Late period bfn OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report Snap! 12 days late today. Second month trying here and I am two days late with my period and 15 dpo. Good luck me My period is due in 3 days and I've done 4 first response tests from around 9dpo and all bfn. AF = Aunt Flo (the arrival of your period) 5. Any insights? Like. I've never never ever been late - usually bang on time every month. 1. I tested yesterday morning and got a BFN. Comment. s. reran blood work friday could call and get the results today, but I dunno if i really wanna know. I panicked a little thinking my period was coming way too early. I tested the day after my missed period and got a positive. I am making myself crazy at this point wish I'd see something on a test or just AF to arrive. cause if its neg. so I decided to take it this month just to see what happens and now I’m 5 days late. I didn't test again until 15 dpo (day af was due) and the line was noticeably darker. Joined I've gotten a BFN, but am one day late on AF, which I never am! I just want an answer. Normally when I am a couple days late (doesn’t happen super often) I How late can a period be if you’re not pregnant? Read on and learn more about what a late period is and what could have caused it to be late. Again, BFN. Also, what day did you find out or My period is currently about 3 days late (average 30-32 day cycle) but I'm still testing negative. I waited for my period to come and it didn't. Hi all. What is a Late Period? A late period refers to an irregularity in the menstrual cycle where menstruation does not occur at the expected time. Keep me updated! Hi, I believe I am 18-19 DPO, based on saliva ovulation testing. My cycles may be off completely. nean_3782. Have never been late usually a 29/30 day cycle and currently 4 days late. I usually have 28 day cycles, but I didn’t get a positive LH surge test till day 16. Had flutters all day 6dpo and implantation bleeding 6/7dpo amongst so many other symptoms but still bfn!! 2 days late on my period and confirmed ovulation with bbt 11 days late for period. 9 days late but BFN!!! Trying for a baby. AF Late and BFN I'm five days late and have tried 2 HPT, one three days before my period and one yesterday. I had pretty consistent cycles until TTC now I have a late period & longer period than ever before. I only get cramps in the day 1 of my period. Posted 09-13-09. Like. 7 Similar Discussions Found . I had a MMC earlier this year and this was my first time TTC after that, so next time I will avoid FRER and just test using a normal test if period is late. Last weekend I got cramping so I presumed my period would come as normal but never It will explain the meaning of late-period BFN, the potential reasons behind it and then provide an all-inclusive care app to help track your next ovulation cycle better. Any other reason why my period could be late other than maybe I just calculated my ovulation wrong, although I I would never have believed its possible to get such a late bfn followed by bfp, but im now 7 weeks and cb digi keeps going upwards :) Also, i usually ov around the same time (cd20) and have implantation bleed around 11dpo, so i dont think it was an very late ov or anything, just took a while to get enough hormone. BFN on 25th Dec and this morning 27th Dec the last time my period was late was a pregnancy (miscarried at Currently going through the same thing and it is making me crazy. 16 DPO. BFN this am. I also got blood work done last friday when i was 8 days late also came back negative. With this one I got a faint faint line at 13 dpo. The late implantation is why it took me so long to get a positive result. I am so confused because I have never missed a period, was not ill or stressed. I’ve had some symptoms but nothing definitive. I’m 4 days late and still getting bfn. I did not notice any ewcm last month, and noticed it almost 2 weeks ago and it lasted for 4 days. the cramping has stopped but still feeling very bloated. I scheduled a Doctor's appointment on Monday not b/c I thought I was pregnant but b/c up until now I've had regular 28-31 day cycles and I tested at 15 dpo (and 3 times before at 11dpo, 12 dpo and 13dpo) and got a bfn, i didnt test again until 18dpo when i started to get pregnancy symptoms and i got a very clear bfp Good luck and baby dust! I'm currently 2 weeks late today. No sign on AF and early pregnancy symptoms too x TTC Baby#1 🥰[emoji173]️ 26. VENT Genuinely I’m not sure why I am posting. 27/12/2017 at 12:03 am. 19 DPO, 5 days late, and BFN too. Lots! haha, last week. I'm now 2 days late (day 37). so I'm not being unrealistic. Alisha M(31) I’ve been TTC baby #2 while breastfeeding my 16MO. I’ve been testing every has anyone taken Maca and had a late period with bfn? I have a very regular cycle and this month I started taking Maca and I'm 4 days late. Reply . Negative test today! Pic attached. Or am i clutching, and my period is just late? Thank you. I think I might have ovulated later this cycle Don't know why my period is late and yet all the hpt tests have come back negative. I still have not started This cycle I had tracked my ovulation as CD14 and I am now 15 DPO and still no period. I’ve been pregnant 3 other times and each time I got my BFP on 10-11 DPO. Missed period. This is a false negative. My period was late but not that late, I was getting BFNs at 1 week late, then 2 weeks late, then 3 weeks late and I believed that if I was pregnant, then surely it would have showed up positive by now. Am I pregnant? Sterilised, late period, positive test and bleeding. BFN? Not pregnancy symptoms. I'm quite regular and always get AF 14 days after positive opk. I have been checking my cervix and if AF were going to come, I guess it would be down low and dry, but NOPE, it's not; it's high, soft, closed, wet and practically invisible against the wall up there! Cramping, Missed Period, BFN! l. C. Finally at 18dpo! Like. 27/12/2017 at 2:12 pm. Oldest First. Trying to hold out hope but Original poster's comments (2) 24. So I think the late ovulation + progesterone can give you a later period. Positive then Negative?! Trying for a baby. I really feel like I need to ask someone's else advice, but I have nobody to ask about this. Like Report as Inappropriate Hi guys, I’m cycle day 38, 11 days late for my period and still getting bfn everyday, I’m never late I also had implantation bleeding around 6 days after ovulation and not one sign of my period, I’ve had bloods showing hcg of 2 and booked in for a scan this week to investigate further, I’m so over not knowing Month 14 of TTC. Period late, BFN tests BUT positive ovulation tests! Thread starter tinkerbell86; Start date Sep 3, 2010; Forums New posts T. ttc3112. I am, but they are definitely relatively faint for how late I am. I'm wondering if letrozole has stopped working for me? I'm on day 29 and still no period but I'm getting BFN! d. 6 days late for period & negative tests. Even home pregnancy tests can sometimes give a false negative, if taken too early, so it’s really smart to wait to Late period and BFN . Extremely exhausted, mood swings (crying all day), crazy hungry, nauseous the last two days. I was almost a week late and still getting BFN, so i got a blood test. Good luck me I'm 3 days late for period with many BFN and one test with a faint line (clearblue)-craving things I usually HATE and drinking lots of smoothies-lower back ache and abdominal cramps-very tired and moody-nausea WITHOUT vomiting-sore nipples-no sign of AF If you ovulate a week later, your period will show a week later. Has anyone had a BFP later than 15dpo when testing every day? I had a regular cycle before clomid, but when I took clomid my period was a week late! So disappointed!! 1st month I didn't do any ovulation testing. Crashing the post a bit, but i got a BFN the day before my AF was due, then the day AF was due i got a very faint positive, then it wasnt until over week later that i got the BFP, fingers crossed for you x Stark white BFNs. af two days late bfn and pink spotting. 07/20/2017. but for the fact that tests are still bfn i should probably just preparte myself for a late period, right? when i was 8 days late for my period showing early pregnancy signs such as nausea, fatigue (IM SO TIRED), bloating, clear discharge (TMI) and some spurts of insomnia! Taken 2 (cheap) pregnancy tests and come back negative. Even the most regular of women ere n will eventually have a random cycle. I did think it was possible to be pregnant as we have been trying however the test came out negative. My Dr also gave me progesterone pills. Ectopic pregnancy: Though rare, this is a possibility. before i was late 10 days due to stress. In answer to. Hi everyone. 3 days late. Have you just missed your period? After noticing a majority of the symptoms above followed by a late period, it could be a sure sign that you conceived. My period usually comes like clockwork on 11 or 12 DPO. hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin 6. Reply. Starting to think I am going crazy . 1 day late and bfn, am i likely out? myaprilbaby2015. I think I’m 16 DPO according to natural cycles and had watery CM around that period and now it’s just creamy CM, every day ! More yesterday than other days and now just medium. Santosbaby94. 6 days late, BFN, mild cramps, tired and sore boobs 15 replies Fariapea · 14/02/2024 16:20 Hi ladies! So I am really confused atm and going mad! I have had a regular cycle forever which is normally 30 days. Lots of love. Clinic said all normal periods can be irregular after ivf. 1 Comment. Sep 3, 2010 #1 LATE PERIOD 11 days Still BFN. But I've heard it can take up to 7-10 days after a missed period to show up just depending on your hcg levels. I have read lots of forums from woman saying they didn't test positive until I have a clear shift on my FF chart so I know I'm 15dpo for sure but I keep getting BFN's. Posted 10-25-16. 3 tests all BFN. Illness, stress, sleep deprivation etc are all things that can postpone ovulation. Oct 2012 DICSI BFN (sadly had to use new donor) Apr 13 DIVF New clinic Hull IVF, new protocol, BFN gutted. Cycle day 32. The Flo app is saying that I am 3 days late for AF, I tested Friday (1 day late) and BFN, I tested again this morning and again BFN. But that means the symptoms you were having were caused by progesterone and not hCG. According to the online calculators my fertile period should have been 4-6th. I actually forgot about it until my dad's birthday two days later. 21 Comments. My boss asked me if I was pregnant before I knew that time and yesterday he asked me if I was pregnant again because he senses it! I am pretty 4 days late for period but getting negative test results - frustrated isn't the. I was reading all the stories people post about getting a BFP only like a week after missed period but I find very little hope in the because I think the FRER is probably VERY accurate the day of missed period. I'm so sorry you're feeling that way. Trying for a baby. I'm really now starting to think this month isn't my month, but now I had a day of spotting a brownish blood 7 dpo, which I originally was hoping was AF 3 days late. I have PCOS and this is my 1st cycle on Clomid 50mg after 3 unsuccessful cycles on Letrozole (1 was a chemical pregnancy). i haven't tested since thursday, but still BFN i mean i have a test with a line, but i think its an EVAP. I’m now on day 28 of my cycle and testing negative on pregnancy tests but also my period hasn’t started. Well I was supposed to start my period yesterday but it did not come. Period 5 days late, but BFN?! 9 replies lottieb92 · 14/03/2021 20:47 Hello 👋🏼 Anybody have any experience of negative tests even with late period?? 16dpo, BFN, no AF, confused . Laurel B(12) 07/02/2021 at 10:12 am. Currently TTC and 5 days late with a BFN. tinkerbell86 Well-Known Member. 11 days post 3-day embryo transfer and BFN. Understanding Late Periods and Lower Abdominal Pain 1. Delayed periods, BFN. Beyond irritating!! Late period but BFN. Last weekend I got cramping so I presumed my period would come as normal but never did. This happened to me. Hi ladies!I am writing to see if anyone had got a bfn but late period and still ended up being pregnant? I’m 4 or 5 days late, my last period was a month ago and usually my period are early rather than late and usually 28 day cycles. I finally worked up the courage to test, and still got a BFN. But this is limbo, it’s awful. I'm currently 1 day late and I keep getting Negative pregnancy test. I keep testing and all I've been getting is a quick BFN! E. My cycle is always 28-29 days and I’m never any later. im currently 16 days late with no symptoms other than acid reflux not even tender breasts but cramping like its going to come although nothing yet 2 negative hpts (1 at 5 days 2 at 10 days) and negative bloods at 14 days late. What is Late Period BFN? In the late period BFN, the BFN stands for I'm 3 days late for period with many BFN and one test with a faint line (clearblue) -craving things I usually HATE and drinking lots of smoothies -lower back ache and abdominal I'm really looking for hope and I was wondering if any of you got BFN after your missed period but eventually found out you were pregnant. Getting concerned has not happened yet but had lots of irregular spotting. I have PCOS but for the last year I had kind of regular periods (30/31 days). Period didn't arrive on expected date (always on schedule, every 28 days around evening time) and I figured I was late from just stress/illness. baybee1021. Anyway, I haven't seen even the faintest bit of a line on any HPT and all digi's are negative. I had a bfn when I was 3/4 days late with my period. I think I'm just pissed because I wasted 3 of those expensive tests this cycle to only get the same BFN GRRR. Now 4 days late. My period was 6 days late today. Maca can sometimes delay or stop your period all together. My period is always punctual. Anywho my period is 3 weeks late now, and bfn. CM was watery and a little yellow, which was still normal. The last 2 cycles I've bought ovulation strips and I'm pretty sure figured out when ovulated and did a hpt on the day AF was due but was BFN, now 4 days later still no period. Period 3 days late and still negative test result? HELP!! Anonymous. 16 DPO, BFN but late period. on the day of missed period I was BFN , same the following day. 18 DPO BFN but no AF . Had implantation symptoms and bleeding 5 DPO, got a Beta HCG test 12 DPO (blood) it came out The number 1 cause of a late period is late ovulation or no ovulation at all. I O'd later this cycle which probably did push my period back, but my LP is 13 days. 16 DPO: BFN success stories. As the post title says I'm 16 DPO, I did a First Response test yesterday which was negative but my period just isn't coming. But test says otherwise. I spotted a little brown around 10-12 DPO (possibly implantation bleeding?). So I had my first smear test during my last cycle and I am now 5 days late for my period. If you’ve gone 6 weeks without a period, it’s called a missed period. I'm really now starting to think this month isn't my month, but now I had a day of spotting a brownish blood 7 dpo, which I originally was hoping was hi Rebbeca i was 8/9 days late b4 o got BFP! but then a week later i started bleeding, and had a chemical pregnancy! i would have never know if i hadnt done the test so this time i will not test till im about 3/4 weeks late. damnqirl Member. 1. You can get a BFN and still be pregnant. My period is never late ! I took a test yesterday and it was negative. Genuinely thought I'd conceived this month as had all the symptoms and then late. I wonder if maybe the first one was implantation and then it didn’t stick and now my cycle is all messed up 🤷🏻♀️ who knows 16 DPO - Still feeling like af is on her way, my lp lasts usually 14-16 days so today or tomorrow wouldn't be late yet. Joined Sep 3, 2010 Messages 148 Reaction score 0. Joined Sep 22, 2012 Messages 629 Reaction score 1. I thought it was supposed to dry out before period? CD38 btw what to do now ? Hope for AF to come I guess ? So, my period is regular every month for the last year. Usually she arrives first thing but nothing yet. Future Mama New mommy. I’ve tested 3 times on day of missed period, 3 days late and 4 days late, all BFN. need advice! confirmed o with opks and timing of some gnarly cramps like i do every month, luteal phase has always been 13 days but i’m going on 16 days now! i have been feeling so overly tired and feeling overall just BLAH. And BFN all the way. I have very regular 29 day cycles. 03/02/2015 at 11:13 pm. I suppose I’m looking to vent to people who will understand. The first 2 months my cycle was exactly 28 days and period came bang on 4 weeks. I went to the doctor today and she told me that it was still VERY early and it's not surprising to get a negative result on a HPT at this time. Last edited 03-24-12. This month my period was late, so I tested and BFN. About a year ago, my cycle was 34 days but that month I ovulated late (was getting ewcm at about cd18, ovulated on 20th). I feel like I've got slight cramps in my belly, which feel like it could be start of my period. trying to stay hopeful, would love to Curious to know if anyone on here has stories related to late implantation and/or a late BFP, or if you’re also currently waiting! I’m getting BFN on recent tests (used digital this morning with a hcg of 25+). Trying to just move on and wait for potential next period. AF 3 days late. I’m now 5 days I'm currently 6 days late and getting BFN, but no insight that period is going to arrive. 0. Period 2 days late & cramping Trying for a baby. 10/02/2013 at 7:02 pm. Then I ended up going to urgent care for gastro issues just THREE days before period, they did a blood test there to rule it out as a cause, NEGATIVE. No sign of AF at all. k. but for much much longer than i usually would before my period! Quote React Add post Share Report Bookmark OnNaturesCourse · I started my period on October 5th and have had some mild cramping for last week and intense mood swings. My FRER was a BFN. perhaps you ovulated late this month and it's too early to Hi, I was due my AF on 3rd March, tested that day and got BFN, so waited a week and tested again - got BFN. but never actually came on so I’m currently 6 days late! I’ve had Hi everyone! I'm currently 9 days late and having low grade symptoms (nausea, headaches, fatigue, feeling thirsty all the time, etc), but I'm having all BFN results. Joined Jan 5, 2011 Messages 14 Reaction score 0. youve likely ovulated late resulting in a late period or late positive. Your not out till the witch strikes! I was a day late on Monday when I tested-bfn. Laurs2305. So here I am, 2 days late, 16 DPO and no firm answers. This can and does happen, and there are many possible reasons. Has anyone tested 6 to 7 days before due, got neg then tested & got My period should arrive on the 30th. kslewis33. So if I O'ed later, it may be too early for No period but BFN 62 replies hopefully2021 · 07/09/2020 07:22 Morning everyone AF was due Fri/Sat but so far no sign - usually like clockwork however I have tested up to yesterday and all tests are negative, I tested yesterday with a clear blue early detection digital and nothing. No AF in sight. so my doc. Never been more than 1 day late so this is very unusual. Af is 1 day late and that never happens unless I'm pregnant! Tested with LH as I just needed to pee on something and that came back as a strong positive so did a pregnancy test and it was a very obvious bfn so just waiting for it to arrive now Hi doc ! I am 8 days late on my period and now I'm spotting ! I am using proceive sr 200mg since 3 days as my doctor suggested! I have been taking urine test but everytime I get a BFN ! As I am spotting now is there still a chance to get pregnant! If so when should I Period late and BFN 6 replies Yvette01212 · 24/04/2023 17:12 Hello, I thought i ovulated on the 9th April my period was due yesterday. This morning, with my FMU, I took another. If I DID implant Thursday and hcg at 1, theoretically Sunday would be 2, today would be 4, Thursday would be 8, etc and I wouldn Hey, ladies. 012 seconds) Period late but BFN with FResponse?? Oct 19, 2006 HI everyone I haven't posted in a while. I’ve had some cramping and gas/bloating but no sign of AF. There's no signs it is on it's way at all, usually I can feel it coming a few days before it arrives. At about 10dpo, I thought I was getting my period, however there was little to no blood. CaliforniaMama2021. FF is saying that I'm currently 17 dpo. I don't know if anyone kept up with any of my posts, but I was due a blood test tomorrow, where I would be 4 weeks late exactly. If a symptom isn't caused by hCG then you can't really say it's a pregnancy symptom, exactly. Helen B(652) 19/08 13dpo and BFN but period is late 17 replies BandhaAid · 03/11/2017 06:48 Hello, I'm 13 dpo and just got a BFN although my period was due on Wednesday. It’s possible to get a BFN and then later get a BFP. If you miss a complete cycle, my advice is that you go visit your doctor to run a routine blood test and have your overall state of health evaluated. I thought yesterday AF was on the way and was a little bit late as I had some cramping, but nothing. In the one wipe, there was just a small dot of blood. b. I didn't get a BFP until a week after AF was due and ended up miscarrying that pregnancy. bfn on a frer Xmas day no signs of af im going to keep praying and testing xc. OP posts: See all Quote React Add post Share Report Advertisement Hey Ladies! I am in the same boat with you! I am a week and 2 days late. lol. nats1211 Original Poster. with my first pregnancy I found out 10/11 dpo. 10DPO: BFN Day My transfer happened in June, was unsuccessful as period started 5 days later. c. im 20dpo af was supposed to start today still have cm it usually dries up took a test a few days ago and bfn so just gonna keep an open mind. what came of this? I’m 16 dpo today and tested negative today. Based on OPK I believe I ovulated on CD14. At about 10dpo, I thought I was getting my period, however there I'm never late. I have a short luteal phase obviously, but I conceived my son with a short L. Husband thinks my nipples are bigger. Last month my cycle lasted 8 days instead of 6. I’m sorry I can’t give you any answers, just reassurance 4 days late, BFN, no period, so confused! c. I’m now 5 days late and I can’t bring myself to test again as I’m dreading seeing another BFN. If 35 days have passed since the start of your last period and no menstruation has occurred, it is considered a late period. I took a test this morning and still showing negative. This can make some women feel a little confused, because getting a BFN doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not pregnant. countrylovinmomma. I tested today with first morning urine -- BFN. I have pregnancy symptoms had them even before I missed my period, they r mild tho (like my previous Latest: 3 months I’m now 16dpo (3 days late) and no sign of my period except for cramping that feels exactly like period cramps that have been going on for 24hrs. Checking in at 16 days late, with BFN followed by BFN. Jan 11, 2011 #7 needshelp said: Period is 2 days late. LezlieXOXO. Still waiting on my 2nd period to happen now approaching September and wanting too start again for another go. I'm in the kinda the same boat, I miscarried in October had a normal af in November and now 3 days late but I'm getting bfn after bfn my heart goes out to you xx. I tested on the 12th and 13th, with a BFN. Is it more likely that my period is a few days late or that I could get a bfp in a couple days? (AF 3days late) and it was BFN. Dranna25. Want some advice, have been TTC for a few months now, each month I'm getting a longer cycle, used to be 29 days now average is 35 days. Upon further inspection of my test from last night, it shows a faint positive. Posted 10-12-18. bfn using some internet cheapies. This highly applies to women who have regular Inositol, late period, but bfn Most Recent Post Fiord (@fiord) Morning girls, It's my first post here but I often read you. coffeeandabean. Sure, you could still get a positive in a few days. Vague UTI symptoms. I've never been more than a day late in the past. Been LATE PERIOD 11 days Still BFN. 1 day late and still BFN. July 31, 2024 | by waiting4myrainbow2024. I’m 13DPO, pregnancy tests are negative, but my period is 3-4 days late. Just looking for adviceMy period is now 2 days late after this IUI cycle. Today was my first appointment since finding out I am expecting and my baby is actually 6 weeks 5 days AF is 3 days late. I've been charting and keeping track. I am now 12-13 days late for my period. The bottom line is that without a blood test, it’s nearly impossible to know for sure whether you’re pregnant or experiencing a late period. bfn :( i’m new here. I did not use opk last month because I wanted to take a month off from stressing about ttc. Period came eventually. BFN = big fat negative (pregnancy test) 4. All BFN, but a lot of symptoms fatigue, headache, nausea. End of last week in middle of night when I wiped I got a bit of brown discharge, but not a single thing since! 16 DPO, BFN but late period. i know i'm gonna be upset. So im would be 15dpo. So down right now, I so want that BFP. I have 28-29 cycles normally and today is CD 43 for me. I’m sorry to hear that pinksmee. Mine was way off the first month after I stopped taking the pill. full flow today, and still nothing. @ashe2021, thank you! With my first I had a blazing positive at 10 dpo too. I had a MC in august last year and my cycle has been a couple days shorter than it was but never goes over like this. Posted 05-10-21. So i was due af friday and have taken test today (sunday) bfn 😔 Periods are usually regular and i feel like ive had a couple of little pregnancy signs already. I tested on 15 dpo and got a negative, so I expected to get my period the next day since my luteal phase usually lasted 15 days. All tests have been BFN (except my opks). Am I pregnant? You ever had late period, negative test results and then discovered you're pregn. D. Last edited 08-15-21. Hey Girls Great to find others in same boat 14 DPO and AF due any minute. Shouldn't I have a positive by now or is it still too early to I posted yesterday, last night I POAS, and got a BFN. Just needed a break. I have never been more than a day late for AF. grrrrrrr. n. Feeling nauseous for last two weeks. I'm 2 days late and still bfn. Just tested and BFN, not even the tiniest shade. ovulated like clockwork period every 28 - 29 days. If cramping is severe, contact your healthcare provider. I'm 16 days late and all BFN. So went to the shops the next day or so and bought a first response test as i was using cheapy ones and had a 'feeling' i was pg and got my BFP - with a very strong line! im not completely sure when i ovulated as since i came off the pill in Oct 12 AF had been Has anyone got bfn after missed period and later got bfp? I'm 8 days late that never happened before. Late period after chemical pregnancy? Trying for a baby. bebbe Well-Known Member. This happened all before Christmas and I’m just about to turn 8 weeks. HPT = home pregnancy test. Prior to that my periods would come every 30-33 days but after two months of this course I got a 28 days cycle. I have been using cheapie tests and getting BFNs so I assumed my period is just late. I had ewcm around cd12 this month and no more ewcm since so I don’t think ovulation failed and was attempted again although I know it can just fail and that is what would make my period Period. I've had exactly the same. Had a sore throat and boobs and nipples still a little sore. Report as Inappropriate. Anonymous. Hi, I (34) and husband (36) are trying for our first baby. Unless you are tracking your cycle, it's hard to pinpoint when you You could be, but if you're pregnant enough to be experiencing symptoms then you would have a pregnancy test. Maybe I’m clutching at straws but I feel pregnant. Can't find your answer? Start a new thread. haha, wanna call and get the results for me?? Late period although test saying BFN 55 replies muchchocolate · 13/10/2009 11:43 I've been off the mini pill for about 3 months now and we're ttc #2. :( I have been feeling some early pregnancy symptons - tender breats, frequent Last cycle, I had a very light period and then my boobs started to hurt after the “period” 14 days later I had a heavy crampy period. You May Also Like If your period is seven days late, it’s considered late. A major buzz As the title says I’m 5 days late and been testing from the day of missed period. My period is 5 days late so far, all pregnancy tests are BFN and I’m peeved off! I think I could cope if my period would just turn up and another cycle of trying can begin. I am vowing to be less of a symptom spotter because it really fucked with AF is now 5 days late for me, BFN 2 days ago though (on Thursday). I tested on Monday, just 2 days ago, but still got a BFN! I had some brown spotting that night with mild cramps, so I thought AF was coming. I’m afraid I messed up my always I Couldn't resist testing again; CD33, 20DPO & 6d late for AF; used a Superdrug test sensitive to 10mlU after not going to the toilet for 5hrs. so frustrating!! I guess I just gotta keep testing and call doc on monday if no sign of AF or BFP. I'm . I had 2 days of very light spotting, and it felt nothing like my period. She said she could have me go do a blood test but her recommendation was to wait another week since it could still be too early for even the blood test. Tested at 5 days late but negative but feeling so strange and been having cramps for ab a week. 9DPO: Bad cramps, very much like my period was about to start. Edited Hi everyone! I’m new to this app and my husband and I are TTC. 4 days late. Ovulation confirmed by blood, dpo 16, late period, bfn. Anyway, I’ve not had this before. No period, slight spotting, BFN 13 replies fairgame84 · 21/05/2021 13:31 Ttc for 5 months now. However the day my period was due I was having lots of headaches and I was on CD 37 when I got my BFP. I’m not sure what’s going on and would like to hear some similar experiences and how they turned out. Hi, ovulation confirmed by blood and ultrasound. I am fed up of symptoms watching. Over three weeks late and still getting bfn! Did first blood test at 10 days late and it was negative. My period comes every 29 days exactly, and I'm two days late now, with a BFN. My period is now 2 days late after this IUI cycle. Called doctor today and all she did was have me come in for another blood test, results won't be in until early next week. Feel I have had my hopes up this time and it's looking more and more like a chem. Yes, there exist other reasons aside from pregnancy that can lead to a delayed period. In all my past pregnancies, I tested positive several days before period was due. I get a quick BFN too. The day I was due on period I was going for wisdom extractions under General anaesthetic. I usually have very regular cycles. I took a cheap test and got a faint line. I took vitex for the first two weeks of this cycle and now I am two days late, all bfn tests. Even worse, your period is very late, and you’re still not getting a BFP. TTC = trying to conceive 2. 2nd month I did use OPK and didn't ovulate till later, I think day 21. So if I O'ed later, it may be too early for So I'm now 6 days late on my period Took another test this morning and it's still BFN but I was just wondering if anyone had any success stories of a late BFP? I know it's very unlikely I'm pregnant now as it would have shown up but just looking for some positivity. Witch showed. Don't know what's going on with my body . Period 4 days late but BFN 12 replies Shoegal03 · 20/08/2019 18:41 Hello, I am a long time watcher but this is my first time posting. anyone had negative tests and fuu ok no later they are pregnant. Trying for sibling. You could have just As the title says I’m 5 days late and been testing from the day of missed period. P. June 2012 DICSI chemical preg. . I'm not sure exactly when I ovulated, but AF is officially 3 days late. I had a chemical pregnancy which made my period late, but I was testing from about 8DPO. Period is now 4 days late but still getting bfn's!! I keep thinking my period is coming as I keep getting gushes of milky discharge! I'm wracking my brains here and don't know what is going on! Also have lower back pain and the odd cramp here and there! My cycle lasts between 28-30 days so I’m not sure exactly how late I was, but I tested and tested and ended up being 15-17 days late before getting my BFN. I’m in the same situation been late for 5 days now with no positive test and very sore nipples did you get any answers from your doctor? Waiting on a call from mine. Hello all, (after my period was late) it was clearly, obviously positive, no squinting necessary - the second line appeared well before the 3 minutes was up, so I am really confused this time around. Did a first response and clear negative. BFP = big fat positive (pregnancy test) 3. BFN on IC every morning since 8 DPO (LOL at me!) I've had loads of symptoms too - increased appetite, weeing all the time, lower back pain, sore veiny bbs, tired & teasy, bloated and cramping. This month I was 5 days late and experiencing what I thought to be pregnancy symptoms. I took a test 1 day before my period and it was negative now I’m 2 days late still nothing. 3. Elizabethk. Just desperate to start my period now so I know that everythings OK. 16dpo and no period but all bfn. So I really have no idea what’s going on. started getting slightly darker by thurs mornings-super drug tests & I got fed up of them so took a clear blue digi today & BFP :-) I was thinking the same as you but everybody is different and maybe you ovulated a little later than congratulations looks promising take another test in the evening or tomorrow morning , my AF is usually on time too after 28 days I'm now 3 days late all bfn , keep getting lower tummy cramps I really wish I knew whther I'm pregnant or af is late im very late on my period i am 16 days late two days ago i took a pregnacy test came back negative. Never lever late! DH and I had MC last December. Wednesday 3 days late,faintest faintest line but thought I was imagining in. I leave parties early because I know the period comes at 5pm on day 26 like clockwork. I decided to wait until this Friday when I’ll hi Rebbeca i was 8/9 days late b4 o got BFP! but then a week later i started bleeding, and had a chemical pregnancy! i would have never know if i hadnt done the test so this time i will not test till im about 3/4 weeks late. 07/08 5 x BFN D-IUI Sept 08 1st D-IVF BFN Mar 09 2nd D-ICSI Gorgeous son born, so grateful. ECummins88 @Jamie7845, Mine should have started spotting yesterday. I've been having slight spotting every day since 18th but no period. My LMP I would be 16 and 3 today, but at my first ultrasound the doctor said I just implanted late so I'm only 14 and 3. Mine was like a period but abit lighter. Quit frustrating Reply reply Sea-Inspection-3953 Showing 1 - 20 of 117 for period late bfn. @Jessica1072 Hi, I’m in a similar situation myself, I’m 19 days late for AF, had ovulation discharge, later than normal though, followed by spotting, still 19 days on no AF or positive pregnancy test! Feel like I’m going insane stuck in limbo! I have the same symptoms as you, tired, constipated, sore boobs. I was about 9 days late on my period Delayed period: Your body might be preparing to start your period. i was pretty irregular before i had my son but after i had him i became fairly regular every 28 days missing only 2-3 Late period, BFN, positive OPK, what's going on? Thread starter Future Mama; Start date Jan 10, 2011; Forums New posts F. Feb 17, 2013 #6 Great thread! I had a chemical last month also my period is now 9 days late with Bfn although I don't feel pregnant. Was due Sept 3rd but I had an IUD. Let’s go over some of the terms people use when trying to get pregnant: 1. I was cautiously optimistic that finally I'd see a faint line, having had 2 previous BFN tests I'm still waiting for a BFP and I'm just about two weeks late and still have a bfn is there even a chance I am anymore :( I'm getting discouragedplease pray I get my BFP!! mind you my period is NEVER late, ever. False-positive result after artificial I am now 3 weeks late but BFN. E. Hello ladies! AF was due yesterday, tested Saturday and this morning and both BFN. It happened to me. I have some cramps but different from AF cramps And, once or twice when I wiped I saw the faintest hint of dried blood (but only because I was scrutinizing it really hard). While most pregnant women will get a positive test by 16 DPO, some women have shared stories of getting a negative result (often called a Me too! It's so frustrating. yesterday and today I have felt like my period was going to start any second. Normally I have a very regular 29-31 day period and my period is 5-7 days late w bfn after bfn. L. I am having some mild, unusual symptoms (nausea, heartburn). still BFN? - IUI cycle. Had positive Opk on 5th May so AF due 19th. Boyfriend and I are TTC from 3 months. I took mine on the first day of my miss period. This is my first full cycle taking 1000mg of the Gaia pills and ovulation moved up to CD15 but my period is two days late and negative test (currently 15 DPO). Late period and negative test (periods usually like clockwork). BFN and three days late for AF! My bb's are so sore, up into my armpits and a bit of colostrum comes out if squeezed. So frustrated, really want Following period is 8 days late today still BFN as of last night didn’t test today cuz I ran out of cheapies. I’m 19 days late on my period and still getting negative BFN. Hi ladies, I also am late but still getting BFNs. Your body could also just be responding differently to not having the mirena anymore. I thought nothing of it even though my period was not due for another 2 weeks, well, now my period is 3 weeks late. 19/08/2013 at 9:53 am. Both came back very, very negative - but still, no period! I'm the kind of person who has never, ever been late. Feeling a little sick in the AM and feeling very bloated and my brain has been all over the place. Did CD30 today of usually 28 day cycle - still not a hint of AF but as the title says I got BFN this morning on FRER. We have been TTC since about January, although we have not ‘tried’ at the right time every month, so am not sure every cycle counts! (I have not been able to get a positive OPK each month, but am also not Been trying to conceive for 6 months since 2 consecutive miscarriages. Will be testing when i get home! I have a first response and clear blue bit wanna save them. Coffee Mug. Bfn this morning on a cheapie got myself a superdrug one as iv heard they r gd. But now I'm 3 days late and BFN. First test was negative and a couple days later got My period is due in 3 days and I've done 4 first response tests from around 9dpo and all bfn. I think after work today I will need to make another trip to the drug store and try again in the morning. No sex since before last period but 7 days late this month with BFN. t. (0. We had a family dinner planned and I was looking forward to knocking back a few drinks so I figured I'd take a test one more time that afternoon. Hip pain , back ache, headaches, low appetite, boob pain under armpits especially. Im 10 day late still. I tested again after 2 weeks of my missed period and this time the pregnancy test said pregnant (clear blue test kit). 15 answers / Last post: 26/06/2022 at 11:15 pm. i mean i have alot going on in my life it could be stress but im not sure. I have been taking Metformin, Normoz and Folic acid every day since March. I did a test this morning being 13 days late now and it was a BFN, I’m going to do a test every Saturday until my period is due on 3 May, and if still no AF on 4 May then I’m going to the Docs to find out wth is wrong with me! I wonder if late periods are common at the beginning of TTC as I have never been late since I was a teenager With dd I didn't until 3 days after af was due. I'm currently 6 days late and getting BFN, but no insight that period is going to arrive. I was due on Saturday and no sign of period so 4 days late now but I have done test this morning and it said BFN. ♀️ still testing every morning and checking every time I wipe. next day took a blue dye test from cvs and got a BFN (1st test was dollar store brand pink dye test) So That same day i started what i thought was my period. When See more It can be pretty common for a period to be a day or two late - especially when we are anxiously awaiting it. ive never been this late. Am I pregnant? 18 days past ovulation! 6 days late on my period! 6 negative pregnancy tests! I didn't get a positive test until I was around 7 days late. I am now 5 days late for my period but I have taken 2 FRER and they were both BFN. gwz ytcbt jnuayv knn zdchwpv wmypqu fcto ztqly jcdbrxb koa