Boyfriend spending alone time with another girl However, we always carved out alone time and separate kid time (times where each of us spent time with the two sons). You’ve moved into the gf role where you get to see all sides of your bf, the good and the bad. I think the rule of thumb as long as it’s communicated about having a balance between each other, friends and family and alone time. eariler i used to think why its only me who feels this much insecure and jealous when he is even just talking to a girl. Even though everyone's needs for alone time are different, there should be a sense of balance between time together and apart. She acts very differently when she's here - more like a 16/17 year old than an adult. Great! That should make you feel more comfortable. I was well aware of his friends and how many he had, who they were, etc. Let him know in advance that you want plans for yourself or with other friends. Dreams about your boyfriend with another girl are often interpreted as a reflection of your own insecurities, fears, and anxieties. She's spending 0 time with you. Even though The very essence of a relationship is finding someone you enjoy being around and spending time with. First Stage: New Relationship Bliss. i disagree. probably. My boyfriend had a girl friend who suddenly came out of nowhere. Posted by u/Lopsided-Push-5683 - 1 vote and no comments I have social anxiety as well but I’m a fake it til you make it type of girl. Pay attention to how often he mentions her and what he says about her. Guy pushes for it but gf seems to avoid it, making him feel alone and unappreciated. If you’re fighting hard to hang with an ex, be critical of your motivations. I need time to recharge. I've met most of them and I trust my girlfriend not to cheat on me. But it happens that when I'm busy, she will meet up with him. If he is not willing to be with you then do not give him your time and We over came them i guess, by talking about them. My bf and I got into an argument because he was playing video games through twitch with a woman. Regardless, if he likes that you're spending time together a lot and you like spending time with him a lot, then why change it? You say you spend a lot of time with BF and his friend. My boyfriend spends time with my family. Truthfully, when it comes down to it, some guys just aren't ready to sacrifice their commitment of personal time for other people. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Which may be true. dont worry too much abt spending time with each other - it sounds like yall really enjoy each other’s company and if that means you spend everyday together, congrats! u get even more time with ur special someone :) You have to prioritize the love of your partner over the validation of others. The only alone time I get with him is when we go to bed (they stay until 10 or 11 pm). But, their time with you is different from time with one another. 2 weeks ago, I had a talk with him about spending more meaningful time together (lol) we live together, and I think he considers things like eating dinner, and going to target as hanging out. " Yet she spends almost every waking moment with him in some way, shape, or form. He actually is nice and easy to talk to. She knows it’s wrong to sleep over alone with a guy who has a girlfriend, but doesn’t care. “If one of you is a homebody and the other one always wants to be out socializing, it will likely Bf told me to leave him alone after I told him he was spending more time with a girl playing video games than he was spending time with me. He doesn’t ever seem to say no, though. You crave the time you get to be away from them, and you feel like celebrating instead of missing them when they aren’t around. You have to compromise with your partner as others have said. She would want to support you in your work with yourself. She's spending all her time at school with him. My boyfriend and I have been together for over 4 years, known each other for 10, we've been through a lot together and we are admittedly going through a bad patch right Sit down with your boyfriend and come up with a schedule for spending time with one another that is If this relationship is a long-term gig, you'll have lots and lots and lots of alone-time. If you can't communicate openly with each other, that's a huge red flag. it’s okay to spend most of your time with your partner. Acknowledge your feelings and allow yourself time to grieve the friendship. I’m trying to make friends outside of him and my family, I just don’t know how as an adult. Try to be thankful for the good times you had together. You ask her about it, she says you're "jealous and unreasonable". Time spent alone can be important for individuals in new relationships. I’ve confronted my boyfriend on this three times already. She was obviously cheating on you. Many times, boyfriends will go on vacations with their girlfriends and her family. We have such a solid relationship: very open communication, acceptance of one another, etc. We are together every minute possible. OP you are hoping to get over your jealousy. 5 never spend quality time together alone. While I also have my own friends and hobbies, I'm someone who admittedly tends to prioritize their romantic partner and spending time with them. The problem isn't the amount of time he's spending with his friends at the age of 27. Second, GIRL I'm in the SAME exact boat. I was okay with this until a friend told me recently that she saw my husband and one of his co-workers at lunch (in a very trendy lunch spot) and that they looked “too comfortable” for her liking. Let her know this, and make sure she understands why. ” I took it personally like he finds me boring. It’s not normal for someone who is in love with another to constantly leave them for other people. Key Takeaways: Understand partner's need Embrace personal space Build self-reliance Honor your feelings Balance time together Feeling confused and unsure why your boyfriend needs so much alone time in a relationship can leave you second-guessing everything—from your actions to your worth. When we meet someone new and begin spending time with them, these stages can seem scary and can inflict doubt. If that frequency is higher than what my bf spends time with me, yes it could be a problem for our relationship. All three of us (his best friend, my boyfriend, and myself) had to agree that we wouldn't fight over spending time with this guy. Whenever they start forming a sort of “threesome” with friends from work, where another person starts to join them a lot, she tends to start alienating the third wheel until that If you are spending all of your time with your partner and have no alone time, you may grow to resent them because you feel like they are an obstacle keeping you from doing the things you want to do. I don’t know how to go about this anymore without it seeming like I’m begging him to spend time with me. The more you spend time with someone, the more you start becoming less blind to their attributes that may be considered deal breakers. What guy wants to watch his girl frolicing around with some guy. Is that normal? My gf and I have been together for 3 years. However, even if your partner is your best friend, that doesn’t mean you should avoid seeking out alone time. m. I always try to sense when he might need alone time in advance. There has to be a clear balance between social life and making time for your partner, especially in an LDR where it’s crucial that you dedicate enough time for each other. She's spending all her time on the game with him. I am typically the kind of man who wants to spend more time with my friends. Your insecurity is completely normal, but it’s one of those things I think we should overcome. i like to spend time with my friends, it’s very important to me that i see them frequently. For weekday nights, he The other thing: my girlfriend is completely into it. Another thing to factor in is the fact you said yourself he shows no interest. This dilemma is typical for new relationships. We all know those people who seem to dive headfirst into a new relationship, spending 24/7 with a new partner, Ladies, I am wondering would you be happy with your boyfriend hanging out with another girl outside of working hours in this type of situation. She spends her time giving physical/emotional attention to her bf (dating 8 months). we also very rarely go to social events alone, we do most parties and friend dinners etc together. Get out once Share; Posted September 16, 2017. You’ll find your person. Alone time is necessary to sustain a relationship- but not 95% alone time. For him to start guilting her into spending time with her when she would rather spend some time alone, along with not believing her depression, doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. Aight, as a clingy guy myself, I can understand your bf wanting to spend time with you, all you have to do is explain to him CALMY that you want some "me time", try to do it in a sweet way, explain that you love spending time with him but you also need sometime for yourself like nail polishing, going to a salon or girl's chat, he'll understand it. now, i miss him even during the day when i dont get to see him in the hallways, and when i'm hanging out with my friendas all i think Boyfriend seems to prefer alone time more than spending time together My boyfriend and I have dated for two years. Part of me gets it. Any man going out of his way to get alone time with another woman in my opinion is looking for trouble. But: See 2). Platonic friends don’t give bad vibes. " Remember that communication is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. He's a super-extroverted introvert, he's told me this much. I had a friend visiting town, a guy. My partner agreed and mostly things have been working ok with the balance of them all having time together alone several times a week. I, flat out, couldn’t find the time to do both, Engage in open conversations about friendships without judgment. Just make sure you are also A good partner will understand and respect your boundaries even if they might not make sense to her. The time he spends with his children already goes way beyond his allocated parenting time, though. 3) You have no evidence for that (if you are referring to physical acts). This can even apply to Another month goes by and he told me they were getting lunch ( they text back and forth a few times a week ) I wasn’t over the moon about it but I also didn’t care that much at the time. Aim to spend 70% of your time with your partner and 30% of your time alone. You and your partner should only be spending time with exes if everyone has genuinely moved on. She needs to understand she will be putting the marriage at risk if she neglects spending time with you. Just like any other relationship, we must nurture the one that we have with ourselves, whether that means spending dedicated time alone, starting the day with positive affirmations, or 3. Guy has brought this up to girl and it seems like she doesn't understand/care or The 63-year-old, who retired early at 62 following a breast cancer diagnosis, admitted she has been enjoying her new-found freedom which has given her time to focus on her health, as well as I mean if the girl knew she was on a date with another girls boyfriend she doesn’t really deserve the courtesy of not being confronted in public. after months of introspection i tried to find the reason and yeah i found it it was because i have this childhood However, you have mentioned finding someone new, I think you should have some time to get over this relationship, figure out what you want and what your priorities are before worrying about a new partner! Don’t rush into anything new - better to be alone than with another selfish idiot 29W in a relationship with a 27M for about a year a half now. occasionally I'll want to be alone but after 20 minutes to an hour or so it kinda wears off and I miss my partner. My bf is really the only friend I have right now. If he is anything like my then boyfriend who is now my husband, he loves the time alone to decompress. Ever since we moved in, we literally spend time together once a month even though we live together. Talk to yourself before you talk to your partner. I was married 33 years, divorced since Jan 2021. It can be! But i will say if you’re someone that likes your alone time it can potentially get old. We hang out a lot together with her and she is great, but they also You Both Need To Have A Drink In Hand. It’s just that I have no friends and I pretty much spend all of my time at home. And a majority of the time its only them two alone. I personally believe the type of emotional intimacy that comes from hanging out 1-1 with another girl should be saved for his gf. Archived post. It just feels off and I am “My Partner Wants Some Alone Time” – 7 Ways To Understand That Need. i think it’s a pretty fair expectation, and i’d go as far as to say he might not like her that much if he’s spending more time with his friends than his girlfriend. not to mention, majority of the reason why he goes to hang with his friends everyday is so he can smoke up and get high. My boyfriend and I met on league, Yeah well it’s normal for people to need to recharge. Of course it’s not normal to sit in different rooms every evening and not go to bed together, only having sex during the day because he prefers to be alone post 6pm!!! Sure, having alone time and separate interests is normal and healthy but the point of our intimate relationships is that we have a partner for our life beyond friendships, some First I’ll say that it’s very likely you will change several times in your life given that you are 23. No one would be comfortable with their partner spending that much time/energy on another person You don’t need to be “the cool girl” while your boyfriend fucks another girl and calls Within the context of the nuances OP’s situation her boyfriend hanging out alone with another woman in her house and not including her / touching I love spending time with my boyfriend alone but with other people I I would deal with this myself, the only one doing weird shit is you, and letting your BF know is going to make everything 10 times more awkward, because you I’m just speaking from experience from when I dated a girl who thought I “cramped her If your girlfriend’s friends don’t like you, that can put a strain on your relationship. A solo day - I call these day “Jen Days” and I plan an entire schedule for myself. TL;DR: My boyfriend went from spending most of his time with me to most of his time with his friends because “he’s bored of what we do. You can’t wait to be away from them. 0 for both scholarships and to maintain my status in the B schoolI have a 3. Just bc they don't interest you, doesn't mean you shouldn't go. Patience is key. He'll either respect your feelings or he won't. I also feel you can't complain he spends so much time alone with this girl if he is inviting you and you don't go bc you don't wanna. A situation as simple, easy and innocent as being with your friends, can create conflict in the couple because something happens inside you, you do not know what but to think “my partner has left without me and I get jealous when that I saw this as an opportunity to make new friends but my boyfriend said that spending time alone with the opposite gender is a bad idea. Due to the touristic season he is working everyday in the morning from 7 a. Last time I told him I want more me time, we had one of our worst fights ever. The more you two can spend When you’re dating someone, you may feel like you spend most of your time with that person or that it leaves little room for other connections. Inquire about their significance and context. My boyfriend of 5 months has a great old female friend who he never had any romantic relationship with. She doesn't feel the same lack of independence that I feel - she thinks I should just join their clan. (Or at least it feels like it. He doesn’t want to spend too much time with one person. He can be “go with the flow” all he wants but if spending time with you was his top priority, he’d say no to the spur-of-the-moment invites from friends. Hell, I love spending alone time with someone by doing our own thing just in a shared space. 16. to 11 a. To be truthful almost every guy I know spent more time with his friends at 27 then you're describing. Respect their need and don’t turn it into a fight. I came from anxious attachment pareting and my bf comes from secure one, he is able to form relationships with others easily whereas i struggle a lot. Saying it in advance will be appreciated, saying after at-least would be expectation if he can fulfill, this should be from both sides, communicating will help to strengthen the relationship rather than hiding it, deliberately. Ask your boyfriend about his friendships with other women. And as much as I’m happy he can spend time with his friends, I wish I was there with him to see him having fun. it isn’t normal. I have always been someone who wants more alone time in the relationship, which we’ve learned to adapt to and make space for. If he won't, the ball is in your court. so my boyfriend goes to play basketball / spend time with his friends for 4-5 hours everyday, and we barely spend time during the day together ever since we moved in. We have traveled together for long periods of time and we rarely fight aside from very healthy disagreements where we communicate in a calm manner (something I’ve never experienced until this relationship). And was spending the night. My wife told me the same thing. Frankly, you haven't even finished step one which is thoroughly communicating not just your feelings, but the potential consequences of her actions. Dedicate the time you don’t need to be alone to spending it with your BF. That your boyfriend is avoiding you by spending the rare day off you both have with another woman — and spending the night at her place, too (!) — speaks volumes about where his head is in terms of your relationship. Tips for finding a balance include acknowledging your differences, checking in with your partner, and listening to your Your Partner Balances Alone Time With Couple Time. TLDR; 27m and 24f, 4 years together, living together for 1. If she can't see at all where you are coming from this time, and if it happens another time, I see a big fight and hurt feelings in my crystal bowl. Tl;dr gf (25F) and I (25F) make a fair amount of alone time for each other, but I constantly feel like I want more. We were hanging out at my friend's house with my friend and his gf, at a certain point during the day my friend's coworker The thing is, that "alone time" is him leaving me alone for about 1 hour then barging in the room to talk to me. I do on the other hand really dislike the fact they only hang at night time from around 8 pm to like 2 to 3 in the morning. Luckily I called her out on it and ended it. Look imagine the shoe is on the other foot and he was taking a specific girl out on dates to the cinema, for meals, This guy has overtaken your boyfriend in terms of quality alone time, Your boyfriend has an issue with you spending time with another guy, not just another friend. Your boyfriend routinely stayed out all night with another woman. They ended up driving together to a nearby town to adopt a dog, then shopped for dog supplies and then took the dog home to her apartment over the course of about 5 hours. I literally had the same exact situation happen to me many years ago. Just having them on your mind makes you want to spend time with them. 6. My boyfriend work 4pm-2am and I work 8-5. he cut down oh his smoking ever since we’ve moved in together, but he still smokes at least once A solo vacation - Take a weekend trip to some place that makes you happy or a spot you can relax. I want my partner to be a person, not to merge with me. My boyfriend is 32 and works full-time, and we do not live together at the moment for religious reasons. I’ve been married before and like the first year or so were amazing especially the first 6 months absolute blast but after that things start tapering off atleast in my experience and i really start desiring my own space again and alone time but then partners can sometimes take that in the Don’t get me wrong, I like them. She does have a boyfriend though, but I still just feel like they get along very well. I'm not very good at explaining things and I'm not sure how much detail to go into but I'll give it a shot. Your boyfriend insisted on having "alone time" to regain his independence in this relationship, but what he really wanted, from day one, was "alone time with her**"**. He might simply need some “guy time” to unwind and recharge, maintaining a balanced life. You're presenting 2 different things here - alone time - and time separate from your bf - but not necessarily alone. For some introverts, we can be in the same room as another person, just quietly spending time doing two separate things. My BF has a very good female friend that he spends time with alone, and I trust him. If the kids or job have been more demanding that week maybe we need more time to decompress alone. When you two are together, do things that bring you closer, like going out on dates or trying new things together. And the amount of time I need apart with them shifts from week to week. Trust is built over time, and sometimes resolving issues takes multiple conversations. You should not take that fact as a personal insult or reason to be jealous or suspicious. This type of bonding strengthens the relationship between the boyfriend and the family. I'll admit, in the beginning I had feelings for her but I've gotten rid of those and just enjoy the friendship. "If they choose to be alone mostly when given a choice, then there is I (F/25) am currently visiting my SO (M/22) for 10 days. Introverts get drained quickly when spending time with other people. Recently my boyfriend has been spending a lot of time with a new female friend of his. And if she didn’t know she deserves to know asap about this guy being shady and nasty. Here’s another issue I’m facing: my boyfriend is always “too tired” for sex. 01), and I kinda don’t want to deal with any ********. I can’t imagine a guy spending so much time with the family of a girl that he doesn’t see a future with. ) Nah man, that's the final step only once you've exhausted all other options. I think its interest what if some girl is interested in some things He’s my favorite person to spend time with. My family isn’t wealthy <p>Alright, I’ll cut to the chase. Or maybe spending some quality time cuddling together and talking about the news that day would help. Spending money on another woman is an indicator that he may be in love with her. Now that we're retired, our time together is very important. if nothings happened yet it most likely will. if its a friend he's had for a long time and theyre just real good friends, that may be different, just dont let em get drunk together. He will be gone for at least 2 weeks. Also, don't you lose yourself too much in this relationship? One hour call sounds enough, maybe you could also spend some time with your Find a different partner who enjoys spending more time w their SO Accept the 2 days/week of hang-time he proposed and find things to do around those days or Try to compromise w him more (it could work or it could backfire where he then feels forced to hang out w you). He accused me of not loving him and wanting to break up. Spending too much time with one person, even if it’s a significant other, can Of course things are good, you’re allowing her to have her boyfriend and let her emotionally manipulate you. And there are times when your man should spend alone time with you, times where he should spend alone time with friends, and times where he can spend time with all of you. She loves spending time with her family. She also says the guy is "gross. Thing is, she's a trustworthy girl and I'm a trustworthy guy. I promised I’d do this once a month. If you feel very low or depressed, talk to a trusted friend or therapist. Your boyfriend is inviting you to participate in his hobbies. It is always easier and more relax to spend time with friends. We’ve been together almost 2 years. After college I went "on the job" with the fire department. It's usually around the 2-3 month mark that the phase ends, but your mileage may vary. He’s overly protective of her: If your boyfriend is overly protective of his female friend, it could be a sign that he has feelings for her. The thing I was most aware of is the fact that his best friend is a girl and that worried me. There is nothing wrong with being introverted and enjoying spending time alone. I need alone time as well. Our time together was very important. Put boundaries - just tell him you don't feel comfortable having calls when someone else is around. We figure, of the 45 years we've been married, we've been together about 30 of those years. Because it sounds like he’s spending way more time with that buttwipe than with you and if both of you want his attention he’s picking that other guy—and fam if that’s what’s happening, personally I love playing overwatch and stardew valley alone. its hard to say what lies I know it's stupid but generally a lot of girls are this way. Your boyfriend started lying to you and sneaking around behind your back in order to be alone with her. My boyfriend thinks I'm overreacting to the amount of time that he is over there, and with no exaggeration, he has been there 3 times in one week already. you should want to be with your partner more Couple times a month is not even close to enough to sustain a healthy relationship. Whether you're in a new relationship or nurturing a long-term bond, finding innovative and meaningful ways to spend time together is essential. She might feel torn between spending time with them and spending time with you. The unfortunate part is one of the abusers is your current partner's mother. Once the honeymoon phase passes, it takes more effort to keep your relationship exciting. My bf have a son that live in another state and twins that live with him. but everyone has different needs! it’s all about finding someone who’s compatible with your needs If your boyfriend seems to spend more time alone than with you or his friends, you are probably dealing with quite an introverted guy. If it ends up being that you simply aren’t compatible—that’s okay! There’s other people out there who also highly value their alone time. He plainly doesn’t prioritize spending one on one time with you. Focus on meeting new people and growing your social circle. Video games have always been a source of difficulty in our relationship, or rather the amount of time he spends on them. People can have friends of the opposite gender, but it crosses a line when the s/o prioritises spending time with the female friend over their girlfriend. I had no problem with it at first, I would never want to be the one saying who he can and can't hang out with. I don't want to live with my partner, it would destroy all the love. Their ages are 23, 27, and 28. Hi all, newbie here. People use the word friend very loosely. That’s why I had to drop out of pledging. He started spending time with her, and telling me about it. My "alone time" includes him now We have been together for over two years and I have accepted this. For spending time together during the week I see it as quality over quantity Your boyfriend is out spending time with his friends because it’s fun, so make sure spending time with you is fun too. Self-Care - Alone time is also important He is acting very immature if he can't understand that some people need time alone and that if the OP wants time alone that doesn't mean that she doesn't care for him any less. There's no set number but it's easy to tell that either talking hardly ever or 100% of the time is too much either way. The first stage in most new relationships is bliss! If you and your partner previously shared your spending habits and now you’re in the dark, it’s time to look deeper. However, I recently found out that she spends the night at his house a lot and sleeps in his bed with him. It was prioritizing her, wishy washyness and them spending time together alone at his house. Sharing thoughts and feelings fosters transparency. It’s super hard when your boyfriend works different hours. She wasn't harsh or a nag about it, she just said she didn't like it. I hope to shed some light on these stages and help you feel more comfortable with experiencing them for yourself. It’s just this upcoming birthday event kind of felt like a bit of a jolt and I didn’t think it was just the sadness of me not being invited (as personally for me,that has its pro’s of a peaceful day to myself). I enjoy having a partner, but I prefer friendship, this is just me. 11) He has new friends 2) It is reasonable that your trust level sinks. The real problem is the amount of time he spends with you. For one reason or another, it just niggles me that he spends time with single girls when his male friends aren’t around (or I’m not around). You may feel like my partner is never home. Before, we'd spend a lot of time together, and saw each other 5 times a week and spent time together. We live together. Him and this girl he met go on a really cool adventure at least once a week and most times one on one and it hurts me that they get to enjoy this really cool extreme experience together :( I’m jealous I guess and I wish I knew how to not be. He said he loves spending every second together so he doesn't understand why I don't. First time i mentioned him in conversation with boyfriend, i did as previously stated, i disclosed everything straight away. When my bf plays/talks with this one girl in his server I'm okay with that cuz i know they're vibing but I just personally don't like her/don't want try to like her. She will stay there one night, storm or another reason, and when you complain she’ll get sad and say that you don’t trust her. It is definitely a very real thing and just like you crave together time, he craves alone time. Another common interpretation of this dream is that it represents a need RESPONSE: It seems like your boyfriend's friend believes she's in some kind of 'non-relationship' relationship with him (the guy friend you treat like a boyfriend when you don't have a boyfriend - or the "close friend" who seems like your boyfriend - In your own mind - But he is NOT!) because she's trying to make plans with him which don't include his REAL girlfriend. Very often I try to hang out with them but my bestie tends to be extremely one-minded in who she can show affection to in a social setting and I end up feeling major unwanted third-wheel vibes. Now that the kids are adults we consciously make separate time. Ultimately, when your partner asks you for some alone time, you have to let them have what they need. Make time for new experiences that you can look forward to. All close friends need time alone to share and be with one another. My boyfriend definitely seems to be the man in her life, though. They are very nice friends and the wife and I get along very well! But I never have any alone time to spend with my boyfriend anymore. That's easy. my girlfriend isn’t antisocial but she’s definitely not as social as i am and she seemingly always has free time, i work a lot and im in my last year of school, i have an IT course i’m doing and i have training so free time is hard to come by I don't really care if my boyfriend spends time one-on-one with a girl that he already has a long-lasting friendship with, Mostly, everyone chills in groups. I know he’s different and I respect that. He needs time alone, and he has way too many hobbies/interests that occupy his time, I know he doesn't have time to keep up with everything. There’s no point in trying to setup your bf with another girl Want a better plan? How about if you share with him all of your worries and insecurities about him spending time alone So my boyfriend has been spending a lot of time with another girl lately. It is a gateway to destroying realationship. Please take this time alone to seriously consider if what you're getting from him is worth the abuse from his mother that he won't speak up to protect you from her. It's not like he's spending time alone with his ex or that they're communicating outside of the context of their kids. You could sign up for a Pilates class, go on a hiking trail with some friends, or read a book on self-improvement during that Tell him that him spending alone time outside of work with another woman makes you uncomfortable. I'm that friend who will cancel plans last minute because I spent too much time outside or whatever and want to be alone. Though i've only been with him for almost three months and it's been pretty short, in the beginning i was fine with only hanging out with him like two times a week and i never had him over after ten o clock. I am Time spent alone can be important for individuals in new relationships. For instance, you might spend 4 or 5 days a week I sorta have a gut feeling that he’s just interested in her as a person and likes spending time with her. other than that i think its disrespectful to my girl to hang out with another girl alone. Your bf is choosing to invest his energy in someone else, not a best friend, not family, but in a "friendship" that excludes you. Couldn't spend time with me (her boyfriend of 6 years) but suddenly had time to spend at her girl friend's house while her guy "friend" just happened to be there. the day i met my gf was the day she basically moved in. I am staying at his house where he lives together with his parents. He Needs Time Alone. He hasn't been hiding it from me, but it still bothers me, seeing as they seem to spend more time My boyfriend is into extreme sports and has a few years more of experience than me so I can’t join him on every trip. She's had a boyfriend since I've known her. Reconsider Why You’re Spending Time With An Ex. And here we are not talking about her changing her whole life, spending time alone with other men is not necessary for her. This 70/30 balance is a good way to break up your time without feeling overwhelmed. But if your boyfriend prioritizes friends over you and prefers hanging out with them over spending time with you, things can get complicated. He always talks about her: If your boyfriend constantly brings up his female friend in conversations, it could be a sign that he has feelings for her. You could do some reading on introverts. This girl is in a happy relationship, prefers spending her time with her BF over friends Hello! My (23f) boyfriend (27m) talked to me today about wanting to spend less time together. You know that he’s cheating on you, but don’t want to break up with him. Any advice would be appreciated, I'm really just looking for some help. While it’s super common to go out for drinks I am his friend, but they are closer. I'd know because I used to be someone that just didn't understand how to do that and didn't have the mental priorities that I do now. My feelings are fairly neutral about my ex now. 300 votes, 80 comments. I get why she likes hanging out with him. my bf and i both have friends and our own hobbies, yet most of our time is spent together. Alone time is important - especially if you are an introvert. Don't tell him to stop spending time with his friend - it's his decision. He works a normal 9-5 hour job Monday to Friday, but every evening he seems to be too busy spending time on things that don't require that much i see my boyfriend/have sleepovers 3-4 days a week. 6 or 7 years or so ago, In college when I lived with my now fiance, I'd very much duck away to my room and just play Schedule your time apart. Tell him to call when he is alone. It’s at least helpful knowing we can text and he does come and cuddle me while I’m sleeping. If I make an effort to hang out with another girl alone, I pretty much look at it as trying to become closer friends with In his house. Introduction to Enjoying Time with Your Boyfriend Spending quality time with your boyfriend is not just about doing something together; it's about creating memories that last a lifetime. My suggestion would be to have an open discussion about boundaries and compromises. Example 2: You are not sure if you should spend New Year’s Eve with your boyfriend or with friends. Make plans with your friends, have a great time, and let a boyfriend like this stay in the previous year. So give the man some space and do your own thing. The important thing it to just enjoy the time you have together. My boyfriend and I have frequent fights about him not being able to give me enough quality time If your bf loves you then he loves you. That being said, there are some women who I would not be okay with my SO spending alone time with, 3. I don’t know them or what their situations are or whether they have a soft spot for my boyfriend. If your partner has asked you for more alone time, there are ways you can cope with this without assuming that your relationship is going to end. It may be necessary to differentiate the two when working things out. Altho we’ve only been dating a year or so we have never gotten tired of each other’s presence. A few weeks went by, then I received a text from one of his online friends telling me that he was bragging about meeting this girl on Tinder, and fucking her. I am super crafty so I do that, she is super nerdy so she does that. But, somehow, as of a year ago I prefer spending time with my SO. how would he feel if you were hanging out with a guy alone? im sure he wouldn't like it. In a working relationship, you both should be able to communicate your needs and wants. They spend quite a bit of time alone together like walking his dog in the evening, going on walks to the park and getting dinner, spending sometimes even the whole day together. Even if you don’t TLDR: boyfriend wants to spend lots of our time together with sister, we hardly have time on our own Edit: I don't wish for my boyfriend to spend less time with his sister at all, I just want more of our time to be OUR time, even if that means less time together, rather than spending most of our time together as the 3 of us But we still make time for one another at least once or twice during the week, we’re both very busy people. It’s important to try and win them over if possible, but if that’s not an option, it’s important to find a way to deal with the situation without causing unnecessary About six months ago, I started dating my boyfriend. If you find yourself feeling increasingly jealous, or just a steady level of discomfort, with the way your partner spends time with one other For example, saying "I feel uncomfortable when you spend so much time with her" is less confrontational than saying "You spending time with her makes me uncomfortable. I’m on academic probation (I have to maintain above a 3. I have a very good girl friend who I will hang out with alone for hours at a time. QUESTION: Joe, my husband works with several women, and occasionally they will have lunch meetings (usually as a group). Having solo hobbies like attending a weekend yoga class, playing a sport with friends, or exploring new coffee shops without your coffee-despising partner isn't a bad thing, but if your partner He's been spending all of his free time with them and neglecting our relationship. Respect your partner’s need for alone time. My brother was saying that its a “red flag” or something (having a guy and a girl alone in a house for prolonged periods of time), but I trust my boyfriend enough to be almost certain that he isn’t doing anything weird with her. I was gone for 24 hrs at a time, every 3rd day. I guess for me my so called „alone time“ kind of includes my boyfriend? I don’t really care if he’s there or not, I can recharge either way. He said it doesnt matter how faithful you are in a relationship, spending time alone with the opposite gender gives the chance of feelings to start. If I complain that I've barely seen him in a given week, he'll accuse me of being jealous and preventing him from being a father. If they are going to spending time alone, these next factors should determine how much time should your teenage daughter spend with her boyfriend. Recently, within the past five months or so, I've noticed that my boyfriend is spending way more time with his roommates and prioritizing hanging out with them over me. So that's not abnormal. and in the evening again to the same hours. The thing is I moved away and she's been spending a lot more time with them. Ex-FWB did the same with his girlfriend. I’m very busy this semester, especially with schoolwork. Pick up a new hobby - This forces you to take alone time daily or weekly to practice the hobby. We don't know him, so you're the best person to answer how you grow a relationship with him. This is a pretty big deal for him because he’s a pretty traditional guy. It’s okay to need alone time in a relationship, but if you’re looking forward to being away from your partner more than you are to being around them, something is seriously off. Everyone has met everyone, my boyfriend knows everything, his girlfriend knows everything, all NTA, he is. They may indicate that you’re feeling unsure about your relationship, or that you’re worried about losing your partner to someone else. He still spends time with other female friends, that wasn’t the issue for me. Sure, I know my boyfriend and trust his intentions, but I can’t say the same for these girls. For example, if he spends time with a female coworker, discuss how these interactions fit into his daily life. They Another telltale sign is if you and your partner have different ideas of what makes a good time. Just decide that you are comfortable with your bf spending his time and money - both of which are scarce by definition - with someone else. He definitely knows it’s wrong to have sleepovers with another girl when he has a girlfriend, but doesn’t care. It’s very important for any future relationship that you may have that you are comfortable with yourself and spending time alone. This can give him a chance to schedule his own time away, rather than being surprised. Although i'm spending sometimes even more time with my boys then with my bf he's an angel with it, he knows I need it. Recognize that it’s just anxiety and all of your worries are in your mind. My boyfriend had been very convincing and caring up to this point. If you're trying to ban your partner from spending time alone with 50 per cent of the human population then yeah, you're insecure and controlling. I said "your current partner" because now is to time to decide if this is someone you want to stay with. but i’m a big quality time person, we both work from home, and we live only a 20 min-ish drive from each other. You shouldn’t feel sad all the time in a relationship, you should not feel alone all the time either. I’ve failed and need to try again. .