My girlfriend does nothing all day reddit I feel like people in their 20’s all feel growing pains and it’s hard to feel like all your friends and partner have things figured out and that you’re stuck, I’ve been there. I've seen other posts about sleeping all day on here but they are usually about people who are forced to wakeup early for work. I'm a guy that hates sleep because of the simple fact that I'm spending 33% of my life totally For an example she told me somedays she doesn’t want to talk and just be alone but she wants me in her presence or on the phone with her and not say anything. All that staying with her will do is drag you down. I leave at 5 am and get home at 530 (1 hr drive each way and 10 hour shift). Then she started mentioning she is not happy with her current job in november. She says it makes her actually feel like a couple instead of just friends hanging out. When you do that she will throw the self harm at you and threaten to kill herself and say it’ll be your fault. My girlfriend hasn't texted me all day yet we usually text every single day and I don't want to seem annoying but I feel anxious since this has never happened before and I just want any advice or anything to help ease this anxiety my girl does. See full list on wikihow. I've been on-off with this girl for almost two years now and, to say the very least, its been interesting. My (21M) Girlfriend (19F) regularly goes "off-the-grid" and disappears only to come back a week or two weeks later acting like nothing happen. Regarding the mood, it’s really frustrating. Everything was going well until about a month ago. she also seems to have a mystical ability to want to And she says there’s nothing I can do and just reminds me that she loves me. I've told her my feelings. We have two dogs. It’s hard to empathize with someone who appears to do nothing all day and wants to go to bed at 6:30 every night. I agreed and we moved in an apartment and I got a job there. I'd really like to read stuff and actually learn and do things, but I can't read and do anything due to this issue. im sorry. And she was literally NOTHING to say to me, so it falls to me to come up with topics of conversation and keep things flowing. Our ancestors spent a huge chunk of their time playing, looking at stars and other doing-nothing-activities. I told her that’s a lot to just sit there and do nothing all day so I asked could I play video games or something while I’m on the phone with you but still be there if you want to talk. What should I do Reddit? Every time we talk about why I'm upset we get into an argument. So my girlfriend has this habit of calling me at random times - often during the day when I'm busy doing something, but also sometimes later in the evening. My (27M) girlfriend (33F) is not doing anything. She no longer wants to go out and do stuff together. I’m only here for 10 days (3 days down 7 to go) and I see it as, we are only together for a little bit of time before I leave so why not make the best of that time? Lately my girlfriend will be playing for hours on a game, and like today she’s been on it all night and morning, it is now 9 am in the morning and she’s been playing since yesterday night 10pm, the other part that bothers me is she’ll be in a discord call with guys the entire time playing with them, I don’t like the thought of my girlfriend all day or night/morning with guys non stop At the end of the day, your girlfriend is in a rough patch. All she wants to do is lay in bed and watch tv whenever we see each other. We text off and on all day and she always knows when I’ll be home, but 95% of the time I leave at 4:30 and ALWAYS come straight home. apparently, 'hanging out' means sitting around watching tv, not talking about anything beyond daily minutiae since we have nothing else to talk about as a result of spending too much time together . When your body is designed to work 3 hours a day but you keep pushing it to work 8+ hours a day, you build up a do-nothing-deficit. I do fucking nothing all day long too My attention span is extremely short meanwhile. You need to do what’s best for you and your future. They call me everyday (or expect me to call them), but beyond the opening pleasantries such as "How was your day", they have nothing to say. She is a super sweet girl, maybe a little naive but there's a ton to really love about her. Constantly. Literally. she'll complain about me being on the computer and not 'hanging out with her'. Calmly say that whatever she does is on her and walk. Trying to wake her up is like trying to wake the dead, and if i try to wake her up to help me make dinner, play videogames with me, or anything I have to spend a It’s even worse when it’s the weekend and all she talks about is how she is dreading work. 1) She’s lost that lovin’ feeling. I used to be smarter a couple of years ago, but my intelligence has somehow diminished. It’s hard to be the person who tries to do things all day, but barfs if she moves too quickly and can’t think straight well enough to accomplish simple tasks. It's not your job to be entertainment for your girlfriend all day, at least if you don't want it to be. I'm dumb as fuck. i know this is mostly my fault for not being compatible with her. I can't even count the amount of hours in the day she does because it's almost all day. My girlfriend of 4 years wants to just lie down, hug me, and do literally nothing elsenot even talk. Jun 21, 2016 · First, you are not "too boring". I bring in roughly 200k a year. You need to get that idea out of your head. you sound older than me, im only 20. com Aug 9, 2024 · In this article, I will give you 12 possible reasons why your GF is acting distant and what you can do about it. Which is ruining our relationship. tl;dr: My girlfriend lives with her mom and several siblings and does nothing but watch Netflix all day. And to some extent, it's not good for you to be predicting reasons she will leave you when she is telling you she likes being with you. We have been seeing eachother for a year, and she moved in with me last october. . I work M-F from about 8-4. We used to hang out almost daily for hours and would talk about anything and everything. She claims her free flights are a once in a lifetime experience, but I feel there was no need to take all 3 and cancel our time together. A little background: My GF works an afternoon shift 3-11 about 2-3 days per week. It doesn’t help that my job requires me to listen to a thousand complaints/ excuses a day. I do not know how I can explain my feelings about this without her getting defensive. You need to end it and concentrate on you and your future. I'm tired of the relationship but reluctant to break up with her because I'm afraid it will hurt her. I am a male in my mid 20's and my girlfriend is actually in her late 30's. I've been together with my girlfriend for over a year now. I understand she may be tired, and I have understood this over the years. Last time, when we actually discussed about this, she said that she doesn't know what she wants, she doesn't know what to do, or what would be her purpose in life, and started crying and hitting herself. Yes, thats a deficit you need to catch up on. I want to help her put her life together, what can I do? She does nothing. This all started about 5 months ago. i dont know what to say to you, the idea of this sounds very good and i wish i could just stop worrying. My (26M) girlfriend (26F) can sleep 16 hours a day like it's nobodys business. Long story short, all my girlfriend does is sleep all day and all night. Yesterday we returned home from a trip away (I do all the driving as she only drives roads she knows, I also don’t mind). My AITA is that this has been bothering me for some time which I have mentioned. My head is empty and goes nowhere. " Today she was laying all over me in my living room and we were gonna go back into my room to mess around, but as soon as she got in my room she got under my blankets and went to sleep. I love my girlfriend ill start off with that. It was a 6hr journey I’d also made on Friday. My gf went to uni and wanted me to come live with him in another town. Because what happens when you´re deficient on doing-nothing? My girlfriend(25) and I(25,M) have been dating for just under a year. How do you deal with a girlfriend who wants to talk to you on the phone every day but has literally nothing to say? I've experienced this with lots of girls i've dated. Can't say it's better or worse either way, I guess I have a sense of security now that I'm working, but it also takes so much out of me to be busy all day and life feels even more wasted because I have to be constantly engaged in something that I find no meaning in. In short, after the first orgasm, I made her have 2 more orgasms hoping she could do something for me, but she did nothing, in fact she didn't even touch me after the brief oral she gave me, no penetration, absolutely nothing and I even I started masturbating in front of her after all to see if she was going to do anything, but even then she I used to do nothing all day, now I do a lot of stuff but only cause I have to. We were having a great time and everything was fun. I’m an academic advisor and I hear students complain all day about their classes being too hard or their professors being too tough. Tell her what you told us: "I'm not going to write back for a while, because I want to just relax sometimes and do things on my own. Yes, there is a possibility that your girlfriend is falling out of love with you. And she thinks I'm the world, she's obsessed with me. An important note here is that we don't live together. She wants to talk, all the time. I'm pissed, I talked to her about this, she said that she will try. I don’t think it’s unrealistic that she feels this way and is dealing with these emotions. Just so it’s out of the way, I’ll go ahead and say what you’re probably suspecting. ive also been crying all day lol, but i have also been crying all day for the last 2 weeks my girlfriend didnt even know this She is a SAHM and we do have 3 kids (7, 10, 16) that she naturally tends to when I’m at work. bwnjnwr cmelpdduq cqvdu vfppi rlwno pju ovjn shzc xtlrx btyy