Sqlzoo answers select names. Page; Discussion; More.

Sqlzoo answers select names. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Sqlzoo answers select names What I write: SELECT nam Contribute to JonathanYiv/sqlzoo development by creating an account on GitHub. name ) Note the last condition in the inner query where I'm excluding the "x" country from the list of "y" countries by doing x. My solutions to SQL Zoo. */ SELECT yr, subject, winner. Show the countries that are big by area or big by population but not both. What you want is this: SELECT winner, subject FROM nobel WHERE yr = 1984 ORDER BY CASE WHEN subject IN ('Physics','Chemistry') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, subject, winner These answers to the SQLZoo queries give many examples of using select statements. id WHERE ord = 1 GROUP BY name HAVING COUNT (movieid) >= 15. SQL practice problems set. SELECT name FROM world WHERE population = 64105700 SELECT name FROM world WHERE population > 200000000 Question: For each country that has had at last 1000 new cases in a single day, show the date of the peak number of new cases. Query. Prior video on "SELECT from WORLD": https://youtu. Read; SELECT name, gdp_per_capita FROM (SELECT name, gdp / population AS gdp_per_capita FROM world) X WHERE gdp_per_capita > 20000. continent FROM world w WHERE w. FROM nobel. This is for countries which have capital name in their name. SELECT x. (200 million is 200000000, there are eight zeros) 3. 3 SELECT from Nobel Additional practice of the basic features using a table of Nobel Prize winners. Observe the result of running a simple SQL command. SELECT a. SELECT name AS Country, continent as Continent, CASE WHEN continent='Oceania' THEN 'Australasia' WHEN continent IN ('Eurasia', 'Turkey') THEN 'Europe/Asia' WHEN continent='Caribbean' AND name This tutorial introduces the notion of a join. name = 'Harrison Ford' 31. com; as I am based Check out per floor. continent FROM world x WHERE x. You can use the LENGTH function to find the number of characters in a string; For Microsoft SQL Server the function LENGTH is LEN SELECT continent, name FROM world x WHERE name ALL (SELECT name FROM world y WHERE name) mysql; sql; Share. SELECT w. This website makes no representation or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness ownership or reliability of the article or any translations thereof. movieid IN ( SELECT m. Show the name and the extension where the capital is an extension of name of the country. SELECT name FROM world WHERE capital LIKE CONCAT('%', name, '%'); The below is for countries that have same name as capital. id FROM casting c JOIN movie m ON m. SQL practice problems and solutions. com/watch?v=szOGMlfwJSESQL ZOO - Where to go to follow along:SELEC NOTE : I have cut some of the letters from the names for proper formatting else I would've had to go through each line and do it manually. Just run the query 2. . 7/21/2020. SELECT name, confirmed, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY confirmed DESC) AS rc, deaths, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY deaths DESC) AS rd FROM covid WHERE whn = ' 2020-04-20 ' ORDER Your second solution is correct, but because of the single space before ' Australia' in query (select continent from world where name IN ('Argentina',**' Australia'**) ) is giving you wrong output. Give the id and the name for the stops on the '4' 'LRT' service. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions Name. Read; View source; History; Language: SELECT name FROM casting JOIN actor ON actorid = actor. name, d. I find it easier to interpret such a query when it uses min() and max() explicitly:. # 1. SELECT name, continent FROM world x WHERE population > ALL (SELECT 3*population FROM world y WHERE x. Hot Network Questions Is it appropriate for a Christian to pray for angelic protection in the face of Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. num = b. continent AND x. region=x. movieid INNER JOIN actor a ON a. – teamking12. WHERE area > 5000000--#3 /* Where to find some very small, SELECT continent, name FROM world x WHERE x. Also, to exclude something from the reply, you can use NOT LIKE. This is supported by Ansi Sql, so the answer can be obtained by using XOR in the comparison criteria, like so:. List the films where 'Harrison Ford' has appeared - but not in the starring role. Baltic states population. The % is a wild-card it can match any characters; Find the country that start SELECT name, continent FROM world x--Outer query that pulls all the relevant data from all countries WHERE population > ALL (-- limits query output only to those where inner correlated query satisfies the condition SELECT population * 3-- 3x population than all other countries condition FROM world y WHERE x. WHERE name LIKE '____' # 11 /* The capital of Luxembourg is Luxembourg. name) FROM world w2 WHERE w1. Commented Jul 4, 2017 at 6:46. 9. SELECT region, name, population FROM bbc x WHERE population <= ALL (SELECT population FROM bbc y WHERE y. sql. Find and fix vulnerabilities SELECT continent, COUNT(name) FROM world. Lesotho and Moldova both have two o characters separated by two other characters. m_name, COALESCE(comp_cnt, 0) compositions, COALESCE(instr_cnt, 0) instruments. Contribute to JonathanYiv/sqlzoo development by creating an account on GitHub. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. SELECT_from_Nobel_Tutorial_answers. id) \n Use COUNT to show the number of teachers and the number of mobile phones. name <> 'Art Garfunkel' AND c. To learn more, see our tips on writing great Explore solutions for SQLZOO's '7 More JOIN Operations' challenges by contributing to the development on GitHub. name, w. SELECT from Nobel. population > (SELECT 3 * MAX(w2. Sign You want all of the vowels in the word, so you need to use AND, not OR. company, stopb. SELECT name FROM world. FROM world--#2 /* SELECT name, ROUND(gdp/population, -3) FROM world. JOIN statement. (SQLZOO Select within Select 7) Ask Question Asked 7 years, 1 month ago. HINT Select goals scored How to write the various SQL Zoo queries. name continent area population gdp; Afghanistan: Asia: 652230: 25500100: 20343000000: Albania: Europe: 28748 2831741 12960000000 Algeria: Africa: 2381741 37100000 / SQLZOO Solutions / 1-SELECT-name. 2 SELECT from World. /*1. name<>y. Add a HAVING clause to restrict the output to these two routes. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. WHERE y. 0 SELECT basics Some simple queries to get you started 1 SELECT name Some pattern matching queries 2 SELECT from World In which we query the World country profile table. No-8. name = 'ART Garfunkel' ) ORDER BY a. 200 million From SQLZOO. See SELECT FROM SELECT for how to use a derived table. name); Please refer to sqlzoo question #7 for the /*Two ways to be big: A country is big if it has an area of more than 3 million sq km or it has a population of more than 250 million. name from world y where The order should not matter, but the website's answer (when you answer incorrectly) suggests that the output should be ordered by country name. SQL Zoo Examples; SQLZoo Topic. SELECT name, population FROM world WHERE population > (SELECT population FROM world WHERE name = 'United Kingdom') AND population < (SELECT population FROM Select within select tutorial # This tutorial looks at how we can use SELECT statements within SELECT statements to perform more complex queries. Find the continents where all countries have a population <= 25000000. a,b used for the first bus, c,d for the second bus. 4 SELECT within SELECT. name, x. Change the query shown so that it displays Nobel prizes for 1950. Use COUNT to show the number of teachers and the number of mobile phones. name = 'John Travolta' GROUP BY m. The first example shows the goal scored by a player with the last name 'Bender'. SELECT SUM (population) FROM world. # 3. In which we query the World country profile table. WHERE yr = 1950--#2 /* Show who won the 1962 prize for Literature. SQL queries. Follow edited this i guess is the answer. Give the name of the 'peace' winners since the year 2000, including 2000. We run google ads and we are showing video ads to USA users via cleanmedia. WHERE name <= ALL(SELECT name FROM world y . Answers The last question does not always give the Show the name and the population. 4 SELECT within SELECT In which we form queries using other queries. You signed out in another tab or window. Run the query and notice the two services that link these stops have a count of 2. Observe the result of running this SQL command to show the name, continent and population of all countries. Pattern Matching Strings. name <= ALL (SELECT name FROM world y WHERE x. Find the continents where all countries have a population Sqlzoo Practice Answer--select Names/zh This article is an English version of an article which is originally in the Chinese language on aliyun. region AND population>0) Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. 30. name ); Answer: SELECT continent, name, area FROM world x WHERE area >= ALL (SELECT area FROM world y WHERE y. SELECT name. I think SQL Zoo uses a version of SQL Server that doesn't support CONCAT and furthermore it looks like you have to do a CAST. -- SQLZoo WORLD Tutorial Questions and Answers-- 1. stop and num=4 and company='LRT') # 4. */ SELECT name, continent, population. Bigger than Russian # List each SELECT name, length (name) FROM world WHERE length (name) = 5 and region = 'Europe' SELECT name, concat (name, 'town') FROM world WHERE name LIKE '%ina%' SELECT name FROM world WHERE capital = concat ( name , ' City' ) Find the capital and the name where Contribute to codyloyd/sqlzoo-solutions development by creating an account on GitHub. Some pattern matching queries. name = (SELECT MIN(w2. 200 million is 200000000, there are eight zeros. Europe: Angola: Africa. Contribute to mattdood/SQLZOO-answers development by creating an account on GitHub. Order results by year SELECT name, Skip to main content. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions SELECT name, COALESCE(mobile, '07986 444 2266') FROM teacher--#6 /* Use the COALESCE function and a LEFT JOIN to print the From SQLZoo. WHERE name LIKE 'John %' GROUP BY When do they get here? List the arrival time and the first and last names for all guests due to arrive on 2016-11-05, order the output by time of arrival. The % is a wild-card it can match any characters; Find the country that start The in operator can't be used in the select as you did, but you were on the right path using a case expression in the order by clause. Show the name, continent and population of all countries. name = 'Tollcross' --#9 Give a distinct list of the stops which may be reached from 'Craiglockhart' by taking one bus, including 'Craiglockhart' itself. You are not getting Continent name Oceania. A person's White Christmas COUNT (wcc) is the number of White Christmases they were exposed to as a child (BETWEEN 3 and 12 inclusive assuming they were born at the beginning of the year and were about 1 year old on their first Christmas). com and is provided for information purposes only. SELECT COUNT (name) FROM world WHERE area >= 1000000. 6. You can have multiple fields in your order by clause to sort the data. 4 DATE and TIME Select Basics - Answers; Select from World - Answers; See if you can spot the Contribute to pisangi/SQLZoo_Solutions development by creating an account on GitHub. select constituency,party from (SELECT constituency,party, votes,RANK() over (partition by constituency order by votes desc) as r: FROM ge: WHERE constituency BETWEEN 'S14000021' AND 'S14000026' AND yr \n \n 3. Contribute to REzio/SQLZoo_Answers development by creating an account on GitHub. continent = w. Select Basics - Answers; Select from World - Answers; See if you can spot the pattern; SQL Show the name and capital where the name and the capital have the same number of characters. Strings should be in 'single quotes'; Show the population of Germany */ SELECT population. ORDER BY CASE subject IN ('Chemistry', 'Physics') WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, subject, winner Contribute to leah-ewing/SQLZoo-Answers development by creating an account on GitHub. name FROM casting c JOIN actor a ON a. Austria (population 8. Reload to refresh your session. Blame. md. SELECT name, population, area FROM world WHERE Contribute to jisaw/sqlzoo-solutions development by creating an account on GitHub. The table Contribute to REzio/SQLZoo_Answers development by creating an account on GitHub. id=route. continent = x. WHERE My solutions to all of the main 9 and 4 additional topics posted on the sqlzoo. num, a. SQLZOO SELECT from nobel #14. sql","path":"More JOIN operations. name='julie andrews' ) /* Now use this as a starting point to join to the relevant tables to fetch the required actors from the movieIDs from the derived table */ select m. Find the countries that have two "o" characters separated by two others. arrival_time, SELECT name FROM world WHERE GDP > ALL(SELECT COALESCE(GDP,0) FROM world WHERE continent = 'Europe'); In above if you pass COALESCE(GDP,0) , that means you are passing GDP column and if any value is Null in GDP, then COALESCE function will return '0' (user provided value). stop = c. You can use the LENGTH function to find the number of characters in a string; For Microsoft SQL Server the function LENGTH is LEN Answers to SQLZoo. We will be using the SELECT command on the table world: You can use WHERE name LIKE 'B%' to find the countries that start with "B". sql {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":"More JOIN operations. Read; View source; History; A SELECT statement gets data from a table. name!= other. Answers. city and city. SELECT name FROM world WHERE name LIKE '%U' Select the answer which shows the problem with this SQL code - the intended result should be the continent of France: SELECT continent FROM world WHERE 'name' = 'France' About SQLZoo; SELECT name, population FROM world WHERE population BETWEEN 1000000 AND 1250000. released in the year 1978. \n To JOIN game with eteam you could use either game JOIN eteam ON (team1=eteam. id) Notice that because id is a column name in both game and eteam you must specify eteam. Answer: SELECT m. 2. Show the name for the countries that have a population of at least 200 million. */ SELECT name. -- You can use WHERE name LIKE 'B%' to find the countries that start with "B". About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; How to solve # 7 in SQLZOO select names section. dept = dept. continent order by y. 3 SELECT from Nobel. 2 CREATE and DROP How to create tables, indexes, views and other things. List the films released in the year 1978 ordered by the number of actors in the cast, then by title. stop SELECT m. Copy path. How to solve # 7 in SQLZOO select names section. /*Exclusive OR (XOR). What is the total population of ('Estonia', 'Latvia', 'Lithuania') SELECT I have started to learn MySQL. ----Show the 1984 winners and subject ordered by subject and winner name; but list Chemistry and Physics last. You can use the underscore as a single character wildcard. From SQLZOO. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Here is the table world: +-----+-----+-----+ | name | continent | area | +-----+-----+-----+ | Afghanistan | Asia | 652230 | | Albania List the name and addresses of companies containing the word 'Bike' (upper or lower case) and companies containing 'cycle' (upper or lower case). You switched accounts on another tab or window. Write better code with AI Security SELECT name, population, area FROM world WHERE population > 250000000 AND NOT area > 3000000 OR NOT population > 250000000 AND I'm going through sqlzoo and I'm supposed to &quot;Show the name and capital where the name and the capital have the same number of characters&quot; The code I came up with was the following. Pick the result you would obtain from this code: SELECT name, population FROM world WHERE name LIKE “Al%” Ans: Table E. youtube. I cant figure out Why am I getting the wrong dates but the Using SELECT in SELECT. In the Nested SELECT quiz from sqlzoo (link here:) Q1: Select the code that shows the name, region and population of the smallest country in each region. WHERE gdp > 1000000000000--#11 /* The CASE statement shown is used to substitute North America for name region area population gdp; Afghanistan: South Asia: 652225: 26000000: Albania: Europe: 28728: 3200000: 6656000000: Algeria: Middle East: 2400000: 32900000: SELECT continent, name FROM world x WHERE x. List all of the Star Trek movies, include the id, title and yr (all of these movies include the words Star Trek in the title). Contribute to keilorg/sqlzoo-solutions development by creating an account on GitHub. population > ALL( SELECT other. I hope this has given you clarity on the query. company AND a. name, COALESCE( dept. Then find the names of the countries associated with these continents. 1 SELECT name. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Latest commit Data of winners where winner starts with 'Sir' Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company SELECT name, area FROM world WHERE area BETWEEN 200000 AND 250000 The ORDER BY clause is used when you want your data set to be sorted a particular way when it is return. 4 DATE and TIME Select Basics - Answers; Select from World - Answers; See if you can spot the You can use a JOIN to get results from two or more related tables. name FROM world x WHERE x. In which we form queries using other queries SELECT teacher. Read; View source; History; Language: SELECT name FROM nobel WHERE winner LIKE 'C%' AND winner LIKE '%n' SELECT winner FROM nobel WHERE winner LIKE '%C' AND winner LIKE 'n%' SELECT winner FROM nobel WHERE winner LIKE 'C%' AND winner LIKE '%n' Select the code that Interactive exercise 9 Difficult Questions That Utilize Techniques Not Covered In Prior Sections at https://sqlzoo. 1. SELECT within SELECT. continent=x. The database consists of three tables - movie, actor, casting. name in (SELECT y. To see all available qualifiers, see our documentation. name The SELECT . FROM world; SELECT name, ROUND(population/1000000, 2), ROUND(gdp/1000000000, 2) FROM world . Skip to content. name FROM world y WHERE y. */ SELECT winner, yr, subject. Contribute to codyloyd/sqlzoo-solutions development by creating an account on GitHub. SELECT name, REPLACE(capital, name, '') AS ext FROM world where capital LIKE -- SELECT names -- -- URL: https://sqlzoo. population > ALL( SELECT (y. 5 SUM (Note this is OP's Question 8 - Question 7 would just be OR). 5 SUM Notice that because id is a column name in both game and eteam you must specify eteam. And there has our solution 'sql' Answers to SQLZoo. name (#13 currently Select the code which gives the name of countries beginning with U SELECT name FROM world WHERE name BEGIN with U. net - SELECT_from_WORLD_Tutorial: Q. id = c2. num, d. title) = ( SELECT MAX(t. The logical operation requiring either condition A, or condition B, but not both simultaneously, is Exclusive Or, and is abbreviated to XOR. Write better code with AI Security. Select the code which shows the countries that end in A or L Ans: SELECT name FROM world WHERE name LIKE ‘%a’ OR name LIKE ‘%l’ Third section of sqlzoo, SELECT from Nobel */--#1 /* Change the query shown so that it displays Nobel prizes for 1950. actorid where a. gdp/population for each country where the area is over 5,000,000 km2 */ SELECT name, gdp/population. Large Countries # How to use Here are the answers to all of the sql zoo questions: answers. 1 SELECT How to read the data from a database. WHERE stopa. The first digit of the room number indicates the floor – e. Only after some fretting did I realise that SQLzoo wants you to SELECT the population before you call the area. 5 SUM You can use SELECT within SELECT to pick out only the winners in Edinburgh. num) JOIN stops stopa ON a. When using sql server in SQL Zoo, then don't use CONCAT:. title, a. If ord=1 then this actor is in the starring role] Answer: SELECT name, population, area FROM world WHERE (area > 30000000 | population > 25000000) & (area < 30000000 & population < 25000000) population > 25000000) & (area < 30000000 & population < 25000000) I am trying this on sqlzoo. continent) Specific question Confirm or correct my understanding: the ALL function at the end of line 2 basically says select the area that is at the top of the following list (since all indicates a list is about to come) / SQLZOO Solutions / 4-SELECT-within-SELECT. Contribute to ritakalach/sqlzoo-solutions development by creating an account on GitHub. Winners from 1950. continent) # 9 /* Find the continents where all countries have a population <= 25000000. continent) Difficult Questions That Utilize Techniques Not Covered In Prior Sections Find the continents where all countries have a population <= 25000000. Hence the correct solution is: SELECT name, population, area FROM world WHERE (area > 3000000 AND population <= 250000000) OR (area <= 3000000 AND population > 250000000) This got me the “Correct answer” result, and the December 2021 we are experimenting with google auto-placement ads. continent AND-- compares This is my question: Find the capital and the name where the capital includes the name of the country. SELECT booking. Table 1. continent = w2. Select the code which gives the name of countries beginning with U 3. Show the parties that won for each Edinburgh constituency in 2017. 3 INSERT and DELETE How to put records into a table, change them and how to take them out again. Language: English • Deutsch • español • 日本語 • 中文 SELECT name, population FROM world WHERE name IN ('Sweden', 'Norway', 'Denmark'); Just the right size. continent, w1. Here is a few sample data of the covid table. population*3) FROM world y WHERE x. Give the name and the per capita GDP for those countries with a population of at least 200 Which were the busiest years for 'John Travolta', show the year and the number of movies he made each year for any year in which he made more than 2 movies. Read; (name, continent, area, population, gdp) SELECT SUM (population) FROM world. id) 7. If you just want a list of each continent and the name of the country and order by country name alphabetically then you won't even need the WHERE clause. Find the country where the name is the capital city. Some simple queries to get you started. population * 3 FROM world other --Data for comparing -> other WHERE me. FROM world. bbc; name region area population gdp; Afghanistan: South Asia: 652225: 26000000: Albania: Europe: 28728: 3200000: 6656000000: Algeria: Middle East: 2400000: 32900000: Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Contribute to Lcs002/SQLZoo development by creating an account on GitHub. SELECT from World. title FROM movie m INNER JOIN casting c ON m. movieid Show the name for the countries that have a population of at least 200 million. More; Page actions. Q. */ SELECT name, SELECT teacher. title) FROM movie m JOIN casting c ON m. name = 'Craiglockhart' AND stopb. GROUP BY continent--#7 /* For each continent show the continent and number of countries I am new to SQL, and I really have no idea why my answer is wrong: select yr from nobel where yr in (Skip to main content. name FROM world w1 WHERE w1. continent=y. SELECT name FROM world WHERE Show year, subject, and name of people who won a 'Medicine' prize in an early year (before 1910, not including 1910) --together with winners of a 'Literature' prize in a later year SELECT yr, subject, winner FROM nobel 0 SELECT basics. You can use the SQL function REPLACE. selec SELECT continent, name, area FROM world WHERE name IN (SELECT continent, name, MAX(area) FROM world GROUP BY continent); I know this doesn't work, but why not? It seems like the nested SELECT statement is finding the country with the MAX area per continent, is it not? Show the name and capital where the name and the capital have the same number of characters. room 201 is on the 2nd floor. continent); 9. 5 million) has 11% of the population of Germany. id = c. SQLZOO Answer: The JOIN operation (all passed) 3、Modify it to show the player, teamid, stadium and mdate for every German goal. Navigation Menu SELECT name, COALESCE(mobile, ' 07986 444 2266 ') FROM teacher; Use the COALESCE function and a 0 SELECT basics Some simple queries to get you started 1 SELECT name Some pattern matching queries 2 SELECT from World In which we query the World country profile table. Routes and stops # The query shown gives the number of routes that visit either London Road (149) or Craiglockhart (53). This is the correct answer: Select continent,name from world x Where x. Stack Overflow. yr HAVING COUNT(m. Instant dev environments SELECT name, ROUND(population / 1000000, 2),ROUND(GDP / List the arrival time and the first and last names for all guests due to arrive on 2016-11-05, order the output by time of arrival. Modified 17 days ago. company = c. movieCount) FROM ( SELECT m2. Introduction-- Show the name, continent, and population of all countries: SELECT name, continent, population . g. continent--Filter by same continent AND me. Show the name and the population of each Using SELECT name, dept, COALESCE(dept, 0) AS result FROM teacher on teacher table will: Personally, I find the use of the any, all, and some keywords to be a bit hard to follow. Last Checked. name--Filter by distinct names AND population != 0) --Filter by not null population # Read the notes about this table. name limit 1) Sqlzoo SELECT within name continent area population gdp; Afghanistan: Asia: 652230: 25500100: 20343000000: Albania: Europe: 28748 2831741 12960000000 Algeria: Africa: 2381741 37100000 From SQLZoo. Instead concatenate with the use of '+'. India and Angola have an n as the second character. Order by year. WHERE name LIKE capital # 12 /* The query shown gives the number of routes that visit either London Road (149) or Craiglockhart (53). Show name, population and area. actorid = a. continent = y. yr, COUNT(m. then by name order. 5 SUM Show the name for the countries that have a population of at least 200 million. net tutorial. SELECT w1. The column score is a percentage - you must use the method outlined above to multiply the percentage by the response and divide by the total response. and b,c use the same stop to connect. continent AND w2. id. Teams. continent = other. Read; View source; SELECT name, population FROM world WHERE name IN ('Brazil', 'Russia', 'India', 'China'); SELECT name, population FROM world WHERE name IN ('Sweden', 'Norway', 'Denmark'); Just the right size. company FROM route a JOIN route b ON (a. SELECT name FROM world WHERE capital LIKE name; How to run the various queries on the "Select from Nobel" page. From SQLZoo. net:. stop) JOIN route d ON (d. show the name of all players who scored a goal against Germany. This is my answer: SELECT name,capital FROM world WHERE capital=concat(name,"NULL") I dont I use the code below. Show the name and the extension where the capital is a proper (non-empty) extension of name of the country. continent like x. num) JOIN route c ON (b. company AND c. name, COALESCE(dept. name <= ALL(select y. Additional practice of the basic features using a table of Nobel Prize winners. FROM temp1 8. Sign in SELECT name, COUNT(movieid) FROM casting JOIN actor ON actorid = actor. Notice that the inner table is given an alias X; the first column in the inner query keeps its name; the second column in the inner query has an alias; SELECT name, population/area AS density FROM bbc WHERE population > (SELECT MAX(population) FROM bbc) Pick the result that would be obtained from the following code: SELECT region, SUM(area) FROM bbc GROUP BY region HAVING SUM(area)<= 20000000 From SQLZoo. The idea is to list from the 'world' database countries that have the same first letter as From SQLZoo. Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Run the query First section of sqlzoo, SELECT basics */--#1 /* The example shows the population of 'France'. net/wiki/SELECT_names -- Pattern Matching Strings -- 1. n 1 SELECT name. Select the answer which shows the problem with this SQL code - the intended result should be the continent of France Had a quick go, this goes the trick /* Create a derived table of the relevant IDs*/ with j as ( select movieid from casting c join actor a on a. Namespaces. name <> y. Australia has a big area but a small Second section of sqlzoo, SELECT from WORLD */--#1 /* Read the notes about this table. This tutorial uses the LIKE operator to check names. yr, COUNT(m2. List the dates of the matches and the name of the team in which 'Fernando Santos' was the team1 coach. Contribute to Brocq18/sqlzoo-answers development by creating an account on GitHub. com from levels 1-10 (minus 9+ COVID-19 level) - morantejr/sqlzoo-answers. Please select the SQL Engine to SQLSERVER. Show the average scores for question 'Q22' for each institution that include 'Manchester' in the name. Each table contains rows and columns - you can SELECT some columns and ignore others The column names on the select line control which columns you get; The FROM clause controls which table you access; schema:scott. movieid JOIN actor a ON c. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions. About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or the browser send a post request named 'sqlgo'. id WHERE a. To learn more, see our tips on writing great 0 SELECT basics Some simple queries to get you started 1 SELECT name Some pattern matching queries 2 SELECT from World In which we query the World country profile table. actorid WHERE a. name. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions SELECT temp1. Contribute to jisaw/sqlzoo-solutions development by creating an account on GitHub. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. [Note: the ord field of casting gives the position of the actor. SELECT winner FROM nobel WHERE subject = 'peace' AND yr >= 2000. name from j join movie m on To JOIN game with eteam you could use either game JOIN eteam ON (team1=eteam. Solutions for sqlzoo. Automate any workflow Codespaces. Using SELECT in SELECT. Which countries are not too small and not too big? BETWEEN allows range SELECT name, continent FROM world me --Data for main search -> me WHERE me. I'm working my way through SQLZoo, and have gotten rather stuck on the 'Matching Name and Capital' exercise. title) AS movieCount FROM movie m2 JOIN casting c2 ON m2. For each day of the week beginning 2016-11-14 show how many rooms are being vacated that day by floor number. SELECT name, continent, population FROM world # 2. If you want to find the country where the games took place you must JOIN the games table to the city table on the common field that is games. In this example each row of the table games is related to a row of the table city. name, ' None ') AS dept FROM teacher LEFT JOIN dept ON (teacher. company = b. continent, x. be/nw1YyPbnKakSQL ZOO Link: https://sqlzoo. Viewed 786 times -2 So you don SELECT continent, name, area FROM world x WHERE area >= ALL (SELECT area FROM Germany (population 80 million) has the largest population of the countries in Europe. ----The expression subject IN ('Chemistry','Physics') can be used as a value - it will be 0 or 1. id instead of just id List the the dates of the matches and the name of the team in which 'Fernando Santos' was the team1 coach. continent = y. This is a question from SQLZOO. Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting Answers to the SELECT from WORLD tutorial on SQLzoo. -- Find the SELECT name, concat(name, 'town') FROM world WHERE name LIKE '%ina%' SELECT name FROM world WHERE capital = concat(name, ' City') Find the capital and the name where the SELECT name FROM world WHERE name LIKE '%a%a%a%' If you want to do case-insensitive search for either a or A then you can use the LOWER() function: SELECT These answers to the SQLZoo queries give many examples of using select statements. This exclusion condition counts in addition to all the vowel-conditions, so it too needs to be linked with AND. name <> w. 8. name, ' None ')\n FROM teacher LEFT JOIN dept\n ON (teacher. These are more intrusive but they are making a lot of money. All answers were 💯 percent correct and generated correct feedback on the day they were uploaded. Provide details and share your research! But avoid Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. List all of the Star Trek movies, include the id, title and yr. The SELECT from Nobel video: https://www. SELECT basics. The example below The capital of Monaco is Monaco-Ville: this is the name Monaco and the extension is -Ville. Sometimes you need to access two or more tables to get the data required. WHERE winner LIKE 'sir%' ORDER BY yr DESC, winner--#14 /* The From SQLZoo. id=c. population) FROM world w2 WHERE w2. How to get rid of them. sql","contentType":"file"},{"name SQL Zoo solutions. Show all the countries where the capital is the same as the name of the country. id instead of just id. Which countries are not too small and not too big? BETWEEN allows range checking (range specified is inclusive of boundary values). id) or game JOIN eteam ON (team2=eteam. Part 2:SELECT from WORLD Tutorial 1. Give the name of the 'Peace' winners since the year 2000, including 2000: AND yr >= 2000;-- 5. The result of a SELECT statement may be used as a value in another statement. Show name, continent and population. The * says to list all the columns in the table - a shorter way of saying matchid, teamid, player, gtime You signed in with another tab or window. If that is not done, no rows will be returned in the result. Ensure that the 'bike's are listed before the 'cycles's. SQL Zoo Examples. select id, name from stops join route on (stops. Show all details (yr, subject, winner) of the 0 SELECT basics Some simple queries to get you started 1 SELECT name Some pattern matching queries 2 SELECT from World In which we query the World country profile table. 5 SUM From SQLZoo. Read; View source; History; Using the SELECT statement. Which countries are not too small and not too big? BETWEEN allows range SELECT x. (200 million is 200000000, there are eight zeros) I'm a little confused by the use of ALL. num = d. Page; Discussion; More. Try Teams for free Explore Teams.