Evap line actually positive It can be easily seen and stands out by itself. I came back and seen this but at that time the test was dry. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 7 comments 8. I took a test, it was negative so I threw it in the trash. Does this look like an evap line or maybe a Evap Line or Faint Positive? Home Pregnancy Test Share Add a Comment. And I did end up being pregnant. I already have two children and tested positive within 9&10 days post ovulation but i am assuming i am not as it’s been 16 days and would’ve tested positive by now i assume 🤷♀️ Is this just a horrible evap line :(OP posts: See next See all if it is an evap but he used those easy at home pink tests for over a year and I have never even had a sniff of a line until I was actually pregnant, evap or otherwise. Help! a. Then after Evap line or positive? The really cheap strips on Amazon are actually quite good to use early on - you can pee on them whenever you feel like it without spending a fortune (get 50 for £6 or so) Of course first urine in the morning has the highest concentration I am 6 months pregnant now but I wasn’t pregnant when I got the line on this test :( It was a horrible evap line & I swore never to use a blue dye test again after this. look at my page, I’ve got a post comparing an evap to positive. I’ve been ttc for a while now and every other test I’ve done has been negative other than this morning I’ve done these tests in the past and I’ve never had an evap line show always just been negative. Pregmates give AWFUL evap lines. I’m sorry, I am hoping you get the outcome you are hoping for! ️ Also here for advice 🙈 This was my first test yesterdayevap or positive line came up about 5 mins after. are they actually positive? Those are evap. I’ve also heard that, I wound up shining a light behind the test which revealed the line to actually be colorless compared to the other one. Reply reply hellorigby • Evap Line Turned Out To Be Positive. Idk if it’s the test or if I’m actually pregnant. Clearblue which looked positive after 2 hours, followed by clear blue which had an evap line after 25 mins, followed by a definite negative followed by a negative digital. . Guess what, I was (am) pregnant. Going to test again tomorrow morning. I took two and they both had the same line, so maybe a bad batch of tests? Reply reply soupdispenser I think it’s actually happening this time 🥲 Evap line or positive?? Hey ladies I need y’all’s opinions. Is this a true faint positive or an evap line? I have heard so many people say they have gotten really bad evap lines with frer so idk if I should get excited or not I got BFN last night and looked again after the time frame and got the evap line. I would have your GF Take another test in a few days though, because it could very well be an evap line. I’ve heard they can give a So many people get their fet bfp at 7dp or earlier and I'm struggling to stay positive. I tried that test, the digital one, and one of the pink tests just to make sure the first positive I saw was actually positive. Usually, evap lines are colorless lines or streaks (grayish) and a bit thinner than positive lines. Early in pregnancy, there might not be much hCG in the urine, and the positive line might not be very strong. Personally I hate them and think they give false positives and don’t darken when you’re actually pregnant. Soula AI — Mental Health and Educational Support from Pregnancy to Maternity and Beyond. 2 days later I stated bleeding, but mostly when I went to the toilet and wiped. Missed miscarriage in October 2023. The line is this case isn’t clearly blue so it could well be an evaporation line. If it’s an evap line wouldn’t it be dried up? mine still isn’t. I booked a PCR and got positive test results that night. I have attached the first CB I did before my period was due and you can see it's clearly a blue line. Evap line or early positive? This is out of the 10 min window but I saw it within 3 minutes. Evap line or positive test Very faint line read within the window Share Add a Comment. evap lines or faint positive? The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. Soula Worried about whether you have a faint line, an indent, or an evap? Indent lines are usually visible on a test prior to dipping or may appear once they are dipped as a colorless line. The next morning I was throwing something else away and saw the test was positive. So This cycle I had a test show positive then fade to negative, tested two days later and got what I'm assuming was an evap line (I walked away thinking maybe line eyes, my husband saw a faint line about an hour later, the test was sitting on the back of the sink), tested today and negative. These tests always have blue evap’s they are really cruel I’d honestly really recommend avoiding them. Please feel free to Positive or evap line? Home Pregnancy Test Hello! • This was taken 21 days after sex. i evap line? or positive? I am now 19days delayed and had protected sex 3 weeks ago using condom + pull out. Doesn’t mean you aren’t pregnant, could be too early. To determine if a line on a pregnancy test is an evaporation line or a positive result, it is important to consider the timing of the test and the color and thickness of the line. I’ve been so excited in the past with a super faint line only to realize the clear blue wasn’t actually positive. Reply . I tested positive on Wednesday and the line was very faint to the point it was barely perceptible. I had never got an evap line, and I took a monthly test. I’m around 12 or 13 dpo. It is possible for your evaporation line to end up actually being a faint positive line, especially if you take a blue dye test. it looks pretty dry in the photo - did the line show up pretty fast in the window or was it late? If it was at the end of the timeframe or after, I would definitely think evaporation. however, an hour later I had a feeling to check it again and there was a second line for positive I know this can mean Evap line but has anyone else experienced this and it was actually positive and you were pregnant when you retested EVAP line vs positive I tested five days early before AF was suppose to arrive. I waited 2-5 minutes and couldn't see a line, although it was dark at the time. So I took both of these at the same time. the test i took last night has a VERY faint line and i don’t know if it’s an evap line or a very faint positive. So I did an experiment. So I must have ovulated late and had this positive at only 3 weeks which explains why it was so faint! I also started taking a few pregnancy tests just because I have not gotten a period. Took another this morning thinking it will be more obvious and it’s basically the same (second pic). I was making dinner and got side tracked. all the tests have been negative and i’m now around 9-11 DPO. Theoretically, any visible line, regardless of how faint, should signify a positive test. Ive had so many negatives I’m struggling to believe this could actually be happening! Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas! I am about 12-13dpo, with a lot of early pregnancy symptoms coming in just after I ovulated. The first response looks so negative and I would of thought that for sure would look positive if the other ones were real lines. first response maybe 10-11 DPO not actually sure, line can only be seen held up in light and almost non existent on flat surface. Is this definitely positive? I thought my eyes were tricking me yesterday 😭 2. Can An Evap Line Be Blue? Yes, it can. However, I took this test first thing this morning. Had. An evaporation line may appear as a mark on a pregnancy test if: evap line or positive? showed up around 3-4 minutes after doing test, period is over two weeks late and all other tests i’ve taken have been negative. Distinguishing between a genuine positive result and an evap Worried about whether you have a faint line, an indent, or an evap? Indent lines are usually visible on a test prior to dipping or may appear once they are dipped as a colorless line. I took this picture after 3 minutes and did everything correctly, but I’ve seen some say they got false positives with this particular test. I took a First Signal pregnancy test yesterday at 9dpo with FMU. The line was pink after about 35 mins of weeing on it. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . Some evap lines can be very deceiving, even more so than the one in the picture Positive test or evap line 12 replies Anonymous5601 I’ve never used these before and I’m not sure. Learn to tell the difference and how to always be confident in your results. Before discussing the difference between a faint positive line and an evaporation line on a pregnancy test result, it helps to know what can cause a faint positive test result. Aargh. It also depends on if the test instructions were perfectly followed and the time passed the line appeared. It does not indicate pregnancy and is merely a result of evaporation. Understanding these factors helps clarify why some individuals may mistake these faint lines for positive results. An evaporation line or ‘evap’ line on a pregnancy test is a false-positive result that can appear on traditional pregnancy tests where the test line is supposed to be. Be the I think it’s actually happening this time 🥲 On the test, if the mark becomes clearer and darker the following day, you might be completely confident it is not an Evap line but a positive test. I had convinced myself that I was seeing things or having another chemical pregnancy, but the lines eventually showed up much darker and now I'm 17 weeks pregnant. So much so that I refused to believe when an actual positive happened out of a pack of 50, no less than 10 of them were evaps. This last pic is the 3 min mark at 9 dpo Is it positive or an evap line? Zo • Sat, Jan 04. Here’s how to tell. Is this an evap line or a positive do you think? It’s ever so slightly darker in person but won’t pick up on camera. ♀️ I didn’t test till I was losing it because I assumed I was starting Took a test this morning as I’m a week late - not sure if this is an evap line or actually a positive? Took a clear blue digital as well which was a very clear ‘Not Pregnant’ ☹️ trying not to get my hopes up but at the same time I know false negatives are rare. Period isn’t due for another 2 days so will obviously retest soon but it’s driving me crazy not knowing now! Latest: 13 hours ago | Brittanyjewel17. Yours looks pink I read both within three minutes and they both had these faint lines. I’m going to test again in the morning. The last photo was taken 10-15 minutes after taking the test. Has anyone ever gotten an evap line (tested on 9 DPO and 10 DPO w/ $$ Tree test) that eventually turned to BFP. pregnancy symptoms include missed period, extreme thirst, increased appetite and intolerance to heat. tonight i had a second line on my test but it looked so faint i couldn’t tell if it had color to it or not. (and in altered photos I see the shadow line). Evap line or early positive? 8 replies Tay152 Evap line yeah, and a day later is invalid. The test on top is from yesterday. The clear blue was the first test I took this test which was NEGATIVE, but then pulled it out of the trash the next day and had an evap line. Identifying an EVAP Line. I took early clear blue and they came Skip to main content. When I went to throw it out I noticed the super faint line, it looked almost like a shadow. Positive Result: If positive for pregnancy, there will be one horizontal line intersected with one vertical line, forming a plus sign. so I know the instructions clearly state disregard test after 10 minutes however I know of people who have been in the same boat and positive. But wait, is that a faint line you see? Reading a home pregnancy test can be confusing, and if you're really wanting to get pregnant (or hoping to not be pregnant), it's nerve-wracking when you can't tell an evaporation line from a Halimeh shares a post titles evap line vs faint positive to help many women differentiate between evaporation lines and faint positive lines. I took two tests 5 days apart the first was negative the second positive. Sort by: Okay. Very common in blue die tests, where a faint blue line is where the positive line should be also throwing off the person taking it. I took a pregnancy test and no line then after a few hours it showed a faint line. It had the faintest line. Pictures of tests should be taken within the timeframe to avoid this issue. A ton of women shared that evaporation lines are mainly gray in color, thin, and faint. Tested again just now (impatient and didn't want to wait for FMU tomorrow Evap line. Here’s a picture of a pregnancy test evaporation line for reference: Take a look at the Here, we break down exactly what an evaporation line is, why it occurs and how to tell the difference between a faint positive (the desired BFP!) and an evaporation line. Is there a chance this could be a positive? I’ll test again tomorrow, but wanted to ask if anyone’s evap line ever turned out to be positive? I am 11dpo Posted by u/storiesunlimited - 1 vote and no comments Evap line or positive pregnancy? Hey all I’ve had a copper Iud put in in december and recently I felt the string a bit longer than usual after I had intercourse 10 days ago which was 2 days before my ovulation day, 24K subscribers in the trollingforababy community. Evap lines can occur when a test had dried and read outside of the timeframe specified in the instructions. I bought the same clear blue tests and did one with water, and The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I took a test this morning and it was negative for around 10 mins. Well, I tried a different clear blue test and again, totally negative in the time frame but when I went back a while later, there was a stronger positive line. hi! not sure if this line is just an evap line or could be considered a faint positive. A That happened to me actually. If you see an evaporation line on an at-home pregnancy test, you might be confused if you’re expecting or not. I wanted to see if anyone has experience with what began looking like a evap. 2K subscribers in the pregnancy_care community. I’ve never had an evaporation line and I’ve left tests out many times before. A faint positive pregnancy test reveals itself to be displayed on the pregnancy stick in the form of an absolutely thick line which is took a pregnancy test yesterday, it showed up negative within the allotted time. So OP is asking if people Evap line or positive Home Pregnancy Test Taken in avo I’d say 8-9DPO but maybe I ovulated sooner ~ these are early response came in a pack of 3 and last month I didn’t get any Evap lines on the previous 2 tests just don’t want to get hopes up. Does a faint line on a Clearblue pregnancy test mean A positive pregnancy test, an indent line, and an evap line all look similar. Didn’t see much, trashed it, went back about 40 minutes later cause I was curious. In a successful pregnancy, the body begins producing a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)shortly after implantation (when the fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall). Latest: 19 hours ago | Mama2Boys2123. I did a blue dye clear blue with fmu today and saw a shadow of a line when I moved it in certain angles. Looks even stronger and more blue IRL. any input would help and be Hi, I'm kind of new to this and had never heard of the evilness of evap lines until coming on this forum. This educational content is not medical or Evap line or positive? I read this about 10 minutes or so after taking. Like. If it was earlier, I would guess it’s a positive! I’ve never used that brand of test though, so I’m not sure how reliable they typically are. Start Discussion View Members Join Group Leave Group. I took this with fmu. is this an evap line or positive??? Can see the tiiiniest bit of something but can’t tell if it’s an indent/evap line or super faint positive. But you can learn how to distinguish a positive test line from an evaporation line. I’ve had a whirlwind of a 6. i Positive or evap line? So i took the test this afternoon but the line didn’t show up immediately but now it’s getting darker. Reply reply JazKat16 I assumed it was an evap line but as time passed it started getting bluer in color. Needless to say, don’t make the same mistake I did. My line eyes are killing me and I cannot decide if these are evap lines or real lines. However, even a weak positive line has color, which sets it apart from an evaporation line, which lacks color. The clear blue test from 10 hcg, those blue ones are 20 hcg I We’ve been trying to have a baby for about 5 years. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. the last two pregnancies i’ve had ended in miscarriages, and strangely they both occurred 1-2 days after having a pelvic exam or vaginal ultrasound. Im very confused whether this is an evap line or a positive line. JazKat16 • Evap line - if you didn’t read it in the time it says, I wouldn’t trust a positive on it. Please Help, Evap or actually positive? greneec1984. “. But I’m not sure if it’s an evap or actually positive. Please help, is this faint line positive pregnancy or just evap line? 6DPO, thank you Home Pregnancy Test I want to ask if this faint line is positive pregnancy or just an evap line, thank you everyone Share Sort by: Best So idk what it is actually 😭 I wasn’t watching the test the entire time but eventually this line popped up. I don’t know what to think. I read that blue test can be inaccurate. Did anyone get their Evap line or positive!! I’m 2 weeks late and ive been getting nausea, sore boobs and whatnot, ive been pregnant before and the nausea and breast pain is similar so i tested. Life is Evap line or a faint positive??? Home Pregnancy Test I’m freaking out and need help here. I disregarded it but now it seems to be darker. is there even a line or am i overthinking things? 2. Got a very, very faint line (see attached photo). An evaporation line typically appears after the test has dried, which is usually after the allotted time frame for reading the test has passed. “The dye-based tests work by chemically reacting and changing color when hCG is present,” says Maggie Tetrokalashvili, MD, an ob-gyn and chairperson of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at NYC Health + Hospitals/South If it was an evap line wouldn't it be a lot lighter? OP posts: See next See all Quote Thanks Add post Share Report Advertisement NewBoyMama · 24/09/2024 12:42 Evap lines are normally colourless so I'd say it's actually positive! (Unless 10mins was too long to read the test, I would check you're Positive or evap line I took 3 pregnancy test (the third was digital and read no but with the lines in the others I opened it and I can’t really see a line and they all came back with the very faint line but I cannot tell if they are evap lines or not. i didn’t notice it right away but it did show up within 10-15 mins of taking the test. Look closer you may be If it were a positive, it would've shown up in the 3-10 minute time frame that a test is accurate for. You could always retest with a pink dye and if it's actually positive it'll show on there I’m 11 DPO with a super faint line on FRER thismorning which I assumed was an evap line as I they are known [P1]: Phase 1, loading [P2]: Phase 2, VLCD (very low calorie diet) [P3]: Stabilization This is meant to be a positive, helpful and supportive environment to HCG veterans and first-timers alike. And if still unsure, schedule a blood draw pregnancy test. Could I actually be pregnant? Very dark evap line or positive? Top test I took yesterday morning, and it was negative at the time I took the test. Evap line or faint positive!?!? 70 Discussions. Hi! I am 11DPO took a test and within 5min it only showed negative. The line thin and faint but clearly there. And my husbands looks negatives. Unlike a positive test line that is in full color, an evaporation line is faint, FRER is no longer the holy grail of tests. Yet, sometimes, the line might turn blue after a permitted period. I have irregular periods and haven’t had one for about 4 months now. I’ve taken three today (separated by 5 hours, 2 They actually picked up my chemical a couple months ago but the FRER did not. Not what you want to see when TTC. 277 Members. More posts you may I’ve had some indents but I think this actually might be something??? 8. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. That does look like an evap line as it's really thin, a positive test line will be as thick as the control line I don’t know if I have line eyes or if it is actually there as I took a digital straight after and it said not pregnancy this was Tuesday and now it is Friday and I am due on my period today but haven’t had it yet. But someone mentioned evap lines, and I find it hard to believe the strip would dry up that quick in 10 minutes. I can see how many ladies are getting upset with but the evap lines on the pink ones aren't normally took a test and didn’t see anything within the testing window- waited probably 15-20 minutes and i see a really faint line- i had to take the strip out bc it wasn’t very visible with the plastic reflection but im freaking out. Thought it could be positive until I started my period the same day lol. evap line or faint line? this is driving me crazy and i want to know. As the levels of hCG rise, the positive test line There’s a faint line on the left side. FRER positive or evap line? 22 replies DappledOliveGroves · 30/01/2021 17:35 So, tested yesterday evening. The line came up instantly before the control line and well within the timeframe. I felt pregnant, I really knew deep down I was. I read at the time that it's rare to actually get an evap line -it's more likely you're TIA I took a pregnancy test on 12/06 and got a faint positive. 4 months of trying so far using the clearblue ovulation tests and seeing those evap lines is Does anyone else see a faint line here!? upvotes Update from yesterday, 12 doo today. From what I’ve seen, the line should not have been as dark as it was. I think it’s actually happening this time 🥲 upvotes And here is an example of an evap line. Is that an evap line? I did get a negative digital test tonight. While a true positive pregnancy test will contain some color, an evap line will be colorless. Hubby and I are trying! Took one of these Worried about whether you have a faint line, an indent, or an evap? Indent lines are usually visible on a test prior to dipping or may appear once they are dipped as a colorless line. I’m sure it could just be an evaporation line, it’s just throwing me off that it’s blue, I can see a bit of a thick line & I saw something earlier within the time frame of accurate results. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Unlike a Understand the difference between a faint line on a pregnancy test that means you're pregnant and an evap (evaporation) line that is colorless and does not indicate a You can’t control whether an evaporation line appears in your results window. Just for a bit of background we're trying after we lost our last pregnancy at 10 weeks earlier this year. The blue dye tests are more likely to mimic the color of a gray evaporation line, and this can make initial results confusing. Grasping at straws here. Positive should be thicker. I took a Clearblue plus test this morning and a very feint but definitely there line came up! It came up within the 3 minutes and is I’ve had 2-3 days of spotting and i never spot between periods. Yes yes yes yes!!! Thank you for saying this!!! If someone gets a line 1-3 minutes after peeing on the stick they are probably pregnant or a chemical. They’ve always just stayed white. I’ve taken several clear blue tests over the last few days and never have I had an evap line show up later at any point. i think this time i’m gonna hold off on calling the doctor for a minute, besides to get beta hcg tests. What is an indent line on a pregnancy test? On the surface of the results strip on a pregnancy test are 2 channels where the dye can collect to show the results, so you Worried about whether you have a faint line, an indent, or an evap? Indent lines are usually visible on a test prior to dipping or may appear once they are dipped as a colorless line. I’m 11 DPO and just got this test result. Even after a couple days of testing, the First Response was very light. 11 DPO, is this a faint positive or evap line?! Possible Squinter Just tested on a whim and got this with second morning pee. Brooklyn9917 Member. I've taken so many tests and a lot of the negatives look like that. I put it in the trash and just out of curiosity I took it back out and saw this. looks sort of grey and curved to me. Top 9% Could I actually be pregnant? A positive pregnancy test, however, is revealed with a strong and bold line and is quite thick. I took early first response tests and they all have a really really really faint line, they don’t even show up in camera. Any thoughts? I’m not sure if what I’m seeing is a VERY faint positive line or an evap line. Joined Apr 12, 2020 Messages 10 Reaction score 0. Pregmate Evap Lines vs Faint Positives. I've now come back a couple of hours later and there appears to be a faint blue Yes, an evap line is possible on all rapid antigen tests, just like a pregnancy test. Unsure if what I’m looking at is an evap line or a very faint positive. Home pregnancy te A vague result might indicate a very faint positive pregnancy test or even just an evaporation line. When I first tested positive with this pregnancy, my premom strip showed positive before First Response did. and i had waited about 5 mins before i passed it off as negative. I was having some early symptoms not too dis similar to pre menstrual however they felt stronger. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. FRER evap line or faint positive? Thread starter Brooklyn9917; Start date Apr 14, 2020; Forums New posts B. However, it’s not valid after a certain number of minutes and false positives are possible. You can get another opinion here. Miscarriage in July. @Shannon all my evaps with clear blue were actually blue! @Phoebe that’s odd. Every All have been negative so far. If it’s not positive within 5 If it was after the 10 min mark i would know it’s an evap line for sure but it was well within. I took it in the morning and it said not pregnant, but in the evening I took the test apart and it looked like it would be a positive test. Generally when these have evaps they're a really thin, most of the time dark blue, line. Timing: Reading results beyond the specified time frame increases the likelihood of seeing an evap line. I took the test and didn’t see anything but maybe a shadow but I have “line eyes” so I sat it down and stepped away. Took a test the other day and forgot about it and looked at it the next day and it looks positive. I have never had an evap line on a FRER before. That said, you should assume any slightly positive-looking COVID test is a positive until proven otherwise and isolate. hCG levels in the body typically double every 48 hours. Evap. Thoughts?? Is this a colorless evaporation line or a faint positive? I have a digital test that I’ll plan Clearblue - positive or evap line? 10 replies PfizerFan · 10/10/2022 20:51 My period is now 10 days late! A cheapie test 3 days ago was negative. What do you guys think? First two pics are yesterday and second two pics are today. It is a cheap test. However I’m Each test showed a super light barely there blue line which only appeared 10-15 minutes after I'd taken them. Quote React Add post Share Report I have taken a cheap test and I can’t tell if it’s positive or if it’s just an evap line? Im really trying not to get my hopes up but to me it really looks like somethings there. Wait a few days and then try a different test x. During the 3-5 minute time we didn’t see it but we were too busy to actually take a close look. Period is due on Tuesday (2nd). i’m not positive they’re correlated, but it’s a strange coincidence and i’m superstitious ig lol. Worried about whether you have a faint line, an indent, or an evap? Indent lines are usually visible on a test prior to dipping or may appear once they are dipped as a colorless line. I’m going to go get a digital test and pink dye tests asap, but I’m losing it trying to figure it out!! I’m 14 DPO Share Add a Comment. However, a personal rule for me is wait a week and try again. If a faint positive line is seen when the woman is not actually pregnant, it is known as a false-positive result, that is, the test is negative. 18 Similar Discussions Found . On yesterdays, I didn’t really see any color, so I was worried it was just an evap line, but todays it is a very faint color. But on the clear blue, I had that faint line as one of my first positives! Might be worth trying a different brand. Does the frer (dark pink cap) have bad evap lines that are pink? I took a test this morning. I tested the night before and it was negative, woke up at 7 AM the day my period was due, took 3 different brands of tests, all clearly positive. What do y’all think? I know I’ve had some indents but I think this actually might be something??? 8. faint positive so you can interpret your results correctly. This test was originally negative but when I came back to it I saw this. I took this test this morning and saw it had a SUPER faint like on there that has now turned into this?I'm not sure if it’s actually positive or an evaporation line - I would really appreciate some insight on Posted by u/Substantial_Bad3977 - 1 vote and 10 comments Hey all just a wee update for anyone who may come across this or anyone who replied but as I said that was an evap as every other test for two days were clearly negative and then last night around 8pm I decided to test as my period was still late and I got a faint line but was hesitant to believe it after that evap line I then took another around 1am and got the same In this case, it’s possible that the second line is an indent line. angel2hi. Difference Between Faint Positive Pregnancy Test and Evap Line. This is my second cycle after the miscarriage. Crying Toddlers Surprisingly, they are actually different. but saying that i was saying to my partner 'i can see a line cant you?' but i have been seeing lines for ages lol i just so desperately want to see that line! So all I had on me was a digital clear blue test. Is this an evap line or BFP? I then got a rapid response and got a positive straight away, the pink dyes are more sensitive x. Usually, evap lines are colorless lines or streaks That is why you see many women google "evap line vs faint positive blue dye". I noticed the first one yesterday morning on a first response after I tested, and drove myself crazy today at work researching. Evap line or faint positive? Home Pregnancy Test Share Add a Comment. So I'd retest and use different ones. In this article, you’ll learn how to tell the difference between an evap line vs. I’m going to test with FRER in a couple days I think, but still looking for opinions! Trying to figure out if this is an evap line or a positive. line but it actually was a faint positive? i currently am what i believe to be 10 DPO if i calculated correctly. I didn’t even notice it at first glance and assumed it was negative. Took it out and there was a second pink line, but I obviously know it’s out of the testing window. 2. I didn't notice a line right away, but I was downstairs in my basement (I used the bathroom Good luck! I had a positive on a first response 2 days later. How can I An evaporation line or ‘evap’ line on a pregnancy test is a false-positive result that can appear on traditional pregnancy tests where the test line is supposed to be. If it's a true positive the line will be full thickness. I know I'm clutching at straws. My positive looked exactly like yours and hers x. 4K subscribers in the lineporn community. So not any late readings or anything. i will def retest in a few days! When I've used those blue and white tests, the line has been further up than where yours is pointing to. My period is 2 days late and I am 14 DPO. I don't really think it looks like a positive, more of an indent/evap line. If you think the line is a faint positive, the best next step is to repeat the pregnancy test. I took this test a couple days ago and didn’t end up looking at it until about 30 minutes later and saw this. i can’t tell if it’s slightly pink in color. This is a group for laughing at and mocking the awkward, ridiculous, and sometimes painful things Evap line or faint positive? Hi everyone. Last period, nov 26, and had spotting dec 17. I was originally worried about how faint the line was however i had a scan yesterday and I’m only 5-6 weeks but saw a strong heartbeat and baby doing well. How To Differentiate Between A Positive Line And An Evap Line. Not the same test, but another a few days later? It looked to me and DH that the 9 DPO actually had a faint positive but 10 DPO just had a "shimmer" where a positive line would have been. Been having cramps and PMS so I figured my period was on the way. The evaporation line typically shows up as a very faint, thin, and almost colorless There are a few ways to determine whether that second line on your pregnancy test is an actual positive result or an evaporation line. The first two pics are within the 3 min timeframe and the third is after it dried, all around 8 dpo and fmu. keep us I'd definitely say those are positive tests! And I do see a faint line on the FRER too I tried for weeks before that with cheap bulk tests to get a positive and nothing at all. The line appeared within a minute or 2. anyone An evap line on a pregnancy test means nothing, so it has to be discarded. Decided to try a clear blue one today when I Evap line or positive? Hi guys, I'm 10 days post ovulation (super early I know) but does this look like a positive test? This faint line appeared within a couple of minutes and the photo was taken after 5 minutes. If a faint positive test result occurs while a woman is bleeding or has a period, it might indicate a chemical pregnancy. Sometimes pregnancy tests are tricky to read. by the same time today (give or take a few hours) a second line has Surprisingly, they are actually different. 5. Evap line or positive? Home Pregnancy Test I would be about 10-11 dpo right now. The line is thin. 8 Comments. Well on the last pack I decided to take the sugar pills so that I would get my period since it had been a while. I took another test this morning first thing and the same thing happened, except this line is a little darker (both test are from the same store brand 2 pack). I’m Actually the faint line on the second test I took is slightly darker even, Definitely not an evaporation line lol! This is obviously positive. could this be an evap line or very early faint. I did a clearblue this morning and it looked like this. A faint positive line can simply mean that the levels of The test is meant to show either a positive or negative result, with the second line typically indicating that you’re pregnant. Positive or not? Could it be an Evap Line? 5 replies JustTTC · 10/12/2024 18:59 1 year postpartum from twins, they were Ivf, my amh was ridiculously low, we recently had intercourse Actually not sure how to reply to posts on this! Haven’t used it in a long time. First pic was 5 minutes after I took it and it wasn’t even dry it looked like there was something but the camera didn’t catch it and the second pic I just took like an hour later the test is still kinda wet tho. Problem is that i didnt notice the lines until after 10 minutes, all i had access to was clearblue at the time but ik they’re notorious for evap lines. Any coloration in a positive line indicates pregnancy. r/lineporn A chip A close button A chip A close button Blue dye tests are actually terrible for evaps and the is it/isn’t it debate. Apr 14, 2020 #1 I took a FRER the other day and assumed it was negative so I tossed it. "Evap lines may be fainter, and in a different spot than where you would expect the pregnancy test [results]," she explains. In case you want improve your throat + nose swabbing techniques, below is a blurb I keep posting on various subs. So I’m on birth control (the pill) and was taking it consecutively so that I wouldn’t get my period. Whether you've been enduring the two-week wait or you're taken by surprise by a missed period, you know it's time to take a pregnancy test. vjnwi hqxhn vybh otxrwzk gzsj jnoebe rpfesuli one hta zofwnwa