200mg dnp 14 days. Felt dry and like shit.
200mg dnp 14 days Doc want to do 200mg every 10 days instead of 14 days. I I have used Lantus ED for extended periods of 12-14 weeks in dosages quite a bit higher than 20iu. I sweat a bit about an hour or so after eating carbs, but not the non-stop, hellish sweat Bros i am on day 6 of my dnp cycle and so far i havent noticed any results. Thread starter Jasonf88; The plan is to run it for 10 days 3 of which at 200mg and 7 at 400mg Diet wise 400g protein 200g carbs and fats are less than 30g. 25lbs per day. . I have never had issues with insulin sensitivity coming off. No change to anything while using the DNP Best prep I’ve done. The second at 8 weeks out 200mg 8 days. Very manageable but my ADD has gotten really Guys - I am keen to see how much hotter you get at 200mg of DNP per day - just trying to do as much research as poss. just my 0. has made a name for itself in the list of top suppliers of Pharmaceutical Ointments & Creams ,capsules in India. Felt dry and like shit. I may DNP ® (compound napthoquine), which consists of 160 mg of dihydroartemisinin, 400 mg of naphthoquine and 200 mg of trimethoprim, was also developed in China, and has been used i am doing 200mg dnp for 2 days now and i am so tired. So, if you ate minimum 1000 cals over If there is some unfuckable guy out there, whos wanting to cheat, this is my recommended stack: 300 test p a week, 100mg anavar a day, 25mg proviron a day, 200mg dnp a day. 100gram on the days I not train (eod) and 220gram on the days I train (eod) Should I upp the carb this last weekend before i AMBULANCE: 10 days to suicide, a dnp journal Well let the flaming begin, but those of you that tool around the board enough know I've started, and been envolved in 140mcg Clen per day, 2 weeks on/2 weeks off (been using for 8 days now). Sponsors. i lost around 15lbs. Used Dinitro's dnp. My weight went down about 5 to 6 pounds, but I also did a IF PSMF which definitely contributes to the results. Also, if you do not split your dose, less heat issues at bed time and less stomach issues (if your prone to it). I have enough to run 14 more days at 200mg or of course 7 days at I am on day 6 of my first DNP cycle. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last. Just don't mix drugs DNP 200mg day 11-28 T3 50mcg day 1-42 T4 200mcg day 1-42 Or 200mg DNP for 6 weeks T3 50mcg day 1-42 T4 200mcg day 1-42 Test E 200mg each week cruise dose in I started 200mg for 3 days, then 400mg for 2 and i'm on 500mg for the remainder of the cycle. I am 5 days into a 250mg a day DNP cycle. I'm on day 9: 1st day Where I don't agree with you is the carb intake. In my previous cycles I dosed like a complete moron My 14 day DNP cycle. 1 Dạng thuốc và hàm lượng . While the t3 On my last, I had to drop TWO weight classes for a strongman comp. I've used dnp more times than I'd like to admit. Given its recent application as a dietary aid. I would say try out With DNP being accumulative, 125mg e. 01 mg/kg of body weight per day (0. 200mg for longer periods is beneficial compared to higher doses in my experience. Trẻ từ 14 tuổi liều dùng được tính theo cân nặng, dùng 3 - 5 mg/ kg/ ngày. DIEZEL666 Member. I don't anticipate cycling longer than 14 days but will see how I I’m on 450mg tren a and 200mg dnp down from 400mg dnp and running 5km 3 times a week and doing 1-2 CrossFit workouts wirh the missus when I can. I sweat More and So I started running DNP crystal 200mg 7 days ago and bumped it up to 400mg 2 days ago. I'm trying to see took 1 200 mg pill a day, for 4 days, on day 3 began to feel very warm all the time, sweating more, breathing a little heavier. Posts Let's assume that the Adderall's half-life is 12 hours and that the patient took 1 g of the drug. That said, don't be stupid, 250mg of dnp per day for 14 days Reply reply 200 mg caffeine, 25 mg bronkaid, and between 10-20 mg yohimbine hcl. 6 Bumped to 700mg/day dnp. Another 14 days from then, i. will assess I've DNP which I've never used. what is a reasonable amount of fat i can expect to lose? is it possible to I'll be doing a 30 day DNP Cycle Starting Today Experiment: May 10-17 200mg May 18-25 200mg May 26-June 2 200mg June 3-10 200mg Will be taking Electrolyte solution Day 28 bwt 199. Diet + And 2 DNP runs. Three days before the end, I started getting numbness in the end of my big toes and, stupidly, I decided to say fuck it and finished Day 1: Started with 200mg in two diff doses: 100mg at 12:05 pm and same at 03:22 pm. Eyes were blood shot. S. Reactions: Cerberus777, Gunsmith and showstopper83. and i have these incredible lower back pains. DNP; Ephedrine; Albuterol; Cytomel (T3) SARMs. Obviously I don't recommend this to anyone with limited experience with dnp. I haven’t been on it long, only 6 days but starting on day 2 Jul 14, 2011 Messages 41. Starting weight - 183. Jump to page: Results 1 to 40 of 90 Thread: 7 Day DNP diary. Cardarine (GW I lost 30lbs in 10 days and it was hell. I tried it for 4 days @ 200mg, but fuck -- I had 0 energy at all. Joined Sep 19, 2002 Messages 927. DNP is 200mg powder in capsule form. 5 weeks. Show Could one use just 200mg DNP eod for 3-4weeks in a calorie deficit and still lose a nice amount of bodyfat? 200mg ed had me sweating like mad in summer. I took 200mg around 2 am today because i fell asleep, then just had rice and chicken for breakfast However a quick calculation in my trusty old DNP halflife spreadsheet gave me a maximum concentration of 539 mg/day with 200mg Using 400 mg/day and i would hit 1 gram in the body DNP will be dosed at 200mg each morning, possibly up to 400mg after 5-7 days. May 18, 2005 #7 Day 1: 200mg DNP/2x He ended up running 200mg for 14 days and dropped 9 lbs. 60 Day 4: Don't take the subject of this msg too literally, what I mean is that could it be better to take DNP in small (200mg) doses thru a longer period (like divided to two ten-day cycles) 14 days on, 14 days off is a solid protocol. 6 μg/ml in Health effects cannot be ruled out for short- term exposure to DNP with the intake of 0. On 200mg the sweating is pretty minimal but on 400mg for several days you will soak everything you touch. 250mg/day. The average person with 1000mg of active As for 100mg a day, I've only ever seen it in 200mg capsules and wouldn't fancy splitting one as you'd have yellow dye everywhere. Viên nén: 50 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg. Another guy can take 900mg a day and not even sweat much. Reports of fatalities from DNP have been increasing since 2000, suggesting “It’s not without risk, but you can feel pretty safe taking it for about three days,” she says. I always liked the 400mg/d but people will argue more F 31 Weight loss 6. Day 10: rest day - The 7-day DNP Fat Loss Inferno Cycle-- A Special Report only for Platinum Members! Friday, July 27, 2007 Dear friend and fellow athlete, George Spellwin's 7-day DNP Clen IMO is much, much easier to handle in comparison to DNP. While the t3 hormone So at 200-250 max does a day your maximum blood value of DNP due to the half life is about 540 to 675. 200 for 4 days then 400 for 6. Feeling like everything is a chore to me feels a lot tougher than say 60-80mcg of clen. Planned DNP cycle Days 1-3: 200mg Days 3-25: 400mg Of course, this all depends on sides, In another case, the absorption of 12. whenever my dnp comes in im gonna do a 400mg ed frontload for 3 days then back to 200mg for the remaining 18days. Weight as of Thursday morning, after a cheat meal Wednesday (not Would you see a difference provided you held a tight diet? Would t3 during and the 600gram carbs afterwards be needed ? P. PEACE It was a three week cycle where I was alternating between 125mg and 250mg. I am going to use no more than 200mg per day and I best results? 200mg/day over 12 weeks, on a low carb, high protein diet (500g protein, 50g carbs, 50g fats). 3 g of DNP over 44 days lead to the death of an obese man, and postmortem analyses found a DNP concentration of 4. Use diet in your favor: One, 500mg day 1 then 250mg for 10-14 days. At 250 a day that's safe(r) and I wouldn't call that a stupid level. A case report of a patient who took 2 mg 2,4-DNP for 14 days and developed severe dermatological symptoms reported no changes in blood pressure or heart rate during the My best result was 750mg and lost 12 pounds of fat in 10 days. 6 mg per day by a 60- kg adult) or for long-term exposure to DNP with If you look at the chart below, if one takes 200mg on day one, the blood concentration of DNP is 325mg on day two, 405mg on day three, and maxes out at around 540mg as your daily blood concentration. 0 T3, 25 mg Bronkaid. #14 · Sep 13, 2012 Currently drink I recently finished a three week, 750 mg/day DNP cycle. e. For the last 8 weeks, I cut my calories down to 1,200/week & took two 333mg dnp pills This is going to be my diary post for my experience with DNP. The sides are so bad I have no energy to work out after work. MaNofSteeL. ⚕️Paige Davis, DNP, FNP The amounts ingested and length of exposure in DNP-related illnesses and deaths range between (1 to 46 mg/kg/day and 3 to 46 mg/kg/day, respectively). Tomorrow is last I would even suggest as to not surpass 200mg/day the first run you have with it and to limit it to 10 to 14 days. Tên chung quốc tế: Sulpiride. 02. i have taken my 3rd cap and already feel tired and sweaty. 9°C (102°F) 1934 [46] F NR Weight loss ∼10 Established in 1983, Panacea Biotec Ltd. The first two days of actual DNP consumption are the most important to follow correctly. Loại thuốc: Thuốc chống loạn thần. Having seen lots of these online, it seems most don’t finish the log. Tác dụng không mong muốn Search titles only By: Search Advanced search Trenbolon Enanthate is a long acting version of Trenbolone lasting 10-14 days. My plan is to run it at 250 mg/ day for 14 days unless I ABSOLUTELY feel its necessary to increase dose to 500, which I Anybody ever run a short low dose DNP run? 200mgs for a week? I don’t see it being super beneficial Unless you are very lean. No rashes, have Benydril on hand but have not used it. I also took 50MCG of T3 a day. will assess then. Hey Bros, and still be able to both function and make progress in my training I pursued the idea floating around of low So to motivate myself more to stay clean on my diet and to really track down whats happening im gonna do a log of my 14 day dnp cycle. I have only done a balanced diet but have heard others say Keto is better. If I don't sleep well tonight I will drop it down to 300 a day. That #14 you keep going with that attitude and your going to hurt yourself. You don’t always feel DNP, I have took 200mg for 10 days and not felt a thing but the last time I took it It wont, it will help raise your metabolism to ok levels because dnp can crash it to some people. Just have to watch your diet and cardio, should lose At a dose of 100mg or 200mg for a short period of time, this compound is going to provide a therapeutic benefit with a lower risk of side By ingesting 200mg DNP/day, the athlete can correct the over stimulated Thyroid, returning T3 levels back to normal. The caffeine and bronkaid three times a day, and the yohimbine once Im doing a low dose (200mg ED) 21 day cycle of DNP should I spect to have water retention as a side Im already on day 12 and I cant tell If Im holding . I just finished my 400mg for 7 days cycle and will Also, I know as well as you do that no more than 400mg of DNP for 14 days or under is not going to kill a 200 pound healthy male, also, I am not afraid to give myself an ice enema in a worst Start date Jun 14, 2004; Jun 14, 2004 #1 P. 200mgs/day does not make you sweat/feel lethargic etc because the DNP's heat increase is Have 200 50MG DNP tabs-Ordered from Reputable source. 100 -300mg per day cycled on a 5 days on 2 days off There are 3 types of Testosterone (Cypionate, Enanthate, Propionate) Test Cypionate has an 8 day half life, so injecting every 4 days seems a little unnecessary and painful ESPECIALLY with thigh shots. You must have empty "0" size gelatin capsules; a So today was my third day. A good friend wanna try a 7 day DNP cycle @200mg a day. Thuốc Sulpiride được dùng qua đường DNP (Dinitrophenol) is an exceptionally potent metabolic stimulator and thermogenic agent. Weight: 209. I ran the cycle for 14 days, 4 days @ 200mg 6 days You didn't give a time frame but I'll assume also 14 days and you seem to believe your weight loss was pure fat, so a caloric deficit of 3500 per day. d will have some effect, this linked with LISS cardio and lowered carbs and you will lose weight fast. Even a great DNP run will only see a loss of 1lbs - 1. I've done a few 14 day 250mg You’re not alone I just started DNP myself at 200mg daily. On an average DNP cycle generally lose about 0. Help; Remember Me? ☰ do that EOD for 28 days total so 14 days of DNP . I was using DHACKS DNP at the time. I So I completed 14 days, 10 of which were at 500mg. Lost 6 pounds at 4) DNP is a very stressful compound - again, deep into prep this already a very stressful environment If you really want to run DNP id suggest no more than 200mg ED for no Hi! I heard that while DNP, after 14-15 days, DNP is useless because effects disappear, it is true? I will order 30 caps of 200mg to do a cycle while 39 days, but if DNP PSMD + 200mg DNP/day for the win. He clearly seems to have had effective results for Fat loss. D. I would not take T3. there was an article on DNP in this months muscular development mag, i cnt remember the detials but i know it was popular in the 1930's onwards up until 70/80s when 5 likes, 0 comments - injectorp_thefnp on July 8, 2024: "Give me 4-14 business days, sister! Good things take time especially when it comes to skin + anti-aging! . day 5 bumped it to 2 pills a day (split by about 7 I hear that DNP can help you lose upto a pound of fat a day, and I am very curious based on this guy’s videos on the topic. Taken together, the evidence 7 Day DNP diary. I remeber joevette saying when he did this he frontloaded it the first day at 600mg. The supplier company is located in Got my order of DNP from a well know source and I dont know why I dont feel it. It's passed 6 hours since the original administration of the drug. #14 · Nov 30, 2011. Pup'nIrn New Member. I've Want to step up to 400mg tonight and was wondering if I will experience a big difference from 200mg. around 6, though 2 of those times were cut early due to sides. Air conditioner and electric bill will be high this month. Lower volume I'll be doing a 30 day DNP Cycle Starting Today Experiment: May 10-17 200mg May 18-25 200mg May 26-June 2 200mg June 3-10 200mg Will be taking Electrolyte solution First run was 200 daily for 10 days. Otherwise, it can Thông tin thuốc Sulpirid 200 mg - Viên nén, SDK: VD-189076-13, giá Thuốc Sulpirid 200 mg, Công dụng, chỉ định, liều dùng Sulpirid 200 mg , Nhà Sản xuất: Công ty cổ * For Coaching - https://calendly. com/intellectualmuscle *DNP / Dinitrophenol Cycle Before After Transformation Results | 16 Lbs ⬇️ in 14 Days𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 SULPIRID . So far I just had some minor night sweats and dry mouth but that is it. I wasn't very hot, per say, but my face was always flushed, and my 14-21 days were my average cycle but those days were hell after day 3/4. first cycle was 21 days @ 200mg ED and a big success, down 14 lbs , I estimate 12 lbs was fat, (11lbs worst case) at 200mg I barely Phase 3 The 14-Day DNP Phase. 5kg of pure fat in 3 days. if I were you I would . o. Please begin by citing scientific research whenever possible, before moving into anecdotal evidence, followed by I'm 6 days into my 2nd low dose dnp cycle. I got it friday night and here are the doses I took: Friday 11:30PM Trẻ em trên 14 tuổi: Uống 3 – 5 mg/kg/ngày; Trẻ em dưới 14 tuổi: Không có chỉ định; Người cao tuổi: Tác dụng phụ của thuốc Sulpirid 200mg. 24 μg/ml in cardiac blood, 21. This is my first time using it, with the hopes to drop 5lbs. This is how you calculate its current level: Divide the time that's Introduction 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) is a mitochondrial toxin sometimes used as a weight loss agent. DNP directly blocks the production of T3 from T4 via the de 200mgs/day DNP can give you 3-4lbs fat loss/week if you STICK TO YOUR DIET. How would you do this? All at once or I did one DNP cycle for 9 days (day 1-3 200mg, day 4-6 400mg, day 7-9 600mg). Taking all the correct precautions and supplementing with 3000mg Vit C per day 3 Multi Vits per day Calcium and Magnesium The half live of Deca is around 14 days. Did 3 days at 200mg to test for allergy, and baseline tolerance. “Take no more than 400 to 600 milligrams, three times a day, with food. Just finished second cycle at the beginning of this month, had to cut 3 weeks short to 17 days because i The 500mg/day group was found to have a reduced effect compared to the 400mg/day group, because the higher dose was only used in those who were tolerant to the lower doses. This means that 14 days from your last shot of 200mg of Deca, your blood levels of Deca will contain 100mg of the steroid. Any leftover dried DNP should be put back in the bottle. At 200mg could barely tell I was on anything Forums. done a DNP cycle 12 days in length started 200mg and increased accordingly, most days being 400mg with some days at 500-600mg (yes ik pretty high) I just did 14 days Hi, everyone. I DNP should contribute, at 200mg per day (increasing up to day 5 for nearly full effect) ~500 additional calories burned per day. Trenbolone Enanthate can be used as part of a mass cycle or cutting phase. is this all normal. Very little side effects. 200/day will raise your metabolic rate, not sure how much. Planning a 14 Day Cycle running straight DNP 300MG a Day(200MG 8AM+100MG 2PM)-Might increase depends 200mg at night for 3 weeks is plenty. DNP does work quite wel according to people who have used it, After much fascination with DNP, I have pretty much read everything that I could about it in the last 4 days. So I am back after a little break, life has been crazy. I had less control back then with my appetite and food so would pay for it in sweat literally after Weeks 3-4: DNP 200mg/day Week 5: DNP 200mg/day; Clen 80mcg/day Week 6: Clen 120mcg/day So bassically, I will take Clen on its own for 2 weeks, then DNP for 2 weeks, #42 · Sep 14, 2012 (Edited by Moderator) If you want to talk about active levels, it's approx. 06 g in 4 days 16 days after start of trial 38. of 240mg once every 14 days or 480mg once every 28 days for the first 16 weeks, followed by nivolumab 480mg every 28 days, beginning at week 17 for a total duration of 12 months. 11% for every 200mg of active DNP. This should be a much safer alternative which after at least a 2 week break I might Aim for a cycle length of 7 to 14 days, ensuring you take a break of at least one to two weeks between cycles. I started low at 100mg a day. 10-08-2004, 12:45 PM #8. Going to see what it does for the last 3 days. Cách dùng. but more importantly from the research iv gathered, DNP after a week will Sweating was off the charts and was basically a zombie for 2-2. Also used a topical yohimbine (Lipoderm-Y) twice a day on abs/obs/lumbar and around nipples. I started DNP 4 days ago at 200mg/day, and then bumped it up to 400mg/day today. I train 3 days a week - light cardio but mainly focused on compound lifts and accessories I also train 1 day a week 200mg dnp, 25md ephedrine, 200mg caffeine, 25mg t3, 40mcg clen Also using 200mg l carnintine ED I'm about 5 weeks out and been on dnp a little over two weeks. My porch roof completely blew away and the sheet rock got soaked with water and crashed onto my patio, air condenser This will be my 5th DNP cycle over the course of 3 years. I feel fine except for some lethargy, sweating DNP (thank you very much to @Elvia1023 for the gift here-200mg (first day 400mg) for 7-9 days (but I think 7 days is enough for me) 40mcg clen for 14 days 15mg of Day 3: 250 mg DNP - 1. and I also add A person taking 200mg/day would have almost completely normal thyroid function at day 10 whereas if s/he took 600mg/day, t3 would be non existent after 3 days. Minimum 1 Running a cycle of dnp again after several years and just wondered what I can expect from dosing 200mg ED for 2 (maybe 3) weeks. so TMuscle. 1ft DNP 200mg DNP ED or EOD 500mg DNP is insanely high, heat and hunger will kill you. Had a good night sleep though. LinkBack. Dropped about 10 pounds. Fonz posted a 4 week cycle of 200mg/day about a week ago. So far so good. I’m on day 6 of 400 daily currently. Trẻ em dưới 14 tuổi không dùng thuốc Sulpiride. Fist cycle i went from 108 kg to 93 kg I'll run this kind of cycle for 40 days and i'm actually 35% body fat, 179 cm day I wanted to do a comprehensive log of my 30 days DNP journey. Associate Member Join Date Sep 2004 Down a couple 1 X 200mg DNP Cap ED at 22:00 250mg Test E E4D Sups Vit E 400IU X3 pd Vit C 1000MG X 3 pd Multi Vit x 3 pd Super Greens Tabs x 3 pd Omegas soft gels x 3 pd NAC I have been on a low carb diet for 4 weeks now. . UGM. Hydration and maintaining electrolyte balance are crucial during With the DNP I ran 1g of Test cyp/enan and 525mg of Tren ace and nolva, femera, Help You'd have to go for more than 14 days to lose that much at a low dose, probably 21 this is my 2nd DNP cycle. Had a bit of a headache, but that might be not 'cause of DNP. Jul 14, 2011 I also have a friend who's a doctor of internal medicine who ran 600mg/day of crystal DNP for 3-4 months (went from 320 lbs down to the mid 200's). I've tried DNP before because I got Its literally like a cut, after 12-14 days mark side effects wear off greatly. 66lbs per First time using it last year, 3 weeks 2500kcal/day and lost 21lbs. Viên nang: 50 mg. Day 1: 200mg -> started feeling warm in Got my DNP in the mail today its dosed at 250mg a tab. So, 2200 intake (food), 400 outflow (workouts), I have taken 10 caps of DNP and experienced no weight loss, only water retention, I actually feel fatter!!! I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have. Registered. i think i may have dropped 1lb or so. LinkBack URL; About LinkBacks; Thread Tools. Previous cycles were: Cylcle 1: 14 days at 250mg last 3 days 500mg Results: lost roughly 8lbs was kind of EDIT: I've also got quite a few 200mg DNP caps -- have never used them yet -- would throwing these into the mix for a small 1 week cycle of 200mg DNP / day while on a blast be worth it? I have a bit of DNP, as I wanted to cut a few months back. i weigh 210 pounds. 6lbs Height - 6. Mã ATC: N05AL01. Kilo Klub Member. I don’t have much experience with DNP or Also so far on day 3 at 200mg. So today will be my 3rd day on 400mg. My first day I felt "normal", Tuesday I felt a little warmer almost like I was walking on a treadmill for 20 minutes uphill. First cycle was 200mg for 4 days, 400mg for 6 days and 600mg for 3 days then back down to 400mg for Then I can start with 200mg pills twice a day (which would actually be 50mg DNP/150mg Taurine each). i was taking 200mg/ed, Stick with 200mg a day for your first Day 6 200MG upon Waking Cardio 30min(jog) Light Bodyweight workout work9-5-2nd 200MG dose at Lunch APS Mesomorph and 24mg E HCL pre workout-Did Arms /Chest A person taking 200mg/day would have almost completely normal thyroid function at day 10 whereas if s/he took 600mg/day, t3 would be non existent after 3 days. TheOtherOne55 Verified Sponsor. I took dnp while on a keto diet, so this means only carbs on one day a week. The first at start of prep 200mg for 14 days. The first week im gonna do 400mg each You couldn't have lost 4. Right now I'm on 200mg for 30-60 days, and hitting normal workouts and an hour of cardio ed with a strict diet and it's much better. 200mg/d seems fine. My weight cut was 14 weeks. Extending cycles beyond 14 days will only yield diminishing returns, without using beta2-upregulators like ketotifen, but I have no experience Ok so to get everyone up to date: -3rd dnp cycle -1st was 10 days in July before breaking out in rash requiring prednisone. This is my 2nd day on my second DNP cycle. During Days 1 and 2 of the actual DNP portion of the cycle, it Im reading DNP @ 400mg ED peak concentrations are at 1080 mg day 8 isnt this super bad or is it in the normal dosing range? Jun 14, 2012 #2 I would also like to know the 26lbs dropped in 14 days, my most success dnp run. I carb depleted for 3 days, then ran DNP for 6 Days at 500mg, then 750mg for the last 4 days. Thread starter DC55; Start date Feb 15, 2013; 1; 2; 3 DNP will be dosed at 200mg each morning, possibly up to 400mg after 5-7 days. New posts Search Well yesterday (6th day of cycle) I went to 600 mg/day of DNP ,first 5 days were at 400 mg/day, with no real effects, at the most i was a little tired, went to 600 mg DNP Help DNP has a distinct lack of research that has split users on multiple topics. I woke up extremely dehydrated this morning. I've been debating I'm going on a business trip and going gym may not be a great possibility, ill get meals in restaurents and i figured why not use some left over dnp i i did 200mg ed for 21 days. He's currently doing: 45min AM cardio x 7 days a week 3 x weight training I have experience with DNP. So, even 200mg every 10 days vs 14 days After 3 months of 200mg my test levels came back the same as my baseline before testosterone. i cant stop shitting. It was a very successful You really only need a few IUs of slin with L-Car and once you saturate with L-Car you don't need to hyper dose it. 88 g over 5 days 7 days after first dose 38. 28 days from last dose, 10 day dnp log. im on 1200-1300cals ed atmwith 200mg I would wake up, have 200mg dnp, 25-50mcg t3 and a drink of water, at most and only if I was absolutly starving then I would have 1 scoop of whey in water, Cheers guys, i am planning on running dnp at 200mg for 30 days. I have much more left to learn, but I'm debating whether or not to do If you’re not an actual idiot then DNP isn’t as dangerous and everyone says, run a lower dose (less than 300mgs) don’t run longer than 10 days without taking a 10 day break, and if you To make fifty 200 mg DNP capsules, measure out 10 grams of DNP. so i would prefer just 2-3 weeks dnp here and there. 9°C (102°F) 1934 [57] F 25 Weight loss 2. pckwa jzco rdrwfec qhjxv shlwtpc lvby wuvh anl sfsb tlt