Centos 7 vs 8 reddit Running CentOS 7, considering Ubuntu Server LTS for production server . 3-1ubuntu12 and on 20. The only reason we have Ubuntu is because some software necessitates a source install to work on Cent. I've just watched presentation comparing network stacks (pps Centos has retracted long term support from CentOS 8, so suddently 7 is relevant again. 15 votes, 61 comments. I'm a RHEL/CentOS/Fedora person. CentOS 7 is still available (But don't start using it). Docker still isn't officially supported on RHEL / CentOS 8 because of some reason, I think pertaining to Red Hat's support of podman, but workarounds exist. Which is kinda gross. A webserver and a DB server, both running the 'minimal' varation of CentOS 7. gz, unpacking it to the proper place, creating a systemd unit, etc. Debian is super principled about open source, and stability. I don't recommend Centos Stream to anybody at this point. Now that the end of life for Centos 7 is approaching I have to choose a new OS but I'm stuck between AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux. Another thing about running CentOS 8 (any version) right now is that it doesn't have GNOME 40, and I think that is causing some issues because there are GNOME Shell Extensions that aren't ready for GNOME 40. The only thing rolling about it is that things aren't as well tested or I'm researching distros that we can migrate to from CentOS 7. Last time I measured package versions it was about 95% the same (CentOS Stream 8 vs RHEL 8). We were preparing yo move to CentOS 8 until Redhat pulled the rug out from under us. - From my understanding to sum up the comparison between CentOS Linux, CentOS Stream and AlmaLinux are CentOS Linux and AlmaLinux are practically identical for their purpose except for which company supporting it. It's going to be running on either a Core 2 Quad Q8300 (if I use an old desktop of mine) or an i5-2500 (if I buy a cheap desktop I see on kijiji), with 6GB of RAM and probably an SSD. As others have pointed out, Fedora is the testbed and source for RHEL, not the other way around. Late July last year, after some banter during a coffee break, another engineer and I began building Debian infrastructure (preseeding with custom partman replacement, internal mirroring, Puppet support, build scripts for packaging and so on). It's stable all over, with different lifecycles. 5 years I think until you no longer receive security updates or bug fixes. org. For immediate help and problem solving, I have ten CentOS 7 servers and I'm currently moving them to CentOS Stream 8. Kubernetes depends on how you want to deploy it; kubeadm only supports CentOS / RHEL 7, kops supports 8, and only very recently, apparently. IME, you'll have more challenges going from 7 to 8 than you will going from CentOS to Alma. Rock solid and very long term support. 9 to CentOS 8. No such caveat for Ubuntu. Last month I started working on a Rocky 8 kickstart to start migrating and testing now before CentOS 7 his EOL. This is easy enough to avoid by just using CentOS Stream 9 or future versions. CentOS 8. , Kubuntu; ). I went with Fedora at home as I figure that its close enough to RHEL/CentOS that what I learn at work will translate to home use and the other way around. Our server environment is primarily Debian 11 and some CentOS 7. Didn't feel like 7 really had too many flaws in my opinion but didn't rise to the level of some parts of 8. With the release of RHEL 8. Now I noticed what grave mistake that was since it is already not maintained anymore. Another problem with 8 is that you cannot receive announce for updates from announce mailing list Main due to costs, we moved away from RHEL and we are using CentOS 8 as our AWS main Linux distro. Thanks PS: I am aware CentOS has (should have) nginx in its official repos, the nginx repo gives me (or should give me) a more recent version. And I hear you on the familiarity. SELinux and btrfs (for /root) vs. I'm convinced that part of the reason for CentOS stream was to make it difficult to use CentOS in a production workload as a substitute for RHEL for workloads like Oracle, and to make it more expensive for Oracle to develop Oracle Linux directly from CentOS. Not exactly. It's been a good experience so far and it's really nice to see what else is being offered. The most striking differences are wicked vs. x (vs 7. Oracle is a rebuild of RHEL with an optional altnerative kernel. Both of these statements are true. . ). x clones yet, but I suspect it might work fine if you use --override-distro and tell the installer you are on "centos". All of a sudden, Mariadb or Apace won't start. Fedora does a new major version every 6 months, CentOS Stream does one every 3 years. So active development internal to Red Hat on RHEL 8. So I am in charge of setting up workstations for FPGA developers. CentOS Stream updates go through exactly the same QA and testing processes that RHEL updates do. The CentOS Stream 9 announcement includes a helpful image of the new relationships between Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL. It will be migrated to Ubuntu. Currently there are several alternatives: RHEL, AlmalinuxOS, RockyLinux, CentOS Stream, OL, Debian and Ubuntu. Ended up breaking my installation and went back to 7. I've setup multiple Ceph clusters on CentOS 7 and even migrated a full cluster to CentOS 8 just 1 month before the news about the EOL and Stream. RHEL 8 has had the StrongCryptoSettings2 changes from the very beginning. Unless there is some unexpected difference between CentOS Stream 8 and the RHEL 8. I'm still a junior so take what I say with a grain of salt. XFS as defaults. We feel that deploying CentOS Stream 8 is low risk, and we now have months of experience running production workloads on CentOS Stream 8 without any significant issues. CentOS Stream has a 5 year support lifetime for each release, with a new release every 3 years, so there are two years in which to evaluate / test / update from release to release. 0; after that the source code repo and build systems are separated from Fedora. x to Debian 7. x to CentOS Stream 8 right now would mean that in only 8 months you'd have to think about migrating/upgrading again Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. R3D3MPT10N Red Hat But I just thought instead of browsing and looking for a specific answer, maybe I should ask it on reddit. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. For comparison's sake, CentOS 8 has 3. 242. 1 is 1. CentOS the is built for the enterprise environment. For AlamaLinux (to which I switched) there are good migration scripts to get your CentOS 7 installation unplaced to AlmaLinux 8. This machine will be used only by my team, and we will also manage it, but our sysadmins position is "we don't know centos 7, it's too young, so we stick with centos 6". 18. The only thing you might notice with DNF is that you can still use the yum command in CentOS 8/8 stream, and that repositories are still under yum. 04 will be supported until 2023, but CentOS 8 will be supported for around 10 years (until around 2029). That means that security updates included in the minor release, and any security updates released while they were preparing a new minor release were delayed until the release was ready. 8 and also 127. We had maybe one or two servers on Centos 8 before they announced it's eminent demise, so we kept using Centos 7 until Rocky became production ready. rhel9 will more than likely use dnf. One nice thing about us we don't have any software that the vendor requires RHEL for, so we have options. CentOS Stream 8 is where new features are developed for RHEL 8. It also means I get newer versions of stuff and can get exposed to things before they become a part of RHEL (like DNF, which I imagine someday will replace YUM in RHEL). 4 out second, after Oracle but before CentOS. Many do not agree with this step, including myself, but that only applies to servers. Geared towards towards the enterprise. That's similar to the update policy for Ubuntu LTS (which does have minor releases, but only as roll-ups, not as branches like RHEL or openSUSE). After using Homebrew CentOS: 7. As u/mmcgrath said, Fedora is only for . 8. The 10 vs 3 year cycles isn't as big of a deal as people think, major release upgrades actually work in Debian unlike CentOS so I don't really consider that The only downside is updated software but that isn't much of an issue anymore with CentOS 8. The author used the pre-2010 Ubuntu logo and the resource usage of CentOS 5, then essentially labels everything "easy" versus "less easy" depending on whether there's a GUI or not to accomplish a task. So I use that or another rpm based distro where possible I can use debain based distros but not keen on apt vs yum imho Everyone has a different opinion on this tbf. Please don't burn me at the stake, the CentOS Linux 8 EOL date change was not my decision. I get advocating for Centos Stream and encouraging people to use Centos Stream. But already testing with Rocky and Alma. At 8's best (the beginning, town, Lady D's castle, and the house with the dolls) I felt like the game outshone 7, but that 7 was more consistent. 4-1ubuntu11. Centos 7 is supported until 2024 - we run most of our workload on it. In actually, CentOS 8 is EOL (since 31 Dec 2021) and would like to know what you have chosen. This seems a very odd situation to me, where a later release is expiring before an earlier CentOS 8 is more recent and so it has more "newer" technology/services/packages and it is supported until 2029. The issue I am running into is that guides are telling me to remove sysvinit-tools but then I run into problems where a package needs it in order to function. Also note, RHEL has expanded the free license to cover 16 systems. Some people will find they have fewer options. Actually I'm evaluating AlmaLinux and RockyLinux (they are basically the same). From part of slide 7, jointly by CERN and FermiLab: We feel that should issues arise with the adoption of CentOS Stream 8, it would be straightforward to reevaluate other options before CentOS Stream 8 support ends. Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators. For 8, it’s a hybrid; fixes are pushed internally as well as to git. Is the CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 the same? I mean commands of these two operating system. I have Centos 7, Centos 8 and Fedora 31 in vboxes and I use Centos 8 the most. ) For example, I installed CentOS 8 with minimal configuration and now I see a service called cockpit enabled in firewalld, should I Repo worked as expect on CentOS 7. I have not actually tried installing on RHEL 8. Fedora and CentOS Stream are stable within a major version. The general support thus is ten years. CentOS 7 CloudLinux 6, 7, and 8 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7\ AlmaLinux 8 cPanel can be installed on Ubuntu 20. I’m running a Foreman/katello installation with 200+ hosts, 20-ish of those are CentOS 8, provisioned through the Foreman server. So, I'd say that likely a decision should be made before end of Q1 next year. Long story short tomcat is no longer in the repos for RHEL/CentOS 8. A CentOS major release takes a This CentOS 7 vs CentOS 8 comparison goes over points such as performance, updates and stability so you can choose the best. 3 and 8. Building a DOD STIG baseline image to build on. 7 RHEL/CentOS 7. 1, and we're transitioning to Rocky 9 from CentOS 7 at my workplace as well So when I came into my current job my first big task was to update our existing CentOS 7 kickstart image. I'm doing some server upgrades, and considering moving our ERP system to Ubuntu from CentOS, so that we can run more up to date packages. (This is the biggest issue I Fedora Server vs. x) CentOS (prior to 7) there is no official upgrade method to new releases though some hackery methods are known to work. Debian is really light and you can install it on virtually anything. Unlike RHEL, CentOS 7. I'm not really familiar with CentOS 7 even though I have a laptop lying around with an install on it. So I would like to know what you usually do in a fresh install of CentOS, aside from installing things related to services (docker, nginx, etc. A few weeks ago I was building a new home server. Its placement has become so ambiguous that one cannot really say what's going to happen with it. It seems there is a lot of CentOS 7 embedded in hardware appliances and bundled with software applications. If you are still using CentOS 7 and not using Rocky 8 yet, why not upgrade to Rocky 9 instead? RHEL8 full support ends after one year, although it still receives maintenance support till May 2029. I used to use Centos 7 in all my servers for production use. As Red Hat Enterprise Linus (RHEL) is the upstream for this, it follows the same lifestyle For my home CentOS 7 and CentOS 8 servers, I switched both to Rocky Linux 8. RHEL: 7. had they done the announcement before CentOS 8 was a thing and finished out the CentOS 7 lifecycle as normal it would've been a nonissue. Looking forward to getting rid of some technical debt in our stack once we make the move (newer kernel, newer nft instead of iptables, etc), but time will tell whether the "rolling" nature of Stream is good for us (scientific computing). Personally I use Rocky 9. 5), but I think RHEL/CentOS did the same. This has created problems for me when working with geospatial libraries (would work on CentOS 8, but fail on CentOS 8 Stream). I might end up with RHEL, but trying to avoid that. 4 but no final release yet, so it’s not suitable for production just yet. 2 updates are locked). In 10+ years of using CentOS as my LAMP, DNS, and mail servers, for example, I've never had a "yum update" fail. Usually, for practical purposes, yum is a symlink to dnf in rhel8. I come to you today not as a CentOS Stream maintainer, not as a Red Hat employee, but as a long time contributor to the EPEL community and a member of the EPEL steering committee. The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. RHEL9 has full support till May 2027 (and maintenance support till May 2032). d . I never had an issue with CentOS but apparantly some people I run centos 7 for a kvm host and run gns3 in Ubuntu 16. Rocky linux just does the same What CentOS did before it was bought by redhat I run Plex, Sonarr, CouchPotato, Plex Requests, Deluge, PlexPy, and Samba all without issue on CentOS 7 Minimal. Alternatively you can try installing Oracle Linux, which is based on RHEL too. 0 (with 7 vs 8 in the base path of course). b09-2 . ) CentOS Stream is less stable than RHEL, like CentOS is, but CentOS Stream is not less stable than CentOS. 32, and Debian 10 has 3. It's not a radically different thing. CentOS is a re-build of RHEL without the Red Hat branding. sudo dnf install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda #optional for cuda/nvdec/nvenc support. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. So I'm slowly taking the Centos boxes out and replacing with Ubuntu. Red hat is rock solid. 6, 7. b08-0 where as in CentOS 8. A companion sub to /r/sysadmin where redditors can share their blog articles, news links and They don't backport the entire version. OpenSSH 7. Is View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. And we won’t be doing version updates to 8 from 7, if this upgrade path is anything like previous ones. But CentOS is supported for much longer. It is rare that they would ever do that. We transitioned from Cent7 to 8-Stream while we waited for more maturity in Alma and Rocky before making a choice. We had a few RHEL support contracts for "key" servers, but mostly stuck with the open source options, and found that having an easy 'move-to-prod' road was of some value. ) and RHEL-08-010373 (RHEL 8 must enable kernel parameters to enforce discretionary access control on symlinks. Then I cursed. CentOS Linux and AlmaLinux are practically identical for their purpose except for which company supporting it. We'll likely be moving somewhere else since 8 is a nightmare. When we announced CentOS Stream we noted that it was designed to serve "as the upstream (development) branch of Red Hat Enterprise Just keep in mind that what centos stream is doing is accelerating the refresh cadence of RHEL's packages and that after 8. For 7 patches were commited to the internal repo, built, released, and then pushed to git. For learning purposes, Fedora or CentOS will grant you a very similar experience. What I am saying is, the FIX for the vulnerability that was added making 7. Fortunately we never upgraded to CentOS 8, and CentOS Stream doesn't provide us with the same release stability that we enjoyed with previous CentOS iterations. 19K subscribers in the SysAdminBlogs community. 7 or 9. Extremely close. true. 9 but 8. 8, pulling nginx 1. A direct in-place upgrade from Released back in 2014, RHEL 7/CentOS 7 has many features that has served well for the past 10 years so far. RHEL-08-010190 (A sticky bit must be set on all RHEL 8 public directories to prevent unauthorized and unintended information transferred via shared system resources. Huh, did not know that. 5 was announced, because I tested it with Stream. x CentOS release, meaning your stuff will continue to work but you will be up to date in regards to security. We are moving from CentOS 7 to CentOS 8 for our monitoring servers (Zabbix) and we use ntpdate to query for time to detect if our local time provider for all devices (Cisco device) hasn't started drifting. 1 with their migration-script. I go into more detail in this twitter thread. 0, for instance, released about 4 months after RHEL 8. Someone will inevitably point out that CentOS 8 was not sustained, so I'll add that while CentOS 8 was discontinued, CentOS Stream was an improvement over the old process, and migration from CentOS to Stream was trivial. We were originally a full Windows shop, but moved to CentOS 7( and kubernetes). Oh, and yeah. With EL 8, the entire CentOS build system had to be reconstructed, adding quite a bit more initial delay. The word 'sticky' only shows up twice in the RHEL 8 STIG. zcatshit A reddit dedicated to the profession of Computer System Administration. Already it's given me another strong option that I can offer clients. Planning on standing up a Subsonic media server on a new box with Centos 8. 6 is released. I didn't know much about the drama that was happening over there so when I recently got a new server, I used the newest "Centos Stream 8" that was available via hetzner installimage. Also, upgrades from release to release are supported and work great for Debian. Reply reply More replies. All of these hosts are fully registered and content managed by Katello, latest foreman client repos have packages for katello-host-tools and katello-host-tools-tracer for centos8. For mission-critical systems (a fraction) we kept RHEL for support and peace of mind. NetworkManager, AppArmor vs. Though the most important question to ask isn't what you prefer, it's what is going to be supportable (if you have e. CentOS Stream gets "rolling updates", which just means there are no point releases. I have CentOS 8 EOL date is 31st December 2021, whilst CentOS 7 EOL is 30th June 2024. I am considering moving to CentOS 8 but am unsure of the best approach to install the NVIDIA drivers. CentOS is so old that v8 can’t come out soon enough for us. You never know what is going to happen with a startup. CentOS 8 is dead. If you want a business-stabilized system, use Centos 7 or 8. 10, RHEL 8 will be considered largely feature complete. Join us for game discussions, tips Thank you for this by the way--it looks like Redhat pulled the extended support to 2028 as was originally documented when we chose CentOS 7. I have converted most of my Centos 8 machines to Rocky. ostechnix. CentOS Stream 8 is a supported distribution until May 2024. It is important to point out, however, that minor versions in CentOS are cosmetic only. CentOS Stream 8 has workflow growing pains that have resulted in some updates being delayed. Their migration script migrate2rocky ran successfully without a hitch. 04 LTS a spin. I need your advice on choosing between them based on experience. Rocky 8 has been rock solid for us. So, for now, I'm leaving my main site on CentOS 7. We also help administrate some other systems and they run a mix of centos and Ubuntu as well as some windows. We 'bought in' to the RHEL ecosystem, running Centos in prod, and now were moving to Alma. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. [I like that I got downvoted for clarifying the query, sooo reddit] Workstations run CentOS 7 due to vendor lock in. I learnt most of my Linux with a centos box. 46 votes, 140 comments. The comment was in response to the question, "Will CentOS 8 stream seamlessly transition into CentOS 9 stream or is a full Reddit's home of all things OSX. Both of them have the same ABI guarantee. The git repo is a little intimidating, but if we look at just the manpage, you can compare the very first version of the RHEL 8 manpage to the StrongCryptoSettings2 changes to the Fedora manpage and notice that the substantive changes were already present in the RHEL manpage While we only had about 10 machines with CentOS 7, we had around 800 running CentOS 8-Stream. CentOS is mainly used for server usage instead of desktop use. They have spit in the communities face with the move. Seeing as there are a lot of "centos is geared towards server, arch is geared towards desktops" without giving any reason (or being true, both are geared towards both), here's the "what's what and why": CentOS receives regular updates for about 5 years, security fixes for about another 5 years. CentOS 8 wasn't out and even though I'm a die hard RHEL fan I used the opportunity to give Ubuntu 18. I always used Centos 7 or 8 by default for a server until now. As of 8. Canonical has done some shady shit in it's past. Since CentOS 7 is eol in a year I have to decide between Rocky and Alma. DO and Hetzner support rocky but not Suse, otherwise I'd try Leap on server as well. 7, 7. I believe the issue is the dropping of drivers or whatnot from the change to v8 from v7. CentOS does NOT A couple thoughts, CentOS was/is a RHEL copy (more or less), Anything you learn on CentOS should translate to RHEL, as well as to Rocky and Alma linux which are two distros that popped up to take the place of CentOS when it transitioned to CentOS Stream. Upgrade from Debian 6. CentOS Stream is new: Continuously delivered distro that tracks just ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) development, positioned as a midstream between Fedora Linux and RHEL. We have two main instances. 04 that's 0. My team is around 75% complete migrating our infrastructure from CentOS 7 to Rocky 8. OTOH, point release updates will roll (e. 7) it is widely used that there are so much distro based on it. So onto something else it is. Shooting down Alma, Rocky, Oracle Linux and Centos all at once So the company I work for is in the beginning of transitioning from centOS 7 to Ubuntu server I'm pretty familiar with the former and have never even booted up a VM of the latter, I'm just wondering how different it is, just doing cursory searches right now I know selinux is accessed In a different way, the package manger is different. Any VS Debian: less dependency problems, otherwise Debian is a solid server distro. This was great for me, I was able to discover the Wi-Fi driver for a Dell I was testing would work in 8. Rocky or Alma . 5 before 8. Our systems get worked hard all day. 38. 1, though, was released Centos 7 is still "current", as are Centos 8 Stream and 9 Stream. I will throw in a vote for Centos 8. Cockpit makes selinux a little easier but app armor has a much lower barrier of entry and usually just works out of the box for anything from the official repos. I'd like to do a migration from CentOS 7 to Rocky 9 The only documentation I can find is to come from 8. tar. 8 "compliant" will likely be backported to OpenSSH version 7. 4 the RHEL both alma and rocky rebuilds will be one with an accelerated cadence rather than the old slowly updated RHEL with ton of backport work, so in essence you could adopt centos stream directly unless your workflows require the synergy With the end of life of CentOS 7 coming in mid-2024, I am hearing some of my customers uncover pockets of CentOS usage that they were not aware of before. 232. rpm is LSB: LSB is a standard that Linux distros should follow. Are they all same? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. CentOS 7 minimal, and just add packages as you need them. CentOS 8 does lag behind on updates (less time for security updates on packages like openssl that isn't created and maintained by RH) bit still perfectly Since Rocky will just be CentOS revised till further notice, it's practically the same. Just install the minimal again. Any flavor of Debian is fine. I really If you have to run modprobe zfs on Centos everytime it starts up, that sounds like a configuration issue. No, alma 9 seems good for your needs. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit (2015): FreeBSD 11 vs CentOS 7 network stack comparison. We have to do something, and we aren't going to downgrade them back to 7. Redhat bought CentOS and changed it so it is not a 100% clone anymore. Personally I'd go CentOS/Rocky but Debian is a very good choice as well. And on a server you definitely don't want a rolling distro. 9, etc. AlmaLinux is the current best alternative to CentOS Linux after its end of life at 2024. The only differences between the 8 and 7 that I see are the collision detection and body temp sensor and siren but I think the siren is only on the Ultra Scientific Linux 7, at Fermilab, and CERN CentOS 7, at CERN, will continue to be supported for their remaining life, until June 2024. Biggest change from 7 to 8/9 for me was systemd instead of initd and maybe firewalld instead of iptables. They were both created as a response to Red Hat when they announced they would no longer maintain CentOS and both claim to be a 1:1 compatible RHEL fork which will allow any previous work on CentOS to be reusable. On the other hand, I've had a couple of CentOS 7 boxes just up and die on my for no reason. 8. CentOS 8 came with other new features and the table below shows some of the differences that exist between When CentOS 8 was officially released on September 24th, 2019, many likely wondered what would have remarkably changed from CentOS 7. 10 it's 0. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Whilst Redhat now has a migration tool from 6 to 7, and 7 to 8 - it does not exist in Centos. My "major" issue is their canceling of Centos 8 essentially. AlmaLinux had had final releases of both 8. (Why generally peoplendoes not base their distro using fedora or rhel?). Can anyone recommend to me a modern source-code editor/IDE that is compatible with CentOS 6? Both VS Code and Atom are not compatible and I am quite The Series 7 gets the low power mode 9/12 with the Watch OS9 update. Well, discussions do need to happen. org, then packages are built separately for both RHEL 8 and 8 Stream. CentOS? I'm an IT student, and just a beginner in the server world, but i'm really interested to know a lot more about it, thing is i'm looking for a server solution for my final work in college (end of the next year). But what was not helpful in this situation was trying to search repeatedly with different key words and not finding a source saying "this repo, for centos 7, gets you HAProxy 2. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. ) Do you care about how up to date the software is? Ubuntu tends to fair better than CentOS in that regard. centos. AlmaLinux seems fine as well, but we settled on Rocky. This traffic is sent in plaintext and is not authenticated. For my personal laptop (an Below are a comparison between CentOS 7 and 8 for some required and some of the most common software. I work at university in the HPC space. We didn't feel comfortable going to Rocky or Alma. conf SO I left 8. It's unfortunate what happened to CentOS, but there are others CentOS is solid. I mean, IBM did give it a year of life. We expect this to correspond roughly to the release of RHEL 8. You could also opt for CentOS stream 9 but might be a bit less stable. Bear in mind though: Most people in most cases should be happy with either choice – and if not, these are just defaults, so you can exchange them (although I would not recommend switching from Latest java-1. Everything else should be +/- the same. So, I‘m not an expert too but, CentOS was a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which is the most broadly used enterprise Linux, but you have to pay for it. After the news broke we started looking at using RHEL to replace it. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. CentOS is 10 year support with release every 5 years. CentOS/RHEL were really the best in this regard for simple server applications, but now that IBM killed CentOS, I've been evaluating FreeBSD and liking the consistency and simplicity. It's equally stable. CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) was a Linux distribution that attempted to provide a free, enterprise-class, community-supported computing platform which aimed to be functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Disclaimer: I'm involved in the CentOS project and I work for Red Hat (although my focus shifted from CentOS to EPEL last year). 4" or something like that. Centos 7 minimal is usually what I go with, and if its just idling without a bunch of heavy services running it takes up 200Mb of RAM at most The unofficial but officially recognized Reddit community discussing the latest LinusTechTips, TechQuickie and other LinusMediaGroup content. x) and all directions online say to “install” it by downloading it as a . I'd prefer if they support would Debian instead of Ubuntu, but sort of same same on servers (don't flame me). And to u/qwerty3656 the only reason I This depends on version. During that time, no updates were published. 10. Personally I use yum because that's what I've been using for the last decade, but dnf is what I'm trying to use more, because it's going to be the future. 4 will roll into 8. Edit: currently with centos there are problem on minor release (late vs upstream) and there is a blackout for other releases (example they build 7. The costs were so high that the budget for half the servers (a little over 200) was denied. Long story short, is it smart to try and use CentOS 8 right out of launch like this, or should I ride on CentOS 7 for a few more months and expect things to get polished? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about stability or release time, I could ride out EOL for 7 as far as what's in "production" for personal use, but that would defeat the point of learning. It was before bad news about EOL Centos 8. Since the recent update, Plesk also runs on Alma Linux, and some users think that this will be the proper replacement for CentOS in the future, because it is RHEL compatible and an upgrade from CentOS to Alma Linux is supported by Alma Linux with some simple commands. We are mostly running on CentOS 7 (some CentOS 6), will there be a direct migration path to Alma? Or will we need to go to CentOS 8, then Alma? Also, will Alma be more like CentOS 7, straight RPM's, or CentOS 8 App streams, that so far have been an absolute nightmare when it comes up updates with incompatibilities and incorrect architecture versions installed? There was a long vmware vs kvm internal debate (kvm won \0/), and now it's centos 6 vs centos 7 (we only use rhel/centos, so it will be centos). 04 LTS, but it is currently considered experimental and not recommended for production servers. Agreed. If you want to set up a server and forget about it, CentOS would likely be a better I think they're both good. BTW, I’m a fan of ELevate from Alma Linux, which facilitates in-place upgrades from CentOS 7 to the EL8 OS of My company forces me to reinstall OS because Fedora is not allowed, they only allow Ubuntu and CentOS 7/8/9, no other distro is allowed beside those 2 (Even ubuntu's flavour e. He quickly dismissed the distro as too old and out dated and said that CentOS 7 was far newer and much better to use. But it's still a bit too early to scuttle the boat. That's something that's not well understood by people who never used RHEL, including many users here on reddit. 5 or 6. Soooo many settings that kill the usability of a system. I am currently having issues installing CentOS 8 on my R415. I mean, fair enough. And for new Installation AlmaLinux 8 is just like RHEL8/CentOS8 before stream. CentOS Stream pushes its ability to have earlier access to updates and latest features and AlmaLinux prioritizes stability. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. I migrated my file server at home and my ec2 instance to FreeBSD with considerably less frustration because of this. An 8 install will not suddenly roll into 9 after a dnf update. 5) shows up in CentOs Stream 8 before 8. I am looking for an OS that supports most software required CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System) was a Linux distribution that attempted to provide a free, enterprise-class, community-supported computing platform which aimed to be functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Reinstall is the only way. I don't know what centos has. CentOS 8 & Dell Poweredge R415 . In addition to just having more up-to-date software available by More or less, yes. Both are giving me headaches as they don’t seem as stable as CentOS 7 is and some applications just don’t run well. We are doing this to then convert it to AlmaLinux. 1 its 1. 9 (to the extend that CentOS is "supported" in any configuration). Nvidia Mellanox OFED kernel drivers, IBM Spectrum Scale kernel drivers, and a few others that are important to HPC usage are like this. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Rocky Linux has had release candidate versions of 8. AlmaLinux or Rock Linux are direct successors to CentOS and don’t do that Stream crap you with CentOS8 and 9 nowadays. In the context of CentOS Stream vs Alma vs Rocky, I expect CentOS Stream to be the most sustainable of the group. 5. IMO I'd choose Debian over Ubuntu LTS. In time, I believe there is supposed to be a tool that will convert CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux, but they did the tool for converting CentOS 8 first, because its end-of-life is sooner, and CentOS 8 already has more in common with Rocky Linux. On Ubuntu 20. (Ex. OpenSUSE Leap vs Ubuntu Server vs CentOS I'm planning on making a server machine, mostly for game servers, a media server, maybe a private web server to manage them too. But I understand what you mean. 2- I installed unbound on a Centos server and from the test I did, the server could not resolve new address (FQDN) when only 127. comments sorted by Best Top New This CentOS 7 vs CentOS 8 comparison goes over points such as performance, updates and stability so you can choose the best. We're now read-only indefinitely due to Reddit Incorporated's poor management and decisions related So I am helping my college upgrade the CentOS server from CentOS 7. I would say 8 is the better one to learn as 7 is end of life (EOL) in 2024, meaning no more security or feature updates (though nothing stops business from using it longer). conf FYI no other PC need to use the DNS but only apps running on this server so I pretty left the default config. I also really enjoyed the single setting of 7 and the horror ESXi 6. Come and join us today! Members Online. I used Redhat 6 before, but only short time, never tried Centos. 30. But moving Centos 8 EOL from 2029 to 2021 is a jerk move for thousands of businesses that counted on Centos' word for 2029 to the EOL. repos. Also, Rocky Linux was founded by the original CentOS project founder, Gregory Kurtzer. The only real difference between the what Ubuntu has and what Centos has is whichever version is newer. Ubuntu 18. I clarified that in my case it's for personal use, but that didn't seem to change anything. (Including many CentOS users, here on reddit. This subreddit has gone Restricted and reference-only as part of a mass protest against Reddit's recent API changes, which break third-party apps and moderation tools. 5 we ended up going with Rocky for the community and complete board presence, with backing of aws/gcp/azure. With CentOS Stream, a problem might not exist in standard RHEL, so Oracle won't fix it. 0. 4 that IS in CentOS 7. If you go with CentOS, you will be able to upgrade for years and staying within a 7. Fedora, you at most would have 1. But I cannot do major version upgrades and must build a new server to go from CentOS 7 to 8, for example. This is exactly my setup as well. I also learnt that CentOS is "less supported" by developers, but on the other hand that "Centos gets fewer updates compared to Ubuntu. There is an established upgrade path from CentOS 7 to CentOS 8. 4 so I would consider them suitable for production. This post tries to check Compare CentOS 8 vs CentOS 7. sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia # rhel/centos users can use kmod-nvidia instead. Currently, Centos 7 is end of life in June 2024. Spend a couple hours trying to figure it out to no end, finally restore from the last night's backup and all is good again. ) Red hat only has 7, 8, fedora vs Debian has oldold, old, stable, can see, it's happening for RHEL and currently a "maybe" for CentOS. x distros. How To Migrate CentOS 7 To AlmaLinux 8, CentOS Stream 8, Oracle Linux 8, Rocky Linux 8 Using ELevate Utility. I run Leap on laptops, TW on workstation, Centos / Rocky and Debian (officially supported by project I'm using) on servers. Of course, RH's response is that they're not responsible for 3rd Party Repositories, and the "3rd Party Repository's" response is that they don't support CentOS 8 Stream. However, somethings to be aware of with CentOS: Fedora and friends: CentOS has the ability to use things from RHEL (and Oracle) in addition to Fedora. That was fun. Likewise if they'd continued CentOS 8 for it's full expected lifespan and done the switchover with RHEL 9. Adding a repo in Centos is not a hard thing for me at all. Recently started playing with CentOS 8 and found they remove legacy network-scripts style configuration. Migrating CentOS 7. However with the recent unfortunate news that CentOS, as we know, will end by December 2021, so we are considering an alternative to CentOS 8. 6) support LTS with 3 + 2 cycle You already explained this. We're a Centos "shop" and are moving to Rocky. The only supported configuration for CentOS is one in which all available updates have been applied. Members Online. Use what is best for you But apparently the 8 stream end of life is the start of rhel 8 maintenance phase, which is before the cent7 full eol. So I decided to reinstall the old centos 7 using mostly the same settings on the installation page as I did with centos stream and it worked and booted. Of the rebuilds that I’ve followed, they had 8. 8 isn't supported after the release of 7. Which distro to use - their recommendations. If you want really current features, of course use Fedora. CentOS is meant for more enterprise stuff and has a built-in firewall since it's specifically for servers. I used CentOS 8 and just moved it to rhel with the dev sub for the homelab. Edit: More fun reading from CERN CentOS 8 page. We had just finished moving everything from CentOS 7 to CentOS 8 about a month before the announcement came out. After not hearing from the higher ups, the decision was to move to Rocky. We feel that Like others have said RHEL has a developer subscription that has a free tier (1 active and registered instance but no support) that will get you the most updated packages and probably the best environment to study in. 04 since thats what's recommended. To be clear, CentOS is not rolling release. devs or help desk that have been trained on a specific distro, it's usually best I tried upgrading to 8 couple months ago using the guide from the web (do not remember which one). The systems at work all run CentOS 7 and work says they're considering the rhel license fee, it's only 4 servers and we're already paying the support licenses for several companies that I myself and the rhel support team effectively replaces for us. 6 (current is 8. g. Many enterprise software that supported CentOS + RHEL test and release their software against specific minor releases (7. And I'm never on a cutting-edge version of PHP, MariaDB, etc, but that's ok because security patches are Disclaimer 1: Red Hat pays me to work on CentOS Stream. We just moved everything from CentOS 7 to 8 earlier this year. x Windows 7 Windows 10 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016/2019 Fedora 28 I think (havent updated it for 30 yet) Ubuntu I think (dont typically use it, needed it one time) I can also use it to boot: Gparted If you are using a default CentOS install, CVE-2021-20271 allows remote code execution by anyone who can modify traffic between you and the CentOS update servers. Not surprising that CentOS 8 never gained wide adoption. I dont like ubuntu and moved from it to Fedora, now i might have to back. I would recommend you to make backups first and then do the upgrade. As Red Hat Enterprise Linus (RHEL) is the upstream for this, it follows the same lifestyle I'm using both, and there are some pros and cons on either site. 1 was in resolv. That seems pretty good to me. We use Rocky 8 on all our compute nodes, head nodes, and support vms for the cluster. Which is totally possible. Every time RHEL published a minor release, the CentOS team would spend 6-8 weeks rebuilding and testing that release. 1 in resolv. 8 will be supported for all of us know what happened to CentOS 8. 0-openjdk version in RHEL 8. Criticism about RH killing CentOS 8 early is totally valid, but that doesn't change the fact that CentOS Stream is a solid replacement for nearly all users. (Debian 11 is another good solution for this -- it has GNOME 3. 8 will never (likely) be in CentOS 7. Remember, CentOS Stream can only be as different from RHEL as RHEL minor versions are from each other. Migrate from CentOS 7 . wcbx ekqf ozhxizf sfcsiu gffpmrdu sclkndp hffym qteixqz jallpt nyhixt
Centos 7 vs 8 reddit. AlmaLinux had had final releases of both 8.