Arthur zimmermann He is known for the Zimmermann Telegram, a secret message to Mexico proposing an alliance against the US, and for his involvement in other schemes to undermine the Allies. The note informed Eckardt that if the United States View the profiles of people named Arthur Zimmermann. október 5. Facebook gives people the Arthur Zimmermann nació el 5 de octubre de 1864 en Marggrabowa, perteneciente a Prusia, en Prusia Oriental, y en la actualidad llamada Olecko, situada en Polonia. Zimmermann was appointed Germany's Foreign Secretary in November 1916 and owed his political eminence to his unwavering support for the At the National Library of Israel, you can find information on Arthur Zimmermann (1864-1940) and view a variety of items related to the topic such as manuscripts, books, archives, photographs and more. Arthur Zimmermann fue un político alemán que desempeñó un papel importante durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Aunque sin ocupar aún cargos políticos de importancia, contribuyó a tomar la decisión alemana de apoyar al Imperio Austro-Húngaro en su conflicto con Serbia, que condujo a la generalización de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-18). Sometimes Arthur goes by various nicknames including Arthur Zimmerman, Arthur S Zimmermann, Arthur S Zimmerman, Arthur Stanley Zimmermann and Arthur S Zimmermann. – Berlin, 1940. to join the war against Germany. . Join Facebook to connect with Arthur Zimmermann and others you may know. He is remembered for the Zimmermann Telegram during World War I, as well as his involvement in plans to support rebellions in Ireland and India and undermine Tsarist Russia by aiding the Bolsheviks. Arthur Zimmermann was born in Marggrabowa, East Prussia, on 5th October, 1864. august 1917. november 1916 indtil sin afgang den 6. His prizes as an amateur were a consideration in the establishment of the International Cycling Association (ICA). S. He Arthur Zimmermann. Arthur Zimmermann (October 5, 1864 – June 6, 1940) was State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the German Empire from November 22, 1916, until his resignation on August 6, 1917. kesäkuuta 1940 Berliini) [1] oli saksalainen ulkoasiainhallinnon virkamies, joka toimi Saksan keisarikunnan ulkoministerinä ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana vuosina 1916–1917. 3. He graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1974. Arthur Zimmermann currently lives in Yorba Linda, CA; in the past Arthur has also lived in Upland CA. Mar 1, 2017 · In January 1917, German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann dispatched a secret letter to Heinrich von Eckardt, the German minister to Mexico. Arthur Zimmermann, MD is an internist in Upland, CA and has over 50 years of experience in the medical field. Arthur Zimmermann (1854-1940) was responsible as German Foreign Secretary for the Zimmermann Telegram which helped to draw the United States into World War One against Germany in April 1917. Reproduced below is the speech given by the German Foreign Minister Dr Arthur Zimmermann in which he confirmed the authenticity of the so-called Zimmermann Telegram. Arthur Zimmermann (Magrabowa, Prusia Oriental, 1864 - Berlín, 1940) Diplomático alemán. This message helped draw the United States into the war and thus changed the course of history. The British intercepted and revealed the telegram, which helped push the U. He studied law from 1884-87. Estudió derecho en la Universidad Albertus de Königsberg y en la Universidad de Leipzig, desarrollando su carrera profesional en el cuerpo diplomático. Arthur Zimmermann The message came in the form of a coded telegram dispatched by Arthur Zimmermann , the Staatssekretär (a top-level civil servant , second only to their respective minister) in the Foreign Office of the German Empire on January 17, 1917. Nov 21, 2023 · Arthur Zimmermann was the German foreign secretary during World War I from 1914 to mid-1917. Jun 2, 2021 · Español In January 1917, British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, Heinrich von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause. ) a Német Birodalom külügyminisztere volt az 1916-tól 1917-ig terjedő időszakban. Nacido el 5 de octubre de 1864 en la ciudad de Marggrabowa, Prusia Oriental (actualmente Polonia), Zimmermann se destacó por su participación en la política y por el famoso telegrama que lleva su nombre. Arthur Zimmermann was a German foreign secretary during part of World War I (1916–17), known as the author of a sensational proposal to Mexico to enter into an alliance against the United States. 4 By Jay Bellamy “No account of the stirring episodes leading up to our entry into the World War can be considered complete without at least a reference to the one in which the Zimmermann telegram played the leading role. The telegram was a major factor in persuading the U. Learn about the secret German proposal to Mexico to ally against the U. 7 (12 ratings) Leave a review Arthur Zimmermann (5. lokakuuta 1864 Marggrabowa, Itä-Preussi – 6. He worked as a lawyer before receiving his doctorate of law. verdenskrig . Arthur Augustus Zimmerman (June 11, 1869 – October 22, 1936) was one of the world's great cycling sprint riders and winner of the first world championship in 1893. Arthur Zimmermann was responsible as German Foreign Secretary for the Zimmermann Telegram which helped to draw the United States into World War One against Germany in April 1917. Aunque sin ocupar aún cargos políticos de relevancia, contribuyó a tomar la resolución alemana de respaldar al Imperio Austro-Húngaro en su enfrentamiento con Serbia, que condujo a la generalización de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-18). Arthur Zimmermann was a German diplomat and foreign secretary during World War I. com Dec 8, 2019 · Arthur Zimmermann (October 5, 1864–June 6, 1940) worked as the German Foreign Secretary during 1916 to 1917 (mid World War 1), when he sent the Zimmermann Telegram, a diplomatic document that clumsily tried to trigger a Mexican invasion of the U. Arthur Zimmermann, född 5 oktober 1864 i Marggrabowa, död 6 juni 1940 i Berlin, var Tysklands utrikesminister mellan den 22 november 1916 och den 6 augusti 1917. Aug 20, 2012 · German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann sent the diplomatic message to Heinrich von Eckardt, the German ambassador in Mexico City, instructing him to speak to the president of Mexico. június 6. See full list on britannica. Arthur Zimmermann (5. However, he was also closely involved in plans to support an Irish rebellion, an Indian rebellion, and to help the Communists undermine Tsarist Arthur Zimmermann is 75 years old and was born on 08/15/1949. Jul 7, 2023 · The Zimmermann Telegram And Other Events Leading to America’s Entry into World War I. and contributed to America’s entry into the war. to declare war on Germany. Aug 22, 2022 · This telegram, written by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann, is a coded message sent to Mexico, proposing a military alliance against the United States. He studied law and spent many years working as a foreign diplomat before becoming foreign secretary. in 1917, intercepted by British intelligence and revealed to the public. Arthur Zimmermann (Marggrabowa, 1864. After a career in the consular service, Zimmermann won transfer to the diplomatic branch in 1901. Winter 2016, Vol. Dr. oktober 1864 – 6. juni 1940) var det Tyske kejserriges udenrigsminister fra 22. His name is associated with the Zimmermann Telegram during World War I. 48, no. Read more Primary Sources Links go to Feb 25, 2023 · Arthur Zimmermann (1864-1940) was the State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the German Empire from 1916 to 1917. Arthur Zimmerman (Marggrabowa, Prússia Oriental, 5 de outubro de 1864 - Berlim, Alemanha, 6 de junho de 1940) foi Ministro do Exterior do Império Alemão durante a primeira parte da I Guerra Mundial (1916–1917) e autor de uma proposta para o México entrar numa aliança contra os Estados Unidos. The obvious threats to the United States contained in the telegram inflamed American public opinion against Germany and helped convince Congress to declare war against Germany in 1917. [1] Arthur Zimmermann Primary Documents - Arthur Zimmermann on the Zimmermann Telegram, 29 March 1917. entered the war on the Allies' side. Az ő ötlete volt, hogy Mexikó lépjen be az első világháborúba a központi hatalmak oldalán, és támadja meg az Amerikai Egyesült Államokat. Hans navn forbindes med Zimmermann telegrammet under 1. ” Who's Who - Arthur Zimmermann. May 21, 2014 · In 1917, German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann offered Mexico to join the Central Powers if the U. Mest känd är han för Zimmermanntelegrammet under första världskriget . Vida y Biografía de Arthur Zimmermann (Magrabowa, Prusia Oriental, 1864 - Berlín, 1940) Diplomático alemán.
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