I hate my toddler I can’t stand being around him. We went to school. Here are some tips. I had to keep myself from cringing. I hate that I get such a strong reaction from kids just being nearby me. I understand my situation really is not that bad in sight of the rest of the world. I share my emotion, I've broken down infront of my parent and parents separately, I don't keep it in. I am so tired of having to "deal" with it all. Just today I was walking with a friend and a toddler walked by in the clumsy way toddlers do, little guy smiled and waved at us and my friend went crazy with "aaaawww!"s and "oooooh!"s. Oct 17, 2024 · It can be hard to admit, but sometimes while parenting you may think “I hate my kids”. I'm sorry, my dude, infancy is no fun, there's not a whole lot of immediate reward. I am a teacher, and I like You may hate your new life, your lack of sleep, your added stress, and your emotional instability, but how can you actually hate a baby? Because the baby is the cause of all those things. I remember so many nights screaming into my pillow when he woke up. My. She never met a child lock she couldn’t crack, a shelf too high or container she couldn’t open. To hate your child is not ok. To address your question in your last paragraph, no you shouldn't just suck it up; this is something you should actively work towards fixing. Oct 5, 2021 · “I want to hit the baby!” says my toddler. Feb 4, 2021 · The child doesn't need to change, but you need to start liking the child. Learn about the struggles of parenting and why people can feel animosity toward their kids. I. I hated 2,3,4. . My son just turned 3 and his a zillion times easier. (How easily I can transport myself back in time, and shrug on my old childhood skin. I have a 5 year old son. Feb 12, 2016 · That's not being a bad person or a bad parent, and it sure as hell doesn't mean you don't love your baby — maybe the newborn stage simply doesn't play to your strength; maybe it simply Oct 5, 2021 · “I want to hit the baby!” says my toddler. That's where the impulse comes from and it's pretty straightforward. But that was 3 years ago and the pain of the experience is gone. 99% of the time I keep it positive, you have to. I hope she can get the help she needs for herself and her daughter. Just like any annoying toddler phase like hitting, running away, or throwing things I knew it would pass but I also knew that how I reacted to what Nov 1, 2023 · My daughter was an easy child but became harder for me to like as she entered her teen and young adult years. It was so much work taking care of her, and so little sleep. Throughout my pregnancy I consumed no caffeine, very little sugar, obviously no drugs or alcohol. Whiten, go here. " My toddler has always been super sweet and lovey dovey so this new language was a bit surprising. I feel for her, but more for her CHILD. 6 days ago · Even pretending may not be enough to keep those feelings from reaching your kids. He is given everything he could possibly want, without trying to turn him into a spoilt brat at the same time. I hope her child never grows up thinking she was hated by her mother. You don’t have to like the emotional truth—you only need to own it. Baby's gone and all that stuff goes back to normal. She sounds like she really needs REAL help. Nov 1, 2023 · My daughter was an easy child but became harder for me to like as she entered her teen and young adult years. We have a savings account and we made sure we were emotionally, financially and mentally ready for a child. 5 hrs to relax and spend some one on one time with my newborn. I’d always sit right by her and try to grab her hand to so she couldn’t if she kept on doing it. At the very least, you should avoid outright saying, “I hate my child” or “I hate you,” as this can be extremely damaging. /r/Parenting is the place to discuss the ins and out as well as ups and downs of child-rearing. I can't. He is at this moment not my child, but instead my own bratty little brother trying to pull my hair and rip my favorite doll’s dress. Order Dr. It was horrible, because I had just had my second baby, and I was really relying on that 2. Apparently toddlers like the reaction and are more likely to repeat the behaviour. Oct 10, 2019 · For therapy, go here for Dr. He hasn't done much wrong I just can't stand being around the golden child for more then ten seconds, his little voice makes me want to blow my own brains out, everything I do he is there, everytime im having fun I find that as soon as he comes in to the room I I truly do. Hate. To hate parenting is different. Learn to reflect on the reasons behind feeling you hate children or your child. Jun 2, 2015 · A few months ago my toddler went through a phase where he was constantly saying "I hate you. My husband and I did everything “right”. She quit breaking into the medicine cabinet and knife drawer and cleaning closets. All he brings me now is joy. I despise my younger brother, absolutely hate his guts and genuinely think if he wasn't around my life would be infinit times better. We started careers, we got married and bought a house. But I hate it, I cannot stand it. Dec 16, 2019 · So what should you do if you suspect a family member hates your kid, or perhaps doesn’t like him or her – or, at the very least, treats your child less than kindly? The kid comes first “I’m always about protecting the child without setting him up to be too damn sensitive to the world,” Vaughan says. This year, the tables have turned completely and I am barely surviving while they are living it up with their 1 year old and my SIL looks fantastic. Don’t push your feelings away because you feel guilty or think it’s wrong to dislike your child. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. Whiten and go here for other clinicians in her group practice Best Life Behavioral Health. My 2nd was HORRIBLE about sleeping through the night. When he’s nice and happy he gets pretty much anything he I was stressed out when my daughter was newborn. The tantrums, the lack of comprehension, the aggression, and the inability of us being unable to do anything or go anywhere because of him. For coaching with Dr. “I want to hurt!” “NO!” I say, pushing the toddler away. Oct 16, 2023 · Your children may get angry or frustrated, test limits or push back, but they don’t actually hate you. I was very happy when she started crawling, and now things are very great now that she walks and is able to do a lot of things by herself, including entertaining herself on her own for quite some time. ) I'm not chastising her. Instead of feeling upset and guilty, there are ways you can build a healthier relationship with your child and like who they are. Whiten’s books, Couples You Meet in Counseling: 7 Common Relationship Dynamics That Sabotage Closeness, 52 Emails to Transform Your Marriage and How to Talk to Your Kids about Your Divorce: Healthy, Effective Communication I hate my child. Whiten’s books, Couples You Meet in Counseling: 7 Common Relationship Dynamics That Sabotage Closeness, 52 Emails to Transform Your Marriage and How to Talk to Your Kids about Your Divorce: Healthy, Effective Communication My brother had a baby last year when my toddler was 18 months old, and I was THRIVING. Just calmly tell him not to. And that can lead to even further issues when trying to interact with and raise them. I hate him. I hate my child. Still don’t like the toddler phase but I think compared to his sister it’s just no challenge. I know a lot of people will hate me for this but I truly just want to get this off my chest without anyone who knows me knowing. Learn tips to navigate these tough parenting moments. Just do your best not to show it or have a reaction. 6 days ago · Do you sometimes think "I hate my kids"? It's okay to a degree. My younger son still naps like a champ, and he is 3. I'm no longer the happy individual I was, I'm miserable inside. Son. My daughter is 21 months now and rarely thrown her food so it does get better. My oldest dropped his nap at 2 years old almost on the dot. The truth is that I don't really like her at this point. Everything is a problem, no matter what you do for him. mbumn bgr sdsn spg zekv xjdfut uhm lij okbmt hnzd