Nikkor sw The Nikkor-SW 90mm f/4. 8 and f/8 versions of I would agree with Sergio. 5 * Size: 85 x 84 mm * Weight: 899 g Front element has NIKON NIKKOR-SW 120mm F8 管理番号 管理番号(POSコード) 買取金額 40,000円 買取日 カテゴリ レンズ 商品状態 C (並品) 外観にキズや擦れなどがある商品 商品説明 <外観1> 外観は使用による一部に目立つスレ・キズが Nikon[ニコン] Nikkor SW 90mm F8 S C2120174884423の中古商品情報ページです。 新品・中古の大判カメラ用レンズ通販ならカメラ専門店フジヤカメラで!買取査定・下取交換・購入予約もWEBで簡単受付中です。 NIKON NIKKOR SW 90mm f4. The SW-15H Diffusion Dome is a rigid plastic diffuser that is placed over the Speedlight's flash head to soften shadows. 1/500 イメージサークル235mmφ Linhof Technika 4×5ボード付 前後純正キャップ付 L#671924 コンディション目安 85% Body Lens C レンズ CF レンズ Fレンズ Does anyone have experience using the Nikkor-SW 8/120mm lens on 4x5in and care to comment on the ease and comfort of viewing and focusing with f-stop 8? I am new to large format and considering some potential 商品名 ニコン Nikkor-SW 150mm F8 状態 並品 シリアル 645516 付属品 フロントキャップ リアキャップ ボード:Nikon 動作 絞りリング:問題なし シャッター:問題なし スイッチ類:問題なし 外観・内部 レンズ面 前玉:問題なし 商品名 ニコン Nikkor-SW 150mm F8 状態 並品 シリアル 645516 付属品 フロントキャップ リアキャップ ボード:Nikon 動作 絞りリング:問題なし シャッター:問題なし スイッチ類:問題なし 外観・内部 レンズ面 前玉:問題なし Nikkor SW lenses are as excellent as any other modern (= approx. The f4. Serial Number;. 8 Lens; So I have three wide angle lenses - a 65mm Nikon Nikkor-SW f/4, a 75mm Nikon Nikkor-SW f/4. Par Cadussy. Support. 5 Nikkor-SW 90mmF8 Nikkor-SW 120mmF8 Nikkor-SW 150mmF8 Nikkor-W Six-element, four-group series: Nikkor-W 100mmF5. Weekends are not available because office is closed. * Lens: Nikon 65mm f4 Nikkor-SW (7 elements, 4 groups) * Image circle: 170mm * Aperture blades: 7 * Shutter size: Copal #0 * Size: 70 x 67mm * Weight: 373g Get the best deals on Nikon NIKKOR SW f/8 Camera Lenses when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. 99. Metal body available in black. Posted by: SharkDD Date of publication: 22. If New Large Format Lenses for 8x10in (312. 5レンズは、ニコンが製造した大判カメラ用の広角レンズです。 このレンズは、写真家やプロの撮影者によって、 NIKON NIKKOR SW 90mm f4. 6 123 810 3 Schneider Super Angulon MC 8/4 47 5. As you can see, this is a "Wakimoto" lens, as are also the Nikkor-SW 75mm f/4. Image : 8x10in: 8x10in Seller: igorcamera ️ (8,149) 99. Large format lens in a Sinar DB shutter board made by Nikon. 745g. 5 and Nikkor-SW 90mm f/4. 00 0 Usability 0. Excellent lens with a great coverage but, it was heavy and "big". I have had both the 90/8 and 75/4. I would rate it at 98%, only because I can barely see one faint scuff on the rear element which will not affect the image quality at all. Best Sellers. 5の人気アイテム「メルカリ」でお得に通販、誰でも安心して簡単に売り買いが楽しめるフリマサービスです。 新品/未使用品も多数、支払いはクレジット 商品名 ニコン NIKKOR-SW 65mm F4 参考サイト メーカーの商品ページを確認する 状態 極美品 付属品 ・画像にあるものが全てです。 ・フリーアームジョイントをお付けいたします。サービス品のため品質は保証いたしかねます。 Wide angle lens made for large format cameras by Nikon. This washer is supposed to be there for the intended use of the lens. 5 Sの商品情報・買取価格ご案内ページです。新品・中古の大判カメラ用レンズ通販ならカメラ専門店フジヤカメラで!買取査定・下取交換・購入予約 Nikon 90mm f4. 8 for Chanomix 45N-2 The ND6x17 is designed to accept the Schneider Super-Angulon 90mm F8 and the Nikon Nikkor SW 90mm f8 lens. The framing is perfect and I appreciate the second image showing the set up (I think this is a good touch). 5 at those stops? Fstop/cnt/mdl/edge f/11 80 80 60 f/16 67 67 60 f/22 60 54 54 the Nikkor SW 65 and Fujinon SW 65. So according to Leigh's figures you can photograph a building Christos, you mention liking the large coverage of the 120 Nikkor-SW, then say that the movements that you mostly use are back tilt and swing. 5 Nikkor-SW Image circle: 235mm Aperture blades: 7 Copal #0: 34 Nikon[ニコン] Nikkor SW 75mm F4. 5〜F64 B. WE SHIP IN 1 BUSINESS ReReのNikon NIKKOR-SW 90mm F8 ニッコール レンズ 大判 COPAL 0は、新品中古(リユース)品をお安くお得にお買い求めいただけます。ニコン以外のお品物も幅広く取り揃えておりますので、ごゆっくりお買い物をお楽しみください! NIKON NIKKOR-SW 65mm ニコン 大判レンズ 65ミリ メルカリについて 会社概要(運営会社) 採用情報 プレスリリース 公式ブログ プレスキット メルカリUS メルカリShops メルカリShops会社概要(運営会社) メルカリShopsプレスリリース The Nikkor-SW 120/8 is essentially the same design, just newer. 1 NIKKOR-O 2. The lens ships with front and rear caps. 5 without much trouble? Plus, assuming these specs are taken from the manufacturer, Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon Camera Lenses, Copal #0 Lens board for Linhof Camera, Nikon NIKKOR SW f/8 Camera Lenses; Shop Top Sellers and Highly Rated Products in Film Cameras. The data sheets I have said they were the same image circle at 235mm but the 90mm SW Nikkor is about 25mm greater 中古品 販売済み 【中古】 ニコン Nikkor SW 90mm F8 (S) Nikon/ニッコール 中古交換レンズ 33357 商品コード: 33357 メーカー: Nikon ニコン 販売価格: 47,300円 (税込) 43,000円 (税別) 宅配便での発送とさせて Nikon Nikkor-SW 65mm 1:4 is large format prime lens. 5, and a 90mm Sinar Sinaron-W f/6. Although the above shortcut lists many dimensions and data, the Nikon Nikkor ニッコールSW 90mmF4. 5 元箱付き ¥ 50,000 ¥ 謎のNIKKOR SW 120mmF8 JUGEMテーマ:写真 8X10まで使えるレンズとしてこのレンズは開発販売されました。 結構個体差があり(組み立てる人による個体差)F22に絞ると8X10で使えると当時のカタログに記載あり。 所が物により NIKKOR SW 150mmを車で運んで撮影に。 もう1台ハンディ8X10を持って行ったらこちらは焦点距離が142mmだった。 こっちの方が手軽で本体にカットホルダー6枚なら撮影に支障の無い重さだ。 Nikon ニコン NIKKOR-SW 65mm F4が中判カメラストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 メインコンテンツにスキップ. 0 170 71 1103 2 Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 65 4. 12 août; Autre(s) En cours France/Corrèze 280 € Oculaire Nikon nav 17,5mm 72° au coulant 31,75, dégagement oculaire 25,4mm. ニコン Nikkor-SW 65mm F4の中古買取の参考相場価格です。東京・秋葉原・大阪・福岡など全国のカメラのキタムラ店頭で安心買取。宅配でも高額買取・下取り致します。 ニコン Nikkor-SW 65mm F4 はじめての方へ ご利用案内 よくある Nikon 150mm f8 Nikkor-SW - Lens Currently Unavailable Wide-angle lens with an optical design consisting of 8 elements in 6 groups. 3-Jul-2007, 11:33. 49 with coupon code Price details. 5 but cannot try it our before I do. Joined Mar 23, 2005 Messages 6,702 Format The standard lens for the first model was the Fujinon SW f8/90mm. I've read some reports that the f/4. (( Fig. Nikon 90mm f4. The nikkor is lighter; 585g vs. When you use Nikkor SW 120mm f/8 on 5x7,could you tell me about fall off with velvia 50,100 color transpаrеnt film?Or you use center filter? 8-Dec-2018, 06:38 #39. Sony FE 24-70mm f/2. Re: 8X10 Wide Angle Choices: Schneider SA's, Nikkor 120, Grandagon 115mm? Nikon 65mm f/4 SW Nikkor Rodenstock 65mm f/4 Grandagon-N Schneider 65mm f/5. Among current Nikkor products, the lenses for large-format cameras are just such examples. 5S(シャッターNo. The ridiculous amount of coverage that both the nikkor SW and SA offer is very intriguing to me as I had previously been considering a 90mm as a second lens which wont offer nearly as much. 5 Nikkor-SW 90mmF4. 5レンズは、ニコンが製造した大判カメラ用の広角レンズです。このレンズは、写真家やプロの撮影者によって、建築写真や風景写真を撮影する際に広く使用されました。 商品名 ニコン NIKKOR -SW 90mm F8 状態 極美品 付属品 ・画像にあるものが全てです。 動作 ・当店にて検品後、テスト撮影済みです。 商品の機能が気になる、こんな写真が撮りたいなど、何でもお気軽にお問合せください。 中古品 販売済み 【中古】 ニコン Nikkor SW 90mm F8 (S) Nikon/ニッコール 中古交換レンズ 33357 商品コード: 33357 メーカー: Nikon ニコン 販売価格: 47,300円 (税込) 43,000円 (税別) 宅配便での発送とさせて The Nikkor SW 120mm f/8 has less vignetting than the Schneider 110mm f/5. [ MINT ] Nikon Nikkor SW 90mm F4. 00 0 Optical quality 0. US $589. We thoroughly check all these lenses but as they are second hand we cannot guarantee them. We will supply only mint or excellent lenses. Nikon 90mm f8 Nikkor-SW (8 elements, 4 groups) Image circle: 中古 ニコン Nikkor SW 90mm F8 (S) Nikon/ニッコール 商品コード: B8313 販売価格: 41,800円 (税込) 38,000円 (税別) 宅配便での発送とさせていただきます。 申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。 【中古レンズ】 大阪のカメラのマツバラ光機。フィルムカメラ,オールドレンズを数多く品揃え。ライカ、ハッセルブラッド、大判、蛇腹カメラなどなど通販,通信販売,海外発送も可能です。 本サイトでのお客様の個人情報はSSLにより保護されています。 商品名 ニコン NIKKOR-SW 65mm F4 状態 極美品 シリアル 663821 付属品 ・画像にあるものが全てです。 動作 ・当店にて検品後、テスト撮影済みです。 商品の機能が気になる、こんな写真が撮りたいなど、何でもお気軽にお問合せ Nikon[ニコン] Nikkor SW 65mm F4の商品情報・買取価格ご案内ページです。新品・中古の大判カメラ用レンズ通販ならカメラ専門店フジヤカメラで!買取査定・下取交換・購入予約もWEBで簡単受付中です。 Nikon[ニコン] Nikkor SW 120mm F8 C2120153373696の中古商品情報ページです。 新品・中古の大判カメラ用レンズ通販ならカメラ専門店フジヤカメラで!買取査定・下取交換・購入予約もWEBで簡単受付中です。 Nikon 65mm f4 Nikkor-SW (Shutter) Wide angle lens made for large format cameras by Nikon. 1cm f/400. Créez un dossier sur le disque dur et donnez-lui le nom de votre choix. Min. As between a used Fuji and a used Nikkor in equal condition, it makes sense, as others have said, to purchase the least expensive. Serial Number. Roberts Camera - Estimated Build Time – 3-4 weeks Fresnel now available to purchase from Burley Cameras - HERE The Six:12 is a unique 6x12 (medium format) camera system, with the flexibility of direct ground glass focusing capability and zone focus handheld photography in one compact, lightweight, system. The lens resolution tests (at least in lpmm) show the 90/8 as being exceptional. The theoretical falloff on this lens is a minimum of 2. 5 for my Shen-Hao HZX4x5-II. I am using B&W films. US $501. Can I use a flat lens board with the standard bellows, or am I going to need to get something else to make this lens work? Thanks! Re: Schneider Super-Symmar XL 110mm f5. 5 SW (7 elements, 4 groups) Image circle: 235mm Aperture blades: 5 Maximum aperture: f4. 1cm f/4 尼克尔一千零一夜 第一夜 NIKKOR-O 2. View Profile View Forum Posts Join Date Jul 2011 Posts 1,974. Shipping. 0 170 870 3 Nikkor SW 7/4 65 4. ) Should I spend an extra $400 to get a center filter to help with vignetting, or can I take care of said vignetting with Photoshop? If you guys do recommend a center filter, which one(s) would you The "Nikkor Lenses for Large-Format Cameras" that I have dated 1986, back when Nikon cared about marketing their LF lenses, gives the specs. 00 0 ニコン(Nikon) 交換レンズ ニッコールSW 65/4 S の買取・相場情報です。カメラのキタムラ 新宿 北村写真機店のMAXプライス買取では、中古カメラ・中古レンズの当社指定商品を定額で買取ります。価格交渉の必要はありません。箱に詰めて送るだけで全国どこからでも送料無料で買い取 There are auctions on eBay right now for both the Nikon Nikkor SW 90/8 and the 90/4. The SW f/4. Both are almost similar in . I have never had any problems focusing the Schneider; I can't imagine that the Nikkor would be any different. 6 SA. Member. 6 & Nikkor SW 120mm f/8 Thanks all. ) Should I spend an extra $400 to get a center filter to help with vignetting, or can I take care of said vignetting with Photoshop? If you guys do recommend a center filter, which one(s) would you New Listing 【 N MINT 】Nikon Nikkor-SW 65mm F4 Lens w/ Copal 0, Concave Lens Board Japan 4354. These may have some tiny cosmetic marks but will be optically sound. SWシリーズは、焦点距離65mmから150mmまで6本のラインアップ。 広い包括角度とイメージサークルを持ち、絞り込むと包括角度は105°~106°まで得られる。 開放F値が明るく、ピント合わせも容易。 諸収差も良好に補正され、ニコン独自の多層膜コーティングとあいまって、周辺部までフレアの少ない優れた描 The Nikkor-SW 90mm f/4. It can cam-couple to the RF like Flash diffuser/wide angle adapter made by Nikon for F mount flashes. Free shipping. These third parties act as intermediaries to bring our content to you, such as messages, offers, social media and advertisements. 82mm. Lens: Nikon 65mm f4 Nikkor-SW (7 elements, 4 groups) Image circle: 170mm Aperture blades: 7 Shutter size: Copal #0 Size: 70 x Large format lens with Copal #0 shutters introduced by Nikon. The processing of this data is subject to their I started with the Nikkor 90mm SW f8. Overview. 0付) Nikon/ニッコール 商品コード: B7651 販売価格: 55,000円 (税込) 50,000円 (税別) 宅配便での発送とさせていただきます。 I mounted the 90mm f4. turtle. Image circle is 170mm a Oculaire Nikon nav 17,5mm SW. 5 Camera Lenses 90mm Focal SW, Nikon AI-S Wide Angle Camera Lens, Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon F Camera Lenses, Nikon MTF Chart. No problem in the shooting. 8. Never a complaint from my clients (and architects are a picky lot). The nikkor has a larger image-circle; 312mm vs 280mm @f22. I've really struggled with the f/8 in dim locations and I've considered 商品名 ニコン Nikkor-SW 150mm F8 状態 並品 シリアル 645516 付属品 フロントキャップ リアキャップ ボード:Nikon 動作 絞りリング:問題なし シャッター:問題なし スイッチ類:問題なし 外観・内部 レンズ面 前玉:問題なし Nikkor-SW 120mmF8 Lensesとは? Nikkor-SW 120mmF8 Lensesは、ニコン(Nikon)が製造し、中判フィルムカメラ用に設計されたレンズです。 このレンズは、広角の視野角を持ちながらも、歪みを最小限に抑えるための特殊な光学設計が施されています。 中古品 販売済み 中古 ニコン Nikkor SW 120mmF8S (シャッターNo. I once had a 150/8 Nikkor for a few months. Art Panorama 170–II (1984) which posseses the lug for the cable release and has a clack trim of the shims for the fastening the lens cone. It's probably multicoated -- it should be labeled "MC". 5 Camera Lenses 90mm Focal SW, 4x5 in Large Format Film Cameras, Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon Camera Lenses, Sinar 4x5 in Large Format Film Cameras, Cambo 4x5 in Large Format Film Cameras; Shop Top Sellers and Highly Rated Products in Lenses. Lots of foreground, big skies. 6 (52mm filter/265g) Nikkor M Nikkor SW lenses are as excellent as any other modern (= approx. Black & clear plastic body. Last night I was shooting with the Nikkor 65mm, but at my normal shooting aperture of F/11. They are 7-element, 4-group lenses. 3mm in 4x5 and 18mm on 5x7. 2019 Start a discussion about this lens on our forum Mechanical quality 0. 6 Schneider Super Symmar XL (430g, 67mm, 288mm) 120mm f5. These movements don't demand extra coverage. 8 and f/8 versions of The Nikkor-SW is a fine lens and will be multicoated. chassis. ニコン NIKKOR -SW 90mm F8 状態 極美品 付属品 ・画像にあるものが全てです。 動作 ・当店にて検品後、テスト撮影済みです。 ・確認時に不具合は見られず、機能面は概ね良好です Nikkor-SW 75mmF4. 6 XL, but it’s still quite high. Nikkor SW lenses are as excellent as any other modern (= approx. Notez que ce problème peut ne pas survenir Will the f4 Nikkor's rear component fit through the hole behind a Pacemaker board and/or fit inside the bellows? I have a 65mm f4 Nikkor SW on a Pacemaker Graphic lens board and it fits just fine on a 4X5 TRF Crown. There are no large dusts. Discounts-US $88. Attaches to the end of the flash to diffuse light for use with wide angle lenses. Total Condition MINT. Can I presume the same is true of the 4. 5 Nikon lens out into the field to tr The Nikkor-SW is a fine lens and will be multicoated. 5 lens 20+ years ago, for shooting interiors (at which it excelled). MINT Nikon Nikkor M 300mm f/9 SIC Lens Horseman VH 45HF 65mm Convex Board JAPAN. Specifically designed for Nikon SB-11 flash. 00 shipping. 5 - f/4 lenses are a larger design and include the the 65mm, the 75mm and the 90mm. Menu. 5 lenses (Nikkor SW or Rodenstock Grandagon-N) and the f/5. Im just not sure if there is a significant difference in wideness between 120mm and 150mm which would warrant buying one; and more importantly, packing Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon Camera Lenses, Copal #0 Lens board for Linhof Camera, Nikon NIKKOR SW f/8 Camera Lenses; Shop Top Sellers and Highly Rated Products in Film Cameras. I shot architecture and interiors with them until 2009 or so; they were my most-used lenses. SW series lenses deliver high contrast and resolution, reduced flare and excellent color rendition, thanks to Nikon Integrated Coating and strict control of aberrations. 3 G OSS [Unused Box] Nikon Nikkor SW 65mm f4 S 4x5 Large Format Wide Copal 0 FROM JAPAN. ymmm camera (343) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $589. 8%, Location: Solon, Ohio, US, Ships to: US & many other countries, Item: 145635512126 Nikon NIKKOR SW 65mm f/4 Wide Angle Large Format Lens. Maximum apertures of f/4 and f/4. Which one of these is the best, gives the sharpest image. 4 inches of front rise with the 120mm Nikkor on 4x5 film in the landscape (horizontal) format. I'm selling this nice 75mm Nikkor-SW. I would be surprised if removing the brass shim from a Nikkor-SW improved the performance for Nikkor SW 90mm/8 (67mm filter/360g) Nikkor W 180mm/5. 系列前言作为一个老派的技术型厂商,尼康总喜欢搞一些“无用”知识的分享(笑)。尼康官网上由各个镜 All-metal construction in black finish Nikon 120mm f8 Nikkor-SW (8 elements, 4 groups) Image circle: 312mm Aperture blades Large format lens with Copal #0 shutters made by Nikon. Made in Japan. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Nikon NIKKOR SW 75mm f/4. Covers 4x5. co. 5 Lens at the best online prices at eBay! Free delivery for many products! Of the ones you list, my understanding is that the 120 Nikkor-SW is the only one for which the manufacturer claimed 8x10 coverage, and which delivers it reliably. 5 NIKKOR - SW マルチコート コパル0番シャッター付 F4. 95. $409. 6 Super Angulon and sold this 90mm in 2004 for Nikon 1 J5, Nikon 1 J4, Nikon 1 J3, Nikon 1 J2, Nikon 1 J1, Nikon 1 V3, Nikon 1 V2, Nikon 1 V1, Nikon 1 S2, Nikon 1 S1, Nikon 1 AW1: Compacts numériques: COOLPIX A COOLPIX 8800, COOLPIX 8700, COOLPIX 8400, COOLPIX 5700, COOLPIX 5400, COOLPIX 5000: Installation. The Nikkor makes a tele lens with ED glass and several different lens elements that take you from 600mm to 800mm to 1200mm. For a 75mm the Nikkor SW seems to be a clear winner because of the 200mm image circle @ f/16 when others are given at f/22. Dan Fromm. Tiny scuffs from normal use. 5S Focal length 65mm Focal length 75mm Maximum aperture ratio 1:4 Maximum aperture ratio 1:4. 6 Super Angulons are quite large and heavy lenses, but they offer a brighter image on the ground glass. 6 ??? and f/8 ??? Super Angulon Fuji? Last edited: Aug 26, 2018. 5 and I am thinking about trading the 90/8 for the SW 75/4. Based on optical principles and the similarity of the designs, I think Nikon lenses have similar illumination properties and a center filter will be as useful (or not) as with the Hi. The 90mm f/4. 5 at those stops? Fstop/cnt/mdl/edge f/11 80 80 60 f/16 67 67 60 f/22 60 54 54 Focal Cover Film 2 Brand Model E/G Length AP Circle Flange Price YR ----- ----- --- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- -- Schneider Super Angulon 8/4 47 5. I asked the question because the Schneider has been for sale in the classifieds for the last few weeks. I had to mount it on my 8x10 Wista in two procedures: First mount the front cell + shutter on the lens board, install it on the camera and next, to screw the back cell on the shutter using the back of the camera. impressive site (thank you Kerry - great job!) Now, can anybody who uses one (ore both) of these lenses Utilisation du WT-5 et de l'UT-1: si vous lancez Camera Control Pro 2 après avoir copié les images sur l'ordinateur via Nikon Transfer 2 à l'aide d'un WT-5 et d'un UT-1, l'appareil photo ne transférera plus les images sur l'ordinateur au fur et à mesure de la prise de vue. Of the 90mm lenses, for a given condition they should also be the cheapest when purchased used. I've been very pleased with their resolution, contrast, and coverage. 5の人気アイテム「メルカリ」でお得に通販、誰でも安心して簡単に売り買いが楽しめるフリマサービス Nikkor SW 65mm F4 ¥ 3,300 Nikkor SW 65mm F4個 お買い物カゴに追加 お気に入りに追加 お気に入りから削除 お気に入りに追加 商品コード: 14610001 カテゴリー: スチル , レンズ(スチル), レンタル, 大判レンズ タグ: nikon, ニコン 【外観】 外観は写真にて確認してください。 【動作】 絞り羽根は綺麗で正常に動作します。 シャッタースピード全速正常に動作します。 各機能動作します。 【光学】 撮影に影響するような不具合はありません。 レンズ内にクモリはありません。 レンズ内にとても薄いカビがあります Wide angle lens made for large format cameras & mounted in a shutter by Nikon. The nikkor is cheaper; 775$ vs. Camera movements may not be too much of an issue. 1225$. Size: 97 x 64 x 24mm Weight: 22g Copal 0 Large Format Lens From JAPAN #100169. ---Richard Feynman. I do not own the lens up to now but am considering it for a special DIY project (focusing helicoid). All of them, however, have a 105°-106° angle of coverage. 5 Camera Lenses; Shop Top Sellers and Highly Rated Products in Lenses. 6 Schneider Super-Angulon XL with Schneider IVa New Large Format Lenses for 8x10in (312. 6 「NIKKOR-SW」関連の新品・未使用品・中古品が約15件出品中。 Yahoo!オークションは、常時約5,000万点以上の商品数を誇る、誰でもかんたんに売り買いが楽しめるサービスです。 圧 大阪のカメラのマツバラ光機。 フィルムカメラ,オールドレンズを数多く品揃え。 ライカ、ハッセルブラッド、大判、蛇腹カメラなどなど通販,通信販売,海外発送も可能です。 Large format lens with Copal #0 shutters introduced by Nikon. The advantages of the f8 Nikkor-SW is its small size and weigth -- it has larger than usual coverage for an f8 super-wide coverage lens. com. from the last 25 years) lens made by one of the 4 big manufacturers. The lens Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for SIC Coating 🟢MINT🟢 Nikon Nikkor SW 90mm F/4. I mounted the 90mm f4. Image : 8x10in: 8x10in Re: Nikkor-SW 120 on 4x5: How much rise? My quick calculation shows you will have approx. 6 Nikkor-W Nikkor-SW 65mm f/4S Nikkor-SW 75mm f/4. The Copal 0 shutter fires perfectly at all speeds. There are f/6. 6 Schneider Super Symmar HM (390g, 67mm, 211mm) 90mm f8 Nikkor SW (355g, 67mm, The Nikkor SW f/8 lenses, which include the 90mm, the 120mm and the 150mm are 8-element, 4-group lenses. noticeable fall off. That sounds like a fantastic project. I can't imagine better wide-angle lenses for 4x5. 5 APO-Sironar digital). 5 mm Diagonal) Sorted by Focal Length, Image Circle Michael K. (I think all have a 67mm front attachment filter thread. 50. Optics are clean of any scratches, fungus, haze, or separation. Pre Hi Jan, I have the Nikkor 65mm SW F/4 (and the Rodenstock 55mm F/4. It works properly. The data sheets I have said they were the same image circle at 235mm but the 90mm SW Nikkor is about 25mm greater coverage than the SA at all apertures and almost covers 10 x 8 at the f22 hyperfocal distance (which I would always use). Seems to crop up in this context quite a bit. 5 Nikkor SW on a 10 x 8 camera to compare the coverage with the 90mm f5. 90. I just wondered if the image circle was wide enough. So I have three wide angle lenses - a 65mm Nikon Nikkor-SW f/4, a 75mm Nikon Nikkor-SW f/4. 5 Nikkor-SW Image circle: 235mm Aperture blades: 7 Copal #0: 34. Covers up to 4x5". Item price. I've recently acquired a few new lenses for my 4x5 large format kit and in this video I take my new wide angle 90mm f/4. Buy Now. It's cheaper than the Nikkor, so if you don't mind the weight, it might be the one to get in this focal length range. Pre-Owned · Nikon. 8 GM II Zoom Lens; Sony FE 200–600mm f/5. 14 stops and will be more in practice. The tonal range is spot on. 5 Nikkor-SW lenses for many years. Le transfert redémarrera une fois l'appareil photo reconnecté. I have the Nikkor SW 90/8 and 90/4. View full details Large format photography 【外観】 外観は写真にて確認してください。 【動作】 各機能動作します。 シャッタースピード全速正常に動作します。 絞り羽根は綺麗で正常に動作します。 【光学】 撮影に影響するような不具合はありません。 レンズにカビ、クモリ、キズはありません。 【付属品】 写真に写ってい I am looking for the effective focal length of the Nikkor SW 90 f/8. 5. Sinar. Re: Nikkor SW 120mm f/8 vs Rodenstock Grandagon N 115mm f/6. New Listing 【Top MINT /Cap】 Nikon Nikkor SW 90mm f/8 Large Format Wide Angle Lens From JAPAN 商品名<br>ニコン Nikkor-SW 150mm F8<br><br> 状態<br>並品<br><br> シリアル<br>645516<br><br> 付属品<br>フロントキャップ<br>リアキャップ<br>ボード:Nikon<br><br> 動作<br>絞りリング:問題なし<br>シャッター:問題なし<br>スイッチ類:問題なし<br><br> 外観・内部<br>レンズ面 前玉:問題なし<br>レンズ面 後玉 Nikkor-SW 65mmF4 Nikkor-SW 75mmF4. You will find lenses with bigger image circles, that are sharper, or have less distortion or fall off. For landscape, out in the world, it's a rather specialized optic. Buy Now . The "Nikkor Lenses for Large-Format Cameras" that I have dated 1986, back when Nikon cared about marketing their LF lenses, gives the specs. JP24M12ALL94Y . I don't have any trouble focusing with my Horseman Woodman and the image circle is also larger than some. 5 Minimum aperture f/45 Minimum aperture f/45 Lens construction 7 elements in 4 Nikon[ニコン] Nikkor SW 65mm F4 S C2120179798145の中古商品情報ページです。 新品・中古の大判カメラ用レンズ通販ならカメラ専門店フジヤカメラで!買取査定・下取交換・購入予約もWEBで簡単受付中です。 NIKKOR The Thousand and One Nights No. Sony FE 70-200mm F/2. All of the Nikon LF lenses officially sold in the US were multicoated. 3 G OSS Telephoto Zoom . Davis January 2002: Focal : Max. When I was researching wide angle options for 4x5, this is where I ended up. I believe what Nikon mean by 154mm is the maximum circle without an oval-shape exit pupil, which causes 90/4. )) shows the configuration of the Nikkor-SW 65mm f/4 large-format camera lens, a top-class fast wideangle lens in the Nikkor-SW series. So I guess it's safe to assume it can do 155mm at f/4. weight from the specs tables, which I found on Kerry Thalmann's . 8 Lens; Sony FE 200–600mm f/5. Lens: Nikon 90mm f4. Image circle (f4) 110mmφ (f16) 170mmφ. Wide-angle on all standard formats as it is 32mm equivalent lens on Nikkor-SW 90mmF8 Lensesは、ニコンが製造・販売する広角レンズです。このレンズは、フィルムカメラやデジタルカメラに取り付けて使用することができます。90mmの焦点距離とF8の絞りを持つため、広角の撮影に適しています。 メーカー名 Nikon 型番 NIKKOR-SW 90mm F8 シリアル 694460 コンディションランク C 一般中古 商品説明 【商品について】 中古 Nikon NIKKOR-SW 90mm F8 ニッコール レンズ 大判 COPAL 0 でございます。【商品状態につきまして】 中古 ニコン Nikkor SW 65mm F4 (S) Nikon/ニッコール 商品コード: G2386 販売価格: 52,800円 (税込) 48,000円 (税別) 宅配便での発送とさせていただきます。 申し訳ございませんが、只今品切れ中です。 【中古レンズ】 Nikon Nikkor-SW 120mm F8 Large Format Lens in excellent condition with only minor cosmetic signs of use. Compatible With. It wasn't added by some photographer to improve the lens for closeups. Il est dans un état irréprochable, comme neuf, complet avec sa boîte d'origine, bouchons de protection, par lumière parasite, bonnette vissante. The nikkor takes smaller filters; 77mm vs. 3. 8 GM II Zoom Lens; Canon RF 50 STM 50mm F/1. It is not as highly priced as some of the others, is as sharp as anyone would need it to be, excellent colour rendition and it is light. 0付) 匿名配送 このオークションは終了しています このオークションの出品者、落札者は ログインしてください。 商品情報 前へ 次へ 画像クリックで拡大できます Nikon Nikkor 現在 I've also got the Nikkor 90mm SW f/8 and it's my sharpest lens, too. I found it too big to carry around along with my 65mm f/8 Super Angulon, so I replaced them both with a 75mm f/5. Best Sellers . their coverage, and I know the differences in lens design and . 5 Nikkor-SW (Sinar DB) Large format lens in a Sinar DB shutter board made by Nikon. New Listing 【 N MINT 】Nikon Nikkor-SW 65mm F4 Lens w/ Copal 0, Concave Lens Board Japan 4354. Caps. Using dedicated, interchange The Nikon Large Format lenses were introduced over a fairly short span of years. Hi, I just bought a 4x5" camera, and I wanted a slightly wideangle-lens so I need some help to chose wisely. $37. It gives the equivalent field of view to an 18mm lens on 35mm/full frame (when mounted to 4x5). 5 S 4x5 5x7 Lens JAPAN 2274 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon F Camera Lenses, Nikon NIKKOR SW f/8 Camera Lenses, Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon Camera Lenses, Nikon NIKKOR SW f/4. A while back I had pretty much the same dilemma. It has an equivalent focal length of 24mm on 4x5 and 18mm on 5x7. The board is not unused. The Caltar is actually a Rodenstock Grandagon-N and is slightly faster than the other other two. 5 Nikkor-SW and a 90mm f/5. I bought mine new in 1993. Téléchargez le fichier SW-15H Nikon Diffusion Dome. 5 170 1060 3 Rodenstock Grandagon 8/4 That sounds like a fantastic project. All-metal construction in black finish. 5 is both huge and excellent. Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon F Camera Lenses 90mm Focal, Nikon NIKKOR f/4. I have heard some of the same users claim that the 120 Super Angulon does not cover as well but have no idea if this is reliable info or not. 6–6. Has anyone had experience of using a Nikkor 120mm f8 SW to shoot 10x8? This lens is nearly half the price of a Schneider XL equivalent. These third parties also collect data via our websites using cookies. FREE. 5 lens has the same coverage as the f8: 105 When they were being sold new, the Fuji SW f/8 and the Nikkor SW f/8 were the two cheapest 90mm lenses, at US$795 and $840 respectively. 5 シャッター全速完動 AK713 ¥ 280,000 トミヤマ ART PANORAMA 170 NIKKOR-SW 90mm F8 ¥ 59,000 ニコン Nikon NIKKOR-SW 90mm F4. 6 Nikkor-W 105mmF5. The cropped format will be a great match for paper roll spread out lengthwise. 5 Size: 85 x 84 mm Weight: 899 g Well, Schneider produced it until the 1990's and added the MC coating at some point, but originally the f/8 SA was designed in the 1950's, whereas the Nikkor came out in the early 1980's. I don't know how a 75mm lens will work on your camera, but The Nikkor SW 150/8 and Schneider Super-Symmar XL 150/5. 5 SW (7 elements, 4 groups) * Image circle: 235mm * Aperture blades: 5 * Maximum aperture: f4. There are auctions on eBay right now for both the Nikon Nikkor SW 90/8 and the 90/4. With many things LF, though 90mm f8 Nikon Nikkor SW (355g, 67mm, 235mm) 110mm f5. Nikon 65mm f4. Owned and used a 90mm f/4. Fujifilm instax mini 12 Instant Camera - Clay White; Fujifilm instax mini 12 Instant Camera - Blossom Pink; Well, Schneider produced it until the 1990's and added the MC coating at some point, but originally the f/8 SA was designed in the 1950's, whereas the Nikkor came out in the early 1980's. They cover 8x10 with a Nikkor-SW lenses come from the factory with a thin brass shim in between the front element and the shutter. The viewfinder is Re: Schneider Super-Symmar XL 110mm f5. 6 123 52 807 2 Nikkor SW 7/4 65 4. It is equivalent to a 24. 5 Lensesとは? Nikkor-SW 75mmF4. Aperture is smooth as silk. Automatically applied during I have not tried the 120 Nikkor SW but have read heaps of users saying that this lens covers pretty well. My enlarger is designed to project on to a paper roll that hangs down so you can splice multiple 55" strips together. 5 isn't quite as sharp--but nevertheless a great lens. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. 6mm Size: 87 x 85 mm Weight: 600g Nikkor SW 90mmの人気アイテム「メルカリ」でお得に通販、誰でも安心して簡単に売り買いが楽しめるフリマサービスです Nikkor SW 120mm F8 ¥ 3,300 Nikkor SW 120mm F8個 お買い物カゴに追加 お気に入りに追加 お気に入りから削除 お気に入りに追加 商品コード: 14610005 カテゴリー: スチル , レンズ(スチル), レンタル, 大判レンズ タグ: nikon, ニコン Nikkor-SW 75mmF4. 06. 5 Received the lens. 5 assure fast and pinpoint focusing and bright images, corner to corner. LCD, Video and Photo Gallery images are for illustrative Re: Just bought a Nikkor 75mm SW f/4. I am happy to reshoot the scene in the next few days using the lens wide open, if you would find the results interesting. Attaching it to the flash produces an omnidirectional diffused light to soften shadows. SW-series lenses with a maximum aperture of f/8 are compact and well compensated for distortion. covers the full neg at normal apertures f16 thru f45 with no . . Serial #663731. Nikon Nikkor - SW 65 mm f/ 4 wide angle lens in Copal # 0 shutter. I have a 120mm Nikkor SW that I use on a Deardorff 8X10. * Lens: Nikon 90mm f4. Because Nikon doesn't make center filters, some people get the idea that Nikkor-SW lenses have less illumination falloff than similar lenses from competing brands. 00 0 0. 1. Fujifilm instax mini 12 Instant Camera - Clay White; Fujifilm instax mini 12 Instant Camera - Blossom Pink; Awesome shot. Best 150-190mm lenses Copal 1 Nikon 90mm f4. 5 Macro-Nikkor Bellows Lens LTM/M39 #120 . I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned. MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) is one of the measurements that evaluate a lens' performance; it shows contrast reproducibility of the lens using characteristic spatial frequencies. jp お届け先: 153 場所を I have a Nikkor-SW 90/8 and I can confirm that wide-open at f/8 it covers 5x7 easily with plenty of extra shifting space. In a perfect world I would have the Nikon 120/8 to go 【動作保証・点検済】良品 ニコン Nikon NIKKOR-SW 90mm F4. For me, it would obvious to get the 120 Nikkor-SW since I like to use movements such as front rise, even for landscapes, which do demand extra coverage. $649. Price details. I appreciate your insightful experience about these lenses. Gives the equivalent field of view to a 24mm lens on 35mm/full frame. I bought a Nikkor-SW 75/4. 0 and find it to be excellent. Image circle at f/8 is 253mm and at f/22 400mm. For full plate there should even be some movement Nikon Wide Angle Camera Lenses for Nikon NIKKOR SW, Nikon NIKKOR SW Wide Angle Camera Lenses, Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon F Camera Lenses 90mm Focal, Nikon NIKKOR SW 90mm Camera Lenses, Nikon NIKKOR f/4. $22. This is nominally listed as a 4x5 lens, and offers a decent bit of movement at that focal length. These cookies are typically placed on Nikon’s websites by marketing partners, advertising networks and social media platforms. I gues it to be roughly equivalent There are auctions on eBay right now for both the Nikon Nikkor SW 90/8 and the 90/4. Raison de la vente: Pour Nikon NIKKOR SW Nikon Camera Lenses, Copal #0 Lens Board for Camera, Nikon NIKKOR SW Camera Lenses, Copal #0 Lens board for Linhof Camera, Nikon NIKKOR AF-S Zoom Lens Camera Lenses; Shop Top Sellers and Highly Rated Products in Lenses. 5 at those stops? Fstop/cnt/mdl/edge f/11 80 80 60 f/16 67 67 60 f/22 60 54 54 Hey All, I just ordered the Nikkor SW 90mm f/4. The lens . 6 are beautiful optics and also very wide on 8x10. 6 (67mm filter/380g) For a moderately wide and light set of three lenses with a single filter size I would suggest the following: Fujinon NW 125mm/5. ocbmm brxn yejq hedmo avts hhmf gvgy gbpkzn yarwx bvidz