Legal and ethical issues chapter 3 Quality of Life: Dignity, choice and independence 2. After students complete this chapter and the related course work, they will understand the ethical responsibilities and medicolegal directives and guidelines pertinent to the EMT. do not perform tasks outside of scope of practice 7. do not accept gift or tips 10. •Identify the legal importance of practice acts. Civil, An alert and oriented patient complaining of a severe headache is refusing all treatment as well as transport by the EMTs. A consensus among paramedic supervisors B. Define the terms law and ethics and list examples of legal and ethical behavior. The EMT approach to patient care relating to confidentiality, consent to treat, refusal of care, and advance Define the terms plaintiff, defendant, statute of limitations, criminal law, civil law, and tort. CNA Chapter 3 Legal and Ethical Issues. Chapter 3 Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Unit Summary. ethics individual based; concerns the "why" of one's actions provides structure and guidelines for potential problems, serve as open forums for discussion, and function as true patient advocates by placing patients at center of discussion Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ethics, Laws, neglect and more. 4. staff info confidential 4. report abuse or suspected abuse 5. After students complete this chapter and the related course work, they will understand the ethical responsibilities and medicolegal directives and guidelines Ethics Reflect 1)Values 2)Morals 3)Principles of right and wrong-The purpose of ethical behavior is to protect the rights of people. follow the care plan and assignments 6. Right to be fully informed about rights and services 4. Be honest at all times 2. Being held legally responsible. Ethical egoism 4 Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ethics, Laws, The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) sets minimum standards for and more. Permission to treat an unconscious patient until he/she becomes conscious. Legal and Ethical Issues 1. EMT Chapter 3 Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues. Explain the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like As an EMT, the standards of emergency care are often partially based on: Select one: A. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like As an EMT, the standards of emergency care are often partially based on: A. Chapter 3: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues. report observation and incidents 7. Dorthy, a nursing assistant, makes fun of the way one of her residents speaks English when she is at home with her husband. Ethical Principles Ethical codes serve two purposes -Act as guidelines for standards of practice -Let the public know what behaviors can be expected from their health care providers. Her supervisor does not notice ans Lisa does not tell her The principle of law that permits a health care provider to treat a patient in an emergency situation when the patient is incapable of granting consent because of an altered level of consciousness, disability, the effects of drugs or alcohol, or the patient's age. nurses practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person 2. •Name four areas of potential legal liability for mental health care providers. keep staff information confidential 4. In response to a student's question regarding choosing a psychiatric specialty, a charge nurse states, "Mentally ill clients need special care. 3 #3 Pg. Services and Activities to maintain a high level of wellness 3. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Define consent, and describe how it relates to decision making. Learn faster with spaced repetition. 3. •Describe the process of involuntary psychiatric commitment. do not accept gifts or tips Jan 22, 2025 ยท 1. The wishes of the general public D. •List six steps for making ethical decisions. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. 81 and more. The priorities of the medical director C. 2 Discuss the measures a medical practice must take to avoid malpractice •Compare the differences among values, rights and ethics. The AEMT approach to - The law requires that a parent or legal guardian, when available, give consent for treatment or transport - In every state, when a parent cannot be reached to provide consent, health care providers are allowed to give emergency medical care to a child; some states allows minors to consent depending on their age and maturity - A minor that is Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ethics, Laws, Guidelines: Legal and Ethical Behavior and more. no personal or sexually involved resident or family. If I were in that position, I'd want a caring nurse also. " From which ethical framework is the charge nurse operating? 1. Kantianism 2. Federal D. Click the card to flip Study Chapter 3- medical, Legal, And Ethical Issues flashcards from Tyler Hammond's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Ethical. B. EMTs are not liable for any actions that are accurately documented. A written order given by the physician based upon a decision by a patient prior to his/her demise. Emergency Medical Care. 3 #1 Pg. 80-81, Discuss the giving of consent by minors for treatment or transport. nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient 4. Ethics: knowledge of right and wrong; Laws: tell people what they must do; Laws based on ethics; Be honest, protect residents privacy, report abuse, follow care plan, ect. After completing Chapter 3, you will be able to: 3. Nurse Practice Act Are the actions and duties that are allowed by the profession and is guided by each individual state. Patient care cannot be discredited based on poor documentation. 9 (8 reviews) Flashcards Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ethics, Ethics and law's, Laws and more. the nurses primary commitment is to the patient whether an individual, family, group, community, or population 3. protect residents privacy 3. Protect residents privacy 3. Incomplete Chapter 3: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Chapter 3 Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Unit Summary After students complete this chapter and the related course work, they will understand the ethical responsibilities and medicolegal directives and guidelines pertinent to the AEMT. Criminal B. Discuss the steps in a lawsuit. 1 Define ethics, bioethics, and law. Differentiate between criminal and civil law. be honest 2. 0 (2 reviews) Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Get a hint. Legal. the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like If an individual is bringing a lawsuit against your EMS system for perceived improper care, which type of liability action will it probably be? A. 1. follow safety infection prevention rules 9. report abuse 5. D. Legislation determines what is “right” or “good” within a society. Christian ethics 3. An obligation to provide emergency care to a patient. Enforceable rules of conduct in a society-All nurses have accountability for their practice & compliance with the law, professional standards, and ethical principles. Chapter 3: Legal and Ethical Issues Define the terms law and ethics and list examples. 79-80, Differentiate expressed consent, implied consent, and involuntary consent. Locally accepted protocols, During your monthly internal quality improvement (QI) meeting, you review several patient care reports Chapter 3: Ethical and Legal Issues Nurses are constantly faced with the challenge of making difficult decisions regarding good and evil or life and death. document accurately 8. It is diffcult tp prove actions were performed if they are not included on the report. document accurately and promptly 8. State C. Chapter 3 Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Unit Summary After students complete this chapter and the related course work, they will understand the ethical responsibilities and medicolegal directives and guidelines pertinent to the EMT. Differentiate between the scope of practice and the standard of care for Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) practice. dont preform task out of scope of practice 6. Dennis, a nursing assistant, takes a book from a resident with dementia to give to a friend. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Dorothy, a nursing assistant, makes fun of the way one of her residents speaks English when she is at home with her husband, Dennis, a nursing assistant, take a book from a resident with dementia to give to a friend, Lisa is ten minute late coming in for work on Monday. 5. Chapter 3 Legal and Ethical Issues. After having signed Written, accepted levels of emergency care expected by reason of training and profession; written by legal or professional organizations so that patients are not exposed to unreasonable risk or harm (page 95). 0 (1 review 1. C. 3 #2 Pg. Ch. do not accept gifts or tips ethics- the knowledge of right and wrong laws- based on ethics list 5 examples of legal and ethical behavior for a nursing assistant -be honest -protect resident privacy -keep staff info confidential -report abuse or suspected abuse -follow the care plan and assignments.
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