Jenkins run job multiple times with different parameters. Now A has two parameters p,q.
Jenkins run job multiple times with different parameters Nov 5, 2018 · Jenkins run job sometimes one parameter, sometimes multiple times for all parameters. Mar 9, 2023 · You can make a pipeline that triggers the others job with all the jobs names and parameters stored in a map: Feb 23, 2018 · But with this it reads first parameter triggers the Mast_Child with parametre 1 and it waits until the jobs is finished, when job is finished then it triggers the same the job with parameter 2. Jul 11, 2020 · I am using a parameterized cron in my Jenkins script to run with 2 different sets of build param - one would run every 5 mins in production, and every 15 minutes in staging. i. The upstream job has an array with all possible parameters for a downstream job. Firstly, we looked at understanding what Jenkins parallel jobs are. Feb 3, 2024 · Parallel execution in Jenkins allows developers and testers to run jobs concurrently, significantly cutting down the time required for builds and tests. Jenkins cron syntax with examples. Sep 26, 2016 · I have a build job and a test job parameters. All these steps were made to call the same pipeline job (B) with different parameters. Note it will be bad-practice to modify this file before each run, as there are better ways to automatically initiate Jenkins-jobs with parameters. A different job can have a cron that fires it every 10 minutes which in turns triggers the other job with different parameters. 0. The production one is running every 5 mins, but the staging one is not running. I want to run B and C job sequentially for p first and then for q. I can't find any solution for this task. But how will I repeat this step for second Nov 13, 2018 · So, is there anyway that we could kick off all the build jobs(A,B,C) at once and then wait for the build jobs to finish before triggering the corresponding deploy jobs(X,Y,Z) while passing the corresponding parameters downstream at the same time. Jenkins run job with different parameter one by one. May 29, 2013 · before running the job. How to call one Jenkins job from another with different parameter so many times? Oct 22, 2018 · I have a job with multiple parameters, but one is a choice parameter and it contains 10 choices, i need to build this job with all these choices one by one. Note: There is a setting for each phase that indicates 'Run in parallel' or 'Run sequentially', which I took to mean that it would run the jobs contained in the phase either sequentially or in parallel. Now I want to make a jenkins job B which runs job A with param foo with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 sequentially. You would need to configure the job to run be able to run concurrently (can it be run concurrently safely?). 8 pipeline loop to trigger same job multiple time with different parameters. However, when I set Jul 20, 2017 · However, I need to make such job triggering ~320 times. 1. A Jenkins Plugin to support setting parameters in the build schedule. May 15, 2019 · We have multiple jobs, 'primary', 'secondary' and 'backup' - All need to have the same parameters (release versions i. Jul 2, 2015 · It allows you to specify multiple schedules with custom parameter values for each one, like this: #lets run against the integration environment at 15 past the hour 15 * * * * % env=int #run QA too 30 * * * % env=qa Jul 16, 2024 · In this article, we’ve explored three powerful methods to run the same Jenkins job multiple times in parallel. Using multiple cron lines each ending with a % and some name=value pairs you can schedule your parameterized build to run with different parameters at different times. is that possible? Sep 18, 2018 · 2. 7. Mar 14, 2018 · I have a Jenkinsfile instance using ansible-playbook to deploy webmachine. Now A has two parameters p,q. However, to schedule a job at different times that needs to use different environments, you have to use the parameterized-scheduler plugin or search for it in (Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Parameterized Scheduler). I'd like to set up a job2 that triggers job1 that many times as there are choices in job1. build job | / \ test job test job. In the result, an upstream job will run a downstream job 3 times with each parameter. Mar 9, 2023 · I have a job1 that have one choice parameter with many choices. We have a few different test types that need to run at different times, does Jenkins allow for multiple triggers or multiple pipelines in one file? I'm hoping to accomplish something like running Y tests every night at 2:00AM while running X tests every day at 7:45 AM. It is too long. 2. EDIT 2: A few years had passed, and now we have the Parameterized Scheduler to help schedule a job at different times with different parameters Jul 7, 2016 · @AJm Yes you would call the same job twice within the same phase with different parameters. This tutorial will walk you through the basics of parallel execution in Jenkins, providing practical examples to help you integrate parallelism into your continuous integration and deployment Jul 20, 2021 · How to build Jenkins jobs and multi-branch pipelines periodically and how to schedule Jenkins job with parameters. Issue 1: When we build the A job it triggers multiple B jobs and marks the execution as Success. I'm trying to use Parametrized Trigger plu May 17, 2023 · We have a main job (A) which has multiple trigger/call builds on other projects step, and each has some different set of parameters values. Jenkins: How to use jenkins pipeline Multiple parameters Jenkins run job Nov 1, 2017 · In your case, that sounds like it might make more sense. After that, we delved into particular implementations of methods to run the same jobs multiple times in parallel. :) Aug 6, 2019 · Jenkins 2. But we want the A job Jan 5, 2016 · Basically, with the 'Build periodically' option you can't schedule a Jenkins job with parameters. However, only the first of the triggered jobs runs. e '1. Instead of me clicking 10 times, I want to create a parallel pipeline. After googling i can achieve by 3 ways Multi-Job plugin , Pipeline multiple Jenkins jobs , Build after other projects , Build Flow Plugin. How to trigger a multiple run in a single pipeline job of jenkins? 8. I want to be after the build job, simultaneously run test job with one parameter and the same test job with different parameters in parallel execution. – May 25, 2017 · i am new to Jenkins , i need to execute one job that run's another multiple jobs in parallel were it should not stop even if one job fails. I believe I can't to type manually to DSL script so long build execution list. And in the loop, it runs a downstream job with each parameter from an array. Examples: Oct 12, 2022 · Jenkins 2. You will be asked to enter the parameter before building or you can also give a default parameter and you can have multiple parameters. I need to specified ansible-playbook parameters more than one at once. Even if one job failed we have to run next one. Jul 6, 2018 · A is my master job from where I'm calling B and then from B, I'm calling job name C. I googled and found 'Parameterized Trigger Plugin' can be used to pass the parameter from A to B and then from B to C. May 13, 2024 · If you want to allow concurrent builds of the same job with different parameters, you could configure Jenkins to use a unique workspace for each build. I got WorkflowScript: 25: Multiple occurrence Jan 16, 2017 · Using this you can build the same job for different parameters. Feb 23, 2021 · I have "Create_Invoice" job Jenkins, configured : (Execute Concurrent builds if necessary) If I click on Build 10 times it will run 10 times in different (available) agents/nodes. Aug 7, 2017 · Jenkins 2. If I use wait: false on job call, then pipeline workflow just calls this jobs with different parameters but it is not depended if sub job fails. It is good the archive the artifacts which you need later. e Job B will be Job A 7 times with param foo all value sequentially. I’ve never tried it, but this may be achieved by using the ws step in your Jenkinsfile. i am not sure how to achieve it. The parent job has the checkbox "Trigger parameterized build on other projects" checked, and there are two triggers created, each with a different parameter value for a parameter x on the downstream job. Sep 22, 2011 · I'm trying to run the same job multiple times with different parameters via a parent job. Nov 23, 2016 · Create a new multyjob job, in the build section create a Multijob phase, and trigger your job with "Pre defined parameters" and "Node label parameter" to specify the node to run on, and the values of the parameters you want to trigger your job with. 1') - There at around 15 of them. There is a checkbox Execute concurrent builds if necessary in the Jenkins job configuration. Therefore, in order to run N jobs sequentially, add N phases to your MultiJob project, and then add one job to each phase. Use the cron trigger in a job hourly, then kick off your other job with the appropriate "hourly" parameters. 5. Oct 12, 2022 · I have a jenkins job A which takes let's say have param foo allowed value of foo are (1,2,3,4,5,6,7). oipu kdjrub cnpb wtiuan cimfu counx wop daigzc czudi keiifz