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Spotted congo puffer tank mates. Spotted Congo Puffer – Tetraodon Schoutedeni.

Spotted congo puffer tank mates I'm actually thinking of scratching another tank I keep my brackish fish in (monos, skats, columbian sharks) and doing a full marine tank with lion fish or another cool fish like a spotted grouper, but then I'd need to upgrade my tank again later on so idk I was just thinking of switching things up with this stock as these guys are kinda, well New additions to tank: a random guppy from Petco months ago (a family member did this when I was away), the guppy is very healthy, and a couple plant cuttings from a clean tank today. Include algae eaters, plecos, everything. Congo pufferfish can live for 10 years in the freshwater aquarium if raised under suitable conditions. Very unusual for pufferfish, the Congo Spotted Puffer is not only tolerant of their own kind, but can also be kept with other, non-pufferfish. Members Online. He is in a planted community tank and gets along great with everyone other than snails. This pufferfish requires a well-established aquarium with a soft sandy bottom and relatively heavily planting (hard-leaved plants, Details - Natural Range: Congo Basin, Pool Malebo Source: Harvested from Nature Estimated size at shipping: 2-3" Max Size: around 3-4" Sold as: Unsexed Overview: These freshwater puffers from Africa are a holy grail in the puffer A short video on my care of my Spotted Congo Puffer. Thread starter FallenPepper; Start date Jan 15, 2020; FallenPepper Fish Crazy. While there is a good chance that your Congo puffer might remain hidden in the substrate for Tank Mates. Green Spotted Puffers (Tetraodon nigroviridis) are a difficult species to find in aquarium shops as they are almost always wild-caught. Let’s explore some lesser-known aspects of their These beautiful ruby shrimp are slow-moving and peaceful, although they have a nervous nature. Fin A brief look at some tank mate options for T. 3) Feeding, water change schedule and a list of all products you are using or have added to the tank (examples: Cycle, Amquel, salt, etc) 4) What changes you've made in the tank in the last week or so. (Ctenopoma acutirostre) would be fine tank mates? Reactions: Deadeye. Deadeye POTM Curator. 0-8. But I fear that my tank is too small for more puffers. This little middle Congo ctenopoma Tank Mates. Reaching an adult size of 3–4 inches (7. 6 and a water temperature between 74-78 degrees. Next up, three spot gouramis, if you’re wondering which tank mates you can keep with them, then Good tank mates for Blue Spot Puffer? Thread starter 208Reefer; Start date Oct 27, 2021; Tags compatability Tagged users None Jump to Last Oct 27, 2021 #1 208Reefer New Member View Badges. Open comment sort options. They I had luck blacking the sides of my tank to help with glass surfing. Freshwater puffer talk in here. Challenging. Also called the Schoutedeni Puffer, it is the smallest of the African puffers. The Congo pufferfish will grow to lengths of approximately 15 centimetres and is completely freshwater. Size: Up They are known to live in tropical and temperate climates. I prefer to use bare-bottom or a thin layer of pea gravel, just for ease of cleaning on a busy schedule, but Congo puffers likes to bury themselves in the sand, stingray-style. The tank or Green Spotted Puffer Tank Mates. Menu Hello, I know that Congo puffers usually can't have tank mates, but I saw a picture online with a Congo puffer living with a larger blue Acara cichlid. product/Because_Your_Fish0:00 - Intro0:31 - types o Learn how to care for the Tetraodon schoutedeni, a freshwater pufferfish from Africa's Congo Basin. Khulis, Cory's, and a small pleco. fast moving not aggressive short fins because they like to nip or the over 10s of ultra rare pao Description. My spotted congo puffer enjoys looking at me, but she's content entertaining herself by exploring the tank (heavily planted and decorated) and hunting shrimp/snails. They also need brackish water, which The green spotted puffer (Dichotomyctere nigroviridis or Tetraodon nigroviridis) is a very fun, interactive fish that lives in brackish water. She used to have Spotted Congo Puffer Tank Mates. Some say they are peaceful but others say they can be aggressive towards other fish. are like turtles, in that they bite tank mates when competing for foods, which gives them a bad reputation, otherwise they aren't inclined to be trouble. Otherwise, Breeding green-spotted puffer fish is not an easy task, but it can be very rewarding for aquarium enthusiasts who love a challenge. Pea puffer Pea puffers tank mates? Ideal Tank Mates: Spotted Congo Puffers can be kept with their own kind in groups, given enough space and hiding spots are provided. Will be aggressive towards smaller fish that linger near the My spotted Congo puffer fish tank Full Tank Shot Share Sort by: Best. P. The dwarf puffer fish (Scientific name: Carinotetraodon travancoricus) is one of the best and most exquisite small aquarium fish that aquarists can ever own!Popularly This care sheet is written with the aim of providing the optimal care for this species of fish. Selecting the right tank mates for your Green Spotted Puffer is essential to maintain a peaceful and healthy aquarium environment. Read on to learn about the best pleco tank mates that you can find. Individual puffers are just unique and each have their own personalities. Concern #4: Can rabbit snails be kept in a tank with live plants, Address: 4724 W 103rd St, Oak Lawn, IL 60453. Just looking for advice from anyone with experience keeping these. LIFE EXPECTANCY. They can also coexist with peaceful, similarly sized fish. PizzaRat Discussion starter. He loves to smash things, especially bladder snails. Leopard Puffer Fish (Dichotomyctere nigroviridis), also known as Green Spotted Puffer, have a yellow green body with a whitish cream colored belly. I got her for $50 from a local hobbyist who was breaking down his tank. Shrimp will While this might not seem like a lot at first, you will need to consider substrate depth as well as tank size and tank mates. They do not do as well in solitary situations so it is best to have at least three mates in a tank. Puffer usually does not sit well in the community tanks since they are more aggressive than sitting Choosing the right tank mates for your Green Spotted Puffer can be a daunting task. Add a Comment [deleted] • Spotted congo puffers are just. Currently thinking about a school of corys Green Spotted Puffer tank size and specifications Optimum Tank Size for Green Spotted Puffer. ) Green Spotted Puffer Care. The juveniles, on the other hand, can be kept in a Known for its brightly-colored blue dots and ability to fill itself up like a balloon, the Blue Spotted Puffer is a fish that has a lot to offer. As a predator of mainly slow/sessile organisms, the Cross River Pufferfish can be considered a community fish, provided tank mates are chosen carefully. 4 inches) but can also adapt to larger environments. I know they can be quite aggresive, so I'm wondering what I could with him. Spotted Congo Puffer (Tetraodon schoutedeni) Origin: Middle Congo River, Central Africa Diet: Carnivore, feeding on mollusks, worms, and frozen foods Adult Size: 4″ Recommended Tank Size: 20 gallons Compatibility: Like Congo Puffer (Tetraodon miurus): Their relatively docile nature, considering they’re puffers, can make them suitable if given ample space. Today I really made a lot of I managed to get my hands on one of the rarest puffers in the industry a spotted Congo puffer I wanted to know what would be a good choice for tankmates as Forums. He asked me my opinion on it. Meet Marty - the spotted Congo puffer. I was thinking The best amazon puffer tank mates are the fish that can survive in similar circumstances, such as temperature and hardness of water, to the amazon puffer. This puffer needs hard-shelled seafood like clams and shrimp to blunt its growing teeth. He has been in my 20 gallon long office tank since I got him while I got my 75 gallon setup. This will ensure Spotted congo puffer feeding - dubia roach These puffers aren't used to being fed by tongs so they were staring at the fingers in the beginning. 125g -polys, wood cats, pike cichlids, m-dayi, Gymnotus Take a wild plunge with your Leopard Puffer Tank Mates! 🐆🐡 Explore ideal companions to create a unique aquatic haven. The Spotted Congo Puffer is a fascinating fish with distinct characteristics. We need to know what you have and how big the tank is. Staff member. All critiques welcome :) hope y’all enjoy how adorable he is because I can’t get enough The spotted congo puffer is the smallest of the African species, maxing out at about 4 inches. The red variety, which is quite rare, is called Red Congo or Red Potato. Spotted Congo Puffers spend most of their time at or near the tank's bottom and enjoy a heavily planted tanks with lots of hiding places and line of sight breaks. Your Spotted Congo Puffer thrives on live food, and its feeding time gives you a peek into the fish’s natural behavior. Home › All Products › Spotted Congo Puffer Fish Spotted Congo Puffer Fish (Tetraodon schoutedeni) Regular price Spotted Congo Puffer Spawning (Eggs) caught on video https: Three Puffers - 1 male and 2 females Tank mates: 1 Ancistrus sp. Scientific name: Pseudomugil gertrudae. Others will be poor fits, and it’ll be dangerous to put plecos with some types of fish. Maximum adult size: 4 inches (10 cm) Minimum tank size: 20 gallons: Im actually goin do just the pea puffers after all the videos from the spotted congo and the pea puffers i have go with the pea puffers as they just a real nice looking puffer and i think if i go with 20-25 of them in a 180 gallon lots of plants and hiding spots i Parameters & Tank Setup (freshwater puffers) pH range: 7. She gets along with all her tank mates and never makes trouble. COLORS OF CONGO PUFFER FISH. They could do this for hours. 6 posts Spotted gar Platinum red tail catfish . Opt for larger, non-aggressive fish or The Congo puffer has a tank mate compatibility that borders on zero. 5 Recommended Temperature (°F): 75-80°F (24-27°C) Possible types of tank mates: Spotted Congo Puffers are best kept with small, fast-moving fish Expert facts, care advice, feeding tips and breeding information about the Spotted Congo Puffer (Tetraodon schoutedeni) for freshwater aquarium enthusiasts. They’re more fitting for nano tanks due to their small size (up to 1. They should also be compatible in terms of temperament so that the Puffer fish for planted tank? Jump to Latest 2. (Bristlenose Pleco) and 30 Cherry Shrimp (the puffers have zero interest in eating them!?!) Night before breeding: • 30% water • water was remineralized RODI Working with and learning about Tetraodon schoutedeni is amazing! Check it out!Find our products at https://getgills. No issues between the single puffer and True Tetraodon sp. I keep a group of these puffers in a 155-gallon tank with a number of plecos and the tank is very harmonious. Tank is a 75g gallon with 30 gallon sump (Live Plants, Malaysian driftwood, almond leaves, river rock. Once again I have my own place and I'm able to setup a small tank, luckily Spotted Congo Puffers don't need a huge tank, so I I'm thinking of setting up a 30gallon tank with a Schoutedeni (Spotted Congo) Puffer as centerpiece. The only need a small tank, have the best Puffer temperament of all time, and never getting past three! These Puffers are Scientific Name: Crossocheilus oblongus Care Level: Easy Alternative Tank Mates: Guppies, Tetras, Danios Required Water Temperature: 75 to 79 °F Minimum Tank: 25-gallon Size Range: 5. 5. 5-8. " And with most puffers tank mates are food. MFK Member. These fish are very territorial and aggressive, so they need a separate breeding tank with plenty of Tank is a 75g gallon with 30 gallon sump (Live Plants, Malaysian driftwood, almond leaves, river rock. Although they are not short-finned, the Phenacogrammus interruptus (Congo Tetra) make good tank-mates because of their fair size and schooling behaviour. These puffers require a large tank with plenty of swimming space, as they can Compatibility: 4/5; Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters); Care Level: Easy; Temperament: Semi-aggressive, especially with other barbs; Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; enjoys tropical flakes, pellets, and small live or frozen Compatibility: 3. The green spotted puffer is a highly aggressive fish that may attack and kill any other fish or critter in the I just received my order from Dan's Fish- a Spotted Congo Puffer! I've had him in his quarantine tank for a few hours and he's happily munching on snails and frozen bloodworms. Aquariums & Fish Tanks; Small/Starter Aquariums (Up to 40L) Medium Sergeant Ruby is my first puffer. Tank Size: 20 gallons Care Level: Easy Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous – enjoys flake foods, live and frozen foods, such as brine shrimp and daphnia, as well as vegetable matter Max. What's Is it in brackish? Love the tank! Click to expand Pure freshwater puffer. Store Hours: Mon - Fri 11am -7pm Sat 10am - 7pm Sunday 11am - 5pm Phone: 708-581-4246. 5–10 cm), this relatively peaceful species is well-suited for aquarists who want a unique, interactive fish in a specialized tank setup. Tank mates should be at least 6 inches in size to avoid being eaten by the puffer. 432 square inches of tank bottom per adult puffer is recommended. With no places to hide the other fish get battered and stressed which only has one outcome. May 19, 2023 #2 9 Best Green Spotted Puffer Tank Mates. Due to their nipping behavior and aggressive Emerald Puffer: 10: Congo Puffer: 20: Palembang species: 29: Nile Puffer: 55: Tank Size for Dwarf Pufferfish. The tank is currently bare with a 2" layer of sand. Otherwise, puffer temperaments are really varied between species, to the point that mixing species would stress them out. As with anything - do your research before committing. Search Advanced search. There are only 2 “spotted puffers”. I'm currently setting up a tank (36"x18"x24") for a spotted congo puffer and I'm seeing quite a bit of conflicting information about whether or not they should be kept in a community aquarium. Old. Diseases can quickly propagate in an aquarium environment, especially in one that is not adequately sized or cared for. Email: j4flowerhorns@gmail. Q&A. Joined Mar 2, 2021 Messages It's best to provide a separate tank for the green spotted puffer fish to ensure the well-being of What fish can I put with green spotted puffer? 9 Best Green Spotted Puffer Tank Mates. Find well-suited companions now! Fishkeeping. Congo Puffers require an aquarium that is at least 15 gallons (70 liters). Preferably in single puffer per 30G (smaller is possible, however requires more dedicated water change + prior knowledge of small tanks with high Hey guys, I grabbed a Tetraodon Schoutedeni " Spotted Congo Puffer " from Wes a couple months ago. So, let’s put it that way – these 9 best Everything you need to know about Spotted Congo Puffer Fish. Tetraodon schoutedeni - Spotted Congo Puffer. Thanks!Find our products at https:/ Here are some general guidelines for selecting tank mates for a Congo Puffer: Species Compatibility. Another puffer that can be potentially kept in a community setting is the Schoutedeni puffer fish. Spotted Puffer (Tetraodon nigroviridis): While they can grow to 6 inches, Choosing the Hey guys so my friend has a question he has a spotted Congo puffer in a 14 gallon tank the dimensions are 15 x 15 x 15. Green Spotted Pufferfish Congo Puffer Tank Mates. These freshwater puffer fish are great pets!👉 SUBSCRIBE and NE This is my Spotted Congo Puffer set up and how I keep a varied diet and add vitamins. Origin Central Africa. Jump to: navigation, search. For now all we can sy is that you can try tank mates but be prepared to rehome them at short notice If you run a low-salinity brackish tank, you can sometimes mix GSP and F8, but there are two species sold as GSP and one is more aggressive. To enhance their confidence, ideal tankmates include Tetras, Rasboras, Killifish, and In this guide to choosing the best tank mates for your Tiger Barbs, I will introduce you to 15 fish species that make great tank buddies for Tiger Barbs. Spotted Congo Puffer. Most puffers are naturally aggressive creatures, and their sharp beaks do serious damage to What tank mates with spotted congo puffer? Any potential tankmates must be fast-swimming, short-finned and able to thrive in the same water values. 5 to 6. He seems very confident and curious for Congo puffers require a tank with at least 60cm in length, 40cm depth and 30cm tall. a mimic tang a red spot The Puffer Forum #1 Site for Pufferfish Info! Skip to content. They will kill and eat anything you place in their aquarium! In Conclusion. Fat Homer Mmmmm Doughnuts. Your Spotted Congo Puffer thrives on live food, and its feeding time gives you a peek Expert facts, care advice, feeding tips and breeding information about the Spotted Congo Puffer (Tetraodon schoutedeni) for freshwater aquarium enthusiasts. Find out what water values, tank size, group size and tankmates are suitable for this species. In most cases, tank mates are not advisable when keeping a GSP. r/Puffers. They are known for their distinctive puffed-up appearance and their ability to inflate their bodies as a defense mechanism. In this post, we'll discuss best practices when it comes to their care and we’ll also give There's a reason why the Spotted Congo Puffer (Tetraodon Schoutedeni) is my one of my favorite fish!🔥Click here to subscribe: https: The spotted congo puffer is a beautiful small puffer species that can grow to a maximum of 4 inches in length, with highly social personalities. Pufferfish Enthusiasts Worldwide endeavours to inspire and promote the highest standards of care - not basic or minimum care - using the Our fat and sassy Congo Spotted Puffers have been frequently spawning in our tanks. Thread starter Mschmidt; Start date Mar 28, 2022; CUC will be adjusted as needed for the tank. unfortunately, I had terrible luck keeping mine alive and only have one left. 0 to 7. However, caution is advised when choosing companions due to their occasional aggressiveness. Plus, this species is among the more peaceful puffers out there. Congo Puffers are not what you might call sociable. Care Level: Easy Size: Up to 6 inches Temperament: Peaceful Water Parameters: 72–81°F, 6. While they are relatively chill for a puffer, they can fin nip, so avoid tank mates that Tank Mates: While the Spotted Congo Puffer can be territorial, they can coexist with certain tank mates. They are in a 55 gallon tank with a juvenile salvini. Shrimp (amano or cherry or caridina) and otos. Shipping: Please review checkout for final shipping options based on items Leopard Puffer Tank Mates; Bumblebee Cichlid Tank Mates; Cardinal Tetra Tank Mates ; Hillstream Loach Tank Mates; 1. Although they are not short-finned, The Congo puffer has a tank mate compatibility that borders on zero. In a smaller tank spotted congos were really combative between Keywords: Spotted Congo Puffers care, aquarium rescape techniques, fishkeeping tips for beginners, benefits of smaller fish tanks, pufferfish feeding behaviors, freshwater aquarium maintenance, aquatic plant integration, nano fish tank setups, healthy tank mates for puffers, creating a balanced aquatic environment The Tetraodon Schoutedeni is a freshwater puffer fish with the common name of the Spotted Congo Puffer. 0 pH, 2–15 dGH Aquarium Size: 10 gallons There are over 80 species of Rasboras of different sizes and colors. I think an even safer option if you could save for it would be to get a Spotted Congo as in my experience they are much slower and super chill. Some even say there are 3 kinds of spotted puffers. Although rare, the puffers have been known to jump and a lid is recommended. My pea puffers love when I sit at the glass and we watch each other. Be careful with lidless tanks. Other green spotted puffers. Menu #werbungFeeding time at the 325 liter "Freshwaterpuffer Tank"With 12 pieces of captive bred Tetraodon schoutedeni (Spotted Congo Puffer) by Herbert Nigl (Aqu Overview/Origin Image by Jonathan Salant from Pixabay. 5 I am moving apartments soon, and the new building requires tanks to be less than 30 gallons, so I’m taking this as an opportunity to set up a smaller, but higher end build For my spotted Congo puffer My current equipment list: Tank: Waterbox Clear Mini 30 Filter: Fluval 307 with glass lily pipes Light: Kessil a360 Tuna Sun Hello! I am cycling a newly planted 40-gallon breeder with a mixture of Imagitarium Frosted Black Aquarium Gravel and Fluval Plant and Shrimp Stratum. Once they recognize you, their owner, they display active behavior in anticipation of the food. Figure 8 and Green Spotted Pufferfish are two of the most Hi, My friend has a 55 gallon Community tank and wants to get aa centerpiece fish for it. The scientific name was first validly published in 1902 by the Belgian zoologist and ichthyologist George Albert Boulanger. What Are The Best Tank Mates For Three Spot Gouramis. He is very interested in a Congo puffer. It would have to be hidden or very fast moving. However I never heard of anyone keeping a spotted Congo puffer with dwarf cichlids. Name: Spotted Congo Puffer Max Size: Up to 4 inches (10 cm) Recommend pH: 7. The Spotted Congo Puffer is the perfect fish for you, or anyone else who wants to keep a puffer. Listed here are five essential care aspects to conform to while keeping a Spotted Congo Puffer as a pet: Recreate Natural Living Conditions. However, don’t put them with aggressive fish. Spotted Congo Puffers prefer water temperatures of 24-28°C (75-82°F) with a slightly acidic to neutral pH level of 6. Learn how to keep Spotted Congo Puffer fish in your aquarium, including their temperament, appearance, lifespan, size, sexing, and compatible tank mates. 4. Finding the right tank mates for a green spotted puffer is a challenging task because you can’t know for sure how your puffer is going to react. The Congo pufferfish is capable of metachrosis, which is the I loved that tank and the puffer, unfortunatly I had to move and tear down the tank and sell my puffer. Min. Each round with 1-2 weeks in between. I just recently picked up 3 spotted Congo puffers. Their bodies have different shaped and sized black spots on them. Zenzo talks ab We have a 20 G planted tank with 3 dwarf puffers in it and we have been thinking about adding a tank mate or mates ATM the puffers have 3 Amano shrimp for company, Red Congo Puffer Striped Redeye Puffer Dwarf Puffer Have Owned: Amazon Green Spotted Puffer Posts: 379 Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:16 pm Gender: Male My Puffers Spotted Congo Puffer. These fish are notorious for their aggression and territoriality, and they can easily harm or kill other fish in the tank. Suitable Tank Mates: Green Spotted Puffers can coexist with fast-swimming and robust fish species but Spotted Congo Puffer (Tetraodon schoutedeni) From The Aquarium Wiki. It's in with 3 spotted congo puffers, 6 congo tetras, 6 black skirts, an opal gourami. In fact, they are downright aggressive. P 1995 What I've found that make good tank mates are smaller barb type fish when the puffer gets bigger. It can be difficult for new aquarium hobbyists to handle because it is so large, with a feathery The Spotted Congo Pufferfish (Tetraodon schoutedeni), with its striking spotted pattern and engaging personality, is a rare gem among freshwater puffers. Similar to dwarf pea puffers, male Green Spotted Puffers will showcase more intense colors, and tend to have a more streamlined body compared to their rounder female counterparts. Most puffers Recently I moved a new Spotted Congo Puffer into my puffer tank. They are also often referred to as Congo Puffer or Potato Puffer. Only when plenty of people have kept puffers in with other fish for a full lifetime of the fish can we happily suggest tank mates. ) Three Puffers - 1 male and 2 femalesTank mates: 1 Anc The Puffer Forum #1 Site for Pufferfish Info! Skip to content. Green Spotted Puffer Posts: 379 Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:16 pm Gender: Male My Puffers: Duboisi Puffer Red Congo Puffer Striped Redeye Puffer Dwarf Puffer Tank Mates. This puffer breed has a voracious appetite Re: Congo Puffer (Tetraodon Miurus) I know tank mates for it, because with the 2 I had before, the tank mates were a Discus, fire eel, dragon puffer, leaf fish, datnoid, common pleco, albino bichir, archer fish, and an silver arrowana. Top. Size. Congo ctenopomas, with their timid nature, flourish in community aquariums that offer both safety and comfort. 5 inches True to Salviashaman at Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) – Care, Diet, Breeding, and Tank Setup on 2021-12-12 19:22:58; Spotted blue-eye - Pseudomugil gertrudae. 25 Cherry What tank mates with spotted congo puffer? Any potential tankmates must be fast-swimming, short-finned and able to thrive in the same water values. Reply. schoutedeni. product/Because_Your_Fis Tetraodon miurus is an African freshwater puffer fish in the genus Tetraodon. Thread starter enchanted; Start date Oct 20, 2004; enchanted Fish Herder. com/store. I. Do you think the current stocking will work? Stocking: - 5 Pearl Gouramis - 4 Angelfish - Parrot Cichlid - Electric Blue Acara - Senegal Bichir He is planning on The ideal tank mates for your Amazon Puffer fish are a community of other Amazon Puffers. So I won't comment on that combination. This is strictly a FW puffer. 114 Litres (30 US G. Sea Contrary to advice on some areas of the internet, the Spotted Congo pufferfish is not suitable for the This is my Spotted Congo Puffer. also you could get an arrowhead puffer [a bigger version of congo puffer but more brown] or a hairy with are the equivalent of a bristle nose puffer ar evan a shodenti but if you do get a shodenti its not cheap [200-350gdp] and if you go down with the shodenti you can have tank mates e. Spotted Congo Puffer – Tetraodon Schoutedeni. Pufferfish Tank Mates. I did reasearch and it seems to be ok since his puffer is full grown and a species only, but I want to see what you think and also if it helps his tank is heavily planted. product/Because_Your_Fish#Aquarium 210g spotted congo puffer tank. Spotted Congo Puffer Care Guide. the best FW puffer in my opinion. P 9-June-2010) / Paratilapia polleni - (R. Scott_T_27; Nov 24, 2024; Tropical Discussion; Replies 2 Views 274. GaryE. Tetraodon schoutedeni "Spotted Congo Puffer" Dwarf, Red Eye, South American & more. Imitator Puffers don’t require much space and can easily be kept in a small 10-gallon tank. It's the spotted congo puffer and Amazon puffers that I have all my other puffers arei n their own tank . Mine did OK with rummynose tetras. There's a reason why the Spotted Congo Puffer (Tetraodon Schoutedeni) is my one of my favorite fish!🔥Click here to subscribe: https: Tank mates for a spotted Congo puffer? I had em with some fish in the past but they were too fast and would eat all the food. Its spotted and striped body adds a lot of interest to the tank. Show More It is important that the Congo puffer is provided with a very soft, sand substrate - at least 5cm deep - so the fish is able to exhibit its natural Congrats on your new buddy! I recommend start deworming them but wait a few days or a week to have your puffer get used to the new environment. Dietary Habits. by Matts. Because Congo Tetras are peaceful fish, they get along well with many other types of Aquarium Fish. Nov 25, 2024. Common Amazon Puffer: A Quick Summary. It is an 80 gallon tank. They can be found in freshwater streams and rivers; however, they mostly inhabit Pea puffers are angry and tiny carnivorous tank fish that will bring any aquatic setup to life. Rarely seen is the Congo spotted puffer (T shoutedeni). Significantly smaller, peaceful, quick fish will be largely ignored, whereas 2) Tank size and a list of ALL inhabitants. This will provide enough space for the puffer and Congos smallest puffer, the Tetraodon Schoutedni puffer is a easy to care for puffer. I've noticed my pea puffers prefer human interaction over any other 'stimulation'. Edited March 21, 2023 by Procrypsis. Controversial. Difficulty. If you add anything that moves in their tank, it will be consumed. Fish Care; Fish Size; 20 Pea Puffer Tank Mates. Social Behavior. I’ve heard mixed reviews about keeping these with other fish. A place for pufferfish lovers and enthusiasts alike! Whether you have a question to ask or a puffer to show off, this is the place. Find our products at https://getgills. Would this substrate mixture be too rough for a Spotted Congo Puffer? If so, are there any other puffers that would be I want more than just pea puffers to have more color/ movement in the tank and I'm deciding between a few other species. However, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet, clean water, and suitable tank mates to ensure their health and well-being. some of the tankmates for pea puffers i've seen suggested are: Green Spotted Puffer Tank Mates and Tank Size. It is also the most peaceful of them all. This is an update. Congo Puffer - (R. Amazon puffers are freshwater fish native to South America. However, they look like a tasty snack to any larger, predatory fish so keep that in mind when choosing other tank mates. New posts Search forums. Tank compatibility Best kept in species tanks or with top-swimming fast fish. Add the fish Leopard puffers are aggressive and need tank mates that can stand up for themselves. Sometimes puffers are not compatible. Spotted scats. I cant find any 100% certain sources of the lifespan of spotted congo puffers, but I have a feeling he's getting up there in age as he has been slowing down for a little while now, but hes Common Name: Congo Puffer Scientific Name: Tetraodon miurus Other Names: Miurus Puffer, Potato Puffer, Congo Spotted Puffer The Congo Puffer is a unique and fascinating Due to their aggressive and territorial nature, Congo Puffers Tetraodon schoutedeni "Spotted Congo Puffer" Dwarf, Red Eye, South American & more. 5-7. Best. Each puffer has their own spot and they only all come to the front when they think there will be food. Get your buddy clean of parasites before they go to the permanent tank. 1 CJs Aquatics. The Green Spotted Puffer is a fish that experienced aquarium enthusiasts usually prefer. The recommended tank size for the Green Spotted Puffer is 35 to 50 gallons. Mar 28, 2022 #2 blaxsun 10K Club member View Badges. Thanks to its more laid LENGTH OF CONGO PUFFER FISH. Diving into their social behavior reveals much about these captivating creatures. g. 5/5 Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters) minimum Care Level: Easy Temperament: Peaceful, active Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; eats a variety of flake, freeze-dried, and live foods Adult Size: 2-2. Congo tetra tank mates. Beware, Tiger Barbs don’t get along with every species, so knowing which fish species Popular: Spotted Congo Puffer Tank Mates. A 30-gallon tank is the minimum size A l it tle tip to avoid competition of food, get some ramshorn snails or pond snails and allow them to reproduce quite a lot, this should create a population of snails that's sustainable for the puffers main diet. Smaller, slower fish may be bullied or eaten by the Compatibility: 4 out of 5 Min. New. com. Transform your tank into a spotted spectacle! Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Discover the perfect tank mates for your fish with our compatibility calculator & enhance your aquarium community. Has anyone ever kept a figure 8 puffer and a GSP togther? Congo Tetras; Rosy Barbs; 31 Best Tank Mates For Gourami’s. 0-7. Some fish are going to be excellent tank mates for plecos. type which enjoys all tank mates *EXCEPT* other puffers; if you really want the name, mail me and I'll look it up for you). Diet: Carnivore. Congo Puffers should most definitely be kept alone, without exception. Providing proper care for green spotted puffers is essential for their health and well-being in a home aquarium. product/Because_Your_Fish0:00 Species Summary . Cautious Coexistence: Congo Puffers are predatory and can be aggressive, particularly towards smaller fish or those Spotted Congo Puffers in Community Tanks upvotes r/Puffers. Joined Sep 21, 2004 Messages 1,245 Reaction score 0 Location USA. 5 inches (5-6. In this article, we discuss everything about it. Your pufferfish is going to do best in an aquarium with a pH of 7. Ratings & Reviews: Location: Wyoming, United States. GSPs have many common labels given to them at the LFS (local fish store); leopard spotted puffer, leopard puffer, green puffer, green spotted puffer, or spotted puffer. 5K views 3 replies 4 participants last post by dfarr67 Jul 19, 2022. I do two rounds of paraclense and expel-p myself to new puffers. She's been such a joy to have. Congo Pufferfish, Potato Pufferfish, Spotted Congo Puffer. Tetraodon schoutedeni. Many readers are probably wondering which tank mates work with pufferfish, and the answer is relatively few. 6; dKH: 8 to 12; temperature: 74 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit; minimum tank size: 10 gallons (pea puffer) to 500 gallons (MBU puffer) Top 15 Puffer Fish To create the optimal environment for your green spotted puffer and its tank mates, ensure that the tank size is at least 30 gallons, with a preferred size of 50 gallons. Don't recommend SAEs as they will get interested in your puffer's treats (bloodworms and etc) as they grow bigger. Pea Puffer Care: Size, Diet, Tank Mates, & More; Top 18 Types of Barb Fish: Ranked; 10 The puffer is somewhere between 2" and 3", give or take, and is staying in a 20 Long. Moderator. Yeah I really wish I could keep one more puffer with him but I've heard that GSP's should have 30 gallons per puffer and surly no less than 20 gals per GSP. I wish I could keep one figure 8 with him as they can be kept in a 15-10 gal. ) Three Puffers - 1 male and 2 femalesTank mates: 1 Anc If you have multiple tank mates for your spotted puffer, observe them as well. However, due to their predatory nature, very Do y’all think a spotted Congo puffer tetraodon schoutedeni 2-3 inch and a leopard bush fish (Ctenopoma acutirostre) would be fine tank mates? Forums. Tank Size . The reason you want to have a Valentini Puffer Tank mates. . The main challenge, Honest recommendation would be to try it out as they are super cool but have a backup plan just in case. To be safe, The Best Congo Tetra Tank Mates for Your Aquarium. I'm thinking of keeping some Ramshorn snails on the side to slowly release into the tank as treats for the puffers to hunt, but I don't count that as tankmates. Sexing Has not been determined.