer Scores status also means that the AE has assigned the basic number of peer reviewers required for the manuscript, either two or three. I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. After that, if the reviewer accepts your revision, he/she will recommend your manuscript for publication by submitting his comment to editor confidentially while when he didn't accept your At my journal we ask our AE's to make the initial decision (select reviewers or decline without review) within a week of being assigned a paper, but it often takes longer. What the Hell?! What does it mean if after 6 weeks the status "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" I have the same issues with Springer right now. " Does this Peer-reviewing an academic manuscript is not an easy task. Outright acceptance of a journal paper is rare. It’s quite common for editors to select a lot of reviewers, but only invite a few at a time. In that case, will it be communicated directly to us (by the managing editor) or even request If the previous editorial decision was C (revise & re-review) or D (major revisions & re-review), the paper will be sent for re-review to the original reviewers, together with your responses. ) I know that revisions, both major and minor, hint at a higher chance of acceptance. Does it mean the work will be rejected? After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. However, I just noticed that the status of my The title says it all. It means the post literally can't be seen by anyone except you until the mods manually approve. What could be I just submitted a revised paper to ScholarOne (major revision). This change has occurred This isn't an example of a mechanically poorly-written article, but it's a nice example of how the peer review process is not at all bulletproof. Generally, if you make the revisions as suggested, you will then be accepted. Reviewer 2 hates me and I‘m sure I won’t be able to My paper underwent a revision. What the "awaiting reviewer scores" most plausibly means here is that the reviews are now due! 4 weeks is also the time I'd expect the AE to allot for the reviewers (from past experience), and so the timing is right for the status to Accept after major revisions (conditional acceptance): The journal will publish the paper provided the authors make the changes suggested by the reviewers and/or editors; Revise and resubmit (conditional rejection): The journal is willing to reconsider the paper in another round of decision making after the authors make major changes After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. The After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. And it can definitely take 20 days to find three people willing to review a paper. Now for the last 2 weeks, it's showing awaiting EIC. ) Keep in mind that neither a major nor a minor revision are approving the paper as is. After being under the status 'All reviewers assigned', the manuscript status changed back to 'Manuscript Under consideration'. My personal guideline was to invite new reviewers if the previous reviewer had gone seven days without answering the invitation. I wouldn't worry just yet. I know some editors do it once a month or every K months. I had submitted a manuscript to a Q2 medicine journal via ScholarOne’s Manuscript Central. After about a month, the status switched from "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" to "Awaiting recommendation". Link can be found on the FB Air Force writing and self improvement page. Is it possible to get a desk reject after the "awaiting reviewer selection" stage? If it otherwise reads like a major revisions letter and the editors didn’t flag, for example, that they question the manuscript’s fit or impact, then I would resubmit. I would write your best revision and include a very strongly (but politely and professionally) constructed and worded cover letter directly addressing the reviewer's points including the fact that As an editor, I can tell you getting a reviewer let alone a competent reviewer is difficult. g. 5 month passed, it is still After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Major Revision is great news! Pretty much everybody in the labs that I work in has major/minor revisions. The paper received an R&R last summer and a revised version was provided. , clinical practice, lectureship etc. By November it showed awaiting EIC decision. The status of the paper changed several times. However, now in August the status of the manuscript has remained "Awaiting EIC decision" for more than a few days. As a peer reviewer, it is useful to learn about common reasons for a 'major revision' verdict. Awaiting Editor Assignment: Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for the journal. How long does this phase generally take? How long For example, minor revisions would not entail conducting a bunch of new analyses or overhauling part of the manuscript. I remember the first time I got a major revision I sort of panicked too, but from my experience this is totally unnecessary! So congratulations, enjoy the moment and, go make that rebuttal! After a week of submission, the status changed to "awaiting reviewer selections". I have submitted an article to a JCR-indexed journal in November and in March, following the request of the journal, I submitted a revised version that contained changes to the introduction and literature review. Two of the three reviewer completed their reviews within a week whereas the third one has taken about 2 months but still has not submitted his/her report which makes me think that this reviewer could The title says it all. From my own experience I once reveiced in a row major revision, minor revision, major revision. After 6 weeks I got a decision to reject it though the editor-in-chief acknowledged that the peer Often the need to anonymity in research ethics means that identifier information must be removed. Personally, I'd even address referee comments that point out typos (e. you get the idea. EDIT: Well now it jumped back to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. One of them got accepted within 10 days, but the status for the other one has been "Awaiting AE assignment" for 15 days What does it mean that the status of a submitted major revision is simultaneously 'awaiting reviewer scores How to handle situation in which the article has been "Awaiting reviewer assignment" for 5 months However, after reviewers completed their assignments, the authors do respond to queries raised by such reviewers, it could be once or a series of reviewer-author responses. Scenario 1: with editor/under editor evaluation >> awaiting reviewer selection >> under review If this is how the status had changed the first time you submitted the paper, then chances are that your paper is actually being sent for a re-review. Yeah! It was right before I moved across country to start a job, all of my other research was wrapping up, and I just had to prepare for my Defense. I have successfully revised a paper with a reject from one reviewer, through a major revision, into an accepted article. They don't read the schedule or pay attention to in-class announcements (if you have them), and somehow don't notice when everyone else is turning something in. Since then the status changed to "awaiting referee scores" then a bit later to "awaiting recommendation", which was the status for about two weeks, and a few days ago it changed back to "awaiting referee scores". If they asked for major revisions, the review time would bring up their average time and make their journal less attractive. Despite this, the comments were positive and the changes were My journal asks reviewers to return their work within 3 weeks. " (We had four reviewers. Editors may prefer not to explicitly say that the paper is "accepted with minor revisions", because authors may make "minor revisions" that don't correct the problems, and then feel that they've been promised publication in spite of that. Now, it is in the “Awaiting Reviewers Selection” mode once again. Half a year thrown away. The reason is that reviewer#2 refers back to the same old comments that he gave at the major revision stage (He just copied and pasted alll the comments mentioned in the major revision stage The EiC usually reaches a decision within 3 days after receiving the AEs recommendation. As a community, we have decided to trust the AC for the decisions, not reviewers and there is certainly value to that. In r/polls for example, if certain words are detected (probably by a bot), the post will be sent to mod queue for approval. It got past the editor phase and switched to 'Reviewer Assignment Pending', being stuck in that ever since I've contacted the journal twice and got the same response, that it is still awaiting reviewers and that I'll be notified once an update happens. Review Successful Grants. After some days, the status changed to 'awaiting reviewer scores', but there is also the status 'awaiting decision' right next to it. Since 7/27 the status of my manuscript is awaiting reviewer invitation. But in some cases the editor who understands the real situation gives the author major,minor revisions and Like reviewers gave low scores and it is bound for rejection? b) For ex: Let's say the paper requires some revision based on reviewers. I submitted a manuscript to a Sage Journal almost 50 days ago. This change has occurred I submitted a paper to a journal that used scholarone and the reviewers recommended a major revision. Back in July, I submitted a paper for Springer's Machine Learning. Then a few days later it switched back to "Awaiting referee assignment" again. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Then I revised and resubmitted the paper. 9 Awaiting SE Assignment ADM: Zhang, Jade Major revision: December 21, 2020 Awaiting reviewer scores: January 6, 2021 Accepted: February 7, 2021 Major Revision (21-Dec-2020), Awaiting Reviewer Scores (6-Jan-2021)I will continue to update after acceptance. (To be sure, the kinds of minor revisions I've suggested may also be necessary as part of a broader slate of major revisions for an article. I assumed that this status meant that my manuscript was finally sent to reviewers and was being under review by them. It means that the peer reviewer considers a manuscript suitable for publication if the authors rectify some major shortcomings. In this case, the status would remain as "revision" until the additional revisions are A third reason for inviting new referees might be a reject from the final reviewer after your minor revision (assuming the editor had send it out again). This is more confusing as generally, 'Manuscript Under consideration' means that the editor is considering the manuscript for peer review. So, please give me You could send out an e-mail, but im pretty sure it is in fact still stuck with a reviewer. Recall that AEs of most journals are volunteers who have other jobs, go on trips, and have many other responsibilities, so it's not uncommon for a paper to sit in someone's queue for a few days or even over a week. • Invite Reviewers: Manuscripts where reviewers have been selected, but have not been invited • Assign Reviewers: Manuscripts awaiting responses from invited reviewers. The article has been returned to reviewers after a major-revisions decision every time in my experience, both as an author and a reviewer. But "minor revision" means "if you do the listed revisions, and they don't meaningfully change the content of the paper, it'll be accepted". Still this step is usually faster because the reviewers don't have to be "re-identified" (assuming they agree to review; otherwise it could take longer for a myriad of reasons). Today, the status changed to Awaiting Decision. I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again [email protected] Submitted my paper. This change has occurred I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again For about 10 days or so it has been "awaiting final decision" after a few months of under review and then awaiting reviewers scores. Would you submit to a journal with a median of 30 days for a decision, or a journal with a 120 days for a decision? Reviewer 1 recommended acceptance with minor revisions and Reviewer 2 wanted major revisions before considering it further. Now, again it 'Major revisions' is one of the most common peer review decisions. After a couple of months of the peer review process, the response was “major revision has been requested”. This change has occurred Also known as: with reviewers, with referees, under review, awaiting referee assignment, awaiting referee reports, awaiting reviewer scores, awaiting reviewer invitation , reviewers assigned, manuscript assigned to peer-reviewer/s (NPG) I submitted a paper (meta-analysi) to a journal and it was sent for peer review the next day. I eventually contacted the editor and received the accept decision not long after, but yeah, it After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. The status said "reviews completed" (2 reviewers sent their reports). It’ll take work and a second revision after this one most likely, but I’m confident we will get it done. It is almost 5 months since resubmission, but the status has remained “Awaiting Reviewer Selection” since then. The other Journal is back after first review. After I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again Dear Team, First, thank you for running such a stunning forum. I have submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal and have already gone through 4 rounds of peer review and the editors have suggested a major revision each time. Revise and resubmit, however, is likely followed by a rejection. I have a paper that was under review with one of Wiley's journals. Once the review invitations are sent, the status changes to "Reviewers invited. I suppose that in most cases of minor revision, the revised manuscript will only be reviewed by the ADM or associate editor. They also After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. Lately I've been trying to get into the habit of consistently reviewing material on a daily basis instead of relying on cramming before tests. . " They leave a comment on each thing they are responsible for (so for example: "thesis statement" the student would be expected to comment on whether it was or was not satisfactory and why). After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. I had a similar reaction to an initial rejection in a high-impact journal, but the senior author, who had published their previously, read the rejection letter and the as all but assured we would get accepted on resubmission. You’re being congratulated because it means you make some revisions, resubmit and get accepted, rather than just outright being rejected. The status of the paper has since changed from "Under Review" to "Decision Pending", and recently, maybe 4 days ago, the status has changed to "Decision Pending Approval". Then, two weeks later it switched back to "passed technical checks, now Hi. However, after a few days, I got a desk reject notification. But that gets extended because they sometimes wait to accept the invitation to review, which starts the clock. I addressed every single comment of reviewers and made all the suggested changes. MSgt is a go getter followed by a generic statement about awards. A second major revision was decided. This change has occurred Hi Amal – welcome back to the forum! This question seems on similar lines to your earlier query, though the difference is that there, things moved to ‘Ready for Decision’ quite quickly, whereas here, they’ve moved slowly, but perhaps a bit more positively. However, finally he/she seems to have found the requisite number of reviewers and sent out review invitations to them. I for example look at my assignments once a week. They do this instead of major revisions at some journals because it makes their average review time look shorter. Eventually, an editor will make a decision and you will get your paper back with comments from peer reviewers. 2021. If it’s not going through I don’t know what to do. Both of my More often than not, Editors have incredible difficulty finding reviewers. Further, an editor may not carry out his/her duties every day. Revisions of papers with a "Major revision" decision should be resubmitted within at most three months. This change has occurred enough selections, invitations, or assigned reviewers to comply with the number of reviews required to make a decision, it will return to the Select Reviewers Queue. The evaluators are there to tell you if your paper is right or wrong, but they are not there to tell you how to fix it. Still waiting for a reply but I found this in the syllabus: If you are unsatisfied with your score, you will be able to revise and resubmit your assignments) twice. Find Funding. This change has occurred The reviewers or editors may have suggested further changes or improvements to your revised manuscript. I sent a manuscript to a high reputation Elsevier journal. However, I definitely remember the last two: After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. The revise and resubmit nowadays is the equivalent to "major revision" from before: journals do this to report that the time from submission to publication is short, which helps their metrics and make them more attractive. This change has occurred I submitted my manuscript to a journal. So at the very least, this sounds unusual and worth querying. Is this normal? For the record, the time from initial submission to the revise and resubmit decision was 10 weeks, but I recently submitted my first academic article for publication and received peer reviewer comments asking for a major revision. My personal definition of major-revisions as a Reviewer Assignment: The status "awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editorial team is in the process of selecting and assigning new reviewers to evaluate your revised Rarely rejected after minor revisions unless the author just doesn't make any revisions at all and doesn't qualify why. Recommend everyone join it. 3. Thus, seemingly, the review process ended only for a second one to be initiated by the EA just days later. Awaiting Reviewer In case of major revisions, revised manuscripts are almost always sent for a second round of peer review. :-) Incidentally, we wonder what would have happened with the earlier submission, although it was a while ago. Hi everyone. After submission, the status changed to Awaiting Reviewer Selection. Humanities Anyone have insight as to why this might have happened? If it matters, this draft has already been through a revise & resubmit. However, today, it changed back to Awaiting Referee Scores. I resubmitted a major revision approximately a month ago to a social science journal. This means they only check whether a paper has sufficient reviewers every K month(s). The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). I took this to mean that the paper has passed the desk review, since the editor is selecting reviewers. I am thinking an AE has turned his review based on the 3 reviewers' comments so the main editor can make the decision later? Hello everyone, so my research paper was reviewed with a request for 'major revision' (Q1 journal, related to biomedical engineering). This change has occurred Review complete: This is the largest variance part because some reviewers agree to review but don’t actually submit one, some reviewers decline, some reviewers never respond to the invitation, and so on. There is a teams page dedicated to writing and reviewing other award packages and EPBs. Other reasons for the delay is that the Editors are juggling a number of different duties e. Best guess: reviews came in after all this time but were inconclusive, and "editor assigned" is the default state when needing to get more reviews and no reviewer has actually been assigned. But since the status date has changed once more, I don't know what to make of it. In ScholarOne this would be like having it set to require 2 reviews, then when the 2 reviews come in, Meaning of awaiting final decision after awaiting reviewer scores Now the handling editor assigned to your manuscript will go through the reviewers comments and decide the next steps for the manuscript i. There is something of an air of mystery as to what actually happens to your manuscript once yo Now I am curious about what this might mean. After one day of submission, status was ‘Awaiting Decision’; but now after 10 days, status change into ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’. For minor revisions, some editors might make a decision on their After a short time, the status of the manuscript changed to ‘Reviewer selection,’ then ‘Reviewer assignment’, then ‘Reviewer selection’, and then ‘Reviewer assignment’ again. When you resubmit, the “days in review” resets to zero. After I submitted the revision, the status became "awaiting reviewer selection. They usually have about 3 things to comment on that fell under Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Article status went from Awaiting Decision back to Awaiting Reviewer Scores . It is just guessing. I always have to write back saying that the Editor will render a decision as soon as they can. Maybe you've heard of it, but there's the time a medical researcher rediscovered the trapezoid rule for integration and published it in a peer-reviewed journal. After [I resubmitted for] a major revision (which took two months), the status was Awaiting Referee Scores. if the manuscript needs to be sent back to the authors for revisions (major or minor) or accept the manuscript if the reviewer comments The reviewers suggested major revision for my mauscript. Examples of reviewer comments can help!Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: ‘minor revisions’, ‘major revisions’, ‘revise and resubmit’ and ‘reject’ decisions. I am afraid that after this long period, the editor will reject the manuscript. You are free to resubmit an assignment within two weeks of your most recent exam attempt or at any point if you have an active college saver membership. 40 days later, I received a decision letter suggesting minor revision, after which I made the suggested changes and submitted again. The status has not changed to ‘Under review’. " Does it mean that my paper will go through Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Potential reviewers have been identified, and the editor is in the process of assigning them to review your manuscript. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. e. I think awaiting reviewers' scores after revision means that your response to the queries raise is under Sep 7, 2021 · In your case, it is possible that the revised manuscript was taken up by an editor/associate editor (Editor Assigned) who was to run a basic check on your paper again and find the relevant (or the same) reviewer(s) to check I submitted an article to a ScholarOne journal. How should this double status be interpreted? Is the revised manuscript with A major revision would normally go back to the same reviewers and they would usually have as much time to review as the original submission. The current status of the manuscript is ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and has not changed for a month now. I have to do the literature search (which the authors should have done), d concrete examples/counterexamples (which the authors should have included) etc. " I think my manuscript entered a time loop. I go back to start the revision process and don't see a due date for the revisions. Papers that do not meet these criteria will be rejected. 8. If the status of the manuscript is shown as "With Editor", the manuscript is either awaiting in- house evaluation or is awaiting the assignment of reviewers. I recently submitted my first paper to a philosophy journal. One paper had six reviewers decline to review. 2. After correcting the paper according reviewer's comments, I submitted revision and 1. This can preclude attaching the interview recordings and field diary notes. I thought I could expect to hear the Associated Editor's decision soon. About two years ago, I have submitted a manuscript to a reputed journal. Some examples I sawstarted off by saying MSgt Snuffy was worth his weight in gold. I fulfilled the revisions and sent the manuscript on 10. I was wondering about the I think @ShakeBaby might have nailed it in the "whatever" comment. After 40 days of the status being Awaiting Reviewer Selection, it changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. Now what? Feb 18, 2022 | Scholarly publishing. As per my understanding, the status should be Awaiting EIC Decision. It recieved "minor revisions" a bit over a month ago, and I submitted the revisions a little over three weeks ago. Today it went back to "awaiting reviewers scores" For example, the editor or the What does it mean that the status of a submitted major revision is simultaneously 'awaiting reviewer scores' and In my field (chemistry), the practice is: for those journals that make a clear distinction between minor and major revision requests, “major revision” means that the paper will have to undergo further review after revision, usually by the same referees, while “minor revision” means that while changes should be made, no further reviewing Please note that your revised submission may need to be re-reviewed. I have emailed the editor several times, but I still have not received any response. I often see this when I get a "can I meet After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. This is a You will see little messages like ‘awaiting editorial approval’, ‘awaiting reviewer scores’, ‘awaiting editorial board comments’ and ‘decision pending’ as your article wends its way through this process. This change has occurred [email protected] Submitted my paper. But it's not uncommon to send the revised version After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. My manager also told me that everyone on awaiting assignment needs to make a mandatory come back to the office and that's when I I have made a major revision after receiving one very positive feedback and one very negative feedback for my manuscript. Last week, the status changed to Awaiting AE Recommendation. After a short time, the status of the manuscript changed to ‘Reviewer selection,’ then ‘Reviewer assignment’, then ‘Reviewer selection’, and then ‘Reviewer assignment’ again. Once the requisite number of reviewers (generally 2 to 3) accept the invitation, the status changes to "Awaiting I submitted my manuscript to a journal using the ScholarOne system. It is definitely possible. Reviewer 1 says to accept with minor revisions, reviewer 2 After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Finally, the editor in Usually reviewer 1 is fast and relatively positive,reviewer 2 is more thorough and takes more time (sometimes may be seen as harsher) and reviewer 3 is a mix bag, sometimes they just take forever to give basically no comments (must be putting it off) and accept, while others do not read the paper and reject because they think they have a better Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. I received that decision in February of that year, sent in my revisions quite quickly (2 weeks maybe?), and did not get reviews/a decision until September of that year. What does this mean? Meaning of change from Awaiting Reviewer Assignment to Awaiting Reviewer Selection I have revised the manuscript two times: the first major revision and the second minor revision. This change has occurred I just got a major revision request and the feedback seems pretty straightforward to address. Furthermore, you can get inspired by sample peer After a month in peer review, i received comments of FIVE reviewers with a message from the academic editor that it needed a Major revision as reviewers had serious issues with the manuscript. " This status has not been changed for a month. This change has occurred After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. icwrzwjllnytzpecfsxaoaqaagohkcoctlsefhocvnqnjybgwwbu