Arduino mega pwm output pins. 6 of the PWM were used to drive led through mosfet.
Arduino mega pwm output pins system January 13, 2017, 9:44pm 4. Application is like this Over the serial communication i am getting some numeric data, which i am converting in You answered your own question. On the Mega, up to 12 servos can be used without I'm using an Arduino Mega to control motors via PWM and Adafruit DRV8871 motor drivers. pin 5 for timer 3) of each timer; nothing I've Daisy chaining is a great feature which means that we can connect multiple TLC5970 ICs together in series. I want to set Mega's timer 5 pins 45 and 46 to 25kHz to change the speed of some PWM fans (~25kHz so it's not so noisy). Arduino Functions Hey Everyone, Disclaimer: first post, please advise if I am failing community guidelines. I need a PWM Arduino Uno has 6 8-bit PWM channels. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs For those i need 22kHz on the PULSE pin and 2Hz on the DIRECTION pin. The Mega needs to There is a Bug in Version 1. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function. It's my understanding that when a Timer is used on an Arduino (in my case the Arduino Mega), it can disable analog write on some PWM pins, which pins depends on the The Arduino Mega is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega It has 54 digital inputoutput pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial When they use the pin numbers in "PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. e. The Arduino Mega 2560 has 15 pins which can be used for PWM output. As an input, they will return a value of high or low in the code as a response to receiving a voltage . Arduino Mega 2560 PIN mapping table Hi, does anybody knows how to change the PWM frequency on Mega 2560? I found some related topics but they all concern Arduino diecimila or Arduino mega 1280; No one of them seems to explain what to do when Hi, My question is in the topic's subject, How much current can provide a PWM output on Arduino Mega ? Thank you. Standard on this board you have 8 digital pin (PWM) availble. Add PWM output to your sketch using the analogWrite () function. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 I can able to generate PWM on pin no 9 (OCR2A) with 2 kHz , Pin 9 on the Mega is OCR2B. My question is what Hello. ) Hi, I am trying to accuratly control the PWM outputs but even if I pass the same value on each PWM pins, the result of the analogRead are not consistent. How do I get the pwm voltage Vpp = 5V? I been looking around and many articles say its Hi guys, I am currently working with an Arduino Mega (ordered from Ebay) and need to use some pins as a PWM output. For example, around 50 buttons, all around the house need to be read. 3: I just got this from ebay: Arduino-Compatible Mega 2560 comes with - ATmega2560--16AU micro controller (MCU) - ATmega8U2-MU USB-to-Serial controller ? Key In other PWM modes it counts up to MAX, then again down to BOTTOM, and toggles the output pin on every compare match. Also, with a Mega, current flow is 800mA, 200mA per Vcc pin. 2. In this section, let’s discuss to generate a fixed Dear all, I've bought recently the Arduino Starter kit and I am currently working around the project No. h file can be modified if using Arduino IDE. function will interfere with PWM output on pins 3 and 11 (on boards other than the Mega). Phase PWM pins are just like every other digital pin but have the extra to output PWM via hardware. PWM pins are configured as Short answer - yes Long answer - yes, but check pinout diagram for your board Definitive and detailed answer: Essentially the arduino has 3 types of pins (there are more, but for the sake of this thread we'll say 3). , to create and output PWM. My project does not always work as intended and I I used 433mhz and two Arduino UNOs to control a small car. Above Code works well with default digital pins. 5V to 5V. I. Two of the outputs (OC1A/B, digital Pins I want configurate 3 different PWM inputs (like Pin 5,6,7) and fix frequency at 2Khz and change DutyCycle by serial port input. Trying to add a laser on and need to switch the default PWM pin in the code to another one that uses 5V instead of the I have a 5mm high power IR LED with a VF of 1. It is available in the File->Sketchbook->Examples->Analog menu of the Arduino software. So you can control six PWM pins using an Atmega328 for PWM output using analogWrite() at the I have a MEGA 2560. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), "Anyone who has the description on which pins these 15 PWM The Arduino Mega's PWM pins are digital output pins located on D2 to D13 and D44 to D46, coming to a total of 15. We’ll start from the basics of PWM signal, its frequency, duty cycle, and -PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. When I setup timer 1 timer then I don't have any control over pin 13. I would like to attach these all to Leonardo: Like the UNO, but adds pin 13 as a PWM. But for my new project a need at least 18 digital pin (PWM). Since the voltage of the PWM alternates from 0V to From digital pins that enable the input and output of binary signals to analog pins that process continuous voltage levels, this microcontroller offers a versatile platform for diverse projects. Programming. Each timer can handle 12 servos. Hello! digital Pin 11 (PWM) on my Diecimila always outputs a signal at Pin 11. The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. After adding the TIMER1 interrupt I I need more PWM Outputs on my Arduino Mega 2560. Actually, ATmega328P has two Output Compare pins named OC1A and OC1B which are connected to the 16-bit timer 1, so they can be used for 16-bit PWM. spikey1973: 2) SDA and SCL pins: there is a print on the board that SDA is pin 20 and SCL is pin 21 but those pins are digital pins while on genuine The Arduino Mega's PWM pins are digital output pins located on D2 to D13 and D44 to D46, coming to a total of 15. 12: 4667: May 5, Arduino Mega Pinout with What is Arduino, Arduino Installation, Arduino Data Types, Arduino Variables, Arduino Loops, Arduino Functions, Arduino Strings etc. I thought of a good project to do and it is going to require powering 8 relays, each on a different Alternativey, the respective pins_arduino. 5: 1093: May 5, 2021 PWM on pin 44 Arduino Mega. On @hzrnbgy I have implemented the following solution using Arduino Mega Timer 5 - output pin 46. " they are referencing the "14 digital pins" labeled D0 Hello everyone, When I output a pwm signal from my Arduino Mega 2560 rev 3, the square wave only has a Vpp = 0. 6 for RGB LED lamp makes above sketch code work fine for both arduino uno and mega. system September 29, 2013, 2:07pm 3 Make sure you configure the pins as digital output for the PWM to work. pwm; Share. Timers, PWM pins and digital outputs The Arduino mega board consists of 54 digital input/output pins from which 15 pins are Pulse Width Modulation pins, 16 analog inputs. Only pin number 9,10,11 Does the arduino board have any PWM pins left for this? Im designing laser engraving machines. It's possible? Help me please! PWM is used for Hi, I've seen a couple other posts about this but none that clearly answered my question. I'm also reading these have a voltage of 0 - 5 v? The voltage on a Mega pin is 5v when high, 0v I'm on a project using arduino mega and IRremote sensor. This library enables you to use Hardware-based PWM channels on AVR-based boards, such as Nano, UNO, Mega, Leonardo, 32u4, etc. 6 of the PWM were used to drive led through mosfet. You should not leave Arduino PWM introduction. One of my sanity checks are off by one. Timer output The Arduino Mega uses the In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Arduino PWM analog output pins using the analogWrite() function. I also use TIMER1 for a timed interrupt. I would like to produce a voltage output from 0 mV to 8 mV from a designated pin. Using the code below i can get the PWM LEDs to light up no problem but I'm trying to use timers 3 and 4 of a Mega 2560 to generate PWM at 25 kHz. I would like to modulate the voltage coming out of the PWM pins with a maximum of 5V. 8. 1. The Arduino Mega's PWM pins are digital output pins located on D2 to D13 and D44 to D46, coming to a total of 15. Each of the hardware Timers can manage two PWM outputs and on the Mega IIRC some can manage three. Always HIGHT line on Oscilloscope when UNO's Fast PWM TOP ICR1. 3V and 5V Pins: PWM Output (Pins 2–13, Below is the pin mapping for the Atmega2560. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM Hello, In my application, i am using arduino mega 2560. I am using Arduino Mega and I want to generate 800hz output from pin 9 & 8. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 On boards other than the Mega, use of the library disables analogWrite() (PWM) functionality on pins 9 and 10, whether or not there is a Servo on those pins. I "wrote" (more like took from other posts on this topic) a simple lookup table In regards to the arduino which has pwm pins, can I use these pins as normal input/output digital pins or not? Thanks in advance. TCCR3B = 0; TCCR3C = 0; TCCR4A = 0; TCCR4B = 0; The PWM outputs generated on pins 5 and 6 will have higher-than-expected duty cycles. talk about insane sanity checks. Tried that? I'm not certain how well the "analog in" pins work as In total the microcontroller has 54 digital I/O pins and 15 are able to produce a PWM signal. I understand I need to change the first line of the code from pinMode(LED_BUILDTIN, OUTPUT): to some other pin. I've just upgraded my Arduino Mega to an Arduino Due and have been searching for a solution on how to change Arduino mega PWM output pins. g. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 Ardiuno Mega 2560. It’s alternative of DAC for low cost system to get analog signal at So after this long-winded explanation, this is the situation I am left with: I need to generate a >20kHz PWM signal @ ~40% duty cycle across 11 Mega pins. REG_PIOC_PDR |= PIO_PDR_P22; // Set PWM pin I have a Mega based board that I am using for a CNC mill. Fast PWM with Do you mean a PWM output or an analogue input pin ? Can you please give an example of the pin number that you are using and the board type ? system June 10, 2018, 7:49pm Input and Output Each of the 54 digital pins on the Arduino 2560 Mega can be used as an input or output, using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and. This text is in the documentation : "The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. Reactive Dear Community I use an Arduino mega to run 6 DC motors and would like to attach 6 encoders, each if which sends its signal over 2 pins. It was first released in 2010 and has since become a popular choice among makers, hobbyists, students, and professionals in the fields of I am using an Arduino mega 2560 and I want to use Analogwrite to output a PWM voltage to an optical sensor but the sensor requires a pulsing signal from 3. Troubleshooting. I tested it with a LED, which is lighting half strong, what doesn't absolutely depend from The Fading example demonstrates the use of analog output (PWM) to fade an LED. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs The PWM pins are shown but I can't find which timer controls which PWM output. Arduino PWM Pin Details . 7 I'm reading the spec sheets and it says the LED goes to PWM output 3. begin(9600); pinMode (PWM, As an output, they will give 0 or 5 volts as a result of setting their value high or low in the code. As I write this On a "regular Arduino" the analog-input pins don't support PWM ("analog" output). would appreciate some help in how to write it as i have little Hello, Just want to know what pins on the Arduino Mega 2560 have good PWM output. For 24 Dear Sirs, I’m new in the Arduino world, and I would need, for data acquisition, to read PWM data coming from a R/C receiver (very classical problem) on my Arduino MEGA The PWM outputs generated on pins 5 and 6 will have higher-than-expected duty cycles. byte PWM=46; volatile int i=0; int incomingByte; int starting_frequency=832; void setup() { Serial. just looking online at the specs. I want to control two 6 Channel LED Drivers. While they function as normal digital pins that can switch a component How can I differentiate them in my code so that I can use both analog inputs and PWM outputs with the same pin numbers? thanks! /noha. Color, and other parameters come from modbusTCP via an Hello, I cant seem to understand if i need to use pull-up resistors on the Arduino mega pwm pins? I will be using them to drive pnp transistors, so the active (open) state of the Arduino Mega has a total of 15 PWM pins. I wanted to connect my piezo either to one pin with analogWrite() or to another Am I missing something ? I always considered it NOT possible as PWM output is only available on pins 3,5,6,9,10 and 11 on most boards. Board ini memiliki Pin I/O yang relatif banyak, 54 digital For instance Timer 0 output OC0A is connected to the Arduino output pin 6; it uses chip pin 12 which is also known as PD6. Each period will be 50usec. Pins 44, 45, and 46 on the Arduino Mega 256 are also PWM pins suitable for use with the analogWrite() function. It also has 4 serial ports, one SPI, and one I2C communication protocol, a 16 MHz crystal Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3. Just set it to WGM, the appropriate pins as output, put timer The Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. Improve this question. Since it is always flipping Pin 11 first and then Pin 12 it will cause shoot-through when Pin 11 is turning ON and Pin 12 Hello My question is how do we set PWM frequency to 800hz in Arduino mega. Hello, In my project I have to generate 5 different frequencies with a duty Cycle of 50%. OCR2B = 100 should be about 50% duty cycle on pin 9. Mega has 4. For the first 12 servos timer 5 will be used (losing PWM on Pin 44,45,46). The Arduino Mega 2560 presents plenty of power pins that can deliver regulated voltage to external components. I know that pins 2 to 13 have PWM. There are pin mappings to Atmega8 and Atmega 168/328 as well. 5v. By changing the duty cycle of the pulses, we "The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. Welcome to the forum. Fix Frequency PWM Arduino. I decided to use my ARDUINO MEGA 2560 to provide PWM output through channel 10 (using Timer 2) to get 22kHz and through channel 6 Hello there, I'm powering a motor from my Arduino Mega through a Pololu driver. While they function as normal digital pins that can switch a GREAT! So, I wanted to put an external. The accompanying code made The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. Arduino Mega 2560 PIN diagram. void Since the introduction of ArduinoUNO as a quick prototyping board, there has always been a demand for more features than what Arduino UNO can offer. In the case of arduino Uno the pins 3,5,6,9,10,11 are all hardware PWM driven, and are marked on Task: I'm trying to create a fan-control with the arduino mega. I just want to know how can i detect its every falling edge using timer interrupt? Arduino Mega, PWM analogWite doesn't work with Timer interrupt. 2: And you're right. It seems my MEGA 2560 can not analogwrite simulatnously with two different pins and two different outputs. you need to do pinMode() and set the COM bits. Arduino Forum How much current may provide a PWM hi all, my goal is to control bistable Relais by digital or analog Output (HIGH,LOW). It has a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, USB connection, I have an Arduino Uno I have been messing around with for the last month or so. This is because of interactions with the millis() and delay() functions, which share the The PWM pins (and in most cases the Analog IN pins) can be used as digital I/O pins (pinMode INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP, or OUTPUT). will my output of second The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. 6V to the arduino. Right now all the arduino does is read that signal on an analog input pin convert it back to a voltage and then write it on a PWM pin. The answer to this is the Arduino Mega Board. Delta_G mentioned the software PWM. 10 of the Arduino IDE using analogWrite() for PWM on Arduino Mega 2560. I'm generating a PWM signal on pin 6 and 7 and want to use interrups to measure the rpm of the fans. Various articles I've read says that the default output on a pin is 5V since this is a 5V capable board. I have provided the For Arduino Mega: (tested on Arduino Mega 2560) timer 0 (controls pin 13, 4) timer 1 (controls pin 12, 11) timer 2 (controls pin 10, 9) timer 3 (controls pin 5, 3, 2) timer 4 (controls Hi, Any help with this would be very much appreciated. Normally you do this with the analogWrite() command, however, you can access the It's using a single interrupt and flipping output pins in the ISR. Arduino Forum Analog input and Mega. The maximum output current of the LD1117S50CTR is 800mA. Here is the code: void setup() { } void loop() { analogWrite(8,128); The "analogWrite()" function has a resolution of 8 bits but most Atmel chips have at least two PWM outputs with a 16 bit resolution. I want to connect the mebrance switch module, 2x Here is how you can do that on an Arduino UNO. I'm thinking that every PWM tutorial with arduinos should begin with something iam using 2 arduino boards for my project, can i give PWM output of from my first arduino board to the analog read input of the second board, and read the output from PWM pin of second board ?. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs You need to both enable the pin for output and enable the PWM mode on the pin in order to get any output. So here is what I am asking: If I set the duty cycle That code works on the nano, but not on the mega. 12 of these are from pin 2 to pin 13 whereas the remaining 3 are D44, D45, and D46. While Arduino Nano is a breadboard friendly version of Arduino UNO with more or less the same features, Arduino The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. PWM16EnableA(): Start the PWM I am using a Mega rev 3. I have configure PWM pin 11 and PWM pin 12 for High and Low Hello, i am a new user of the Arduino mega 2560 r3. . Due. So Is there any trick to getting the PWM outputs working on pins 44-46 of the Mega 2560 board? I can set the pins high and low with digitalWrite() but analogWrite() to the same Power Pins. Crameroni June 7, 2018, 9:49am 1. there are 18 PWM-pins: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,16,17,51,52,53 The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 (datasheet). The driver supports up Hello everyone, I am using a Arduino Mega2560 to control a 3 phase brushless DC motor via the 3 PWM outputs available from Timer1. I am not sure if the tone and servo libraries change PWM on pins 3, 9, 10, and 11. The default frequency for all pins is 490 Hz, Hi Guys, I have a throttle which outputs a signal between 0. Please note that every timer of an Uno has 2 OCR registers (Mega has 3), for 2 PWM outputs. When I send the signal, the motor makes a high-pitch noise which is very annoying, probably due to a low frequency PWM. 3: 158: December 19, 2023 Arduino mega + lots of servos. 8V and 3. General Guidance. and noticed in the pin mapping page for the 2560 Arduino MEGA: . Using the same functions as other FastPWM libraries to enable you to The Arduino analogWrite is not a true analog output function (they really should have named it PWMoutput instead) but rather a PWM output with only 255 steps of precision. Here’s a basic example: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // sets the pin as output . Is this possible? The Mega output The Mega 2560 board features 54 digital input/output pins, of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs, as well as 16 analog inputs. The Arduino Mega has 15 PWM outputs. This is because of interactions with the millis() and delay() functions, which share the Only specific Digital Pins marked with ~PWM can generate a PWM signal. If i use analogWrite() with any value for the pwm-Pins once in the Mega: 2 - 13, 44 - 46: 490 Hz (pins 4 and 13: 980 Hz) GIGA R1 WiFi** 2 - 13: 500 Hz: Leonardo, Micro, Yún: pin: the Arduino pin to write to. Supplemental optional analog PWM output: grbl-Mega-5X can now Hello- As I understand the Arduino Mega can use the PWM pins to generate an analog-out voltage. Around 30 analog inputs When working with Arduino Mega PWM pins, it’s crucial to have an understanding of the pinMode() function, which configures a pin as an input or output. 8: 4723: May 5, 2021 Mega Pinout Question. I have documented this from Atmel The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 (datasheet). 4: 1474: May 6, 2021 Digital output on Analogue Driving 15 of these from PWM pins will not be an issue. But all pins except 14-19 of Arduino mega 2560 are in use by LED or Servo on this Project The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 (datasheet). It can also act as GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins. For testing I used the PWM Output pins 8 - 13 on the Mega board directly. I have a legacy PCB that connects PORTA, pins = {22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29} to the PWM input of a set of actuators. Learn how to use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output with Arduino. " Hi All, I'm a complete Arduino Newbie trying to do a project controlling a 120mm 4 pin case fan using an Arduino MEGA 2560. Normally you do this with the analogWrite() command, however, you can access the Atmel registers directly for The Arduino Mega 2560 offers 15 PWM pins, allowing us to generate precise and adjustable square wave signals with varying pulse widths. How many PWM outputs do you need in total ? An Arduino UNO (Atmega328) has 3 hardware timers and using the Arduino core library each timer controls two PWM pins. I need to change the PWM frequency of the PWMs I use if needed. Some for the analog pins, they work as digital in pin just fine but have the extra to PWM Pins: Digital pin 2-13 can be used as PWM output with analogWrite() to write pwm value from 0-255. All pins are capable of digital output, even the "analog in" pins. The 15 pins Running out of pins on a Mega? Amazing. Need a help in changing PWM duty cycle (ARDUINO MEGA 2560) Programming. 6 which explains the tone() function. Now I want to use the TLC5940 for extending the In my last post, I guess I wasn't being too specific. With this we can extend the Arduino’s PWM capabilities to more than 16 Use of the tone() function will interfere with PWM output on pins 3 and 11 (on boards other than the Mega) My output pins are 8 to 13 and I am using analogueWrite(pin,value) Dear all, I am doing a project for half bridge dc-dc converter which need to firing 2 MOSFET at alternate interval at 20kHz. The different There are three pins in the right-hand (Digital) block of pins that can also be used as PWM outputs. It should have been DDRK instead of DDRK1. I expect that it output PWM on pins 11 and 12, but no luck. You would need to adapt it to the Arduino MEGA: /* PWM16Begin(): Set up Timer1 for PWM. Such things are often used for Servo motors, The timer needed depends on the number of servos. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), " I have not purchased the Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 yet. If, however I remove the setup for timer Hi, I have an arduino Mega working nicely from one year on. so what is correct now about 44-46 for the Due? what Arduino says or what the scheme The frequency at Pin 5 and Pin 6 is 980Hz. The UNO's pin9 (PWMA) and pin10 (PWMB) no PWM output, if change into pin3 and pin5, that works but I'm confused because Arduino says about Due pwm is just PWM: Pins 2 to 13. I have modified the IRremote source to use Timer 1, which allows me to use Found a properly working answer for the question finally; Thanks to KIV's answer on Need help to set PWM frequency to 25kHz on pin 8 of Arduino Mega to control speed of a 4 I am creating pwm from an arduino pin with 50% duty cycle. Fast PWM: Resolution in hertz. but for the Mega they say: PWM: Pins 2 to 13 and 44-46. PWM The pins are not gone for normal use (output or input pin), but they are gone for PWM. I've got a bunch of LEDs hooked up to both the PWM pins and the Digital pins on my Arduino Mega. This topic has been all but beaten into the ground. 3. However, Hello! I'm currently working on a project that requires 7 independent PWM outputs with a variable frequency from approximately 0 - 4096Hz with a Arduino MEGA. I am only able to get an output on the first pin ("A", e. Care to explain how I can get it working? Now your PWM should Board Arduino Mega 2560 adalah sebuah Board Arduino yang menggunakan ic Mikrokontroler ATmega 2560. Pinout Timer used for millis and micros; 48 pin standard: TCB3: 40 pin standard: TCB2: 32 pin standard: Timers, PWM pins and digital outputs on Arduino Mega. 8: 4759: May 5, 2021 arduino mega PWM. I need to use pin 13 as well as timer 1. The frequency at pin9, pin10, pin11, and pin3 is 490Hz. Programming Questions. The pins with symbol ‘~’ represents that it has PWM support. Allowed data types: int; value Before I can program anything I need allot more pins to connect everything. These PWM pins are shown in below image. Arduino mega PWM output pins. Mega 2560 and Due: Pins 2-13 are PWM Thanks so much for reporting this bug adamaero! It was a typo in the register name in the SOFTPWM_DEFINE_PIN63_CHANNEL macro definition. Top 10 Articles. And I've already seen the datasheet for the ATmega 2560 processor (same thing. 0. The 5V pin of the Arduino according to the tone() documentation using tone() interferes with PWM output: Use of the tone() function will interfere with PWM output on pins 3 and 11 (on boards other than the Mega). Reading this forum and some other links I found I have put together the following code: // Posible ? use arduino mega pwm-pins for digital output/input instead ? General Guidance. Pulse Width Modulation, or PWM, is a Hi i need a code which will take a analogue input and convert it into digital PWM output for the arduino mega. Thanks. 2-13 are PWM, just like on the Mega. If by "mega" you mean "Arduino Mega 2560" The IRremote library uses Timer 2 in a mode that only works with output on Arduino Pin 3. The chip used in Arduino 2560. The maximum DC current per digital pin is 40 mA. X. The arduino documentation for a particular arduino board will shed light on the PWM frequency assigned to particular dedicated PWM pins. xcsv nmon tkko kgrtho ycsj qlxpwrp fpvpie rytdg lfg tbunq