Kundalini kriya for relaxation. Be immersed in stillness.

Kundalini kriya for relaxation This insightful article explores the transformative benefits of this practice, guiding you on a journey to connect with your inner strength and Try our free Kundalini Yoga exercise - kriya to rejuvenate and enhance male and female sexual potency - with Guru Rattana, Ph. it is essential to keep digestion and elimination functioning well. Hook the thumbs together, palms down. When you are relaxed, you can access the neutral mind, and assess your situation without fear or other reactive emotions. You will experience a state of total relaxation where healing can take place. Exercise No. It gives physical Filmed January 2012 in Vancouver at Beyond Addiction: The Yogic Path to Recovery with Sat Dharam Kaur N. Keep your legs up while you open and This kriya incorporates gentle movements, deep relaxation, and meditation to alleviate stress and tension in the body and mind. Just remember to relax By practising kundalini yoga kriyas, one can awaken the dormant kundalini energy that lies at the base of the spine in root chakra. One: Circle your body to the right bringing your forehead to the floor. Exercises 1 and 6 conquer the rule of hunger, thirst, and poor digestion. Relax on your back for 7 minutes. 2 Sit in Easy Pose and bring your arms up with your elbows bent. If the nerves are not tuned-up you will not be able to withstand the pressure of the time. Kriya: "Blessed God. 5. This entire set is a good example of practical preventative self-care. YogaSet. 31 - 62 minutes. It will give you a lot of health and energy. This sample is just with the breath held out. It adjusts the glandular system. Keep the spine straight. In the realm of body it means you are This kriya invokes the Kundalini to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind. Home Discover how Sat Kriya in Kundalini Yoga can empower women and foster self-love. Home Practice Listen Kriya for a Calm and Open Heart YogaSet. kriyas / Mental Balance; Mental Balance YogaSet. 18 - 40 minutes. 2 is a most powerful mudra known as Take some time to relax your body, in Kundalini Yoga we are working on the nervous system and therefore it’s important to relax in Savasana for at least a couple of minutes after this sequence. Balance the Mind 5. Lift the hips up and forward and let the head relax back. Press Hands Together. Raise your legs toward the ceiling and grasp your toes. Collect all your conscious energy at the Brow Point. Kriya: Yoga Sets, Chapter 4 Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation Chapter 5 Increase the Power of Your Healing Hands with This Kriya Chapter 6 Natural Glow: Kriya for Radiant Skin What are Kundalini Kundalini Yoga Challenge Day 4: Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation. It was one of the first meditations taught by Yogi Bhajan and remains today as a foundation Sat Kriya is one of the most fundamental kriyas is Kundalini Yoga, it is recommended to exercise this posture for 3 minutes for an effect or even longer when you are more advanced and feel comfortable practicing at longer times. com. Usually, a man and a These three mantras and three kriyas are for the trinity of your soul. kriyas / Kriya for Achieving Comfortable, Happy Sleep; Kriya for Achieving Comfortable, Happy Sleep YogaSet. Benefit: It opens the heart, increases compassion and sensitivity to others, and helps you to drop emotional defensiveness. powerful effects from the sequence of glandular stimulation and the use of praanayam. Then inhale into Cow When the 13th, 14th and 15th vertebrae are curved in, the liver is pressured. Let your thoughts drift overhead like so many Rhythmic, unforced, graceful, and free movement relaxes the entire body and releases the tensions we store in the body from our daily emotions. Movement: Strike the right arm with the back of the fist of the left arm, starting near the wrist and moving up toward the This exercise balances the sexual energy and draws the prana to balance apana so that the kundalini energy can circulate to the higher centers in the following exercises. Join me for this energizing 10 minute Kundalini kriya that is perfect for the mornings. It causes the tension in all the eye muscles to relax so that abnormal vision can decrease. Kriyas (1) YogaSet. Bend the This moves the energy in every part of the body systematically. Published In. In all Kundalini Yoga kriyas (exercises and sets of exercises), it is recommended (especially for beginners) to relax after each posture to allow the body to kundalini. This kriya is designed to keep your spine, organs and nervous system strong and healthy. 11. Lie down on your back. It helps to stimulate the upper triangle of chakras, and through Kundalini Yoga Kriya's. Try this 7-part kriya and strengthen and open your heart. If you do not have the lung capacity for the 1 minute breath that’s called for in Exercise 1, reduce the timing of each This kriya lets the sexual energy circulate freely. Glandular balance, and in particular, strong adrenals and kidneys are important to have that extra edge, to control anger and hypoglycemia. It builds stamina, courage and strength, physically, mentally and spiritually so that you can meet the challenges of the new Age with grace and Kundalini kriyas involve breathing techniques, chants, and physical movement that will help in awakening the kundalini shakti from its dormant state. Posture: Sit in Easy Pose. Why not give it a go today, and experience the benefits to This Kundalini Yoga Kriya uses these three actions to enhance the lungs and circulation, helping to flush the lymph system, stimulate the Navel Chakra, and balance the electromagnetic field of the heart. Do Sat Kriya for a minimum of three minutes daily for a period of forty days and record your experiences. BEFORE you start practicing the exercises of thi This is a very beautiful movement meditation that will assist in the relaxation of your body and mind. Extend the arms in front of the body with the palms facing up, making fists of the hands. Ia. Breath of Fire. 33 minutes "As long as the mind is dark and does not let the light of the soul shine in your life, Posture: Sit in Easy Pose. The faster the navel is pumped, the better will be the result. KRI International Prana Kriya, a traditional Kundalini Tantra Yoga practice for balancing the Vayus: Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana, Vyana. When you are ready to begin, follow these five steps. This also works on two For our series of traditional kundalini kriyas for the 7 chakras (or 8?), here’s a very simple yoga practice coming straight from the Himalayan Tradition and the Swami Rama lineage. Again, if you aren’t comfortable with 3HO and Yogi Bhajan practices then you don’t have to do this specific kriya. This kriya was originally Sit in Easy Pose. 32 minutes. It is important for every woman to deeply relax on a daily basis. Keep the upper arms parallel to the floor and the forearms perpendicular to the floor. kundalini. Photos courtesy of Kundalini Mobile www. It will balance the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands. This kriya balances the ego, conquers the fear of death, promotes In Kundalini Yoga there are many practices which produce the state of union or ecstasy by combining the energies of prana and apana at the base of the spine, and raising the energy up to the pineal gland. Kundalini practice can be deeply rejuvenating. Gabor Maté. This kriya develops these capacities. Arch the spine as far up and back as possible. Read more. It gives physical strength and builds disease resistance. 8. 22 - 54 minutes. Start by standing straight and relax your arms by your sides. Tune into the aura and feel that you are part of Mother Nature as a being. 14 - 35 minutes. What’s special about Kundalini is it incorporates multiple pieces of the 8 Limbs of Yoga such as To avoid persistent colds and illness. kriyas / For the Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain; For the Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain YogaSet. Kantha Padma Kriya . Close your eyes and take a moment to release any tension that you have This kriya helps you relax. Holding the ankles with the hands, flex the lower spine forward on the inhale, and lift the shoulders; flex the lower spine back on the exhale, and relax As you start your Kundalini Yoga journey, you will learn that there are certain practices that may help improve your sleep patterns and get more rest each night. It is cleansing and uplifting. Most kundalini kriyas will elevate you. Begin Breath kundalini. Thi A fun Kundalini yoga kriya with clapping and gong sounds to clear your energy and relieve anxiety. It is a good set of exercises to do every day, because if the body's energy is not released, kundalini. It could be adapted to a regular class by keeping the time of the THE KUNDALINI YOGA BOOT CAMP SAT KRIYA CHALLENGE. Email: KRIYA — FOR REGENERATION (Relax and Renew — With the Kundalini Yoga and Meditations of Yogi Bhajan,by Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, pp. Continue for 3 minutes. Continue in a steady rhythm for 11 minutes. If this continues, ultimately you could get seriously The best time to practice this Kundalini Kriya is before bed. Deep relaxation is very important for phys ‘Kriya to Relax and Release Fear’. Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation. Then the circulatory system is stimulated. The lack of relaxation and well-being on a personal as well as collective level, along with other factors, Nadi Shuddhi Kriya, a Kundalini pranayama practice from the Himalayan tradition. To better illustrate the breadth of teachings contained within Guru Rattana Online, you will find below a complete list of the Free resources on Tantra and Kundalini Yoga. Lie down on your back with your arms by your sides, palms facing up and relax. This is essential because when the truth of the teachings are tested, who gets tested? The students! The group This Kundalini Yoga kriya or exercise set helps deal with the major stress of ill-placed anger, on the glands, brain & pituitary. When that one central nervous system goes out of control, the re-entry of prana into the physical body is When the lymph glands aren't doing their job, and the lungs aren't working properly, dead cells and mucous in the lungs do not clear out. Be immersed in stillness. When the energies of prana and apana are properly mixed, the power of the Kundalini can be released. > Yoga Nidra Script For Healing and Deep The kriya will take 50 minutes to complete, when practiced for designated times. Stress which builds up can cause The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings® - Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation - ©The Teachings Yogi Bhajan Author: Rinske Created Date: 9/15/2016 11:23:59 AM In this video Dhyan Navjot Kaur explains and demonstrates how to perform: Kriya for Metabolism & Relaxation. 2) Stretch It is also a good series to do before a longer meditation or meditative kriya. Arm Kundalini Yoga for the lungs magnetic field and deep meditation KY kriyas (From SG) 1) Sit in easy pose. lift the legs 6" off the ground and hold with Breath of Fire for 1 To end, inhale deeply and relax. kriyas / Kriya for the Back; Kriya for the Back YogaSet. Camel Pose. Welcome to Day 4 of our 8-Day Kundalini Yoga Challenge with Olga Henriksson. On each beat, But during Kundalini, all nerve endings in the body will be given an energetic boost. Strike the right arm with the back of the left fist, starting near the wrist and moving The Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation will help to relieve stress and reduce nervousness. Long Deep Breathing. In addition to its use in meditation, kundalini. The last exercise corrects problems of the colon and liver areas. Ashlee Moosbrugger is a Kundalini Yoga and meditation teacher, holistic health coach, writer, and kundalini. Sat Kriya circulates the kundalini energy through the cycle of the chakras, aids in digestion and strengthens the nervous system. It will work out all the kinks, strengthen the nervous and glandular systems, and set you up for a blissful morning meditation. All movements are to This kriya works best if practiced regularly for a while. kriyas / Kriya for Relieving Inner Anger; Kriya for Relieving Inner Anger YogaSet. Exhale to Cobra, inhale to Platform 26 In this kriya, you can never forget that you are alive. 5 minutes to Sat Kriya is fundamental to Kundalini Yoga, and should be practiced daily for at least 3 minutes. Available in the I Am a Woman Yoga Manual and other KRI publications. How to do it: Relax and Renew. Deeply relax. Open in App. The Kriya moves the kundalini energy from the This kriya addresses issues specifically related to strengthening one’s capacity to endure. Step 1: Rhythmic dancing. Within the context of Kundalini Yoga, kriya refers to a single or specific set of yogic exercises Kriya for Stress Relief: Designed to reduce stress and tension in the body and mind, this kriya incorporates gentle stretching, deep relaxation, and calming breathwork to induce a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. Keep your hands in fists and raise your arms What is Kriya? Kriya is a Sanskrit word meaning complete action, deed, or effort. It is important for us to deeply relax on a daily basis. by Guru Rattana, Ph. The root, kri, means to do or create. It also works on the upper triangle of chakras and stimulates Sit in Easy Pose and relax the hands on the knees. Its effects are numerous : You may build the time of the kriya to 31 minutes, but remember to have a long, deep relaxation immediately Add to this a strong metabolic balance and you will have heartiness. Posture: Stand straight with arms completely relaxed. It is good for general strength, for digestion, for abdominal toning, for This kriya works to gently stimulate and balance the glandular system, especially the pituitary gland, which is associated with the Sixth Chakra. HOME; LOGIN / SIGN UP raising hips, into Front Platform Pose. Inhale deeply and smoothly through the curled tongue and If you are irritated when you begin practicing this kriya, add Movement Relaxation Kriya* before the deep relaxation. kundalinimobile. Each kundalini. 32 - 38 minutes. Posture: Photos courtesy of the Kundalini Research Institute. Celibate Pose. We have one central nervous system. D. Feel that you are a star in Seventy-two nerve endings are in the anus, and that is the First Chakra, which we are talking about. Savasana. Abigail guides you through breathwork and mental repetitions of mantras: Sa Ta Na Ma + Wahe Guru. Topics / Tension; Tension Topic. Sat Kriya circulates the kundalini energy kundalini. In higher consciousness you are infinite, radiant, and full of energy. A breathing exercise to balance Ida & Pingala Nadi and open Shushumna channel. Beginning students may practice this kriya This variant of Sat Kriya Workout, for beginners, includes rests between most exercises. 36-37). We use our bandhas, or energy locks, to build energy in this morning All that being said, a 40 day practice with a different type of yoga is not going to provide you with clarity like a Kundalini kriya would. 12 exercises. This kriya releases tension accompanied by nervousness. com/yt/470-30day-refeel-favorites 🌟It's the time of Unlike most Kundalini Yoga kriyas, you do not take a 23 minute rest between each exercise unless it is explicitly stated. The Brain Doctor Kriya. Stretch the arms straight up overhead with palms together. Do not think. When the body has become diseased, it is very difficult for kundalini. kriyas / Exercising the Central Vagus Nerve; Exercising the Central Vagus Nerve YogaSet. It gives flexibility of the spine and improves the power of digestion and elimination of waste and Kirtan Kriya: Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation. The subtle pressure against the meridian points on the rib cage brings immediate relaxation. The total time is 7. It induces a state of calmness, clarity, and Posture: In Easy Pose, make a Lotus Mudra: the sides of the thumbs and the tips of the little fingers and the base of the palms touch; the rest of the fingers spread to form the lotus petals. It could be adapted to a regular class by keeping the time of the kundalini. Without strong adrenals kundalini. Its The relaxation between exercises is short and all breathing should be done with enthusiasm. 46 - 60 minutes. Part The eyes are keys to entering the vision of the inner world as well as the outer world. stretch up. Find a warm, kundalini. Kriya: Yoga Sets, Meditations, Classic Kriyas; 1. Eyes: If it is available to you, Deep relaxation is a must for physical and mental health. Inhale and relax. 49 minutes. The right elbow should When the 13th, 14th and 15th vertebrae are curved in, the liver is pressured. If sleep is a regular problem for you, try practicing this kriya for 90 days. Remember, 90 percent of the sexual energy is utilized for creative and regenerative functions throughout the body. kriyas / Preparation for Meditation; Preparation for Meditation YogaSet. Openness. This is perfect for when you're tired and have limited energy as the class takes place Totally relax the eyelids and let them close by their own accord. Posture and Breath: Sit in Easy Pose. Deep relaxation is a Unlock your full potential with this Kundalini Yoga class featuring the transformative Kriya for Elevation! This powerful practice combines breathwork, movem. 5 - 14 minutes. Let that sphere of energy descend to the Navel Chakra. 35 minutes. KI. Inhale, raise the arms over the head with the arms hugging the ears. Ashlee Moosbrugger. This kriya is a complete preparation for releasing tension accompanied by Instructions for the kriya: Level: This is an intermediate level set to create open loving feelings. This exercise is for the glandular system and the liver; it will relax Sat Kriya is fundamental to Kundalini yoga and should be practiced every day for at least 3 minutes. Two: In this This kriya helps to open the heart, create a positive relationship to the self, and make you available to receive love. It works on Stand up carefully and shake out the legs. It targets the kidneys, liver, and spleen, helps to dissolve Mulbandh; exhale and relax. KY. This kriya can bring great change. Let each section of your body relax. kriyas / Emotional and Mental Balance and Prevention of Early Menopause; Exhale, relax the breath. In its awakened state, the energy travels through the spine to the crown of the head, activating Allow the whole body to move into deep relaxation. and Dr. kriyas / Saturn Meditation; Saturn Meditation Meditation. (Corpse Pose), the deep relaxation technique of Kundalini Yoga is similar. If you’re lookin Once this is achieved and a new energy balance is attained, then, through analytic self assessment and meditation, it is possible to effect the wholistic change in behavior which is kundalini. You can't sleep, nothing can happen to you. Make the finger stiff and the forearm straight; don't let the finger relax or the forearm drift. Sitting between the Kriya for Positive Mind Bron: The Ten Light Bodies of Conciousness van Nirvair Singh Khalsa Ego Eliminator (heart center) 6 MINUTES. Saturday, the day of Saturn, the Task Master, is an excellent day to practice it. Become Strong as Steel. Home Practice Listen Learn. This Lie on the back and deeply relax. Still sitting in Easy Pose, interlace the fingers and rest them on the top of your head. Part 1 - Spine Flex. kriyas / Yoga for Circulation and Energy; Yoga for Circulation and Energy YogaSet. Kundalini Yoga is a science and With 23 exercises, this kriya is a great total kundalini workout. 19 - 36 minutes. We are going to arouse the energy, through the spinal column, to change the serum 🌟 Get FREE access to our 30-Day ‘Refeel Favorites’ Program! Start your journey here: https://refeelyoga. Deep Relaxation. Extend the arms in front of the body with the palms facing up and make fists of the hands. Posture, Breath, & Movement: From sitting with the legs outstretched, bring the body into a straight with the heels on the ground and the upper portion of the body held up by "All the exercises in this set work on the heart muscle and the heart center. Bring the hands 4 or 5 inches in front of the Heart What this Kriya will do for you: Deep relaxation is a must for physical and mental health. This series of exercises uses the eyes and eye pressure to create different states of consciousness. "There is no time, no place, no space, and no Part 1 - Circle Right. Strike the right arm with the back of the left fist, starting near the wrist and moving KRIYA FOR THE PITUITARY GLAND. Ed Jones (aka Charanpal) is a Level 2 KRI-certified, KYTA & IKYTA-registered and fully insured kundalini yoga teacher who trained with Amrit Nam Sarovar international kundalini yoga school in London and France. kriyas This is a very restful posture. Stress which builds up can cause physical and mental imbalances and this short These fundamental kriyas shall never fail you if you do them for 11 minutes each. Be sure that the chin is pulled in on Sat Kriya, and that the face is forward in the down position of Frog Whenever you feel that you need a moment of calm and relaxation, you can choose to use this particular kriya to feel wonderful. kriyas / Complete Workout for the Total Self; Then inhale and exhale 4 times and relax. Balance the Mind 2. 8 exercises. Welcome to our kundalini yoga class! For today's class we are practicing the kriya for metabolism and relaxation. Stretch the spine up and curve the spine in; the spine should be totally This kriya brings deep relaxation and calmness. Feel the beat of the heart there. Relax. Relax for 5 – 10 minutes. " Yogi Bhajan said that you may extend the time for Sit in easy pose and move at the count: Your arms are bent at the elbows, keeping your upper arms parallel to the floor. Continue for 3 – 10 minutes. Breath signatures that create shallow, erratic, upper-chest breathing are common. Keeping your palms Make sure to click "SHOW MORE" to see the Support Materials for this class! These two short kriyas combined create a very subtle experience. Guestbook; General terms and conditions; en; fr; Kriya to Prepare For Deep Meditation Inhale in the What we are doing today is very important. Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart. They concentrate on one power of energy like a storehouse. TIMING : 31 minutes LEVEL : Beginner level This sequence of kriya exercises is designed to stretch and strengthen the body while Proceed from one exercise to another, without pause for relaxation, unless otherwise indicated. Topics / Thyroid; Thyroid Topic. Take some time to relax your body, in Kundalini Yoga we are working on the nervous system and therefore it’s important to relax in Savasana for at least a couple of minutes after this sequence. It can help to eliminate disturbances in your sleep throughout the night, and give you more energy and alertness throughout the day. Exhale, relax the arms, and come down This is a Kriya that is good when you want to work very hard. kriyas / Kriya for Adjusting the Upper Body; Kriya for Adjusting the Upper Body YogaSet. This kriya can be found in the manual, KRIYA: Yoga Sets, This Kundalini Yoga kriya stimulates the kidneys, balances the lower three chakras, strengthens the navel point, opens the pelvic area, creates a flow of energy between the spine and first This is a kriya for joy, tranquility, peace, and the power to serve and uplift all those who need you. Put simply, venus kriyas in Kundalini yoga are actions done in pairs. Tip of Join Judith Ender from Imagine Academy on this simple and powerful Kundalini Yoga 11-minute Meditation: Shabad Kriya for Deep Relaxation and Better Sleep. It can be done either before This series begins by purifying the blood and expanding the lung capacity. The thyroid and parathyroid secretions are added to the increased This is a very beautiful movement meditation kriya which will relax your whole body and mind. This kriya focuses on releasing The first two parts of this kriya create an active seal of consciousness to bring triple changes: in the physical, in the mental, and in the totality of the being, working on the positive ego. Har Aerobic Kriya. Meditation for Creative Manifestation. Curl the tongue and extend it slightly past the lips. Health. Sat Kriya strengthens the entire sexual system, stimulating its natural energy flow, relaxing sexual phobias, enabling control of the sexual kundalini. Deep relaxation is a must for Right hand is at the shoulder, with the Jupiter finger extended, pointing up. Begin to roll If you become irritated when you begin practicing this kriya, add the practice of the kriya: Movement Relaxation. Sit on the heels and grab hold of the ankles. 10 minutes. Stretch back, stretching the ribcage and Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation This exercise is for the thyroid, lower back, and heart. Exercises 2 and 3 The first duty of the spiritual teacher is to develop self-radiance in his students. Exhale, relax the breath. kriyas / For Health and Openness; For Health and Openness YogaSet. This Kriya has purifying and elevating effects and is great to practise during this period of time. yoga. See also A Kundalini Yoga Kriya for Keeping the Body Beautiful. Since this is a kundalini This kriya releases tension accompanied by nervousness. Just remember to relax In Kundalini yoga, a kriya is a set of postures, movements or breath patterns which, when all performed as a sequence, lead mind and body to a specific desired outcome (whether that’s stress-relief, physical health and Kundalini kriyas for the heart work on both the physical heart and the heart center. Even if you do this practice without a river and without belief in anything but your own Infinite Self, it works wonders. Without a good supply of kundalini. Do not move. Begin with only 3 minutes and slowly build to 11 kundalini. kriyas / Exercise Set for the Kidneys; Exercise Set for the Kidneys YogaSet. Sit in Easy Pose. In the realm of mind it means you can hold and project an important thought. Today’s class is Firing up the Metabolism Kriya The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008 1. This kriya balances prana and apana by focusing on the Third Chakra at the Navel Point and then at the Heart Center. I am a Woman - This simple Kundalini kriya to support metabolism is easy to master and incorporate into your daily practices. Kundalini Yoga is a simple methodical system to reach a reserve power of the psyche to develop and live Unlike most Kundalini Yoga kriyas, you do not take a 23 minute rest between each exercise unless it is explicitly stated. When kundalini. Relax on your back. Kirtan Kriya, often referred to as SA TA NA MA meditation, is the most important meditation in Kundalini Yoga. Your hands are in fists. It helps to break down the energy block in the Kriya The First, Second and Third Chakras associated with the rectum, sex organs and Navel Point are thoroughly exercised in this kriya. Panchaprana / panchavayu mudra and mantra It is a great practice for reducing stress and When you control your domain you act from the center of your being. Anytime you do these, you need to do a deep relaxation afterwards. Come back and share your experience of Sat Kriya’s This is a powerful and energetic kriya for a full tune-up of the nervous system. 29 minutes. Balance the Mind 1. Add to this a strong metabolic balance and you will have heartiness. kriyas / Meditation for Creative Manifestation Kriya: Yoga Sets, Meditations, Classic Kriyas; 1. 19 - 21 minutes Yoga Sets, Meditations, Classic Kriyas; 1. 9 exercises. No time This Kundalini Yoga kriya is delicate and subtle in its many effects. Advanced Abdominal & Navel Strengthening Kriya. Mentally look around you. Connect to yourself and the other . Give us priority over property, over punctuality in life, so that we may work out our karma and understand the The kriyas and meditations taught will open up the energy gateways through the chakras to allow Kundalini to clear the 7 gates to heaven, expanding your light fully through the 10th gate, your We get tired and snappy. OM. This is a very beautiful movement meditation kriya which will relax your whole body and mind. Beloved God, give us the best of life, the best of health. Kriya: List of Guru Rattana Online Kundalini Yoga Kriyas & Meditations.