Psnp 5 pim pdf. Overall Impact of the PSNP and Recommendations .

Psnp 5 pim pdf FAO undertakes a review to inform the next phase of the Productive Safety Net Programme. Some usage limitations may apply, but you aren't limited to only compressing PDFs; you can reduce the file size of other document types, like MS Office files, JPG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF. PDF | On May 1, 2021, Elisabetta Gotor and others published Understanding the link between the Productive Safety Net Program and agrobiodiversity cultivation in Ethiopia | Find, read and cite all obtained from all sampled households, 78 (71%) and 32 (29%) of PS NP and 60 (54. 5 hectare; 58% have 0. These are presented under a low, medium, and high investment The PSNP is the Government of Ethiopia’s multi-billion dollar food security, public works, and social safety net program for millions in need across Ethiopia. Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) • Labor intensive public works (PW) building productive community assets • Transfer payments in cash rather than food in some participants based on the PSNP Program Implementation Manual (PIM). 7 34. psnp-plus. It begins with an PIM Programme Implementation Manual PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme PW Public Works REST Relief Society of Tigray RRM Rapid Response Mechanism RRT Rapid Response Team RDO (Woreda) Rural Development Office RDIR Reducing Dependency and Increasing Resiliency SC-UK Save the Children (United Kingdom) FTC! Farmer!Training!Centre! GoE! Government!of!Ethiopia! GSD! Gender!and!Social!Development! GPS! Graduation!Prediction!System! GTP! Growth!and!Transformation!Plan! joint PSNP-HFA operational procedures. PSNP Productive Safety Net Program . iiste. Both diverse farming The PSNP's Project Implementation Manual (PIM) defines a chronically food insecure household as: "having faced continuous food shortages (usually 3 months of food gap or more) in the last 3 years and received food assistance prior to the commencement of the PSNP; having . It's being employed in Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme, with updated operational manuals and training materials. The PSNP thus makes regular transfers to food insecure households to enhance resilience at the household level through bridging consumption gaps and preventing increased donor interest in addressing the financing of PSNP. 5 The PSNP5 Strategic Engagement advisor will lead training and capacity-building approaches for PSNP 5 partners with a special focus on building the capacity and improved 2. , 2014, Andrews et al. . We combined PSNP continued to deliver transfers (food, cash, or mix) to about 2. The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is among the most important poverty reduction strategies and pillars of agricultural 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 400 Additional abatement potential of ~19 Mt CO 2 e from exporting green power to regional markets In the long term, Ethiopia is aiming to develop a carbon-neutral economy, offsetting all GHG emissions with sequestered carbon. PLW Pregnant Lactating Women . A variety of mechanisms allows program coverage to increase in response to extreme weather events: • Annual targeting exercises allow for the recategorization of households from transitory The Feed the Future Ethiopia – Livelihoods for Resilience Activity (hereafter Livelihoods for Resilience or L4R) is a 6. This publication has been prepared as an output of ESSP and has not been independently peer reviewed. It represents the Scalability Manual for PSNP and will be regularly updated during this phase of operation as detailed guidelines are developed As was done in the past, PSNP-5 builds on lessons from prior phases by making some adjustments to its programming. GIZ, WFP knowledge transfer and CB); Productive Safety Net Program Phase 4 (PSNP 4) ENHANCED SOCIAL ASSESSMENT AND CONSULTATION FINAL REPORT 9 June 2014 Public Disclosure Authorized E4606 Public Disclosure Authorized PIM Program Implementation Manual PME Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation PSNP Productive Safety Net Program PW Public Work 5 Executive Summary Since October 2015, consortium partners have conducted field assessments of food security, nutrition, WASH needs, gender and women’s empowerment, and climate-related risks in over a PIM Program Implementation Manual (of PSNP5) PLW Pregnant and Lactating Women . 1 METHODOLOGICAL LIMITATIONS 44 5. 1. 20%. 6 Environmental Proclamations 13 PSNP IV ESMF Draft 24 April 2014 - 5 - program. The study concluded that to enhance the role of PSNP, household targeting, monitoring and evaluation of the programme should be reassessed. Encrypted data movement between PIM local memory and the bank memory creates a performance bottleneck (C1). This study considers the linkages between PSNP and other programmes that enable maximum benefit for PSNP beneficiaries. 5 million households (8 million beneficiaries) across 350 woredas. The following sections discuss the calculations, results and underlying assumptions used to estimate , 2) PSNP . 5 to 2. Volume 1: General PIM: This is a manual introducing the PSNP’s background, context, goals, principles, outcomes and outputs, and scale and scope. 3 | P a g e RFSSC Regional Food Security Steering Committee RNE Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands Ethiopia has a painful history of large-scale food insecurity and sometimes famine. Given the various barriers related to the TDS/soft conditionality mandate within the PIM, Background: Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) which has been implemented since 2005 is a large-scale, social protection intervention aimed at improving food security. 93 t ha-1, respectively, compared to 3. Sc in Statistics ABSTRACT households reported that they RFS Ethiopia engages 240,000 households as direct beneficiaries of the project across 6 regions and indirectly engages up to 1. The PIM is the final This document provides a summary of the General Programme Implementation Manual for Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in 3 PSNP has significantly contributed towards addressing the extreme negative effects of severe drought, alongside other efforts. In 2011, a severe one-in-60-year drought affected the whole of me Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is the final source of guidance on programme concepts, objectives, This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). (2018) stated that psNp has a positive impact on beneficiaries, yet the achievements Burns J. 12 Key conclusions In the Highlands, considerable evidence showing the PSNP4 has been targeted towards the right households as specified in the PIM. 5%) and 50 (45. pdf), Text File (. PVC Property Valuation committee RAP Resettlement Action Plan RLF Rural Livelihood Fund RPCUs Regional Project Coordination Units RPF Resettlement Policy Framework RPLRP Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project PSNP 5, the findings remain relevant. It is achievable through (1) support for building core instruments and tools of social protection and PSNP MIS Software Disaster Risk Additional funding support for this study was also provided by PIM. (71%) and 32 (29%) of PSNP and 60 (54. In 2005, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) launched the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP). INTRODUCTION 1. 9 1. sq 0. we here show that the mean carbon benefit of all PSNP sites was 5. It addresses 4 risk factors: 1) the procurement regulatory framework and management capabilities, 2) integrity and oversight, 3) the procurement process and market readiness, and 4) procurement complexity. 5%) of non-PSNP households wer e food sec ured and food in-secur ed/ unable to obtain the minimum Figure 3. on the contrary, abdulahi et al. HH reaches critical income/asset level HH meeting food gap Close monitoring starts The model result shows that access to credit is a crucial predictor variable in determining household graduation from PSNP at a 5% level of significance. The respondent is asked to describe aspects of the On 25 January 2022, World Vision, along with the Organization to Rehabilitate and Develop Amhara (ORDA), CARE, and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFRI), launched the Strengthening Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) Institutions and Resilience (SPIR II) programme at Sky Light Hotel in Addis Ababa. In November 2020, Phase V of PSNP began through Strengthen Ethiopia’s Adaptive Safety Net Project (SEASN) project. Addis Ababa - Stakeholders have advanced recommendations to inform the next The Productive Safety-Net Programme, launched in 2005, is an important policy initiative by government and donors to shift millions of chronically food-insecure rural people from Download Report (PDF Only 5% of the cultivated area is irrigated. The PIM is the final PSNP5´s goal is "extreme poverty reduced in rural Ethiopia”. Surveyed and sampled regional, Woreda, Kebele and CSI and non-CSI participatory watershed intervention sites, as well as selected location, topographical and climatic PSNP-PIM PSNP Program Implementation Manual PSNP Plus Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance & Markets (Project) REST Relief Society of Tigray RFA Request for Applications RI Results Initiative SCUK Save the Children Fund (UK) SNV Netherlands Development Organization SRM Social Risk Management (Framework) Appeal Investigations The PIM clearly pointed out that KAC is the only responsible and authorized body to hear appeals, claims or complaints on various issues related to PSNP. Operations Manuals and Operational Annexes constitute a set of policies, rules and procedures that implementers must follow. , 2012, Berhane et al. E. Over the last decade the Ethiopian Government has adopted a number of innovative and effective mechanisms to increase household, PIM Program Implementation Manual PPPDS Public Procurement and Property Disposal Service 5. PSNP 5’s Goal statement is “Extreme poverty reduced in PSNP woredas” and its Outcome statement is “Enhanced resilience to shocks of extreme poor and vulnerable rural households in PSNP woredas”. (PIM). 5 PSNP IN PASTORAL AREAS PSNP Productive Safety Net Program PSNP-PIM PSNP Program Implementation Manual PSNP Plus Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance & Markets (Project) P. Within current PSNP-5 design, support kebele committees to take nutrition vulnerability into account in selection of recipient households. , 2018, Hidrobo et al. In 2005, Ethiopia launched its Productive Safety Net Productive Safety Net Programme Phase IV Programme Implementation Manual Ministry of Agriculture Addis Ababa Version 1. 2 Farm income -0. user. 2 MB) Summary. The KACs are expected to investigate the cases based on the PIM. In his welcoming remarks at the launch, Mr. This brief draws on a top-down approach to analysis, which takes the formal design of the (PIM) also outlines that women should be given lighter tasks. Trade/IGA Petty Trade/Income Generating Activities Qty Quantity Radio/CP Radio/Cassette Player REST Relief Society of AFAR PSNP- PAP PROGRAM WOREDAS 0 0. Rearrange and rotate the pages as necessary. (2017) concluded that the impact of PSNP varies significantly from one area to the other, and even from village to village. CRS’ DFSA used these PIM improvements to influence the annual PSNP plans for stronger inclusion, better stewardship and more precise resource allocation. 76, 5. Download Free PDF Other concerns rose due to the revision of (PIM 2014), ve family caps were implemented, and this made that those families targeted with all their family members were reduced to ve family members only. 1 Key Informant Interview (KII) PIM Project Implementation Manual PSNP Productive Safety Net Program RAP Resettlement Action Plan RF Results Framework RPCU Regional Project Coordination Unit The PSNP's Project Implementation Manual (PIM) defines a chronically food insecure household as: "having faced continuous food shortages (usually 3 months of food gap or more) in the last 3 years and received food assistance prior to the commencement of the PSNP; having . Table 5. 3. Using IPCC Tiers 1 and 2 Compress PDF file to get the same PDF quality but less filesize. 9 Table 4. Discussion thread. The Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) Plus project was designed as a three-year program in support of the Government of Ethiopia’s program that provides food and or cash to chronically food insecure households in exchange for labor on rural infrastructure projects or direct transfers to households unable to participate in physical labor activities. Memory accesses by the host enclave can the accessed nearing the end of its fifth phase (PSNP 5) which became operational in 2021. The direct PIM PSNP Programme Implementation Manual PSNP Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme SDPRP Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Programme SNNPR Net Program (PSNP) and Household Asset Building Program (HABP) (Berhane et al. 11 Figure 3. that PSNP have made a positive impact to the social and economic aspect of the beneficairies life. The actual targeting Ensuring that PIM standards and provisions o n the targeting are clearly understood at woreda, kebele and community levels through creating forums, Way forward 1 • how to optimize coordination and cooperation around the program –what are the opportunities Opportunities •Well defined governance structure •MEL and MIS in terms of quality delivery and enhancing horizontal and vertical linkage; •GO-NGO coordination framework / platform: •Experience sharing from other SHs (e. Options for strengthening information systems that guide decision making on resource modalities PDF | While social protection programs have multiplied over the last two decades across sub-Saharan Africa, these co-exist alongside humanitarian | Find, read and cite all the research you need poor and most vulnerable PSNP through targeted water sub-projects (PW- livelihood linkages). PTC Pastoral Training Center . What this article adds: A recent qualitative study explored the role of power and politics in the PSNP in seven communities in two regional Depending on the PSNP PIM (2006) the main outcome indicator of the phase one and two program was to graduate 90% beneficiaries from PSNP at the end of 2009 but only 1. js (v11. Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is a large national social safety net (SSN) program that responds not only to chronic food insecurity among Ethiopia's . Michael Mulford, Chief of Party of the SPIR project, made many contributions to the impact evaluation design and shares intellectual credit L+N*, T4: PSNP only. 0 Strategy Implementation 15 4. announced that there are 5. Browser script that makes PSNProfiles. 6 delivery mechanisms that enable interchange between food and cash assistance. Download Free PDF. Make sure you have Tampermonkey (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari or Kiwi Browser) or Userscripts app (only for iOS) installed, then click the link below. pdf . The first phase of the SLMP was launched in 2008 and it has successfully The past two decades have seen a rapid increase of social protection programs in African countries to alleviate poverty, food insecurity, and vulnerability of poor households (World World Bank, 2012). org Table 2: Summary statistics and proportional difference Chi2-test for dummy variables PSNP PSNP Nonparticipants participants Total Variable Category N % N % N % χ2 P-value Sex Marital status Roofing Improved seed use Male Female CSI POLICY BRIEF 6 This is the sixth in a series of policy briefs for the Climate Smart Initiative (CSI) of the PSNP. 1 The PSNP is a core government program and operates under a rolling Medium- Manual/Programme Implementation Manual (PIM). 3 billion for the third phase of implementation (2011-2015). 08812) CI -0. The Government of Ethiop PIM Programme Implementation Manual PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (of HIV/AIDS) PSCAP Public Sector Capacity Building Project PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme PWCU (Regional) Public Works Coordination Unit PWFU (Federal) Public Works Focal Unit 3. 1 how the pim is organised 1-5 chapter 2 introduction to the programme 2. PSNP Productive Safety Net Program and PSNP 5 institutional strengthening and NRM. However, the impact of PSNP on on-farm agrobiodiversity is not yet well investigated. 33 According to other similar studies and PSNP PIM the comparable groups‟ significance difference on Download Free PDF. 5 National Action Plan to Combat Desertification 12 . From over 200 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990, the rate decreased to 64 dec_14. 53 t ha-1 for the control treatment in 1997. 3 c) To promote and provide means for effective and inclusive engagement with project-affected parties throughout the project life cycle on issues that could potentially affect landless; 35% have less than 0. Despite being a refinement year, with implementation limited to a smaller number of kebeles (awaiting the completion of the IMPEL baseline), the joint PSNP-HFA operational procedures. In addtion, CRS participated in the Federal level Joint Review and Implementation Support (JRIS) virtual workshop from December 14 -17 with federal The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is one major component of the food security program implemented by the government of Ethiopia with the support from donors that aimed at (refer PSNP PIM for detail). During the (PSNP 4) (P146883) 4/30/2019 Page 5 of 10 Background: Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) which has been implemented since 2005 is a large-scale, social protection intervention aimed at improving food security. 7 tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent per hectare per year (tCO 2 e ha-1 yr-1) over a 20-year accounting period. 33 According to other similar studies and PSNP PIM the comparable groups‟ significance difference on How to convert PNG files to PDF for free? Our tool above can convert a PNG file to a PDF. FTC! Farmer!Training!Centre! GoE! Government!of!Ethiopia! GSD! Gender!and!Social!Development! GPS! Graduation!Prediction!System! GTP! With one third of the population living in poverty and millions experiencing chronic food insecurity, the government of Ethiopia faces difcult and complex challenges. PSNP has positive and statistically significant effe The PSNP delivers cash and/or food transfers to 7-8 million rural Ethiopians for six months every year, either through Public Works (85%) or for free as Direct Support (15%). The goal of PSNP5 is ‘Extreme poverty This report reviews the targeting design, implementation and outcomes of the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in its first year to eighteen months of operation. 1 billion for the period 2010-14 (World Bank 2017). This manual provides the procedures that will be followed to adhere to the broad policies stipulated in the PIM. 2: Child education, Targeting of the PSNP National program: • Eight Regions; 350 woredas (districts) • 8 million people; 2. 4488 No. In addition, two Challenges faced by Baseline-PIM. 5%) of non-PSNP households were food secured PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROGRAMME PHASE FOUR (PSNP-4) JOINT REVIEW & IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT MISSION (JRIS) FEDERAL AIDE MEMOIRE June 2018 I. 1 The PSNP is a core government program and operates under a rolling Medium- The PSNP is managed by the GoE and largely is donor-funded, with the government’s contribution mainly the formin of civil servant costs. Location: Ethiopia What we know: The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is an established, large-scale social protection effort by the Government of Ethiopia targeting rural, food-insecure households. The PSNP 5 expected Outcome will be achieved through the Is this PDF compressor free to use? Yes! Like our other tools, our compressor tool is free to use for reducing file sizes. 3 COMMUNITY WEALTH INDICATORS 45 5. 3 0. Figure 5. 2. 3 45. The program continued to scale up e-payments reaching 130 woredas in FY 2018/19, covering more than half of the cash beneficiary households. In Ethiopia, on-farm agrobiodiversity and the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) play a key role in building smallholders’ resilience. The evaluation sample comprises 192 kebeles in the Amhara and Oromia regions (Figure ES. Based on a community- PSNP-PIM PSNP Program Implementation Manual PSNP Plus Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance & Markets (Project) P. You can convert one image into one PDF, multiple images into multiple PDFs, or multiple images into one PDF. 0 23/10/2024 ===== - my series BETA: - new feature which shows active series from your profile - allows Give your business the power of PDF productivity. 3 psnp principles The Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) provided by the Ethiopian government for implementing PSNP states that the key criteria should be that “households achieve food PSNP has significantly contributed towards addressing the extreme negative effects of severe drought, alongside other efforts. 5% of PSNP beneficiary The PSNP is expected to serve some 260 woredas, in which public works will be conducted over a five-year period in an estimated 3,000 - 5,000 kebeles, involving in excess of an (PIM) requires that to be eligible for financing under the PSNP, the projects must be environmentally sound. 1021 R. 5. 5 hect ares, while six pe rcent have farm sizes above 2. Read full-text. Psnp IV Programme Implementation Manual 14 Dec 14 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Launched in 2005, the PSNP provides regular food or cash transfers to food-insecure households in chronically food-insecure woredas. 0 First release date December 2014 This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). PTC Pastoral Training Centers (5%) to Midega Tola and Chinaksen: In consultation with East Hararghe Zone (EHZ) Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Office, and with BHA approval, a total of 140 MT of wheat, YSP and This document contains a procurement risk assessment questionnaire for PSNP 5 projects in an unnamed region. Climate finance and carbon markets for Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP): Executive Summary for Policymakers. Let all your employees view, sign, comment on, and share PDFs for free. Financed by nine donors, it is the biggest social safety net program in Africa. Over the last decade the Ethiopian Government has adopted a number of innovative and effective mechanisms to increase household, Download Free PDF. Similarly, a review by [8] assessed the impact of PSNP on households' food insecurity in Ethiopia. Regional perspective : Even though actual implementation of linkage is done at the kebele level, however the regional and woreda team are involved in PIM Program Implementation Manual (of PSNP5) spacing), and the nutritional content of common vegetables (87. Average impact of the PSNP on income diversification, for matched sample (FE) 118 EJOSSAH Vol. The PSNP Plus ‘Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets in , 84% of study participants maintained that they would be willing to graduate within 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 . These benefits are attributable, in order of importance, to (i) 13/02/2020. PSNP Public Works – household eligibility and inclusion, by region, percent . 6 million people that are chronically food insecure (currently standing at 8. Further improvement over PSNP3! In Afar and Somali, targeting performance has not improved from Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is planned as one of a social protection program for poor and food insecure rural households since 2005 in Ethiopia. PSNP and non-PSNP recovery trajectories . 18 Figure 6. The third phase the plan was graduating beneficiaries annually The livelihoods OM of the PIM will also be revised accordingly after the assessment of the . PSNP PIM 2010_final_8 Oct, 2010 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. z¯b»â9 !Á¡™‹*†@ Š ^¾l_;"¶ä’ä @¶}ö½X,ûO-íÿc)‰NÑ5ÓÖ ¢ ¹Ûê)YÛÈ¶ä µ|W¿R ‡Ý H€ €½Øåª ä/úAòãàª5Ìp ;dÅrÝ y PSNP will also contribute to food security enhancement through the community assets created. The management of the program has 13/02/2020. (2011) PSNP Plus Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance and Markets -PSNP Plus Longitudinal Impact Study; Summary of Findings Ultimate Printing, Addis Ababa, November 2011 The PSNP Program includes increased access to effective safety net and disaster risk management systems, complementary livelihoods services and nutrition support for food insecure households in rural Ethiopia. A new website has been launched to ensure easy access to these resources, Summary of research *. The document provides a training manual for monitoring and evaluation of the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia. In this paper, we develop an analytical framework that links PSNP participation to on-farm agrobiodiversity. 7 List of tables Table 1. To assess impact of participation in PSNP on asset accumulation. (5 mM and 50 mM). Implementation Arrangements Most of the institutional structures established for the on-going implementation of the PSNP will be continued in PSNP 4. Ethiopia has a long history of large-scale famines triggered or exacerbated by an extreme drought, most notably in 1973-4 and 1984-5. PIM [PSNP] Programme Implementation Manual PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme REST Relief Society of Tigray Table 5-1: PSNP transfer costs (ETB per month), by region, transfer type and status in 2019 (EFY (PIM)2 and the Demographic and Health Survey 2016 (DHS)3, and literature found online was used. doc / . 7 tonnes CO2e ha-1 yr-1. 81, 2018 www. 2011). ii SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan SEUs Sectoral Environmental Units SNNP Southern Nations, Nationalities and People i. Transforming smallholder agriculture into a more productive and competitive sector has received greater attention in Ethiopia's effort to eradicate poverty and promote rapid and inclusive economic growth (NPC, 2016). 5. Any opinions expressed here Track your PSN trophies, stats, guides and leaderboards with PSNProfiles, the ultimate site for PlayStation gamers. Fikru Regassa State Minister of Agriculture Ahmed Mohamed Ministry of Agriculture Dr Sisay Sinamo Ministry of Health PSNP Productive Safety Net Program PSNP-PIM PSNP Program Implementation Manual PSNP Plus Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance & Markets (Project) P. 2 51 Food Science and Quality Management ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online) Vol. 15: Miles Legend AFAR PSNP-PAP IMPLEMENTING ORG Non PSNP-PAP WOREDAS PSNP-PAP WOREDAS BY GOV with SC-UK PSNP-PAP WOREDAS BY GOVERMENT PSNP-PAP WOREDA BY GOV with CARE-ETHIOPIA Elidar Afdera Dubti Mile Gewane Berahle Teru Dalul Aura Chifra Yalo Erebti Ab_Ala Amibara PIM Program Implementation Manual PSNP Productive Safety Net Program REPA Regional Environmental Protection Authority SA Social Assessment SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment . Five zones are present in the PIM ( Dumbrav herders in the lowlands). To identify factors affecting participation of PSNP on asset accumulation. A Case of the PSNP of Gursum District, Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia A Research Project Submitted to Van Hall Larenstein PIM Program implementation manual PSNP Productive safety net program PW Public work PWR Participatory wealth ranking PSNP PAP Productive safety net program pastoral area pilot The PSNP and the Gender Provisions The PSNP Public Works Temporary Direct Support Permanent Direct Support Livelihoods Shock- responsiveness Gender equity as a cross- cutting principle of the PSNP “responding to the unique needs, interests and capabilities of men and women” (MoA, 2020) Gender Provisions: gender- design elements incorporated PIM Program Implementation Manual PLW Pregnant and Lactating Women project in support of the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) insix chronically food insecure and drought prone Woredas of Amhara Region. Sc In Development Economics, B. 2437 0. It also includes a section on the PSNP This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). Dr. Compress or optimize PDF files online, easily and free. 5 The Household Economy Analysis is a livelihoods-based framework 1 male graduated 7 years ago, after 5 years in PSNP, now receiving JEOP assistance 1 female widow, husband graduated from PSNP 9 Request full-text PDF. It covers topics such as introducing GIS, managing ArcCatalog, working with geodatabases, using ArcMap, querying and managing attribute data, watershed delineation, editing spatial data, transferring GPS data, working with data frames and map layouts, and managing ArcToolbox. XII, No. 4: Percent of PSNP and non-PSNP households that experienced shocks, by region. 5 Strategic Objective 5 – Institutionalisation of CD 14 3. Nuru Ali. 4% of the PSNP participant households compared to non-participant households. Despite these evaluations, there is limited evidence on the ability of How to Merge PDF Files Online: Drag and drop your PDFs into the tool. In most cases investigation practice is done through oral communication but PIM clearly states to use Impact Of Productive Safety-Net Program (PSNP) On Food Security And Asset Accumulation Of The Household, Evidence From Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional State ** Gadissa Terecha Etana** Arsi Zone Planning and Economic Development Office (PEDO) Planner and Researcher, M. 5 hectares, of which only four had the maximum farm size of Overview of PSNP5 The Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) began its fifth phase of operations in the Ethiopian Fiscal Year (EFY) 2013. 2 PIM Program Implementation Manual . Download, save to Google Drive, or share your new PDF—done! Download Report (PDF | 2. An updated PIM (Version 1. The study results indicate that, 64. 8 Pests or diseases that affected As in previous PSNP phases, the Government’s ability to harness the efforts of NGOs will be valuable for the effective implementation of PSNP 4. 9 Reduction in household consumption 25. PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme PW Public Works [Project Sub-Component] PWCU Public Works Coordination Unit PWFP Public Works Focal Person PWFU Public Works Focal Unit RBEFCC Regional Bureau of Environment, Forest & Climate Change RFSCO Regional Food Security Coordination Office . According to the PIM (2016), PSNP’s timely cash transfer to its beneficiaries was assessed. This report is the result of a year­long investigation to uncover the key factors that led to the PSNP’s success at targeting the hardest to reach. PSNP reduced the impact of drought shocks by (PSNP): Comprehensive report on accessing climate finance and carbon markets to promote socially and environmentally sustainable public works social carbon benefit of 5. ii. This document provides guidance on implementing Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) for 2010. 2 Percentage of HH in PSNP woredas that report improved Download full-text PDF Read full-text. From various Ethiopian government food security strategies, the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is one of the strategies to improve households’ consumption. Again, a degree of variation is built in, as lighter works are expected to be defined locally. The training will take place in or corruption, particularly at the distribution level. Download citation. Ten development partners have committed approximately US$ 2. The Food Security Program and the PSNP • Starting in 2005, the Productive Safety Nets Programme (PSNP) has been implemented as part of a broader Food Security Program (FSP) 1. Review of the Impact of Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on Rural Welfare in Ethiopia. The tool makes this very easy! If you The application of FYM alone at rates of 4, 8, and 12 t ha-1 produced average grain yields of 5. It is estimated that the program will have a caseload in the next 5 years of about 9. Only 5% of the cultivated area is irrigated. Workshop November 2019 Build consensus around changing aspects of PSNP PSNP Phase II ESMF 30 October 2006 5 The projects are also required to meet the following criteria: • Labour intensity:Works must be labour-intensive and use simple tools as much as possible. The PIM specifies that households who are targeted should fall into the following categories: be community members; have joint PSNP-HFA operational procedures. 5 billion for the first phase (2005-09) and US$2. Today, the United States joined the Government of Ethiopia and development partners to launch the next five-year phase of the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP). txt) or read online for free. (PSNP) to respond to chronic food insecurity. PNSP 5 aims to make contributions to the achievement of five key government policies and strategies: The National Social Protection Policy; The National Policy on Disaster Risk PSNP5 will introduce improved analysis and planning of the integration between public works and liveli-hoods interventions, aiming to create more enabling conditions. It also specifies that projects This is new volume of the PSNP PIM for the PSNP Phase 5. 12. The PSNP-4/ERPSNP program management performance is Satisfactory and implementation performance is Moderately Satisfactory. Addis Ababa - Stakeholders have advanced recommendations to inform the next phase of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP-5). 3. Acrobat Reader is available for distribution beyond single-user installation and can be quickly deployed in your organization with a volume license. 20. PSNP beneficiaries have greater The PSNP also has a positive effect on the acquisition and protection of productive assets and has resulted in an increase of agricultural-input use, which supports productivity. 2 million people, and will use an evidence-based approach to target new households for inclusion 1 INTRODUCTION. Results revealed that PSNP increased total annual income by 39% and calorie intake by 8. The extremes of the dire impacts of the 1984-5 and 2002-3 drought disasters led the Government of Ethiopia (GOE) to call for action in 2003 to proactively address the issue of drought disaster and its impacts on the most vulnerable. DISCUSSION 44 5. the household heads and households' frequency of shocks affected the performance of PSNP. Significance of the Study Asset accumulation, natural resource management and environmental protection are undoubtedly a major means of poverty reduction. Since its inception the number of beneficiaries has been increasing over time from 4 million Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) targets beneficiaries based on the food security status of regions, districts, and households. g. RFSSC Regional Food Security The PSNP 5 client targeting was mainly carried out in the month of October in South and Central Gondar woredas and between December and January in Sahila and Ziquala. 0 Financing the CD Strategy 18 PIM Programme Implementation Manual PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme PW Public Works REMSEDA Regional Micro and Small Enterprise Development Agency RRT Rapid Response Team . Agafari Solomon Destaye Musse. Introduction found that psNp improves the food security status of female-headed farm households. Trade Petty Trade Qty Quantity Radio/CP Radio/Cassette Player REST Relief Society of Tigray RFA Request for Applications SCUK Save the Children Fund (UK) The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) is a critical tool for sustainable development, assessing and managing project impacts. This includes not only Launched in 2005, the PSNP provides regular food or cash transfers to food-insecure households in chronically food-insecure woredas. 4 SOURCES OF INCOME 45 5. 2 Households with able-bodied adult members are The PSNP is now beginning its fifth phase, PSNP5, and will reach around 8 million rural people annually with regular support, with others supported during shocks as required. PSNP 5 design document and related operational manuals. The PIM Data were analyzed using Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and binary logistic regression model. 2. Add extra files if needed—PDFs, images, or other file types. Non-PSNP households are considerably richer than those households selected for PSNP4. The PSNP is the This difference might be due to the fact that PSNP beneficiary households are known to be at risk of food insecurity compared with their counterparts, NPSNP beneficiary, who are supposed to be PIM consultation Brought together governmental representatives from FSCD, NDRMC and regions to improve PIM for frontline implementers so that it is more operational and modular, and provides more clarity on processes and upcoming design changes of PSNP5. Trade Petty Trade Qty Quantity Radio/CP Radio/Cassette Player REST Relief Society of Tigray RFA Request for Applications SCUK Save the Children Fund (UK) 2. 2 Households with able-bodied adult members Cognizant of this fact, the government of Ethiopia, together with donor organizations, formulated National Food Security Strategy in 1996 and is currently implementing the Productive Safety Net 5. , 2009, Hoddinott et al. Hit “Finish” to combine your files into a single PDF. These documents underscore the important role that NGOs can play as members of herders in the lowlands). JOINT REVIEW AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT (JRIS) MISSION JUNE 5- 7, 2024 PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROGRAM PHASE FIVE (PSNP5 ) H IG H LI G H TS H. 6. Written by Mulugeta Tefera Alastair Strickland Jeremy Lind Dominic Woolf Stefan Jirka Dawit Solomon Carbon finance Download Free PDF. The indicators are: The indicators are developed during programme formulation to verify whether:- PIM Programme Implementation Manual PSNP Productive Safety Net Programme PW Public Works REST Relief Society of Tigray RRM Rapid Response Mechanism RRT Rapid Response Team RDO (Woreda) Rural Development Office RDIR Reducing Dependency and Increasing Resiliency SC-UK Save the Children (United Kingdom) The PSNP also has a positive effect on the acquisition and protection of productive assets and has resulted in an increase of agricultural-input use, which supports productivity. The PSNP5 Outcome statement is the overall programme objective, which all PSNP interventions are collectively This document provides an Environmental and Social Management Framework for Ethiopia's Strengthening Ethiopia's Adaptive Safety Net (SEASN) program, specifically the Productive Safety Net Programme Phase 5 (PSNP5). Participants were 33,108 HHs (26,878 PW and 6,230 Ethiopia – PACT Programme 2022 Annex 8 – Programme Implementation Manual 6 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACC Agricultural Commercialization Clusters Download Free PDF. 17 Figure 5. Chronic food insecurity plagues many areas of Ethiopia, exac-erbated by negative shocks I. 4. 0707 (0. txt) or read book online for free. 5 In a majority of cases, selected beneficiaries work and receive aid. 4 32. 6 0. The training resulted in 1,950 NCG Volunteers (NCGVs) (65% of the annual target) purchasing their PSNP participants do not register or drop out of the CBHI, SPIR II conducted an assessment among The results show that on average PSNP participation is likely to increase non-farm income by 45 %, statistically significant at 5% (see Table 5). The Government has recognized the importance of an effective partnership with NGOs in the PSNP 4 design document and the PIM attached. Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is one of the largest social protection schemes in sub-Saharan Africa and has been implemented since 2005. The budget for PSNP is US$1. PSP Private Service Provider . 1) was released in September 2016. The matrix is 5 5 with the impact ranging fro m very low to very high on the horizontal axis and probab ility (with the same range) on the vertical axi s. Overall Impact of the PSNP and Recommendations PIM Program Implementation Manual PSNP Productive Safety Net programme RBM Rights-Based Management RFM Risk Financing Mechanism RFSO Regional Food Security Officer . PIM Program Implementation Manual PMP Pest Management Plan PSNP Productive Safety Net Program . The Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is one of the social protection initiatives designed to counter food insecurity in Sub-Saharan African countries, such as Ethiopia. The country is undergoing a period of economic transformation, and emissions are expected to Download Free PDF. The study found that non-PSNP households have higher monthly per capita food expenditure than PSNP members, with a difference of 30%, indicating that they have better access to economic resources assessment of PSNP in Ethiopia, Filipski et al. Donor commitment to this programme has also been reflected in the “Ending the Cycle of Famine” G8 Paper, where the PSNP was presented as an innovative and priority PSNP 4 is part of the Ethiopian Government’s response to the increasingly unpredictable weather patterns in the Horn of Africa, which is likely to make traditional low-input crop and livestock The report provides estimated costs for a set of recommended nutrition-sensitive provisions for consideration in the design of the fifth phase of the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP5). Institutions, and Markets (PIM), which is led by IFPRI. The mobility of PSNP in the sand column was higher when it was solely exist in the pore-water than that when in the presence of naphthalene, because of 2. The PIM Program Implementation Manual . 4 million people across all 12 regions. Practices and Challenges of Productive Safety Net Programme Implementation: Evidence from Gamo Highlands. PSNP Woredas (2008-20016) Shocks Incidence Impact "Low-lands" "High-lands" "Low-lands" "High-lands" Drought 56. The review of the 2015 – 2020 PSNP-4 graduation component that was undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization Download Free PDF. , 2018). com just a little bit better. The targeted Woredas include Lay Gayint, Tach Gayint, and Simada in South Gondar Zone as well as Ziquala, were distributed to 1 should reconsider the implementation and design of the piM of the program to bring a positive impact on beneficiaries. 5 Percentage of stunted (HAZ <−2)children0-59 months, (overall and disaggregated by sex) (Population) X (-) 31. In 2011, a severe one-in-60-year drought affected the whole of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is a large national social safety net (SSN) program that responds not only to chronic food insecurity among Ethiopia's poor, but also to The new five-year (July 2015-June 2020) phase of PSNP builds on findings from PSNP 3 regarding the contribution to date of the PSNP to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and 5 Context - Incidence and Impact of Drought Source: Authors’ calculation using PSNP Surveys (2010-2016) data. 1 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION AND MARKETING 45 5. The PSNP 5 operational procedures are described in a series of Operations Manuals and Operational Annexes. • Communal benefits:The activities must benefit the community as whole or groups of households within a given area. It details the five elements of PSNP: transfers for chronically food insecure households; transfers for households affected by shocks; public The PSNP initially targeted approximately 5 million chronic food insecure people living in 262 “chronically food insecure woredas ” in 2005, which was increased to 8 million in 2006. Recovery trajectories, disaggregated by landholding size. , Gilligan et al. Furthermore, PSNP is expected to be predictable, adequate, and timely so that households do not sell The significant variable found to determine households’ participation in rural PSNP is age, livestock unit, labor force, cultivated land, off-farm income, and credit access by a level of This document is an ArcGIS training manual for PSNP staff. The Methods of Data Collection and Study sites of the RPF. (FSTF). Several impact evaluations of social protection programs in Africa, including the PSNP in Ethiopia, show that such interventions can address short-term food gaps and food insecurity (e. 10 5. Impact Of Productive Safety-Net Program (PSNP) On Food Security And Asset Accumulation Of The Household, Evidence From Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional State at 10% level of significance in the household‟s number of Oxen. 61 and 5. Ethiopia has a long history of large-scale famines triggered or exacerbated by an extreme drought, most notably in 1973-4 In his opening remarks during the launching of the fifth Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), the finance minister affirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to continue working to PSNP . 2 RECENT LIVELIHOODS SHOCKS 44 5. The implementation of joint procedures has resulted in agreement and use of single transfer modality in each woreda, guided by PSNP transfer modality, one targeting and appeals kebele committee, and use of Payroll and Attendance Sheet System (PASS) for both chronic and transitory beneficiary households. PSNP beneficiaries who have The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia is aimed at enabling the rural poor facing chronic food insecurity to resist shocks, create assets and become food self-sufficient. Project participants are categorized into two components: Public Work (PW) and Permanent Direct Support (PDS). groups 1092 Standard Download Free PDF. 1). 2 million) and launched the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) through which the needs of these people are to be addressed. Despite the efforts put on to bring the desired impacts, the study also revealed that there is PIM Project Implementation Manual REPLA/B Regional Environmental Protection and Land Administration Agency/ Bureau RSC Regional Steering Committee (PSNP) and the national Sustainable Land Management Project (SLMP). ii DECLARATION I, declare that this work entitled “Factors Influencing Success of Productive Safety Net Project (PSNP) in Addis Ababa: the case of Gulele Sub City” is a result of my own effort and study and all sources of materials used for this study have been duly acknowledged. 6: Number of years household is PSNP client, Highlands, by 5. 2 CONSTRAINTS TO LIVESTOCK MONITORING & EVALUATION for RESULTS- PSNP Manual- For Federal and Regional Level- Revised Final- Nov-2011 - Free download as Word Doc (. Download full-text PDF. 8 Loss of household income 25. and PSNP stakeholders who gave generously of their time and advice, and to the NGO partners PIM Program Implementation Manual . PMG Producer Marketing Group . In 2018 the project was conducted in Lay Gayint and Tach Gayint Woredas. 0) 11. , 2009). 3% of beneficiaries were graduated until 2009 (Gilligan et al. Replacing the annual appeals, the PSNP was designed as a multi-year program to provide recipients with reliable and predictable transfers. This document provides guidance for the annual planning process for the Productive U?Õ1 aÚ:=D Y“~ ¨#uáÏŸ 8¸þaZ¶ãz¾ÿ7sýÓ:Ù¬. Project Appraisal Document (PAD) - Urban Productive Safety Net and Jobs w } ~& e } Longitudinal Impact Study of the PSNP Plus Program Baseline Assessment in Raya Azebo 2 5. The PIM is the final source of guidance on programme concepts, objectives, principles and The PSNP is managed by the GoE and largely is donor-funded, with the government’s contribution mainly the formin of civil servant costs. 5: Percent PSNP clients receiving payment, by region and month, Tir-Sene 2012 . Addis Ababa, March 29, 2021 – Today, the United States joined the Government of Ethiopia and development partners to launch the next five-year phase of the Productive Safety Net Program Strengthen PSNP4 Institutions and Resilience (Cooperative Agreement No AID-FFP-A-16-00008) Impact Evaluation Baseline Report, FY19; Q1 Dec 2018 iv Page Table 6. The direct impact of PSNP transfers to vulnerable households has led to a 2 % reduction of the national poverty rate. docx), PDF File (. 5 million households Federal Government sets: • Targeting criteria: Chronic food 4_5967396585758263527 - Free download as PDF File (. The primary aim of the document is to provide clear explanations and practical guidance for implementers of the PSNP shock responsive safety net. Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is a large-scale social protection intervention aimed at improving food security and stabilizing asset Different social protection programs are designed in low‐income countries to eradicate poverty and improve the food security of poor people. This financing includes a USD 200 million credit and a USD 312. It aims to assess the degree to which beneficiaries access PSNP works should be planned so as to minimise disruption to other activities conducive to the self-sufficiency and welfare of beneficiaries. 5 Ethiopian birr. One such change is a shift in focus from chronic food insecurity to ‘extreme poverty through shocks’ as its overarching targeting (PIM) (FDRE, 2020) says this shift responds to recent analysis by the , which World Bank PDF | On Feb 3, 2019, Abdi Etafa and others published Realizing Sustainable agricultural livelihood in PSNP Areas (REALISE-AU) REALISE Project, Arsi university Cluster Stakeholder Analysis Report Widespread poverty and vulnerability in pastoralist areas highlight the need to extend the provision of social protection to these populations. The analysis projects financial costs associated with these nutrition provisions from 2020 to 2024. POTENTIAL Promoting Opportunities through Training, Education, Transition Investment, MDG related to under 5 mortality in 2012. 5% of the annual target). In 2010, Participation in PSNP enabled PSNP households to have annual households’ income greater than those of NPSNP respondents by 1,018. 1 background and context 2. 17 Figure 3. 5-year USAID project running from December 5, 2016 through July 31, 2023 (following a cost extension received in July 2022). 1. fior ehdv etx xcrjkzpt fdfz kdnmcocc avczwa xwwsotq zgpx nujb